Is Jesus woke?

No – but you won’t get an honest response from conservatives, most of whom hate gays, blacks, and Asians.

Not very Jesus-like.
not a christian cherry picked examples.jpg
There is a little more to it than your simplicity.
Jesus loves those who wants to have a relationship with him.
That entails more than just reading the Bible.
And, through Him is the only way to Heaven.

Jesus loves everybody, it's just that not everybody loves Him. That's the issue. So He has to punish those who don't,.. which must hurt Him an awful lot.
So Jesus is a racist and bigot.
No, you are. He is not.
Jesus is no respecter of persons. No matter the color. But you are confused about Jesus. And about "woke".
Jesus loved everybody enough to stay on that cross and die for us, once and for all. As in ALL. He didn't cancel anybody. Woke mauls anybody that disagrees with them. They cancel.

John 5:24
Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life and will not come under judgment. Indeed, he has crossed over from death to life.
John 3:36
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. Whoever rejects the Son will not see life. Instead, the wrath of God remains on him."

wrath :
strong vengeful anger or indignation.
retributory punishment for an offense or a crime : divine chastisement

If Jesus was woke, then everybody would see life except for white males. He'd be wearing a BLM hoodie, burning down neighborhoods and smashing and grabbing other people's shit, because He is entitled, and turning Israel over to Hamas.

Woke in no way equates to love. It is the opposite.
Wrath is coming because of woke...
I thought I had through my answer, and no, I wasn't trying to change anything.
I see. You thought remarking on something totally unrelated, and not referenced in a simple yes/no question was the best way to respond. I will give you partial credit though. Your silly attempt at misdirection and changing the subject is what is expected from trumpsters when they are faced with the choice of answering a question honestly or showing themselves to be a fool. In that sense, you changed nothing.
I see. You thought remarking on something totally unrelated, and not referenced in a simple yes/no question was the best way to respond. I will give you partial credit though. Your silly attempt at misdirection and changing the subject is what is expected from trumpsters when they are faced with the choice of answering a question honestly or showing themselves to be a fool. In that sense, you changed nothing.
Swing and a miss. Don't understand the Bible, or the Lord, that's on you, it's not too late.
Ohhh Gooood!!------ how far are you gonna try to twist this? Answer the damn yes/no question, and then you can go back to your tapdancing demonstration later.
It was answered, you don't seem to have the brain cells to understand that.
No idea about the lamb and the lion reference? Bone up up on it.

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