'Impeachment' Is Like A Flaming bag of Poo Democrats Leave On Their own Doorstep


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Democrats have run out of the bushes, up the steps, giggling, as they light yet another bag of flaming poo they are leaving on the House's doorstep before ringing the bell and running away...again.

This is the 2nd time they have allowed their mentally unstable, irrational hate ... and desperate desire to eliminate President Trump as a political threat... for the President to try to Impeach President Trump. The 1st one did not goat all as expected and in the end THEY ended up stepping in the flaming bag of poo they deposited on the House's doorsteps.

The 1st Time:
Speaker Pelosi declared to the nation that she would NOT allow Impeachment to go forward if there was not hard, undeniable evidence of crimes committed by the President.

The Democrats admitted they affected the 1st Politically Partisan Impeachment of a US President in US history, not based on any wrong-doing but BASED ON PARTISAN HATERD. This was one of the greatest betrayals of what the Founding fathers intended in US history.

During the Impeachment hearings, House Intel Committee Chairman and proven criminal D-Adam Schiff was proven to have committed perjury and attempted to create and submit false evidence against the President.

After passing Impeachment in the House and after declaring the whole time that President Trump was such a threat to the US that Impeachment had to be made an immediate priority, Pelosi refused to hand the Articles of Impeachment over to the Senate. She withheld the Articles for weeks while she attempted to FORCE Senate Leader McConnell to run the Senate Impeachment according to HER rules. She failed, of course, but in the process of attempting to bully the Senate leader she destroyed her own argument that Trump was such a threat he had to be removed from office immediately and put her own power-hungry hatred on display.

Democrats' witnesses not only revealed none of them had witnesses crimes by the President, but members of the State Department testified that now President-Elect Biden committed perjury and he and his son should be the ones investigated and called to testify over financial scams / corruption.

It was also exposed that the FBI hid evidence of the President's innocence that would have immediately stopped the Democrats' attempt to Impeach.

The whole thing blew up in their face.

NOW Pelosi is attempting to use the Capitol violence to affect ANOTHER Impeachment. This time, however. she already sabotaged / exposed the latest impeachment to be yet another attempt to remove the President NOT over any crime and NOT over his being a threat. During an interview Pelosi confessed to the world that this Impeachment is all about eliminating President Trump as a political threat FOREVER, to destroy him, to BAN HIM from being able to run for President in 2024 or ever again.

Pelosi confessed, before the House had even voted on the latest Articles of impeachment, that this Impeachment attempt was just as criminal and Constitutional abusive, if not more, than their previous one.

To make it worse, Pelosi is openly attempting to 'blackmail' the current VP, threatening that if he does not agree to move to remove the President from office, with 8 days left, via the 25th Amendment she and Democrats will Impeach him.

Pelosi has exposed herself as the most mentally unstable and corrupt, power-hungry, partisan, vengeful politician unfit to serve, far more so than President Trump.

Her lust for power, her hatred or President Trump, and her FEAR of President Trump and how much he is supported by millions of Americans that she has rushed to place the latest flaming bag of poo on the House's doorstep.

In this case, the Articles of Impeachment is a shot across the bow. If Rump does another "Here Hold my Beer" moment they paperwork is already on the Senate's desk and ready to go. The Senate doesn't actually have to vote on the impeachment. Just the threat of doing so should be enough. If it's not, they can do a fast vote and he's out in about 2 hours.
The Democrats have run out of the bushes, up the steps, giggling, as they light yet another bag of flaming poo they are leaving on the House's doorstep before ringing the bell and running away...again.

This is the 2nd time they have allowed their mentally unstable, irrational hate ... and desperate desire to eliminate President Trump as a political threat... for the President to try to Impeach President Trump. The 1st one did not goat all as expected and in the end THEY ended up stepping in the flaming bag of poo they deposited on the House's doorsteps.

The 1st Time:
Speaker Pelosi declared to the nation that she would NOT allow Impeachment to go forward if there was not hard, undeniable evidence of crimes committed by the President.

The Democrats admitted they affected the 1st Politically Partisan Impeachment of a US President in US history, not based on any wrong-doing but BASED ON PARTISAN HATERD. This was one of the greatest betrayals of what the Founding fathers intended in US history.

During the Impeachment hearings, House Intel Committee Chairman and proven criminal D-Adam Schiff was proven to have committed perjury and attempted to create and submit false evidence against the President.

After passing Impeachment in the House and after declaring the whole time that President Trump was such a threat to the US that Impeachment had to be made an immediate priority, Pelosi refused to hand the Articles of Impeachment over to the Senate. She withheld the Articles for weeks while she attempted to FORCE Senate Leader McConnell to run the Senate Impeachment according to HER rules. She failed, of course, but in the process of attempting to bully the Senate leader she destroyed her own argument that Trump was such a threat he had to be removed from office immediately and put her own power-hungry hatred on display.

Democrats' witnesses not only revealed none of them had witnesses crimes by the President, but members of the State Department testified that now President-Elect Biden committed perjury and he and his son should be the ones investigated and called to testify over financial scams / corruption.

It was also exposed that the FBI hid evidence of the President's innocence that would have immediately stopped the Democrats' attempt to Impeach.

The whole thing blew up in their face.

NOW Pelosi is attempting to use the Capitol violence to affect ANOTHER Impeachment. This time, however. she already sabotaged / exposed the latest impeachment to be yet another attempt to remove the President NOT over any crime and NOT over his being a threat. During an interview Pelosi confessed to the world that this Impeachment is all about eliminating President Trump as a political threat FOREVER, to destroy him, to BAN HIM from being able to run for President in 2024 or ever again.

Pelosi confessed, before the House had even voted on the latest Articles of impeachment, that this Impeachment attempt was just as criminal and Constitutional abusive, if not more, than their previous one.

To make it worse, Pelosi is openly attempting to 'blackmail' the current VP, threatening that if he does not agree to move to remove the President from office, with 8 days left, via the 25th Amendment she and Democrats will Impeach him.

Pelosi has exposed herself as the most mentally unstable and corrupt, power-hungry, partisan, vengeful politician unfit to serve, far more so than President Trump.

Her lust for power, her hatred or President Trump, and her FEAR of President Trump and how much he is supported by millions of Americans that she has rushed to place the latest flaming bag of poo on the House's doorstep.

Not to worry they'll step on it to put it out.

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In this case, the Articles of Impeachment is a shot across the bow. If Rump does another "Here Hold my Beer" moment they paperwork is already on the Senate's desk and ready to go. The Senate doesn't actually have to vote on the impeachment. Just the threat of doing so should be enough. If it's not, they can do a fast vote and he's out in about 2 hours.
And onto the first Trump--Nunes 2024 rally, with full secret service protection for life ( thanks to Obama's 'protection for former presidents 'Bill )
The Blood at the Capitol during 'Trumps Insurrection' is splashed all over the GOP hands. They were warned a year ago what the "section of solid human waste" was capable of. They should all resign in disgrace (Cept Mitt hahahaha).

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