Jesus knew nothing of a trinity god.

100% fact= From Moses on up until this very day. The Israelite religion, taught, served and worshipped, a single being God-YHVH(Jehovah)-- taught to every bible writer, taught to Jesus his first 30 years attending those places of worship, taught by them as well--John 20:17, Rev 3:12--2Cor 1:3, 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28---1Peter 1:3-- Rev 1:6

The religion that came out of Rome screwed it all up and became 33,999 branches off of her( Mark 3:24-26)--all being mislead into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily.

Why??? Because they throw Jesus truth away to teach the schools of mens dogmas because of the errors in their translations.

Who do you believe first? Jesus or Dogma? they contradict one another.
Who told you that?

Jesus referred to BOTH God the Father (as Himself) and to the Holy Spirit (as Himself)

Bible Gateway passage: John 14:9 - King James Version


Bible Gateway passage: Acts 1:8 - King James Version

and He clearly states it here...

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 28:19-20 - King James Version

If you're looking for WORD "Trinity", no, that's not in the Bible, however, that's what's being referred to in the above posted texts (and many other places in the Bible).

Actually Jesus teaches everyone HE has a God, like we do, his Father-John 20:17, Rev 3:12--Those that love Jesus, listen to his words over dogmas of men who twist it into oblivion.
The religion that came out of Rome and its 33,998 branches-DO NOT belong to Jesus. Jesus is with one single religion-1Cor 1:10)
Authoritarian Irrationalism, Just Like Postclassical Physics

That's why Christian fanatics preach the illogical gibberish about "three persons in one." These ideas arose while Rome was drifting inevitably towards the Dark Ages. The Twentieth Century was a repeat of that terminal condition.

The world uses the term Christian too loosely, not all is as appears in a satan-ruled system.
Evangelical Evasion

So your God isn't as strong as Satan? What kind of god would let people sin in His Name, with His clerics taking advantage of those who believe in Him?
Who Hired Jesus? "Render Therefore Unto Caesar" Is a Clue.

Any sermon that glorifies meekness is a tool of a sadistic totalitarian ruling class. In our time, it is a main fang of our entitled Preppy snakes.

God is offering life everlasting-- Is that totalitarian? What value does eternal life hold?
Kneeling Leads to Crawling

Eternal life in meek submission to His Will offers nothing to anyone with any self-respect. Idealism Is the Costume Sadism Dresses Up In
" Iconoclasm Perspectives Conjectural Hostility Projections "

* Hair Raising Contemptible *
Making the man Jesus divine and part of a triune god is rejected by both Judaism and Islam. And is considered blasphemy by both religions. .... :cool:

* Daunting Naturalism Transcendental Elemental Mono Tone *

A deduction for Monism - Wikipedia is that each monad represents an identity element as an Infinitesimal - Wikipedia .

A monad , infinitesimal , identity element includes a quality of infinitude , as an irrational number , a surd , with a form , that is being described allegorically as without end , hence eternal in duration , though upper and lower bound in size .

A physical sophistication is required for sentience and for sapience , while disparately each monad , infinitesimal , identity element , includes a compulsion with a bias from its form .
The World As Will and Idea

It makes more sense than Theistic Creation if each previously inanimate form was occupied by an individual intelligence (monad) entering from another universe. There is no logical necessity that the monads ever had a beginning, except if you need to twist the entrance into a beginning. Their individuality is capable of overcoming any desire that their intelligence tells them is a bad choice. In fact, intellect is related to select.
… They have 0 understanding of revelation …

No one understands the revelation. I guess it's in the bible because of the respect for the author. He was tortured, cooked in oil, and survived

… That's why Christian fanatics preach the illogical gibberish about "three persons in one." …

More correct: All Christians worldwide believe in the triune god. And you warn others not to be the extremist fanatics who you are on your own.

Trustfundie Treehuggers

Historically, the development of nature has been the major impetus of class mobility. All inherited wealth, power, and influence is unearned. So we must take away the future of those whose survival at the top depends on keeping the creative force of all the rest down. If they have a future, the rest of us don't. They are blocking our way and must be destroyed like the subhuman inanimate objects that they represent in any society of growth and action.

Nature is the enemy of man; it must be transformed for our use and even pleasure. It is being used by the enemies of the human race as a weapon of class stagnancy. Behind their weakling and silly idea-less idealism stands a vicious and sadistic attitude towards everyone who represents worth, not birth.
… They have 0 understanding of revelation …

No one understands the revelation. I guess it's in the bible because of the respect for the author. He was tortured, cooked in oil, and survived

… That's why Christian fanatics preach the illogical gibberish about "three persons in one." …

More correct: All Christians worldwide believe in the triune god. And you warn others not to be the extremist fanatics who you are on your own.

