It's is far time we impeach

I'll keep this quick because it's late.

1. President Obama has appointed numerous people to cabinet level positions without the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, as is required by the Constitution.
Czars are not cabinet-level positions. Therefore, no Senate approval is necessary.

2. The push by Pres. Obama to pass healthcare legislation in the Congress of the United States that he was fully aware was unconstitutional.
Nothing is legally unconstitutional until the Supreme Court declares it as such. You also claim to know what Obama was thinking, which is impossible unless you have telepathy.

3. Despite the fact that the United States Senate refused to pass the Cap and Trade bill, the President has ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to use regulations to implement key portions of the bill, including those regulating so-called greenhouse gases.
Just because the Senate does not say "Yes, do this" doesn't mean the senate said "No, don't do this." The EPA has not broken any laws.

4. Through the Department of the Interior (DOI) Obama has placed a moratorium on offshore oil drilling or exploration off both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States and in parts of the Gulf of Mexico.
The ban was lifted back in 2010 after the judge ruled against it. Other areas (such as the east coast) remain closed but the judge did not cover all bans, just the gulf. In other words, Obama complied with the judge and is legal.

5. Instead of allowing American companies to drill for oil domestically, Obama has betrayed the American people and authorized loans of billions of dollars to countries like Brazil and Mexico so that they can drill for oil, and then sell that oil to the United States.
Again with the oil? Obama never authorized any loans to Brazil or Mexico for oil. It was approved by something called the Export-Import Bank.

6. President Obama has abdicated his responsibility to enforce the laws of the United States against illegal immigration.
Obama has never said this nor done this. Border security has more money and men on the ground under Obama than any previous president.

7. The President and his Attorney General Eric Holder have clearly violated their oath of office by joining with foreign countries such as Mexico, Bolivia, and Columbia, in lawsuits against the sovereign states of Arizona, Georgia, and Alabama to stop them from enforcing the federal immigration laws.
Mexico asked Arizona's state government to cancel the state's immigration policy. That is not a tag-team of US and Mexico. As for the other nations/states you mentioned, please provide a link to explain the details--I can't find any.

8. President Obama has ordered the Federal Communications Commission to adopt regulations giving the federal government control of the Internet and its contents, including providing Obama with a kill switch that gives him authority to shut down the Internet if he sees fit.
This actually came from a Senate bill, which was defeated. Obama had nothing to do with it, and besides, it doesn't exist.

9. One of the paramount responsibilities of the President of the United States and his executive branch of government is to enforce and defend laws adopted by Congress unless they are declared unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court.
Obama didn't defend DOMA because the Justice dept. said it was unconstitutional. They were right--the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional. You can accuse Obama of seeing the future correctly.

10. It has been widely reported that acting through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms the Obama administration was involved for months in getting legitimate and law-abiding gun store owners along our southern border to supply weapons to straw buyers who the government knew would deliver them to the drug cartels in Mexico. This was billed as a sting operation against the cartels when in fact it was designed to produce fraudulent data showing that large numbers of weapons were going from the United States to the Mexican drug dealers.
It was a sting operation, plain and simple. A bad one? Maybe. Badly run? Sure. But you are redefining the purpose without evidence. Give me some credible sources saying Obama ginned this one up to scare people into giving up their guns.

11. The President of the United States is not authorized by the Constitution to take our nation to war without the consent of the Congress of the United States.
The President cannot declare war but can, and has under numerous presidents dating back to Lyndon Johnson, involve US soldiers in conflicts without calling it a war: Invasion of Panama, for example. As for the rest of #11, it's just so much bullshit that I don't have the strength to fight it.

12. Last but not the least of my dirty dozen of impeachable offenses, is the fact that since taking office the President has used executive orders, laws pushed through Congress in the dark of night, and administrative actions by his departments to nationalize and control automobile manufacturers, banks, insurance companies, and portions of the healthcare industry.
Oh, god. You're one of those nutjobs. Listen, the auto industry bailout began under Bush, not Obama. Banks were bailed out, not nationalized. No insurance companies or other parts of the healthcare industry have ever been nationalized. Every president issues executive orders. Laws passed through in the dark of night? What, did Obama hire Batman to get the ACA passed?

Rottweiler, you are a sad, deluded, pitiful excuse for an American. You want to complain about Obama? Good--leaders should always face scrutiny and opposition. Unlike a rare few of my liberal brethren, I don't think Obama is perfect. I think his attacks on whistleblowers is atrocious; Guantanamo should have been closed years ago like he promised; he wants to be the King of Compromise and doesn't get that the GOP would rather let America fall apart than make a deal with him; and some days, it seems like he has no balls.

