"It's not about Trump", Except It Always Is, And Has Been


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
You see the statement "It's not about Trump" flung around by hard rightwingers all over, but it's just a reflexive defense, as it holds not an ounce of truth.

Case in point, during last Wednesday's horrific and seditious seize on the Capital, we all saw tons and tons of Trump flags waved around. So much so, that the seditionists decided to lower the American flag, and replaced it w/a Trump flag.

Whatever Trump says, they believe.

Whatever Trump orders them to do, they do it.

Whatever wrong Trump does, they ignore and/or excuse it.

But they then turn around and proclaim, "it's not about Trump."

Gaslighting at its's finest. Why can't they simply admit that they've usurped their oath to the country w/their oath to Donald Trump?
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You see the statement "It's not about Trump" flung around by hard rightwingers all over, but it's just a reflexive defense, as it holds not an ounce of truth.

Case in point, during last Wednesday's horrific and seditious seize on the Capital, we all saw tons and tons of Trump flags waved around. So much so, that the seditionists decided to lower the American flag, and replacing it w/a Trump flag.

Whatever Trump says, they believe.

Whatever Trump orders them to do, they do it.

Whatever wrong Trump does, they ignore and/or excuse it.

But they then turn around and proclaim, "it's not about Trump."

Gaslighting at its's finest. Why can't they simply admit that they've usurped their oath to the country w/their oath to Donald Trump?
only in your puny mind,,,
You see the statement "It's not about Trump" flung around by hard rightwingers all over, but it's just a reflexive defense, as it holds not an ounce of truth.

Case in point, during last Wednesday's horrific and seditious seize on the Capital, we all saw tons and tons of Trump flags waved around. So much so, that the seditionists decided to lower the American flag, and replacing it w/a Trump flag.

Whatever Trump says, they believe.

Whatever Trump orders them to do, they do it.

Whatever wrong Trump does, they ignore and/or excuse it.

But they then turn around and proclaim, "it's not about Trump."

Gaslighting at its's finest. Why can't they simply admit that they've usurped their oath to the country w/their oath to Donald Trump?

His opponents didn't help themselves when even before the election they warned the nation about how the economy would collapse and people would be thrown into concentration camps. All sorts of radical views.

Then when he wins, they put a patsy into AG who conveniently recuses himself for a 3 year long investigation into Russia meddling. 24/7 attacks by media from the CPL and Stormy Daniels to his niece.

All the while, America was booming and China was losing.

You can't be this thick. I don't care how mean Trumps words were, America was succeeding as it hadn't in decades.
You see the statement "It's not about Trump" flung around by hard rightwingers all over, but it's just a reflexive defense, as it holds not an ounce of truth.

Case in point, during last Wednesday's horrific and seditious seize on the Capital, we all saw tons and tons of Trump flags waved around. So much so, that the seditionists decided to lower the American flag, and replacing it w/a Trump flag.

Whatever Trump says, they believe.

Whatever Trump orders them to do, they do it.

Whatever wrong Trump does, they ignore and/or excuse it.

But they then turn around and proclaim, "it's not about Trump."

Gaslighting at its's finest. Why can't they simply admit that they've usurped their oath to the country w/their oath to Donald Trump?

His opponents didn't help themselves when even before the election they warned the nation about how the economy would collapse and people would be thrown into concentration camps. All sorts of radical views.

Then when he wins, they put a patsy into AG who conveniently recuses himself for a 3 year long investigation into Russia meddling. 24/7 attacks by media from the CPL and Stormy Daniels to his niece.

All the while, America was booming and China was losing.

You can't be this thick. I don't care how mean Trumps words were, America was succeeding as it hadn't in decades.
Then when he wins, they put a patsy into AG who conveniently recuses himself for a 3 year long investigation into Russia meddling. 24/7 attacks by media from the CPL and Stormy Daniels to his niece.
His opponents didn't help themselves when even before the election they warned the nation about how the economy would collapse and people would be thrown into concentration camps. All sorts of radical views.