Trustfundie Treehuggers

Historically, the development of nature has been the major impetus of class mobility. All inherited wealth, power, and influence is unearned. So we must take away the future of those whose survival at the top depends on keeping the creative force of all the rest down. If they have a future, the rest of us don't. They are blocking our way and must be destroyed like the subhuman inanimate objects that they represent in any society of growth and action.

Nature is the enemy of man; it must be transformed for our use and even pleasure. It is being used by the enemies of the human race as a weapon of class stagnancy. Behind their weakling and silly idea-less idealism stands a vicious and sadistic attitude towards everyone who represents worth, not birth.

That's a very Marxist worldview you have there.
" Iconoclasm Perspectives Conjectural Hostility Projections "

* Hair Raising Contemptible *
Making the man Jesus divine and part of a triune god is rejected by both Judaism and Islam. And is considered blasphemy by both religions. .... :cool:

* Daunting Naturalism Transcendental Elemental Mono Tone *

A deduction for Monism - Wikipedia is that each monad represents an identity element as an Infinitesimal - Wikipedia .

A monad , infinitesimal , identity element includes a quality of infinitude , as an irrational number , a surd , with a form , that is being described allegorically as without end , hence eternal in duration , though upper and lower bound in size .

A physical sophistication is required for sentience and for sapience , while disparately each monad , infinitesimal , identity element , includes a compulsion with a bias from its form .
The World As Will and Idea

It makes more sense than Theistic Creation if each previously inanimate form was occupied by an individual intelligence (monad) entering from another universe. There is no logical necessity that the monads ever had a beginning, except if you need to twist the entrance into a beginning. Their individuality is capable of overcoming any desire that their intelligence tells them is a bad choice. In fact, intellect is related to select.
Maybe you don't understand Theistic Creation. Maybe you missed the claim.
Who Hired Jesus? "Render Therefore Unto Caesar" Is a Clue.

Any sermon that glorifies meekness is a tool of a sadistic totalitarian ruling class. In our time, it is a main fang of our entitled Preppy snakes.

God is offering life everlasting-- Is that totalitarian? What value does eternal life hold?
Kneeling Leads to Crawling

Eternal life in meek submission to His Will offers nothing to anyone with any self-respect. Idealism Is the Costume Sadism Dresses Up In
You couldn't be farther from the truth. There is tremendous power in surrendering your will to the creator of existence. Being meek is hard work and doesn't mean what you think it means.
100% fact= From Moses on up until this very day. The Israelite religion, taught, served and worshipped, a single being God-YHVH(Jehovah)-- taught to every bible writer, taught to Jesus his first 30 years attending those places of worship, taught by them as well--John 20:17, Rev 3:12--2Cor 1:3, 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28---1Peter 1:3-- Rev 1:6

The religion that came out of Rome screwed it all up and became 33,999 branches off of her( Mark 3:24-26)--all being mislead into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily.

Why??? Because they throw Jesus truth away to teach the schools of mens dogmas because of the errors in their translations.

Who do you believe first? Jesus or Dogma? they contradict one another.
Who told you that?

Jesus referred to BOTH God the Father (as Himself) and to the Holy Spirit (as Himself)

Bible Gateway passage: John 14:9 - King James Version


Bible Gateway passage: Acts 1:8 - King James Version

and He clearly states it here...

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 28:19-20 - King James Version

If you're looking for WORD "Trinity", no, that's not in the Bible, however, that's what's being referred to in the above posted texts (and many other places in the Bible).

Actually Jesus teaches everyone HE has a God, like we do, his Father-John 20:17, Rev 3:12--Those that love Jesus, listen to his words over dogmas of men who twist it into oblivion.
The religion that came out of Rome and its 33,998 branches-DO NOT belong to Jesus. Jesus is with one single religion-1Cor 1:10)
Authoritarian Irrationalism, Just Like Postclassical Physics

That's why Christian fanatics preach the illogical gibberish about "three persons in one." These ideas arose while Rome was drifting inevitably towards the Dark Ages. The Twentieth Century was a repeat of that terminal condition.