But paranoid conspiracy heads like you add nothing to the debate. Seriously, you make shit up and act like it's the Gospel. It's not just a question of being incorrect or having alternate views--it's a question of being laughably incorrect and spouting hate. And that's un-American.
1. An official was killed in Fort Marcy park and only by incredible manipulation were they able to skate. No real grass stains on the bottom of his feet and a very tortured explanation seems to me to be more then a smoking gun. Which he would have had to hold in his wrong hand.
A park police investigation determined that Foster committed suicide.
A FBI investigation determined that Foster committed suicide.
An independent counsel determined that Foster committed suicide.
Ken Starr determined that Foster committed suicide.
Two different Congressional investigations determined that Foster committed suicide.

But you didn't get the answer you wanted, so there's "controversy". To put it simply, you are wrong.
As for impeachment, Bush II deserves it because he cherry-picked data to build a case for war in Iraq when there wasn't a case. That's MUCH worse than lying under oath about sex.

No, he did not do that. We know for a fact, however, that Clinton perjured himself.

Clinton lied under oath. Agreed. (IMHO it's worse that he cheated on his wife, but that's beside the point.)

Bush II decided in his first week to invade Iraq--that's a fact. The evidence that Iraq had WMDs was shaky at best, and the intel on Iraq obtaining uranium was considered not reliable by the CIA, yet Bush II pushed that idea in his State of the Union address to gin us up for war with Iraq. We lost lives and spent uncounted billions in Iraq because Bush II pushed intel he knew was not good. Why? Because he wanted to go to war from his first week. See?

Probably not. Because Clinton getting a blow job from a chubby intern is soooooo much worse than spending $6 trillion dollars and the deaths of over 4,000 US soldiers. Right? Clinton deserves to be impeached but Bush II deserves a medal. Right?

So in Joe's mind, as long as he's horny, raping a woman is GOOD.... :cuckoo:

It is NEVER acceptable to break the law. NEVER. No amount of "do gooding" (or in your case, desperate attempt to defend the indefensible) makes violating the Constitution acceptable.

And Joe - it makes no difference if we are "the only" country that doesn't "provide basic healthcare for every citizen". We lead. We don't follow.

It's not the responsibility of the federal government to provide healthcare to the people. It really is that simple Joseph...

Guy, we don't lead. The rest of the world kind of looks down at us like we are some kind of idiots. And they might have a point. The only country that doesn't provide basic health care. One of the few INdustrialized countries that STILL has a death penalty.

Obama Ran on providing basic health care to every American. He won. he did it. He won again. The will of the people is pretty clear, no matter how many silly polls Ratmuffin pulls out of his ass.

And just because a bunch of slave rapists 200 years ago couldn't think of it (because they though being bled was a good medical treatment), is not a good reason to not do it.

Do you have a good reason why we should let poor children DIE of treatable diseases other than, "Well, the Founding Fathers didn't provide for it".

They didn't provide for a lot of things.
So in Joe's mind, as long as he's horny, raping a woman is GOOD.... :cuckoo:

It is NEVER acceptable to break the law. NEVER. No amount of "do gooding" (or in your case, desperate attempt to defend the indefensible) makes violating the Constitution acceptable.

And Joe - it makes no difference if we are "the only" country that doesn't "provide basic healthcare for every citizen". We lead. We don't follow.

It's not the responsibility of the federal government to provide healthcare to the people. It really is that simple Joseph...

Guy, we don't lead. The rest of the world kind of looks down at us like we are some kind of idiots. And they might have a point. The only country that doesn't provide basic health care. One of the few INdustrialized countries that STILL has a death penalty.

Joseph, we've been over this. No amount of your lying changes reality. There is a line a hundred miles long out the door of America. Billions of people just waiting to get in. There is an equal amount breaking in through the windows. People don't illegally break into a country that sucks Joseph. People don't risk everything they have to come to a country that they "look down on". :cuckoo:

It is comical how you get all of your "information" from oppressive dictators known for spreading propaganda. You seriously need to stop turning to Mahmoud Amadinejad for all of your views on America. Fidel Castro and Putin too... :lmao:

Obama Ran on providing basic health care to every American. He won. he did it. He won again. The will of the people is pretty clear, no matter how many silly polls Ratmuffin pulls out of his ass.

No, he didn't. Not at all. And he won a second election on voter fraud. That's hardly "the will of the people" :cuckoo:

Furthermore (and I don't know how many times I have to explain this to you), the law says it's illegal. If the "will of the people" decide tomorrow that they want to rape woman, do you think they would not get arrested? Until the people legally and properly change the law - their "will" really doesn't matter. You're spur-of-the-moment-mob-rules mentality is equal parts absurd and frightening. We do not operate on the whim of the people. We are a nation of laws in which the will of the people can influence those laws over time and through the proper channels.

