Inconvenient Truth: oceans continue to cool


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Inconvenient: oceans continue to cool
Anthony Watts / 23 hours ago October 28, 2017

From the way media and climate scientists portray the global air temperature this past year, you’d think there was only one place to go – up

From the looks of the chart... "GOING DOWN?"......
Can you provide the link to the source of your chart?
Global warming, global cooling, it matters not as long as the progressive meddlers are in control of the market for energy.

They know what's best for us all, don't cha know...
Right. And nothing like a truly ignorant person of HISTORY!!!
YOU explain to me how thousands of human eyeballs over 90 years were accurate to 1.53º F while standing in temperatures ranging from -30º to 100+º and THEN
writing with pencil and paper the temperature which was then re-copied and re-copied several times with people trying to read these scribblings!
Dumb ass people like you really believe that millions of temperature readings are accurate to the 100th degree i.e. "1.53º"?
Talk about ignorant dumbasses!
Virtually all thermometer measurements require adjustments of some sort, simply because with the exception of a few thermometer sites, there has not been a single, unaltered instrument measuring the same place for 30+ years without a change in its environment. When such rare thermometers were identified in a recent study of the U.S., it was found that by comparison the official U.S. warming trends were exaggerated by close to 60%. Thus, the current official NOAA adjustment procedures appear to force the good data to match the bad data, rather than the other way around. Whether such problem exist with other countries data remains to be seen.
Dr. Roy Spencer

Roy W. Spencer is a Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He received his Ph.D. in Meteorology from the University of Wisconsin in 1981. As Senior Scientist for Climate Studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, Dr. Spencer previously directed research into the development and application of satellite passive microwave remote sensing techniques for measuring global temperature, water vapor, and precipitation. He is co-developer of the original satellite method for precision monitoring of global temperatures from Earth-orbiting satellites. Dr. Spencer also serves as U.S. Team Leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR-E) flying on NASA’s Terra satellite. He has authored numerous research articles in scientific journals, and has provided congressional testimony several times on the subject of global warming.

Measuring global temperatures: Satellites or thermometers?

AND then you don't eve know that 12.5% of the EARTH"S land mass was hardly represented during those same periods! Tell me you dummy you don't think that the
AVERAGE temperature "INCREASE" of 1.53º would have been LESS if 12.5% of of land mass i.e. SIBERIA was included?
GEEZ what an idiot!
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La Nna, El Nino are trends.

Nothing like a fricking dumbass climate denier misrepresenting the meaning of data they don't understand.
Right. And nothing like a truly ignorant person of HISTORY!!!
YOU explain to me how thousands of human eyeballs over 90 years were accurate to 1.53º F while standing in temperatures ranging from -30º to 100+º and THEN
writing with pencil and paper the temperature which was then re-copied and re-copied several times with people trying to read these scribblings!
Dumb ass people like you really believe that millions of temperature readings are accurate to the 100th degree i.e. "1.53º"?
Talk about ignorant dumbasses!
Virtually all thermometer measurements require adjustments of some sort, simply because with the exception of a few thermometer sites, there has not been a single, unaltered instrument measuring the same place for 30+ years without a change in its environment. When such rare thermometers were identified in a recent study of the U.S., it was found that by comparison the official U.S. warming trends were exaggerated by close to 60%. Thus, the current official NOAA adjustment procedures appear to force the good data to match the bad data, rather than the other way around. Whether such problem exist with other countries data remains to be seen.
Dr. Roy Spencer

Roy W. Spencer is a Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He received his Ph.D. in Meteorology from the University of Wisconsin in 1981. As Senior Scientist for Climate Studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, Dr. Spencer previously directed research into the development and application of satellite passive microwave remote sensing techniques for measuring global temperature, water vapor, and precipitation. He is co-developer of the original satellite method for precision monitoring of global temperatures from Earth-orbiting satellites. Dr. Spencer also serves as U.S. Team Leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR-E) flying on NASA’s Terra satellite. He has authored numerous research articles in scientific journals, and has provided congressional testimony several times on the subject of global warming.

Measuring global temperatures: Satellites or thermometers?

AND then you don't eve know that 12.5% of the EARTH"S land mass was hardly represented during those same periods! Tell me you dummy you don't think that the
AVERAGE temperature "INCREASE" of 1.53º would have been LESS if 12.5% of of land mass i.e. SIBERIA was included?
GEEZ what an idiot!
View attachment 157137

now you dumb f....k you were saying???
Surface Stations.ORG did a survey of over 9,000 sites and found those sites that were cared for and had little environmental encroachment had about 1/3 of the warming shown in the adjusted HCN. The USCRN confirmed this over the last 15 years.