The world uses the term Christian too loosely, not all is as appears in a satan-ruled system.
Evangelical Evasion

So your God isn't as strong as Satan? What kind of god would let people sin in His Name, with His clerics taking advantage of those who believe in Him?
Jews believe that Satan is an angel who works for God. His job is to tempt us and test us. I kind of like that belief. It makes sense. I think most people can relate to life being a test.
100% fact= From Moses on up until this very day. The Israelite religion, taught, served and worshipped, a single being God-YHVH(Jehovah)-- taught to every bible writer, taught to Jesus his first 30 years attending those places of worship, taught by them as well--John 20:17, Rev 3:12--2Cor 1:3, 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28---1Peter 1:3-- Rev 1:6

The religion that came out of Rome screwed it all up and became 33,999 branches off of her( Mark 3:24-26)--all being mislead into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily.

Why??? Because they throw Jesus truth away to teach the schools of mens dogmas because of the errors in their translations.

Who do you believe first? Jesus or Dogma? they contradict one another.
Who told you that?

Jesus referred to BOTH God the Father (as Himself) and to the Holy Spirit (as Himself)

Bible Gateway passage: John 14:9 - King James Version


Bible Gateway passage: Acts 1:8 - King James Version

and He clearly states it here...

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 28:19-20 - King James Version

If you're looking for WORD "Trinity", no, that's not in the Bible, however, that's what's being referred to in the above posted texts (and many other places in the Bible).

Actually Jesus teaches everyone HE has a God, like we do, his Father-John 20:17, Rev 3:12--Those that love Jesus, listen to his words over dogmas of men who twist it into oblivion.
The religion that came out of Rome and its 33,998 branches-DO NOT belong to Jesus. Jesus is with one single religion-1Cor 1:10)
Authoritarian Irrationalism, Just Like Postclassical Physics

That's why Christian fanatics preach the illogical gibberish about "three persons in one." These ideas arose while Rome was drifting inevitably towards the Dark Ages. The Twentieth Century was a repeat of that terminal condition.
The Trinity is not a mystery to be solved, it is a relationship to be entered into. A relationship which is extremely powerful and can be tested. Until you have done so, you - like everyone else who criticizes it - are ignorant of it. Come and see.
100% fact= From Moses on up until this very day. The Israelite religion, taught, served and worshipped, a single being God-YHVH(Jehovah)-- taught to every bible writer, taught to Jesus his first 30 years attending those places of worship, taught by them as well--John 20:17, Rev 3:12--2Cor 1:3, 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28---1Peter 1:3-- Rev 1:6

The religion that came out of Rome screwed it all up and became 33,999 branches off of her( Mark 3:24-26)--all being mislead into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily.

Why??? Because they throw Jesus truth away to teach the schools of mens dogmas because of the errors in their translations.

Who do you believe first? Jesus or Dogma? they contradict one another.

30 Top Bible Verses About The Holy Spirit - Inspiring Scripture
The scripture itself proves you wrong, and blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.:)

You have got to be kidding.
Jesus teaches--he has a God like we do-his Father--John 20:17, Rev 3:12--

Here is the real Holy spirit=

Father has a name-YHVH(Jehovah) son has a name= Jesus--Holy spirit-0
Father gets worship, Jesus gets it in trinity translations--Holy spirit-0
Father receives-honor, glory. He shares those with Jesus--Holy spirit= 0
etc all the way down the line= 0 equality-The Holy spirit isn't even a being. It is Gods active force.
Calling It "Neo-Platonic" Academonically Elevates Plato's Dishonest Doubletalk

The Holy Spirit character was taken from Plotinus's demiurge. Since God (the "One") would be polluted by any contact with the inferior material world, the demiurge was a go-between who dealt with all that.
No. God's Spirit was understood 6000 years ago.
According to the bible he does. Its not wise to call God a liar.
To claim that God has a son is blasphemy. ..... :eusa_naughty:

Pay the Preaching Piper in the Pulpit, and It Will Get You off the Hook for Your Sins

Especially considering the horrible crucifixion he made Jesus go through for the sins of others. This sadistic fable is like a boss being dissatisfied with his employees, and so he tortures his son in order to teach them a lesson.
He not only went through it himself, he did so out of love. You are just looking for things to confirm your bias.
"Allah" is not "Yahweh/YHVH/YHWH".
Also, "Yahweh" Is Etymologically Related to the Way "Jove" Was Pronounced in Latin

The Arab Neanderthal hybrids were mentally incapable of any kind of explanation for natural events. So they adopted that name from their Indo-European neighbors. Allah is related to the Greek helios, meaning "The Sun."
If common sense were allowed on the copycat Internet, it would be obvious that the sun would have become the first god ever.
Wrong. They got it right 6000 years before science did. Existence had a beginning. What we see was created in steps. And man was created from dust; star dust so to speak.
Who Hired Jesus? "Render Therefore Unto Caesar" Is a Clue.

