If one looks at what motivates the increasingly lily white/far right Christian base


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
of the Republican Party, it's really all about hanging on to power and privilege with a good measure of wanting to take the nation back to an imagined time when "things were better." Of course, that envision time may have been good for white, Christians, but it wasn't some glorious period for others, including blacks, gays, non-Christians and many others. As things have improved for others in terms of civil rights and equality at least in theory under the law, the reaction of the Christofascists and white supremacist types is to feel that they have lost something. Keeping others downtrodden and disadvantaged is sadly key to their sense of self worth.
hey Op- Take off the blinders. True Conservatives are for equal opportunity, but not equal outcomes like the dems. Cons don't take from others who work hard to give to others who don't work hard; or work at all. Libs want fairness but how is that fair? Life is what you make it.

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