Then when he wins, they put a patsy into AG who conveniently recuses himself for a 3 year long investigation into Russia meddling. 24/7 attacks by media from the CPL and Stormy Daniels to his niece.

All the while, America was booming and China was losing.

You can't be this thick. I don't care how mean Trumps words were, America was succeeding as it hadn't in decades.
Trump was handed a good economy and a good country when he came into Office.

Tell me the POLICY that Trump enacted to change the economy from bad to good if what you're saying is correct.

Do it now liar.
You see the statement "It's not about Trump" flung around by hard rightwingers all over, but it's just a reflexive defense, as it holds not an ounce of truth.

Case in point, during last Wednesday's horrific and seditious seize on the Capital, we all saw tons and tons of Trump flags waved around. So much so, that the seditionists decided to lower the American flag, and replacing it w/a Trump flag.

Whatever Trump says, they believe.

Whatever Trump orders them to do, they do it.

Whatever wrong Trump does, they ignore and/or excuse it.

But they then turn around and proclaim, "it's not about Trump."

Gaslighting at its's finest. Why can't they simply admit that they've usurped their oath to the country w/their oath to Donald Trump?
Link please. Or is this just your racist opinion?
His opponents didn't help themselves when even before the election they warned the nation about how the economy would collapse and people would be thrown into concentration camps. All sorts of radical views.

Then when he wins, they put a patsy into AG who conveniently recuses himself for a 3 year long investigation into Russia meddling. 24/7 attacks by media from the CPL and Stormy Daniels to his niece.

All the while, America was booming and China was losing.

You can't be this thick. I don't care how mean Trumps words were, America was succeeding as it hadn't in decades.
Trump was handed a good economy and a good country.

Tell me the POLICY that Trump enacted to change the economy from bad to good if what you're saying is correct.

Do it now liar.
If the economy was so good why were wages stagnant and interest rates super low?
Link please. Or is this just your racist opinion?
Fact: We all saw, with our own eyes on live TV, tons of Trump supporters running around the Capitol w/Trump flags.

Fact: A group of those insurgent Trump supporters took down the American flag and replaced it w/a Trump flag.

What exactly are you objecting to?
You see the statement "It's not about Trump" flung around by hard rightwingers all over, but it's just a reflexive defense, as it holds not an ounce of truth.

Case in point, during last Wednesday's horrific and seditious seize on the Capital, we all saw tons and tons of Trump flags waved around. So much so, that the seditionists decided to lower the American flag, and replacing it w/a Trump flag.

Whatever Trump says, they believe.

Whatever Trump orders them to do, they do it.

Whatever wrong Trump does, they ignore and/or excuse it.

But they then turn around and proclaim, "it's not about Trump."

Gaslighting at its's finest. Why can't they simply admit that they've usurped their oath to the country w/their oath to Donald Trump?

This battle predates Trump and will go on, long after he is gone.
Link please. Or is this just your racist opinion?
Fact: We all saw, with our own eyes on live TV, tons of Trump supporters running around the Capitol w/Trump flags.

Fact: A group of those insurgent Trump supporters took down the American flag and replaced it w/a Trump flag.

What exactly are you objecting to?
Fact: Yes we did. We saw BLM burn down small businesses. I don't consider all liberals and or black people to be criminals. Just that select few.

Fact: Leftists burn the American flag and kneel for the anthem.

Fact: Extremists on both sides are bad.

You're bad.
You see the statement "It's not about Trump" flung around by hard rightwingers all over, but it's just a reflexive defense, as it holds not an ounce of truth.

Case in point, during last Wednesday's horrific and seditious seize on the Capital, we all saw tons and tons of Trump flags waved around. So much so, that the seditionists decided to lower the American flag, and replacing it w/a Trump flag.

Whatever Trump says, they believe.

Whatever Trump orders them to do, they do it.

Whatever wrong Trump does, they ignore and/or excuse it.

But they then turn around and proclaim, "it's not about Trump."

Gaslighting at its's finest. Why can't they simply admit that they've usurped their oath to the country w/their oath to Donald Trump?
Okay, Corky. :itsok:
You see the statement "It's not about Trump" flung around by hard rightwingers all over, but it's just a reflexive defense, as it holds not an ounce of truth.