Any sermon that glorifies meekness is a tool of a sadistic totalitarian ruling class. In our time, it is a main fang of our entitled Preppy snakes.
Being meek is hard work. You don't understand what it means.

Personally I think you are a Marxist whose mission is to subordinate religion.

I believe that socialism is evil and that people who seek to subordinate religion and God (two different things) will reap what they sow in this world.
100% fact= From Moses on up until this very day. The Israelite religion, taught, served and worshipped, a single being God-YHVH(Jehovah)-- taught to every bible writer, taught to Jesus his first 30 years attending those places of worship, taught by them as well--John 20:17, Rev 3:12--2Cor 1:3, 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28---1Peter 1:3-- Rev 1:6

The religion that came out of Rome screwed it all up and became 33,999 branches off of her( Mark 3:24-26)--all being mislead into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily.

Why??? Because they throw Jesus truth away to teach the schools of mens dogmas because of the errors in their translations.

Who do you believe first? Jesus or Dogma? they contradict one another.
Who told you that?

Jesus referred to BOTH God the Father (as Himself) and to the Holy Spirit (as Himself)

Bible Gateway passage: John 14:9 - King James Version


Bible Gateway passage: Acts 1:8 - King James Version

and He clearly states it here...

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 28:19-20 - King James Version

If you're looking for WORD "Trinity", no, that's not in the Bible, however, that's what's being referred to in the above posted texts (and many other places in the Bible).

Actually Jesus teaches everyone HE has a God, like we do, his Father-John 20:17, Rev 3:12--Those that love Jesus, listen to his words over dogmas of men who twist it into oblivion.
The religion that came out of Rome and its 33,998 branches-DO NOT belong to Jesus. Jesus is with one single religion-1Cor 1:10)
Authoritarian Irrationalism, Just Like Postclassical Physics

That's why Christian fanatics preach the illogical gibberish about "three persons in one." These ideas arose while Rome was drifting inevitably towards the Dark Ages. The Twentieth Century was a repeat of that terminal condition.

The world uses the term Christian too loosely, not all is as appears in a satan-ruled system.
Evangelical Evasion

So your God isn't as strong as Satan? What kind of god would let people sin in His Name, with His clerics taking advantage of those who believe in Him?

Issues were raised against God in Eden by satan, every creation saw-2 mortals and millions of angels. When the serpent told Eve, they would become like God knowing good and bad. He was saying we could choose the best path ourselves if we knew both sides-good and evil. And wouldn't need to listen to our creator' advice.This system is proving satan in error. It is best mortals only know good, and live forever in perfection. Gods coming kingdom rule to earth will make it a reality. We are all choosing now-Deut 30:19. To God there are sheep and goats.
Who Hired Jesus? "Render Therefore Unto Caesar" Is a Clue.

Any sermon that glorifies meekness is a tool of a sadistic totalitarian ruling class. In our time, it is a main fang of our entitled Preppy snakes.

God is offering life everlasting-- Is that totalitarian? What value does eternal life hold?
Kneeling Leads to Crawling

Eternal life in meek submission to His Will offers nothing to anyone with any self-respect. Idealism Is the Costume Sadism Dresses Up In

Eternal life at a young age, never sick, or aging like now. Knowing only good. This sick satan ruled system has been proven. Mans promises amount to little. Gods kingdom is a cure all.
… They have 0 understanding of revelation …

No one understands the revelation. I guess it's in the bible because of the respect for the author. He was tortured, cooked in oil, and survived

… That's why Christian fanatics preach the illogical gibberish about "three persons in one." …

More correct: All Christians worldwide believe in the triune god. And you warn others not to be the extremist fanatics who you are on your own.

Trustfundie Treehuggers

Historically, the development of nature

It existed nothing where we are able to say anything about - then all nature was created within less time than a plank-second. As far as we know now this had physically happened about 13.8 billion years ago.

has been the major impetus of class mobility.

Of what? Nature is not responsible for the intentional ignorance, intentional misinterpretations and intentional stupidity of the human race.

All inherited wealth, power, and influence is unearned.

