If George Floyd Was a Good Citizen in Texas He Would Not Have Died in Minneapolis Ergo He is Responsible for His Own Death; Enter Politics


May 23, 2014
George Floyd held a pistol at a pregnant woman's belly and was caught. Just like when a serial killer is said to have "killed 24 but the number could be as high as 72" Floyd was caught for only this one offence. How many others did he perpetrate? He was released from prison because of China virus, went to Minneapolis and was terminated by the misconduct of a police officer. But ultimately his death is his own fault. But politics intervened and liberal media saw a way to energize the black vote and never reported on Floyd's responsibility in his own death.
So two questions:
A.) When is the Black community as a whole ever going to take responsibility for their own actions?
B.) Now that the elections over, where is all the liberal media chatter over the martyr Floyd? Guess there is no need now that Biden (nefariously) won the election? No votes involved.
The fact is that anyone who believes that police should act as jury and executioners are worthless traitors

Who said they should....? How does that question apply to Floyd?

Do you understand that the cops did not kill Floyd? He died from ingesting 2X the lethal amount of fentanyl......he was dead before the cops arrived and died all on his own. Nothing they did killed him.
Thug life and a thug ending.

I don't condone the manner in which it had ended, but.....it was a thug ending.
Ended with legal gangsters.
Not talking about "how" it ended but rather "why" it ended and how come the Black community will not take responsibility for producing criminals like Floyd, but instead try to make excuses and claim victimhood.
Thug life and a thug ending.

I don't condone the manner in which it had ended, but.....it was a thug ending.
Ended with legal gangsters.
Not talking about "how" it ended but rather "why" it ended and how come the Black community will not take responsibility for producing criminals like Floyd, but instead try to make excuses and claim victimhood.
First off you come up with "if"

Try harder.
Thug life and a thug ending.

I don't condone the manner in which it had ended, but.....it was a thug ending.
Ended with legal gangsters.
Not talking about "how" it ended but rather "why" it ended and how come the Black community will not take responsibility for producing criminals like Floyd, but instead try to make excuses and claim victimhood.
First off you come up with "if"

Try harder.
If he was a law abiding citizen in Texas, none of the dominos would have fallen that led to his death in Minnesota. He is responsible for his own death because of his own prior actions.
The fact is that anyone who believes that police should act as jury and executioners are worthless traitors

Who said they should....? How does that question apply to Floyd?

Do you understand that the cops did not kill Floyd? He died from ingesting 2X the lethal amount of fentanyl......he was dead before the cops arrived and died all on his own. Nothing they did killed him.
I hope officers attorneys bring up the fentanyl and bring medical experts in to testify to the fact that he would have died anyway. Again his own actions.
The fact is that anyone who believes that police should act as jury and executioners are worthless traitors

Who said they should....? How does that question apply to Floyd?

Do you understand that the cops did not kill Floyd? He died from ingesting 2X the lethal amount of fentanyl......he was dead before the cops arrived and died all on his own. Nothing they did killed him.

Only according to the official police report. And everyone knows that police always lie to protect their bad apples
George Floyd held a pistol at a pregnant woman's belly and was caught. Just like when a serial killer is said to have "killed 24 but the number could be as high as 72" Floyd was caught for only this one offence. How many others did he perpetrate? He was released from prison because of China virus, went to Minneapolis and was terminated by the misconduct of a police officer. But ultimately his death is his own fault. But politics intervened and liberal media saw a way to energize the black vote and never reported on Floyd's responsibility in his own death.
So two questions:
A.) When is the Black community as a whole ever going to take responsibility for their own actions?
B.) Now that the elections over, where is all the liberal media chatter over the martyr Floyd? Guess there is no need now that Biden (nefariously) won the election? No votes involved.

The answer to your first question is obvious.

It would simply be too hurtful to do so.

To be fair, how would a "community" take responsibility?

In a way, some leaders have tried to do so in the past, but their attempts were not successful. I remember a Civil Rights leader (I forget his name. He was prominent in the 20th century) who pointed out that while some young people of his ethnicity are throwing bricks, Asians are studying at school.

