Irma Is A 'BEAST' - strongest Atlantic hurricane outside Gulf and Caribbean ever recorded


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
14 hours ago

Category 5

180mph Winds Reported
25 - 30nm-wide Eye
Moving 12-14km

"Irma spun into a monster storm Tuesday morning with sustained winds topping 180 mph, becoming the strongest Atlantic hurricane ever recorded outside the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean, National Hurricane Center forecasters said in their 11 a.m. advisory.

As the hurricane churns closer to the U.S. coast, its path becomes more certain, with South Florida, particularly the Keys, increasingly likely to take a hit. Tropical storm force winds could arrive as early as Friday. Gov. Rick Scott has declared a state of emergency for all 67 counties and has all 7,000 members of the state’s National Guard to report to duty on Friday.

Because Irma is so large, forecasters urged caution in paying too much attention to its exact track. The storm is continuing to roll west at 14 mph, with winds expected to begin battering the Leeward Islands today. A powerful high pressure ridge is steering the storm and will likely stay in place over the next few days, forecasters said. In five days, a trough moving across the U.S. should begin weakening the western edge of the ridge, allowing the storm to slide north. Where Irma makes the turn will determine impacts to Florida."

Read more here: Irma becomes strongest Atlantic hurricane outside Gulf and Caribbean ever recorded

Irma becomes strongest Atlantic hurricane outside Gulf and Caribbean ever recorded


Prayers for the poor people in the Bermuda who are continually hammered by these storms, and Prayers already for the people of Florida.

Those in surrounding states should also keep an eye on this one. The high pressure ridge could send it right on up into Georgia, SC, Tennessee, etc... of course no one knows exactly what it's going to do, where it is going to hit Florida. For all the USMB members in / around the projected Fl 'bullseye'. God speed, God bless, and I wish you the best. Get out while you can / when told to evacuate. 'Stuff' can be replaced - you / your loved ones can't be.
there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather, there is nothing going on with the weather,
She just projected a turn more northwest in the last day. In the path (so far) - the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, the lower Bahamas, the north shores of Hispaniola and Cuba, and then south Florida.


Source: National Hurricane Center

If that same path continues it would aim for New Orleans (again). but that's over a week away and a lot of mitigating influences can happen.

Yesterday her max was 130 so 185 is quite a spike.
There is always something going on with the weather. Same thing with Climate change - I experience it 4 times a year: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. :p
Uf da. Ya'll religious folks send prayers out for peeps survival.

I'm thinking about seeing if my boys can get out of work and heading down south; two major hurricane's so close together is going to be a huge strain on the charity network for sure. I'm pretty useless on the ground, but my boys are strong and able. Maybe I could do some paperwork or something other than throwing money at it :(
I sat here thinking....I was about to say 'Nothing against Florida, but I hope it hits southern Florida rather than follow Harvey and slam into Texas.'

Then I started thinking how Texas is already jacked up, how it might be better for it to hit Texas again since that place is already going to have to pretty much be rebuilt anyway.

I just decided I am going to pray really, really hard that no matter where it goes God protects those in it's path and protect them from as much harm and damage as possible.

Uf da. Ya'll religious folks send prayers out for peeps survival.

I'm thinking about seeing if my boys can get out of work and heading down south; two major hurricane's so close together is going to be a huge strain on the charity network for sure. I'm pretty useless on the ground, but my boys are strong and able. Maybe I could do some paperwork or something other than throwing money at it :(
If we don't have any damage I will probably grab my son and head south, at least for the weekend when I can get away. Texas was just too far away.
Uf da. Ya'll religious folks send prayers out for peeps survival.

I'm thinking about seeing if my boys can get out of work and heading down south; two major hurricane's so close together is going to be a huge strain on the charity network for sure. I'm pretty useless on the ground, but my boys are strong and able. Maybe I could do some paperwork or something other than throwing money at it :(
If we don't have any damage I will probably grab my son and head south, at least for the weekend when I can get away. Texas was just too far away.