No only unearned - it's much more worse. To be thankful to other human beings - to feel responsible for all and every life on planet Earth and to try to live in harmony with god motivates the deeds of human for sure not in the same intensity as might and money motivates.

So we must take away the future

What? Take away the future?

of those whose survival at the top depends on keeping the creative force of all the rest down. If they have a future, the rest of us don't. They are blocking our way and must be destroyed like the subhuman inanimate objects that they represent in any society of growth and action.

Nature is the enemy of man;

Wer are creature - we are nature. Your problem is to propagate mass-murder with nice verbal constructions as "we must take away their future" where you made the Freudian mistake to say clear what's the real will behind "to take away the future".

it must be transformed for our use and even pleasure. It is being used by the enemies of the human race as a weapon of class stagnancy.

Let me say it clear: I fear you are predestinated to do what psychologists are calling an "extended suicide". You are the human race, you are your enemy, you are stagnancy. I beg you: Try to find a psychologist who takes serious that you are a threat for your own survival and the survival of everyone else.

Behind their weakling and silly idea-less idealism stands a vicious and sadistic attitude towards everyone who represents worth, not birth.

What you say here is from my point of view nothing what has to do with free opinion. You have to break your ideological indoctrination and to find a way to the loving freedom which follows in the center every life and not everyone's death. Leave the dark culture of death and find again your god given nature of love and life.

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More correct: All Christians worldwide believe in the triune god.

If that is true and if scripture is true then all Christians worldwide, all the fish in the sea, are dead and have been ever since 325 c.e. when Rome unleashed on the world the antichrist, their false three in one god made man made sacrificial edible mangod, and then ruthlessly persecuted and killed everyone who objected.

Not to worry! I heard that at the resurrection, when Jesus comes down from the sky and breaks the seals that had been placed on scripture revealing what has been hidden inside, the Christian dead will be the first to rise.

"And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done." Rev 20:3
Last edited:
" Block Devices "

* Composition Affects Conditional Limits *

The World As Will and Idea
It makes more sense than Theistic Creation if each previously inanimate form was occupied by an individual intelligence (monad) entering from another universe. There is no logical necessity that the monads ever had a beginning, except if you need to twist the entrance into a beginning. Their individuality is capable of overcoming any desire that their intelligence tells them is a bad choice. In fact, intellect is related to select.
A hard drive stores data , however a hard drive is not capable of intimating information about the data it maintains .

How would a presumption for impulse from infinitude with an innate bias from form also include a sophistication sufficient for self reflection ?

Would the summation of all infinitesimals imply omnipresence , or omniscience , or omnipotence ?

From a perspective of naturalism , an allusion to theism seems analogous with deism , where a macroscopic sophistication has acquired a capacity of charge for acting independently to issue reciprocity for actions of individuals and to intervene in facilitating an outcome of events for those individuals that would not have resulted had an intervention not occurred .

Naturalism would not discount that theism of deities could exist , only that actions of such entities remain accountable to natural cause and effect , even if asserted as being one in the same as nature .
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More correct: All Christians worldwide believe in the triune god.

If that is true

This is true.

and if scripture is true


Christians worldwide, all the fish in the sea, are dead and have been ever since 325 c.e. when Rome unleashed on the world the antichrist, their false three in one god made man made sacrificial edible mangod, and then ruthlessly persecuted and killed everyone who objected.

I guess you don't expect that someone seriously tries to speak with you.

Not to worry! I heard that at the resurrection, when Jesus comes down from the sky and breaks the seals that had been placed on scripture

You speak here about things which you don't understand.

revealing what has been hidden inside, the Christian dead will be the first to rise.

"And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done." Rev 20:3

One day I will turn around and look directly into the smiling eyes of Jesus. I will say: "Nice to see you." This will be a happy day.

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100% fact= From Moses on up until this very day. The Israelite religion, taught, served and worshipped, a single being God-YHVH(Jehovah)-- taught to every bible writer, taught to Jesus his first 30 years attending those places of worship, taught by them as well--John 20:17, Rev 3:12--2Cor 1:3, 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28---1Peter 1:3-- Rev 1:6

The religion that came out of Rome screwed it all up and became 33,999 branches off of her( Mark 3:24-26)--all being mislead into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily.

Why??? Because they throw Jesus truth away to teach the schools of mens dogmas because of the errors in their translations.

Who do you believe first? Jesus or Dogma? they contradict one another.

Jesus is the Trinity God or one in the Godhead. What you confuse is God's doctrine and theology.

It's found in the Creeds.


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