The observed physical evidence and now the satellites call them out as hand waving fanatics..
I bet you still believe like all your uneducated sycophants in your 'brilliant" wizard ...Algore who said "Earth's Interior 'Extremely Hot, Several Million Degrees'"
Al Gore: Earth's Interior 'Extremely Hot, Several Million Degrees'
Nov 18, 2009 - For several years as uneducated sycophants in the media gushed and fawned over every utterance from former Vice President Al Gore, ...
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La Nna, El Nino are trends.

Nothing like a fricking dumbass climate denier misrepresenting the meaning of data they don't understand.
Right. And nothing like a truly ignorant person of HISTORY!!!
YOU explain to me how thousands of human eyeballs over 90 years were accurate to 1.53º F while standing in temperatures ranging from -30º to 100+º and THEN
writing with pencil and paper the temperature which was then re-copied and re-copied several times with people trying to read these scribblings!
Dumb ass people like you really believe that millions of temperature readings are accurate to the 100th degree i.e. "1.53º"?
Talk about ignorant dumbasses!
Virtually all thermometer measurements require adjustments of some sort, simply because with the exception of a few thermometer sites, there has not been a single, unaltered instrument measuring the same place for 30+ years without a change in its environment. When such rare thermometers were identified in a recent study of the U.S., it was found that by comparison the official U.S. warming trends were exaggerated by close to 60%. Thus, the current official NOAA adjustment procedures appear to force the good data to match the bad data, rather than the other way around. Whether such problem exist with other countries data remains to be seen.
Dr. Roy Spencer

Roy W. Spencer is a Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He received his Ph.D. in Meteorology from the University of Wisconsin in 1981. As Senior Scientist for Climate Studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, Dr. Spencer previously directed research into the development and application of satellite passive microwave remote sensing techniques for measuring global temperature, water vapor, and precipitation. He is co-developer of the original satellite method for precision monitoring of global temperatures from Earth-orbiting satellites. Dr. Spencer also serves as U.S. Team Leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR-E) flying on NASA’s Terra satellite. He has authored numerous research articles in scientific journals, and has provided congressional testimony several times on the subject of global warming.

Measuring global temperatures: Satellites or thermometers?

AND then you don't eve know that 12.5% of the EARTH"S land mass was hardly represented during those same periods! Tell me you dummy you don't think that the
AVERAGE temperature "INCREASE" of 1.53º would have been LESS if 12.5% of of land mass i.e. SIBERIA was included?
GEEZ what an idiot!

now you dumb f....k you were saying???
Jesus Fuck Batman. They average temperatures. Do you know to average things?

My God.

Of course they average "temperatures"... but you honestly tell me you can tell the difference between 10º and 15º on this thermometer and THEN while
in -30º or over 100º write it down legible and then have it re-entered several times YOU telling me there IS NO chance that there is an error or two or three or MORE?

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Screen Shot 2017-10-30 at 1.49.17 PM.png
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Well, once again the really dumb fucks here are yahooing over a ridiculous assertion. The ocean is apparently starting another La Nina cycle. So, yes, at present cooling. However, the overall direction for the last 100 years has been warming.

Surprising Depth to Global Warming's Effects
By Sarah Purkey, University of Washington and Gregory Johnson, NOAA | March 27, 2013 07:50pm ET

Sarah Purkey is a Ph.D. student in the University of Washington's School of Oceanography. Gregory Johnson is an oceanographer with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. They contributed this article to LiveScience's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

The oceans are the flywheel of the climate system. As atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases increase, the Earth system is warming, and over 90 percent of that increase in heat goes into the ocean. Knowing how much heat the ocean absorbs is vital to understanding sea level rise (the oceans expand as they warm), and predicting how much, and how fast, the atmosphere will warm.

Most estimates of ocean warming have been limited to the upper 700 meters of water, owing to the limited availability of ocean-temperature data below that depth. Since about the turn of the millennium, the Argo array, an international system of robotic profiling floats, has massively increased ocean sampling to 2,000 meters, and allowed scientists to show conclusively that ocean warming extends below 700 meters.

Surprising Depth to Global Warming's Effects
Ocean warming doubles in recent decades
Lawrence Livermore, NOAA and partner scientists quantify heat accumulating in global ocean
Editor's note: The following web story was provided by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The original story can be found by clicking here on the Lawrence Livermore website.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists, working with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and university colleagues, have found that half of the global ocean heat content increase since 1865 has occurred over the past two decades.

“In recent decades the ocean has continued to warm substantially, and with time the warming signal is reaching deeper into the ocean,” said LLNL scientist Peter Gleckler, lead author of a paper published in the journal Nature Climate Change.

