Zone1 Gods name


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2013
upstate NY
In the Lords prayer, Jesus clearly shows the#1 issue to him and thus to all true followers is his Fathers name=YHVH(Jehovah)-2nd and 3rd is his Fathers kingdom and his Fathers will.
Here are undeniable facts= God put his name( tetragramoton) into his bible in over 7000 places, Why? Because God wants his name in all of those places. That is his will.
Wicked men by satans will removed Gods name against Gods will and replaced it with titles-GOD or LORD nearly 6800 spots in OT, and over 200 spots in NT. Why? To mislead.
Thus undeniable fact= Gods true religion uses translation with his name put back in out of love and respect for Gods will. False religions that support satans will over Gods will use the altered translations. Those false religions even had the gaul to condemn the ones who put Gods name back in place= pure darkness, because they know 100% Gods name belongs in all of those places by Gods will.
A prime example of the misleading that it causes= Joel 2:21-22-Those who call on the name of ( YHVH)Jehovah will be saved. Quoted 2 x in NT at Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:13-But since LORD is in the altered translations at Joel, Lord is at both spots in NT. And since Jesus is called Lord, they believe its the name Jesus to be called on, but YHVH(Jehovah) is the name= 100% fact of life.

RUN FROM THE RELIGIONS USING THE ALTERED TRANSLATIONS. They lead you down the broad and spacious path.
Laughs always come from the darkness when they have no answer and cannot prove a single word is error.
In the Lords prayer, Jesus clearly shows the#1 issue to him and thus to all true followers is his Fathers name=YHVH(Jehovah)-2nd and 3rd is his Fathers kingdom and his Fathers will.
Here are undeniable facts= God put his name( tetragramoton) into his bible in over 7000 places, Why? Because God wants his name in all of those places. That is his will.
Wicked men by satans will removed Gods name against Gods will and replaced it with titles-GOD or LORD nearly 6800 spots in OT, and over 200 spots in NT. Why? To mislead.
Thus undeniable fact= Gods true religion uses translation with his name put back in out of love and respect for Gods will. False religions that support satans will over Gods will use the altered translations. Those false religions even had the gaul to condemn the ones who put Gods name back in place= pure darkness, because they know 100% Gods name belongs in all of those places by Gods will.
A prime example of the misleading that it causes= Joel 2:21-22-Those who call on the name of ( YHVH)Jehovah will be saved. Quoted 2 x in NT at Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:13-But since LORD is in the altered translations at Joel, Lord is at both spots in NT. And since Jesus is called Lord, they believe its the name Jesus to be called on, but YHVH(Jehovah) is the name= 100% fact of life.

RUN FROM THE RELIGIONS USING THE ALTERED TRANSLATIONS. They lead you down the broad and spacious path.
Unfortunately, God is a title that is actually Godhead made up of 3 distinct personage, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. JWs changed the Bible to establish confusion in the minds of people so they will never be properly baptized by water and the Holy Ghost. The work of Satan is being done by JWs. Jehovah came down as Jesus Christ. Elohim is the Father whose sperm was placed in Mary by the Holy Ghost so that Jesus would be the literal physical Son of the Father.
In the Lords prayer, Jesus clearly shows the#1 issue to him and thus to all true followers is his Fathers name=YHVH(Jehovah)-2nd and 3rd is his Fathers kingdom and his Fathers will.
Here are undeniable facts= God put his name( tetragramoton) into his bible in over 7000 places, Why? Because God wants his name in all of those places. That is his will.
Wicked men by satans will removed Gods name against Gods will and replaced it with titles-GOD or LORD nearly 6800 spots in OT, and over 200 spots in NT. Why? To mislead.
Thus undeniable fact= Gods true religion uses translation with his name put back in out of love and respect for Gods will. False religions that support satans will over Gods will use the altered translations. Those false religions even had the gaul to condemn the ones who put Gods name back in place= pure darkness, because they know 100% Gods name belongs in all of those places by Gods will.
A prime example of the misleading that it causes= Joel 2:21-22-Those who call on the name of ( YHVH)Jehovah will be saved. Quoted 2 x in NT at Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:13-But since LORD is in the altered translations at Joel, Lord is at both spots in NT. And since Jesus is called Lord, they believe its the name Jesus to be called on, but YHVH(Jehovah) is the name= 100% fact of life.