But then again, you knew that already. Which is why you live so frustrated.

And just because a bunch of slave rapists 200 years ago couldn't think of it (because they though being bled was a good medical treatment), is not a good reason to not do it.

Actually it is, since these men (who never raped anyone) signed it into law. We are a nation of laws Joseph. Sorry. If you don't like being a civilized nations of laws, Somalia is waiting for you. A lawless frontier - your utopia!

Do you have a good reason why we should let poor children DIE of treatable diseases other than, "Well, the Founding Fathers didn't provide for it".

Yes - I have a GREAT reason. Because heartless, selfish people like you are not willing to pay for it. How many people have you let die in your 58 years Joseph?

They didn't provide for a lot of things.

Then admend the Constitution Joseph. What's that you say? You can't? You don't have enough support for your extremely radical views?

Oh well...too bad. What happened to all of your rhetoric about "the will of the people"?!?
You must be really ignorant of the impeachment process, if republicans had the necessary votes they would have done it. Your dear leader is impeachment proof because the commiecrats have no problem with him shredding the constitution.

You must be really ignorant of the impeachment process. Where are the high crimes and misdemeanors?

You keep ignoring them that is where. The killing of at least four Americans without due process is a very high crime. Unless of course you think just anyone should be able to kill anyone else. The killing of a 16 year old innocent America may not have been murder because he was wrongly targeted but it certainly falls under man slaughter. Or has the liberal left given up its entire soul and they now don't give a damn who gets killed?

No, I don't give a damn about a dead terrorist. They damn sure don't care about my kids or my life.
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I'll keep this quick because it's late.

1. President Obama has appointed numerous people to cabinet level positions without the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, as is required by the Constitution.
Czars are not cabinet-level positions. Therefore, no Senate approval is necessary.

I'll keep this quick because, well, you're a fuck'n moron and a LIAR:

Third court overturns Obama recess appointments

A third federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that President Obama violated the Constitution last year when he made recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board, adding more weight to the case as it goes before the Supreme Court in the justices’ next session.

Third court overturns Obama recess appointments - Washington Times

No "czars" mentioned asshat. THREE federal appeals courts have now found his actions unconstitutional. You lose...

There will never be an impeachment of President Obama. We need not concern ourselves with it.

Instead, let's pray for him. Let's ask the Lord to save his soul and give him wisdom to actually lead us to a better place instead of what he has been doing.

And then let us strengthen ourselves, our families, and our communities. Impeaching Obama will not fix the problems we face. Putting Biden in charge wont give us any better government. The problems of our nation must be fixed in ourselves, our homes, and our local communities. If we can organize there, we can end the Tyranny in Washington.

Dream on but you've got nuthin.

President Obama has not "trampled the Constitution".

Trampling the Constitution is NOT necessary to destroy the country which is what Obama has wanted all along!

Most people that voted for Obama did so because they didn't have enough information about his ideology and his Dad's 100% taxes mentality and so they voted because they DIDN"T want to be considered "racist" by not voting for him!

Always consider these people that voted for Obama because he was a black probably are a hidden racist i.e. they
really don't like blacks but dislike being considered "racist" more!

That is the ONLY reason most people voted for Obama..

So a black guy ran and he got elected because he was black? Then why isn't Herman Cain President now?

Herman Cain wasn't black enough to satisfy liberals/progressives.

Dream on but you've got nuthin.

President Obama has not "trampled the Constitution".

Clearly Luddly cannot read (another typical trait of the libtard Dumbocrat)

He doesn't need to read. His liberal-lemming talking points are issued verbally. As long as he can regurgitate what is repeated often enough, and continues to toady and kowtow at his master's whim, Luddie is just fine. As a matter-of-fact, given the opportunity, stuff like this would become part of the common core "educational" curriculum.
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Joseph, we've been over this. No amount of your lying changes reality. There is a line a hundred miles long out the door of America. Billions of people just waiting to get in. There is an equal amount breaking in through the windows. People don't illegally break into a country that sucks Joseph. People don't risk everything they have to come to a country that they "look down on". :cuckoo:

Given the countries that these folks come from, you really don't have a point. Yeah, are we better off than Mexico (A country we've been exploiting for 140 years?). Yeah. Are we better off than Germany or Japan, countries we defeated and yet are now surpasing us? Not seeing a lot of Germans or Japanese breaking down the windows right now.

