Is America finally ready for smart guns?


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2015
Jonathan Mossberg has already made a smart gun — a shotgun that can only be discharged by someone wearing a ring that communicates with a chip inside the weapon, unlocking it.

The gunmaker’s smart guns, there are about 25 of them, are nearly 20 years old. They have been tested repeatedly and kept in the homes of his friends and family for self-defense. But Mossberg’s Florida-based company, iGun Technology Corp., has never scaled the high-tech components to a handgun. And cultural and political barriers have stood in the way of selling the guns commercially."

Is America finally ready for smart guns?

What could POSSIBLY go wrong?
Liberals better not buy smart guns. Because if the guns are smart enough they might shoot the liberal.
It is fine to have a smart gun available for purchase if somebody wants one.

However, the last friggin thing we need is the oppressive filthy ass government mandating them.
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Jonathan Mossberg has already made a smart gun — a shotgun that can only be discharged by someone wearing a ring that communicates with a chip inside the weapon, unlocking it.

The gunmaker’s smart guns, there are about 25 of them, are nearly 20 years old. They have been tested repeatedly and kept in the homes of his friends and family for self-defense. But Mossberg’s Florida-based company, iGun Technology Corp., has never scaled the high-tech components to a handgun. And cultural and political barriers have stood in the way of selling the guns commercially."

Is America finally ready for smart guns?

What could POSSIBLY go wrong?

Fuck smart guns. No one is stopping you from buying one if you want the piece of shit.
Only if they are basically fool-proof, which they aren't.

That's the problem with all technology. I've been using cell phones for over 20 years now. Never owned one that didn't have some kind of problem with it.

Technology is useful in some instances and a problem in others. Government forced the truck manufacturers to put all kinds of goofy pollution crap inside of trucks. Now they have problems all the time. That's because to run all this pollution crap, you need computers; not just one computer, but several that have to interact with each other.

That sounds dandy until you put those computers to work in extreme weather conditions like the heat we are having now or sub zero days and expect those trucks to operate problem free.

When I first stared using these computers, I read books on the subject. The one quote I always remember by an author of Macs for Dummies is that you never buy a computer program with the version 8.0 (or whatever). That's because version 8.0 is the newest program and hasn't been passed around to millions of people yet. Don't buy that version the author wrote. Wait until the version 8.3 comes out, because version 8.3 is the version that has all those bugs worked out that the 8.0 version had.

The same holds true for smart guns. Yes, they may have been tested in a dozen cases, in a few hundred cases, in thousands of cases. But once you sell those guns to millions of people, it's only then you learn about those problems, and you don't want to be one of those people who experience those problems when somebody is breaking into your home or car.
Smartguns are just going to be a gateway for liberals to put even more stupid safety ideas onto them such as guns that can't be discharged unless you have a secret password issued from the government.
I'd be happy to discuss firearm technology, be it in the area of accuracy, reliability or safety. What I will not entertain is the suggestion that any technology should be imposed upon anyone.

What part of shall not be infringed do you not get?

Besides, imposing this particular 'smart gun' technology would only serve to ensure law abiding and poor citizens could not afford to defend themselves. Statists harming the very people they claim to ain't that the reality of the meddlers meddling!
Jonathan Mossberg has already made a smart gun — a shotgun that can only be discharged by someone wearing a ring that communicates with a chip inside the weapon, unlocking it.

The gunmaker’s smart guns, there are about 25 of them, are nearly 20 years old. They have been tested repeatedly and kept in the homes of his friends and family for self-defense. But Mossberg’s Florida-based company, iGun Technology Corp., has never scaled the high-tech components to a handgun. And cultural and political barriers have stood in the way of selling the guns commercially."

Is America finally ready for smart guns?

What could POSSIBLY go wrong?
They are an absolute joke... Trust one with your life? FUCK NO!!!!!!!
It's the future, unfortunately. They can't force people to buy them but they sure as fuck can force cops to use them. Look how quickly President ISIS-Founder was able to mandate body cams on cops nation-wide thanks to the federal police funding signed into law by ISIS-MVP's husband.
It is fine to have a smart gun available for purchase if somebody wants one.

However, the last friggin thing we need is the oppressive filthy ass government mandating them.

i would hate for a friend or family member not be able to use it

should the circumstance arise

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