It's is far time we impeach

Clinton wasn't impeached almost because he lied. :

Clinton was impeached and it was because he committed perjury, obstructed justice, intimidated witnesses, and tampered with evidence.

Clinton was impeached because he was a democrat, his acquittal in the Senate is proof of that.

Oh brother. Spare me this nonsensical victim complex. Clinton was impeached because of his dishonesty, immorality, and blatant disregard for the law. Not because was a Democrat. So, if I were to say that Nixon had been treated that way because he was a Republican, what would you then tell me? If you have problems with the current rules in place, I suggest you run for public office and change them. Otherwise, stop whining about something that happened 16 years ago.

This is perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever seen you or anyone post, and I've seen some pretty stupid stuff on this board.

Bush didn't fly to Vegas the day after 9/11.

Are you comparing Benghazi to 9/11? A better comparison might be Saint Reagan:

On September 20, 1984, there was a truck-bomb explosion at the U.S. embassy annex in Aukar, Lebanon, just outside Beirut. Twenty-four people were killed. It was third terrorist bombing aimed at U.S. interests in Lebanon in a year and a half.

What did Ronald Reagan do on September 21, 1984?

He made three campaign appearances in Iowa.

Try harder.

The USS New Jersey (BB-62) had arrived and taken up station off Beirut on September 25, 1983. Special Representative in the Middle East Robert McFarlane's team had requested the New Jersey after the August 29th Druze mortar attack that killed two Marines. After the October 23rd bombing, on November 28, the U.S. government announced that New Jersey would remain stationed off Beirut although her crew would be rotated. It wasn't until December 14 that the New Jersey finally joined the fray and fired 11 projectiles from her 16-inch guns at hostile targets near Beirut. This was the first time 16-inch shells were fired for effect anywhere in the world since the New Jersey ended her time on the gunline in Vietnam in 1969.

1983 Beirut barracks bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The real question is - why do you support politicians breaking the highest law in the land? I mean, your throw a fuck'n hissy like no child I've ever seen when some businessman breaks a lesser law that doesn't even effect you (like Bernie Madoff for instant - he didn't take one damn penny from you). But the president violates the Constitution and you work around the clock to cover for him and pretend like he didn't (which is really fuck'n funny considering he admitted he did - kind of makes you look like a LYING asshole, you know?)

Okay, going to explain this really simply to you.

Breaking the law to make yourself richer- Bad.

Working around the law to make sure every American has access to health care - Good.

See the difference?

No, you probably don't.

We are the only country that doesn't provide basic health care for every citizen, and we have a political party doing its damned best to keep it that way.

Because only SOME people deserve to live. Just the rich, white ones.
Clinton was impeached and it was because he committed perjury, obstructed justice, intimidated witnesses, and tampered with evidence.

Clinton was impeached because he was a democrat, his acquittal in the Senate is proof of that.

Oh brother. Spare me this nonsensical victim complex. Clinton was impeached because of his dishonesty, immorality, and blatant disregard for the law. Not because was a Democrat. So, if I were to say that Nixon had been treated that way because he was a Republican, what would you then tell me? If you have problems with the current rules in place, I suggest you run for public office and change them. Otherwise, stop whining about something that happened 16 years ago.

This is perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever seen you or anyone post, and I've seen some pretty stupid stuff on this board.


I'm sorry, "immorality" is a subjective thing.

And if you are so big on "dishonesty", I think lying about weapons and getting us into a war is a MUCH bigger deal than lying about a fucking blow job.

Most Americans though impeaching Clinton was a terrible idea AND they punished the GOP appropriately for trying it.
Clinton was impeached because he was a democrat, his acquittal in the Senate is proof of that.

Oh brother. Spare me this nonsensical victim complex. Clinton was impeached because of his dishonesty, immorality, and blatant disregard for the law. Not because was a Democrat. So, if I were to say that Nixon had been treated that way because he was a Republican, what would you then tell me? If you have problems with the current rules in place, I suggest you run for public office and change them. Otherwise, stop whining about something that happened 16 years ago.

This is perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever seen you or anyone post, and I've seen some pretty stupid stuff on this board.


Most Americans though impeaching Clinton was a terrible idea AND they punished the GOP appropriately for trying it.

They didn't try, they did impeach Clinton

Oh brother. Spare me this nonsensical victim complex. Clinton was impeached because of his dishonesty, immorality, and blatant disregard for the law. Not because was a Democrat. So, if I were to say that Nixon had been treated that way because he was a Republican, what would you then tell me? If you have problems with the current rules in place, I suggest you run for public office and change them. Otherwise, stop whining about something that happened 16 years ago.

This is perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever seen you or anyone post, and I've seen some pretty stupid stuff on this board.


Most Americans though impeaching Clinton was a terrible idea AND they punished the GOP appropriately for trying it.