Case in point, during last Wednesday's horrific and seditious seize on the Capital, we all saw tons and tons of Trump flags waved around. So much so, that the seditionists decided to lower the American flag, and replacing it w/a Trump flag.

Whatever Trump says, they believe.

Whatever Trump orders them to do, they do it.

Whatever wrong Trump does, they ignore and/or excuse it.

But they then turn around and proclaim, "it's not about Trump."

Gaslighting at its's finest. Why can't they simply admit that they've usurped their oath to the country w/their oath to Donald Trump?
Why don't you take a long walk on a short pier?
His opponents didn't help themselves when even before the election they warned the nation about how the economy would collapse and people would be thrown into concentration camps. All sorts of radical views.

Then when he wins, they put a patsy into AG who conveniently recuses himself for a 3 year long investigation into Russia meddling. 24/7 attacks by media from the CPL and Stormy Daniels to his niece.

All the while, America was booming and China was losing.

You can't be this thick. I don't care how mean Trumps words were, America was succeeding as it hadn't in decades.
Trump was handed a good economy and a good country when he came into Office.

Tell me the POLICY that Trump enacted to change the economy from bad to good if what you're saying is correct.

Do it now liar.

First, tax cuts. immediately citizens received raises, bonuses and companies began to hire. It was the first time Trump was getting credit for doing anything good, along with the quarterly unemployment rates which were going very low. The only other time they liked Trump was when he bombed Syria.

Second, doing what no president would do, and that is to call out companies with praise when they were hiring Americans and chastising companies outsourcing their jobs. This had an enormous impact in terms of company policy AND in the frame of mind of workers.

Third, hitting China with tariffs. This contributed to companies outsourcing less and keeping salaries increasing domestically so that disposable income was at an all-time high.

Fourth, remaking the tax code to encourage repatriation of U.S business money that was overseas. That alone injected over $1Trillion into the U.S economy. Not borrowing from government with "stimulus" (never liked that loaded, bs term), but private equity.

Fifth, deregulation. This is huge and drove profits up while cutting way government, interventionalist fat (which billionaires often exploit to ruin their competitors). This made America energy independent for the first time in generations.

There are many other positive stances such a justice reform, Opportunity Zones and retraining of Americans to make them more viable and prosperous.

Let us see what happens now, as Biden is given a $2T gift due to the Wuhan Virus, for an early "stimulus" (funny how all Dem presidents always come into power with the golden opportunity of a massive stimulus on Day One).

I'm guessing the average worker is going to miss Trump, even as some get some free fish but never learn how to fish themselves.
First, tax cuts. immediately citizens received raises, bonuses and companies began to hire. It was the first time Trump was getting credit for doing anything good, along with the quarterly unemployment rates which were going very low. The only other time they liked Trump was when he bombed Syria.

Second, doing what no president would do, and that is to call out companies who were hiring Americans and chastising companies outsourcing their jobs. This had an enormous impact in terms of company policy AND in the frame of mind of workers.

Third, hitting China with tariffs. This contributed to companies outsourcing less and keeping salaries increasing domestically so that disposable income was at an all-time high.

Fourth, remaking the tax code to encourage repatriation of U.S business money that was overseas. That alone injected over $1Trillion into the U.S economy. Not borrowing from government with "stimulus" (never liked that loaded, bs term), but private equity.

Fifth, deregulation. This is huge and drove profits up while cutting way government, interventionalist fat (which billionaires often exploit to ruin their competitors). This made America energy independent for the first time in generations.

There are many other positive stances such a justice reform, Opportunity Zones and retraining of Americans to make them more viable and prosperous.

Let us see what happens now, as Biden is given a $2T gift due to the Wuhan Virus, for an early "stimulus" (funny how all Dem presidents always come into power with the golden opportunity of a massive stimulus on Day One).
I need a link that correlates the tax scam to companies hiring.
Further procedures against him will only extend his time in the limelight. Into the wings with this guy (if any 'wing' will have him). As for the Capitol invaders, max time for the crime.

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