Zone1 The Constant Lie About Black Criminality

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Liberal politicians do not hate us. Their problem is that they don't hate criminals. They think criminals are victims of social and economic injustice and they don't want criminals to suffer.
That is true. Liberals always blame others for the wrongdoing or individuals. They do not believe in personal responsibility, or accountability.
That is true. Liberals always blame others for the wrongdoing or individuals. They do not believe in personal responsibility, or accountability.
If you change "always" for "usually" I will agree with you.
How about “almost aways”? Then we have a deal.
Speaking only for myself, I am a convinced Keynesian. I believe in a high minimum wage, strong labor unions, and a well financed public sector of the economy, paid for by steeply progressive taxation. I am also in favor of more environmental regulations.

Finally, I hate criminals and I want them to suffer. I would like to de criminalize police brutality against thugs who resist arrest or mouth off to them.
Speaking only for myself, I am a convinced Keynesian. I believe in a high minimum wage, strong labor unions, and a well financed public sector of the economy, paid for by steeply progressive taxation. I am also in favor of more environmental regulations.

Finally, I hate criminals and I want them to suffer. I would like to de criminalize police brutality against thugs who resist arrest or mouth off to them.
I don't agree that cops should get physical with people because of words spoken. But if a person gets physical with the cops, they deserve whatever beating they get.
Why don't you STHU and try working on the huge problems in white communities?

All crimes are serious and your table is from 5 years ago.

White racism is more than just giving blacks a nasty look. White racism involves things like taking 5 year old arrest tables to make claims about black criminality. And when you look at that table you will see that whites lead in 27 of the categories.

That's evidence of a white crime problem.
How ironic. You slam a poster for showing a 5 year old table yet you constantly post negative things about whites from over a century ago.
In the 30's when Blacks were much poorer - even relatively - than they are today, their crime stats were better than comparable "whites." They were less likely to have illegitimate children. Less likely to commit serious crimes.

What happened? Seriously.

There were fewer of them and society as well as law enforcement in general kept them under better control.

Now we have more blacks running around, and now society is afraid to keep them under control.

Sure there are blacks that are fine and dandy citizens like Thomas sowel or Morgan freeman because they don't "act black" they act just like a normal person. But there is a large amount of them that are basically animals, and you have to train animals and teach them how to behave and keep them in line.

We don't keep the savage blacks in line anymore. They are free to roam.

They are uneducated and our society tries to lower the standards of non black students instead of pushing blacks to be smarter.

We give blacks that are unable to get better jobs on their own jobs they aren't qualified. So instead of encouraging them to be more ambitious, and smart we give them jobs others have to work for in the name of diversity.

We either glorify black criminals or hide them. George Floyd was a black criminal dopehead felon thug that was arrested and died because he was high, committed a crime and then resisted arrest but society said it wasn't his fault, built statues of him, destroyed towns in his name and worshipped him. If a black guy shoots a white person they won't mention his race, but he is killed by a white person they mention his race.

We scream at whites for being racist even when they aren't, but we allow blacks to be on national TV calling whites racist. If a white guy beats a black guy it's a hate crime, if a bunch of blacks best a white person then it isn't a hate crime.

We encourage black culture as well. Like the whole we need to support ebonics which was just a butchering of the English language. We promoted blacks in movies and shows really acting like a stereotypical black. We let gangster rap and rap become a American staple of music. We encouraged the gangster attitude and hoodrat mentality.

The list goes on and on and on. But the bottom line is things got much worse because our society promotes black savage animals criminal thugs because we're afraid of them and afraid of others thinking we hate them.
Are they black?
I’d say it’s a 95% probability. The one guy look like he could be white when he bends over and you can see his back between his pants a jacket. However, I suspect that is actually a t-shirt that you can see.

White people do commit crime but four guys robbing a nice cream man…. That’s a black thing…..
I’d say it’s a 95% probability. The one guy look like he could be white when he bends over and you can see his back between his pants a jacket. However, I suspect that is actually a t-shirt that you can see.

White people do commit crime but four guys robbing a nice cream man…. That’s a black thing…..
Black criminals hunt in packs. they prefer to attack women and old men.
Violent crime seems to be a Negro specialty. This is because it requires no intelligence, only strength and sub human brutality. The Negro race represents an earlier stage of human evolution.
Again, spoken like a privileged person who went to sleep last night with a full belly in a warm bed.

The problem is, humans are capable of anything when pushed far enough, regardless of their race. One only needs to look at Nazi Germany to see that.
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