They didn't try, they did impeach Clinton


And completely discredited the process. Nice going.

Going to be a real problem when we REALLY need to impeach a president for real misconduct.
Clinton was impeached because he was a democrat, his acquittal in the Senate is proof of that.

Oh brother. Spare me this nonsensical victim complex. Clinton was impeached because of his dishonesty, immorality, and blatant disregard for the law. Not because was a Democrat. So, if I were to say that Nixon had been treated that way because he was a Republican, what would you then tell me? If you have problems with the current rules in place, I suggest you run for public office and change them. Otherwise, stop whining about something that happened 16 years ago.

This is perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever seen you or anyone post, and I've seen some pretty stupid stuff on this board.


And if you are so big on "dishonesty", I think lying about weapons and getting us into a war is a MUCH bigger deal than lying about a fucking blow job.

Sure, then tell me what Obama is doing then.
Bush didn't fly to Vegas the day after 9/11.

Are you comparing Benghazi to 9/11? A better comparison might be Saint Reagan:

On September 20, 1984, there was a truck-bomb explosion at the U.S. embassy annex in Aukar, Lebanon, just outside Beirut. Twenty-four people were killed. It was third terrorist bombing aimed at U.S. interests in Lebanon in a year and a half.

What did Ronald Reagan do on September 21, 1984?

He made three campaign appearances in Iowa.

Try harder.

The USS New Jersey (BB-62) had arrived and taken up station off Beirut on September 25, 1983. Special Representative in the Middle East Robert McFarlane's team had requested the New Jersey after the August 29th Druze mortar attack that killed two Marines. After the October 23rd bombing, on November 28, the U.S. government announced that New Jersey would remain stationed off Beirut although her crew would be rotated. It wasn't until December 14 that the New Jersey finally joined the fray and fired 11 projectiles from her 16-inch guns at hostile targets near Beirut. This was the first time 16-inch shells were fired for effect anywhere in the world since the New Jersey ended her time on the gunline in Vietnam in 1969.

1983 Beirut barracks bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What does that have to do with Reagan campaigning after a terrorist attack?
Oh brother. Spare me this nonsensical victim complex. Clinton was impeached because of his dishonesty, immorality, and blatant disregard for the law. Not because was a Democrat. So, if I were to say that Nixon had been treated that way because he was a Republican, what would you then tell me? If you have problems with the current rules in place, I suggest you run for public office and change them. Otherwise, stop whining about something that happened 16 years ago.

This is perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever seen you or anyone post, and I've seen some pretty stupid stuff on this board.


And if you are so big on "dishonesty", I think lying about weapons and getting us into a war is a MUCH bigger deal than lying about a fucking blow job.

Sure, then tell me what Obama is doing then.

Trying his best to resolve a bad situation with diplomacy.

Oh, no one denies that Syria has chemical weapons and used them on rebels. Even Syria has admitted that at this point.
And if you are so big on "dishonesty", I think lying about weapons and getting us into a war is a MUCH bigger deal than lying about a fucking blow job.

Sure, then tell me what Obama is doing then.

Trying his best to resolve a bad situation with diplomacy.

Oh, no one denies that Syria has chemical weapons and used them on rebels. Even Syria has admitted that at this point.



Are you comparing Benghazi to 9/11? A better comparison might be Saint Reagan:

On September 20, 1984, there was a truck-bomb explosion at the U.S. embassy annex in Aukar, Lebanon, just outside Beirut. Twenty-four people were killed. It was third terrorist bombing aimed at U.S. interests in Lebanon in a year and a half.

What did Ronald Reagan do on September 21, 1984?

He made three campaign appearances in Iowa.

Try harder.

The USS New Jersey (BB-62) had arrived and taken up station off Beirut on September 25, 1983. Special Representative in the Middle East Robert McFarlane's team had requested the New Jersey after the August 29th Druze mortar attack that killed two Marines. After the October 23rd bombing, on November 28, the U.S. government announced that New Jersey would remain stationed off Beirut although her crew would be rotated. It wasn't until December 14 that the New Jersey finally joined the fray and fired 11 projectiles from her 16-inch guns at hostile targets near Beirut. This was the first time 16-inch shells were fired for effect anywhere in the world since the New Jersey ended her time on the gunline in Vietnam in 1969.

1983 Beirut barracks bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What does that have to do with Reagan campaigning after a terrorist attack?

Precisely. He wasn't campaigning all the time, dumbass.
What does that have to do with Reagan campaigning after a terrorist attack?

Precisely. He wasn't campaigning all the time, dumbass.

Are you claiming he was on the New Jersey personally aiming the guns?

Get real. I worked on Reagan's 1984 campaign. The man didn't stop for a second.

Don't get sarcastic with me, Joe. Were you? Who precisely gave them the right to fire?