Probing deep ocean heat

This conductivity, temperature and depth profiler bearing a suite of sampling bottles can dive to depths of 6,000 meters to measure changes in ocean temperature and salinity. (Andrew Meijers/BAS)

Probing deep ocean heat

This conductivity, temperature and depth profiler bearing a suite of sampling bottles can dive to depths of 6,000 meters to measure changes in ocean temperature and salinity. (Andrew Meijers/BAS)
Changes in ocean heat storage are important because the ocean absorbs more than 90 percent of the Earth’s excess heat increase that is associated with global warming. The observed ocean and atmosphere warming is a result of continuing greenhouse gas emissions. Quantifying how much heat is accumulating in the Earth system is critical to improving the understanding of climate change already under way and to better assess how much more to expect in decades and centuries to come. It is vital to improving projections of how much and how fast the Earth will warm and seas rise in the future.
Ocean warming doubles in recent decades

Amazing how easy it is to find evidence how truly stupid you people are. LOL

Oceans are warming rapidly, study says
June 30, 2017

More than 90 percent of the Earth's energy imbalance (EEI) in the climate system is sequestered in the ocean, and consequently, the ocean heat content (OHC) is increasing. Therefore, OHC is one of the most important indicators of global warming. During the past 30 years, many independent groups have worked to estimate historical OHC changes. However, high uncertainty prevails among the published global OHC time series. For example, during the current surge of research on the so-called "hiatus" or "slowdown," many scientific studies draw different conclusions on key scientific question like where heat is redistributed in the ocean. This motivates the researchers of the current study to offer a detailed analysis of global and basin OHC changes based on multiple ocean datasets.

The new study comprehensively examined the OHC change on decadal and multi-decadal scales and at different ocean basins. Through three different objectively analyzed ocean datasets (Ishii from Japan, EN4 from Met. Office and IAP), they found that the oceans are robustly warming, regardless of which data was used. In addition, the heat among global oceans experienced a significant redistribution over the past several decades.

Read more at: Oceans are warming rapidly, study says

You were saying what?
Ocean warming doubles in recent decades
Lawrence Livermore, NOAA and partner scientists quantify heat accumulating in global ocean
Editor's note: The following web story was provided by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The original story can be found by clicking here on the Lawrence Livermore website.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists, working with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and university colleagues, have found that half of the global ocean heat content increase since 1865 has occurred over the past two decades.

“In recent decades the ocean has continued to warm substantially, and with time the warming signal is reaching deeper into the ocean,” said LLNL scientist Peter Gleckler, lead author of a paper published in the journal Nature Climate Change.

Probing deep ocean heat

This conductivity, temperature and depth profiler bearing a suite of sampling bottles can dive to depths of 6,000 meters to measure changes in ocean temperature and salinity. (Andrew Meijers/BAS)

Probing deep ocean heat

This conductivity, temperature and depth profiler bearing a suite of sampling bottles can dive to depths of 6,000 meters to measure changes in ocean temperature and salinity. (Andrew Meijers/BAS)
Changes in ocean heat storage are important because the ocean absorbs more than 90 percent of the Earth’s excess heat increase that is associated with global warming. The observed ocean and atmosphere warming is a result of continuing greenhouse gas emissions. Quantifying how much heat is accumulating in the Earth system is critical to improving the understanding of climate change already under way and to better assess how much more to expect in decades and centuries to come. It is vital to improving projections of how much and how fast the Earth will warm and seas rise in the future.
Ocean warming doubles in recent decades

Amazing how easy it is to find evidence how truly stupid you people are. LOL

And truly stupid people like you have yet to explain to me this!
Explain why when it takes plant life to create oil, oil companies project over ...(Onshore areas in the region have already been explored, with some 40 billion barrels of oil (BBO), 1136 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of natural gas, and 8 billion barrels of natural gas liquids having been developed, primarily in the West Siberian Basin of Russia and on the North Slope of Alaska. Deepwater basins in the Arctic Circle are considered weak) How Much Oil Is In The Arctic?

How did the plant life live in current Arctic conditions has yet to be answered by any global warming evangelista!
Here I'll answer for you!

In fact, 55 million years ago the Arctic was once a lot like Miami, with an average temperature of 74 degrees, alligator ancestors and palm trees, scientists say.
That conclusion, based on first-of-their-kind core samples extracted from more than 1,000 feet below the Arctic Ocean floor, is contained in three studies published in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature.
cientists say the findings are both a glimpse backward at a region heated by naturally produced greenhouse gases run amok and a sneak peek at what manmade global warming could do someday.
The Earth went through an extended period of natural global warming, capped off by a supercharged spike of carbon dioxide that accelerated the greenhouse effect even more about 55 million years ago. Scientists already knew this "thermal event" happened, but figured that while the rest of the world got really hot, the polar regions were still comfortably cooler, maybe about 52 degrees on average.
Study: North Pole Once Was Tropical

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