And, of course, there was that (in)famous confession of the Rev. Jessie Jackson that if he was walking down the street at night and heard footsteps behind him, he would be quite alarmed to turn around and see a young gentleman of his ethnicity.

In my opinion, the legacy of slavery and then segregation is so strong that we cannot expect much progress in stemming the violence (and defiance) of a significant portion of those young gentlemen.

Well-meaning "liberals" do not know what to do, so their latest agenda is to overhaul the justice system. The new slogan is "Care first, jail last." They say that they really, really, really believe that if society will show young perps how much they are loved, then they will turn their lives around.

Let's see if President Biden's Attorney General can succeed in achieving this worthy goal.
The OP is a racist lying son-of-a-bitch.

He deserves everything that's coming to him.

And he will get it.

bush may be a piece of shit

but i doubt he compares to floyd lol

guy was the worst kind of person.

What kind of crazy fucker points the gun at a pregnant womans stomach instead of her head over a fucking robbery? What good was that going to do George? Great example of how fucked up he was.

Sometimes u gotta burn your own this is one of those times. You don't want that crazy fucker living next to your kin anyway. Let them piss on his grave. Everyone sane can agree good riddance.
George Floyd held a pistol at a pregnant woman's belly and was caught. Just like when a serial killer is said to have "killed 24 but the number could be as high as 72" Floyd was caught for only this one offence. How many others did he perpetrate? He was released from prison because of China virus, went to Minneapolis and was terminated by the misconduct of a police officer. But ultimately his death is his own fault. But politics intervened and liberal media saw a way to energize the black vote and never reported on Floyd's responsibility in his own death.
So two questions:
A.) When is the Black community as a whole ever going to take responsibility for their own actions?
B.) Now that the elections over, where is all the liberal media chatter over the martyr Floyd? Guess there is no need now that Biden (nefariously) won the election? No votes involved.
George Floyd held a pistol at a pregnant woman's belly and was caught. Just like when a serial killer is said to have "killed 24 but the number could be as high as 72" Floyd was caught for only this one offence. How many others did he perpetrate? He was released from prison because of China virus, went to Minneapolis and was terminated by the misconduct of a police officer. But ultimately his death is his own fault. But politics intervened and liberal media saw a way to energize the black vote and never reported on Floyd's responsibility in his own death.
So two questions:
A.) When is the Black community as a whole ever going to take responsibility for their own actions?
B.) Now that the elections over, where is all the liberal media chatter over the martyr Floyd? Guess there is no need now that Biden (nefariously) won the election? No votes involved.

The answer to your first question is obvious.

It would simply be too hurtful to do so.

To be fair, how would a "community" take responsibility?

In a way, some leaders have tried to do so in the past, but their attempts were not successful. I remember a Civil Rights leader (I forget his name. He was prominent in the 20th century) who pointed out that while some young people of his ethnicity are throwing bricks, Asians are studying at school.

And, of course, there was that (in)famous confession of the Rev. Jessie Jackson that if he was walking down the street at night and heard footsteps behind him, he would be quite alarmed to turn around and see a young gentleman of his ethnicity.

In my opinion, the legacy of slavery and then segregation is so strong that we cannot expect much progress in stemming the violence (and defiance) of a significant portion of those young gentlemen.

Well-meaning "liberals" do not know what to do, so their latest agenda is to overhaul the justice system. The new slogan is "Care first, jail last." They say that they really, really, really believe that if society will show young perps how much they are loved, then they will turn their lives around.

Let's see if President Biden's Attorney General can succeed in achieving this worthy goal.

Don't give us the "slavery" and "segregation" crap....... blacks from AFrica live in this country and outperform American blacks in every category.....both slavery and segregation are the crimes of the democrat party, and a majority....a vast majority, of blacks keep voting for that political party. If slavery and segregation were that big of a problem then they wouldn't be voting for the political party that is responsible for both......

Democrat policies that control major cities in this country have destroyed the black family.....the men locked up in our prisons, regardless of color, come from homes without fathers....broken homes....that has nothing to do with slavery or segregation.

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