Oh, so he stopped being president? I can hardly believe that coming from a liberal who supports a man who literally campaigned his way through his first term, and is still going strong in his second. I am of course speaking of Obama.
Precisely. He wasn't campaigning all the time, dumbass.

Are you claiming he was on the New Jersey personally aiming the guns?

Get real. I worked on Reagan's 1984 campaign. The man didn't stop for a second.

Don't get sarcastic with me, Joe. Were you? Who precisely gave them the right to fire?

Oh, so he stopped being president? I can hardly believe that coming from a liberal who supports a man who literally campaigned his way through his first term, and is still going strong in his second. I am of course speaking of Obama.

Like I said, until 2008, when my manager showed me the real meaning of Christmas, I was as right wing as you are. (Just not as much of a heartless douchebag.) Until the GOP starts noticing working folks again, fuck them.

Fact was, Reagan was pretty much senile through his entire term. Even his own aides said so. They gave him speeches and propped him up.

What does that have to do with Reagan campaigning after a terrorist attack?

Precisely. He wasn't campaigning all the time, dumbass.

Yes, he was. Read the newspaper article, dumbass. "United for a day in outrage and sadness. President Ronald Reagan and challenger Walter F. Mondale spoke with a single voice in condemning a terrorist bomb attack that left two Americans and a score of others dead at the US Embassy in Lebanon [...] "Reagan said he had considered canceling his day of campaigning"

To quote Captain Kirk, "double dumbass on you"
if one person was killed during the Bush Administration, they would of impeached him asap. yet no one went to jail over Ben Ghazi and all of the murders that occured during the Fast&Furious debacle,,,,hey, didn't someone die somewhere in the WhiteHouse when Clinton was in office? I don't think he died from eating a bad cheeseburger.
The republicrats are far to spineless to do the right thing, the democrooks are a vacuum of ethics or integrity, and won't allow their messiah to face the consequences of his criminal behavior.

He never should have been elected, and instead of getting him out in 2012 a bunch of people refused to show up. Not that Romney was a better alternative, but getting obozo and his minions out of DC would have far better than we can expect to do with these apparatchiks dug in like the parasitic ticks they are.

don't ya Love it when you see these repub-lie-tards spew their hate for a black president ... one comes up with all of these infractions that were voted on or filibustered, where they think its grounds for impeachment ... thats funny ...

then they whine about the election ... they can't stand the thought that obama won... fair and square... that they have to come up with some fake reason why their candidate lost ... they lost... just because more people voted against the repub-lie-tards ideals ... they haven't figured that out yet ... why??? they're repub-lie-tards ... intelligents and repub-lie-tards, it just doesn't work well together ...

now we have these teabagger repub-lie-tards who plan on shutting down the gubment... I hope they do ... cause come election time, people who live on their social security money and medicare, when they lose that because the teabaggers repub-lie-tards shut down the gubment and refused to pass the debt cieking and the country fails to pay their debt, the voters will remember this ... they will vote those republican out of office ... or call for their impeachment on each and ever repub-lie-tard that refused to pass the bills ...

Dream on but you've got nuthin.

President Obama has not "trampled the Constitution".

Great comeback!!!:cuckoo:

Fact is, you got nothing!!!

Fact is, you've got even less.

If there were grounds for impeachment Turtle Face would be all over it. But notice his head is back in his shell. Think about it, azzhat: He's got a raft of lawyers and interns who have been trying to pin something on O for what....almost 5 years now. Nothing, nada, zip. Dream on.

The republicrats are far to spineless to do the right thing, the democrooks are a vacuum of ethics or integrity, and won't allow their messiah to face the consequences of his criminal behavior.

He never should have been elected, and instead of getting him out in 2012 a bunch of people refused to show up. Not that Romney was a better alternative, but getting obozo and his minions out of DC would have far better than we can expect to do with these apparatchiks dug in like the parasitic ticks they are.

don't ya Love it when you see these repub-lie-tards spew their hate for a black president ... one comes up with all of these infractions that were voted on or filibustered, where they think its grounds for impeachment ... thats funny ...

then they whine about the election ... they can't stand the thought that obama won... fair and square... that they have to come up with some fake reason why their candidate lost ... they lost... just because more people voted against the repub-lie-tards ideals ... they haven't figured that out yet ... why??? they're repub-lie-tards ... intelligents and repub-lie-tards, it just doesn't work well together ...

now we have these teabagger repub-lie-tards who plan on shutting down the gubment... I hope they do ... cause come election time, people who live on their social security money and medicare, when they lose that because the teabaggers repub-lie-tards shut down the gubment and refused to pass the debt cieking and the country fails to pay their debt, the voters will remember this ... they will vote those republican out of office ... or call for their impeachment on each and ever repub-lie-tard that refused to pass the bills ...

You don't have an honest bone in your pathetic body.

Which makes you very much a liberal.

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