It is comical how you get all of your "information" from oppressive dictators known for spreading propaganda. You seriously need to stop turning to Mahmoud Amadinejad for all of your views on America. Fidel Castro and Putin too... :lmao:

Actually, you should probably spend more time watching foreign movies or foreign media. And not just from our "Enemies". (Read Israel and Corporate enemies, not mine.) Americans are usually portrayed as stupid, religious, greedy and overweight.

No, he didn't. Not at all. And he won a second election on voter fraud. That's hardly "the will of the people" :cuckoo:

Denial ain't a river in Egypt, guy. Obama is only the sixth president to win over 51% twice. There's a reason for that. The sooner the GOP figures that out, the sooner they'll stop only being "visitors" at the White House.

Furthermore (and I don't know how many times I have to explain this to you), the law says it's illegal. If the "will of the people" decide tomorrow that they want to rape woman, do you think they would not get arrested? Until the people legally and properly change the law - their "will" really doesn't matter. You're spur-of-the-moment-mob-rules mentality is equal parts absurd and frightening. We do not operate on the whim of the people. We are a nation of laws in which the will of the people can influence those laws over time and through the proper channels.

I realize you are still feeling the butthurt from my strap-on analogy, and imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but you just aren't good at the analogy thing.

Here's the thing. The Law is what people THINK it is. Or think it should be. If they think a law is unjust, they ignore it. (Prohibition is a good example.) If they think something should be the law, it becomes the law. The argument about whether the Constitution allows government to pay for health care was had 40 years ago. Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater screamed that Medicare was "Socialism!!!!" But when Reagan got to power, he kept it in place.

Do you have a good reason why we should let poor children DIE of treatable diseases other than, "Well, the Founding Fathers didn't provide for it".

Yes - I have a GREAT reason. Because heartless, selfish people like you are not willing to pay for it. How many people have you let die in your 58 years Joseph?

What I make wouldn't treat once cancer patient, that's kind of the point.

I pay my taxes and I work to pay my insurance premiums. So I'm ALREADY paying into it. And happily so. I just don't think Ed Hanaway getting 83 million to NOT WORK is really adding anything to the process. (Other than he's not condemning any MORE teenage girls to death by cheating their parents.)

They didn't provide for a lot of things.

Then admend the Constitution Joseph. What's that you say? You can't? You don't have enough support for your extremely radical views?

NO, I just don't think we HAVE to amend the constitution to put up a crosswalk.

Amending the Constitution SHOULD be limited to correcting glaring flaws in the construction. It should NOT be for social engineerings. Again, look up the aforementioned Prohibition to see how well that works out.

The Social Engineering Can and SHOULD be done by the Legistature.

Oh well...too bad. What happened to all of your rhetoric about "the will of the people"?!?

Given the fact that amending the constitution is (and should be) damned difficult, it's a false choice.

Nothing in the Constitution PREVENTS universal health coverage.
Not seeing a lot of Germans or Japanese breaking down the windows right now.

In 2010, more than 4.8 million immigrants from Europe were living in the US. The top countries of origin for European immigrants to the US are: UK, Germany, Poland, Russia, and Italy.
Nothing in the Constitution PREVENTS universal health coverage.

Nothing in the Constitution says you can force it on people either. Or in that sense, fine them for non compliance.

The Supreme Court says that you can, TK. (Don't ask me to explain because I didn't understand exactly how Roberts came up with it.) Which means that it is technically constitutional to do so. Therefore Obamacare per se is not grounds for impeachment. If the House were successful in passing impeachment articles and it went before the Senate for a trial Roberts would be judge. He wouldn't allow the Senate to vote to override his own decision. He would simply throw out the Obamacare charge and it would never come up for a vote. He has the power to do that and the Senate cannot overrule him. Whichever way you slice this issue it simply won't work from the Constitution angle.

It will be easier to take a majority in the Senate in 2014 and then vote on one of the House bills to overturn Obamacare. Of course Obama would veto it and then it will depend upon having sufficient votes to override the veto. That has a much better chance of getting through than an impeachment and it will have far fewer negative consequences for 2016. Never forget that throughout his impeachment and afterwards Clinton had 60% approval ratings.
Not seeing a lot of Germans or Japanese breaking down the windows right now.

In 2010, more than 4.8 million immigrants from Europe were living in the US. The top countries of origin for European immigrants to the US are: UK, Germany, Poland, Russia, and Italy.

Source? Numbers? (Pssst. Japan isn't in Europe!)
No impeachment needed. The House has other less disruptive authority to reel in a lawless President and that is the power of the purse.

It is their duty not to fund ACA


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