Zone1 I Would Not Want to Be The Little Sister of Jesus

What more can I say? In 1900 somebody could tell a story about living in a big fishes belly for three days and get away with it.

What we can say about that story in 2023 will just have to be avoided? Is that what you want to do, or can you fix it to make it possible and hence worth the time to read it.

What is the story's message that I might be missing?
I think you would get more value from trying to figure it out for yourself.
Well, I suppose that could be considered to be embellishment somehow.

I would say it's more like lying to kids, albeit lying with a purpose. It's no mystery what the purpose has to be!
Hopefully you will feel different after you read the link I provided.
That's not totally true. We know he had four brothers and at least 2 sisters. And that they did not believe he was first and were later convinced.

From where did this Man (Jesus) receive this wisdom and these works of power? Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers James and Joses and Simon and Judas? And His sisters, are they not all with us? . . . (Matthew 13:55 - 56).
Jesus gave up His divinity when He came to earth at birth......before His conception He existed in Spirit Form as part of the Godhead (God is a Spirit and Jesus was equal with God. (John 4:24, John 1, Phil. 2:6-7). There is no record of Jesus "The Son of Man" (fulfilled the prophecy of being both the son of Adam and the son of King David) preforming any acts of a miraculous nature before God allowed the Holy Spirit in the form of a Dove to fall upon Jesus at His baptism (Matthew 3:16-17). Jesus entire supernatural ministry lasted but 3 years.

During those 3 years He was appointed by the Father as the King in the Kingdom of God, as the Father bestowed upon Him all authority in Heaven and on Earth while living, and He went about establishing the foundation for His Kingdom with He being the chief cornerstone (Matthew 16, 28:18). After His ascension into heaven while accompanied by angels in the clouds (Acts 1:9-11) Jesus was seated on the throne of David at the right hand of the Father in Heaven and made both Lord and Christ (Acts 2:1-36) until death is defeated (1 Cor. 15, Rev. 20:13) at which time the kingdom is returned to the Father (1 Cor. 15:24)
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I agree with you. Jesus' 3 year ministry started with his baptism at age 30. The miracle of water into wine was his first miracle after baptism. I'm going to mention this for other readers that there is significance to the age of 30 in biblical history.

and i'll disagree with you but a little on the divinity of Jesus while on earth. He was divine always but he gave up the use of those divine attributes while on earth. He gave up his divine attributes and veiled his divine glory.

I want to say also that Jesus sits at the right hand of God the Father and it is he, Jesus Christ, that holds all things together...meaning everything on in above, below, in the heavens until he doesn't. Which gives you a idea as to why there is an environMENTAL movement.
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That would require us going through passage by passage, book by book but Jonah was allegorical rather than embellishment. The embellishments usually occur during telling of historical events like battles or exodus.
Just when we've settled on the bibles explanation being embellishment, you want to get back to calling it allegory and rhetoric.
Alright, but I'm not going back to 'literally' true without some specific examples.
Just when we've settled on the bibles explanation being embellishment, you want to get back to calling it allegory and rhetoric.
I must have fallen behind. Can you give me an example of a biblical explanation being "embellished"?
Just when we've settled on the bibles explanation being embellishment, you want to get back to calling it allegory and rhetoric.
I can only assume you prefer confrontation over collaboration given your continued insistence to misstate me... again.
Start at the beginning and I'll walk you through it like you were a small child.
You could have dismissed a small child or an adult with the mental ability of a small child, long ago.

A man of even average intelligence can be held captive by religious beliefs on account of fear. You're up against somebody who has been able to rise above the fear that is intended to be the Christian's burden to bear to the end.

It's a new experience for you and so you've attempted several different tactics in an effort to make your point.

Profanity, insults, personal attacks, ..............................

You need to get on with the challenge you assure me will be the winning tactic for you.
You could have dismissed a small child or an adult with the mental ability of a small child, long ago.

A man of even average intelligence can be held captive by religious beliefs on account of fear. You're up against somebody who has been able to rise above the fear that is intended to be the Christian's burden to bear to the end.

It's a new experience for you and so you've attempted several different tactics in an effort to make your point.

Profanity, insults, personal attacks, ..............................

You need to get on with the challenge you assure me will be the winning tactic for you.
You take medications, don't you?
I must have fallen behind. Can you give me an example of a biblical explanation being "embellished"?
See Ding. LOL

That was his second to last attempt to explain the bibles' stories. His last is his return to 'allegory'.
For what purpose?
For the purpose of finding some issue on which we can disagree. I think you are finally realizing that your various claims and excuses for the bibles' stories are acceptable to an atheist as long as no claims of the stories being the literal truth are made.

I think we can be finished for now, until you state your challenge.
Yep, it's literally true!

And not just that! The animals fasted! Doooohhhhhhhhh!
For the purpose of finding some issue on which we can disagree. I think you are finally realizing that your various claims and excuses for the bibles' stories are acceptable to an atheist as long as no claims of the stories being the literal truth are made.

I think we can be finished for now, until you state your challenge.
I meant what for what purpose are you taking medication. Because you clearly are mentally ill, but then again most militant atheists are.

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