RUN FROM THE RELIGIONS USING THE ALTERED TRANSLATIONS. They lead you down the broad and spacious path.
In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus said "Father". The name Jehovah is not in the original Greek Scripture.
In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus said "Father". The name Jehovah is not in the original Greek Scripture.
A non-denominational narcissist and a JW narcissist going to debate the name of the Father. This should be entertaining... :popcorn:
I'll sit back and watch. I wonder if either is a Democrat and with call for the death of the other?
Unfortunately, God is a title that is actually Godhead made up of 3 distinct personage, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. JWs changed the Bible to establish confusion in the minds of people so they will never be properly baptized by water and the Holy Ghost. The work of Satan is being done by JWs. Jehovah came down as Jesus Christ. Elohim is the Father whose sperm was placed in Mary by the Holy Ghost so that Jesus would be the literal physical Son of the Father.
The Word made flesh. I personally believe that the angle Gabriel spoke the conception of Jesus into Mary's womb. He brought the Word from the Father.
Art. “Our Father who Art in Heaven….”

Or perhaps, Harold. “Harold is Thy name.”

"The Nine Billion Names of God" is a 1953 science fiction short story by British writer Arthur C. Clarke. — which I read a long time ago and have mostly forgotten. The above quote is from Wiki.
Unfortunately, God is a title that is actually Godhead made up of 3 distinct personage, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. JWs changed the Bible to establish confusion in the minds of people so they will never be properly baptized by water and the Holy Ghost. The work of Satan is being done by JWs. Jehovah came down as Jesus Christ. Elohim is the Father whose sperm was placed in Mary by the Holy Ghost so that Jesus would be the literal physical Son of the Father.
You will find out it was Catholicism who created God into a trinity in 381 ce. No trinity as the true God was served prior.
Nope. Scripture says "Father". That makes you a liar.
He said--Hallowed be thy( your) name--The only name that fits=YHVH(Jehovah)

Not wise to keep standing in opposition of his name when Jesus clearly shows its the #1 most important issue to him and every follower.
He said--Hallowed be thy( your) name--The only name that fits=YHVH(Jehovah)

Not wise to keep standing in opposition of his name when Jesus clearly shows its the #1 most important issue to him and every follower.
Then why wasn't the name Jehovah included in the original Greek Scriptures?
Then why wasn't the name Jehovah included in the original Greek Scriptures?
It was. You don't have originals. The Greek lexicons were translated from the Latin vulgate. Catholicism translating. They kept the bible in Latin until the 1300,s i believe. Then the Greek lexicons were translated back to Greek from the Vulgate. Along with all the errors.
It was. You don't have originals. The Greek lexicons were translated from the Latin vulgate. Catholicism translating. They kept the bible in Latin until the 1300,s i believe. Then the Greek lexicons were translated back to Greek from the Vulgate. Along with all the errors.
That's a lie. The word Jehovah is not in any Greek Scripture. You really should be honest about Scripture. Are you aware that you're responsible? Better think long and hard before you make up lies about Scripture.
That's a lie. The word Jehovah is not in any Greek Scripture. You really should be honest about Scripture. Are you aware that you're responsible? Better think long and hard before you make up lies about Scripture.
The divine name kjv ( 2015)put Gods name back into the OT and NT, over 7000 spots.
Jerome told the Catholic leader Gods name belongs in the NT prior to the Latin vulgate translating.
Unfortunately, God is a title that is actually Godhead made up of 3 distinct personage, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. J
The word 'god' is generic and all other gods are entitled to the label.
The divine name kjv ( 2015)put Gods name back into the OT and NT, over 7000 spots.
Jerome told the Catholic leader Gods name belongs in the NT prior to the Latin vulgate translating.
The word "Jehovah" was never in the original Greek New Testament Scriptures.

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