Flashback: US Military Bases are ‘Gun Free Zones’ Because Democrats Decreed Them tobe

There is armed security at military bases, the shooter was able to get two handguns from them, to use to shoot more people.
The PJ Tatler » Flashback: US Military Bases are ?Gun Free Zones? Because Democrats Decreed Them To Be

Funny how many mass shootings are in Gun free zones.. You dont see them at gun ranges ..

Didn't blaming the victims for not being armed flop after the Newtown massacre?

If it was a gun free zone, then a responsible gun owner violated it.

Another gun owner legally obtains a weapon and shoots innocent people and the conservative resopnse: More guns! No wonder Mitt lost.
At the very least there should be numbers of personal at installations selected to carry overtly and covertly. There is not a problem with having enough qualified personal. If special training is needed as far as procedures and rules, it would be an easy task to implement.

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