I can understand, I kind of said the same thing (being in Alaska), but if shit gets real from Irma... my just calling able bodied folks in the lower 48 to try to shuffle them south isn't going to be enough IMO. I'm retired, I've got time and money, my only excuse at this point is that I can't do anything particularly useful down there. Honestly, given the last time I went camping and my tent flooded (back in 1992) I'd probably end up on the "needs saving" side rather than the "here to help" side >.<
View attachment 147665
14 hours ago

Category 5
180mph Winds Reported
25 - 30nm-wide Eye
Moving 12-14km

"Irma spun into a monster storm Tuesday morning with sustained winds topping 180 mph, becoming the strongest Atlantic hurricane ever recorded outside the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean, National Hurricane Center forecasters said in their 11 a.m. advisory.

As the hurricane churns closer to the U.S. coast, its path becomes more certain, with South Florida, particularly the Keys, increasingly likely to take a hit. Tropical storm force winds could arrive as early as Friday. Gov. Rick Scott has declared a state of emergency for all 67 counties and has all 7,000 members of the state’s National Guard to report to duty on Friday.

Because Irma is so large, forecasters urged caution in paying too much attention to its exact track. The storm is continuing to roll west at 14 mph, with winds expected to begin battering the Leeward Islands today. A powerful high pressure ridge is steering the storm and will likely stay in place over the next few days, forecasters said. In five days, a trough moving across the U.S. should begin weakening the western edge of the ridge, allowing the storm to slide north. Where Irma makes the turn will determine impacts to Florida."

Read more here: Irma becomes strongest Atlantic hurricane outside Gulf and Caribbean ever recorded

Irma becomes strongest Atlantic hurricane outside Gulf and Caribbean ever recorded


Prayers for the poor people in the Bermuda
who are continually hammered by these storms, and Prayers already for the people of Florida.

Those in surrounding states should also keep an eye on this one. The high pressure ridge could send it right on up into Georgia, SC, Tennessee, etc... of course no one knows exactly what it's going to do, where it is going to hit Florida. For all the USMB members in / around the projected Fl 'bullseye'. God speed, God bless, and I wish you the best. Get out while you can / when told to evacuate. 'Stuff' can be replaced - you / your loved ones can't be.

Don't you mean the Bahamas?
View attachment 147665
14 hours ago

Category 5
180mph Winds Reported
25 - 30nm-wide Eye
Moving 12-14km

"Irma spun into a monster storm Tuesday morning with sustained winds topping 180 mph, becoming the strongest Atlantic hurricane ever recorded outside the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean, National Hurricane Center forecasters said in their 11 a.m. advisory.

As the hurricane churns closer to the U.S. coast, its path becomes more certain, with South Florida, particularly the Keys, increasingly likely to take a hit. Tropical storm force winds could arrive as early as Friday. Gov. Rick Scott has declared a state of emergency for all 67 counties and has all 7,000 members of the state’s National Guard to report to duty on Friday.

Because Irma is so large, forecasters urged caution in paying too much attention to its exact track. The storm is continuing to roll west at 14 mph, with winds expected to begin battering the Leeward Islands today. A powerful high pressure ridge is steering the storm and will likely stay in place over the next few days, forecasters said. In five days, a trough moving across the U.S. should begin weakening the western edge of the ridge, allowing the storm to slide north. Where Irma makes the turn will determine impacts to Florida."

Read more here: Irma becomes strongest Atlantic hurricane outside Gulf and Caribbean ever recorded

Irma becomes strongest Atlantic hurricane outside Gulf and Caribbean ever recorded


Prayers for the poor people in the Bermuda
who are continually hammered by these storms, and Prayers already for the people of Florida.

Those in surrounding states should also keep an eye on this one. The high pressure ridge could send it right on up into Georgia, SC, Tennessee, etc... of course no one knows exactly what it's going to do, where it is going to hit Florida. For all the USMB members in / around the projected Fl 'bullseye'. God speed, God bless, and I wish you the best. Get out while you can / when told to evacuate. 'Stuff' can be replaced - you / your loved ones can't be.

Don't you mean the Bahamas?

Perhaps he's hoping it'll fall into the Bermuda Triangle and misappear? ...I'll get on board with that wish
They just lowered the barometric pressure of the eye to 916mb. That means that the winds are going to get even stronger, and man....

That storm is now making a dead line shot right at Puerto Rico. That is going to leave a ring around the ocean for sure!!

I'm kidding!! A little humor needed because this storm is looking to be a real killer.
This is the worst part of disasters for me... I'm feeling it again because I have a number of friends in Southern Florida and I can't do jack fucking shit for them if it gets real. Iam reminded so much how damned helpless I felt on 9/11 watching those buildings and knowing I had family in there; everything I have fought for and gained in my life; money and resources... and all of it is fucking useless. :(
Uf da. Ya'll religious folks send prayers out for peeps survival.

I'm thinking about seeing if my boys can get out of work and heading down south; two major hurricane's so close together is going to be a huge strain on the charity network for sure. I'm pretty useless on the ground, but my boys are strong and able. Maybe I could do some paperwork or something other than throwing money at it :(
Prayers are all some of us can do.:dunno:
This is the worst part of disasters for me... I'm feeling it again because I have a number of friends in Southern Florida and I can't do jack fucking shit for them if it gets real. Iam reminded so much how damned helpless I felt on 9/11 watching those buildings and knowing I had family in there; everything I have fought for and gained in my life; money and resources... and all of it is fucking useless. :(
Uf da. Ya'll religious folks send prayers out for peeps survival.

I'm thinking about seeing if my boys can get out of work and heading down south; two major hurricane's so close together is going to be a huge strain on the charity network for sure. I'm pretty useless on the ground, but my boys are strong and able. Maybe I could do some paperwork or something other than throwing money at it :(
Prayers are all some of us can do.:dunno:

I know, to clarify I was not trying to shame anyone or anything. Just feeling kind of shitty personally because I can't help, I mean even if I went down there I flat out can't do anything. (Kind of ties into my feeling helpless in disasters thing.)
Uf da. Ya'll religious folks send prayers out for peeps survival.

I'm thinking about seeing if my boys can get out of work and heading down south; two major hurricane's so close together is going to be a huge strain on the charity network for sure. I'm pretty useless on the ground, but my boys are strong and able. Maybe I could do some paperwork or something other than throwing money at it :(
Prayers are all some of us can do.:dunno:

I know, to clarify I was not trying to shame anyone or anything. Just feeling kind of shitty personally because I can't help, I mean even if I went down there I flat out can't do anything. (Kind of ties into my feeling helpless in disasters thing.)
I know how you feel. :(
She just projected a turn more northwest in the last day. In the path (so far) - the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, the lower Bahamas, the north shores of Hispaniola and Cuba, and then south Florida.

If that same path continues it would aim for New Orleans (again). but that's over a week away and a lot of mitigating influences can happen.

Yesterday her max was 130 so 185 is quite a spike.

Looks like this map updates itself every time you refresh the page -- In today's update she's now expected to take more of a right turn, pulling the long range prediction away from New Orleans and the whole Gulf Coast and pointing more to Atlantic Florida, Savannah and Charleston -- but that's still a guess.

Currently hitting St. Martin and the Leeward Islands, heading for the Virgin Islands and then Puerto Rico... satellite video on this page shows Irma from above -- she has an enormous eye

>> Already almost 200 people have taken haven in five shelters opened by the city authorities in San Juan. Carmen Yulín Cruz, the mayor of the capital, said that such voluntary action was a sign of how on edge Puerto Ricans are about the pending storm, the eye of which is expected to come within 50 or 60 miles.

“This is the first time since I became mayor almost five years ago that people have come to the shelters without anyone have to ask. People are concerned, they are scared...

Puerto Ricans cannot fathom what a category five hurricane is about – it’s something we’ve never heard of.”

The mayor was speaking to the Guardian from her home in San Juan without any electricity – large parts of the city and surrounding towns have been cut off from power in advance of Irma in order to try and protect the island’s grid. “Power infrastructure is very, very fragile and we are expecting to be without power for the next four to six months,” she said. <<​

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