Zone1 I Would Not Want to Be The Little Sister of Jesus

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
As much as I love Him as Lord and Savior, can you imagine what all of the siblings of Jesus felt like when no doubt they probably received punishments and Jesus never did?

As much as I love Him as Lord and Savior, can you imagine what all of the siblings of Jesus felt like when no doubt they probably received punishments and Jesus never did?

To my knowledge Jesus had no siblings.
Nothing is written about Jesus as a child.
That's not totally true. We know he had four brothers and at least 2 sisters. And that they did not believe he was first and were later convinced.

From where did this Man (Jesus) receive this wisdom and these works of power? Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers James and Joses and Simon and Judas? And His sisters, are they not all with us? . . . (Matthew 13:55 - 56).
That's not totally true. We know he had four brothers and at least 2 sisters. And that they did not believe he was first and were later convinced.

From where did this Man (Jesus) receive this wisdom and these works of power? Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers James and Joses and Simon and Judas? And His sisters, are they not all with us? . . . (Matthew 13:55 - 56).
That is nothing much.
That's not totally true. We know he had four brothers and at least 2 sisters. And that they did not believe he was first and were later convinced.

From where did this Man (Jesus) receive this wisdom and these works of power? Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers James and Joses and Simon and Judas? And His sisters, are they not all with us? . . . (Matthew 13:55 - 56).

Yeah that's right. Jesus had other brothers as well. Catholics believe that Mary was always a virgin (even though the Bible says differently) so this should be fun when they start responding lol Btw, I thought that James was always a believer though? 🤔

No problem. :)
That is nothing much.
There's more. Do you own a bible? Oh...i can make it easier for you. LOok up in your search engine.... Scripture: what do we know of Jesus as a child. Do you know the story of them going to jerusalem and Jesus getting left behind, do you know that he amazed the rabbis and those listening to him of his knowledge? You know he was a carpenter by trade, trained by his earthly father. That mary kept the things that he did and her thoughts about what he said and did in her heart? Do you realize that the family probably met with a certain amount of scorn from those who knew mary was pregnant before her marriage?
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Yeah that's right. Jesus had other brothers as well. Catholics believe that Mary was always a virgin (even though the Bible says differently) so this should be fun when they start responding lol Btw, I thought that James was always a believer though? 🤔

No problem. :)
no...not until he saw his brother after the resurrection...then james became head of the church in Jerusalem. See the book of James.
For sure, but I wonder why they weren't named in the Bible. 😕
well...women didn't get the attention men did in those days. God considered women to be equal but not all men did. and perhaps the author didn't know their names or they led quiet lives. And note the scripture said 'sisters' so it could have been more than 2.
Yeah that's right. Jesus had other brothers as well. Catholics believe that Mary was always a virgin (even though the Bible says differently)

No problem. :)
Not so, it's a big problem for either the Catholic religion or the bibles, if it's true?

And so Ding and Meriweather are offered the opportunity to make this discussion into something better by answering the question.

I'll be proactive before them and guess that the Catholic church has it right and the bibles are to be referred to as rhetoric and allegory only.

(note option 3 in which all the children were conceived immaculately)
And note the scripture said 'sisters' so it could have been more than 2.
No, the Bible did not say "sisters" or "brothers". That was King James. The original would have said 'male kin' and 'female kin'. This includes half brothers and sisters; step brothers and sisters; cousins (first, second, even third). Non-Catholic denominations prefer to believe 'male kin' were all brothers and 'female kin' were all sisters. Catholic/Orthodox belief is that they were not full siblings. To add to the Catholic/Orthodox point, care of the mother fell to the oldest son. Upon his death, care would fall to the second son. Yet, as he was dying on the cross, Jesus said to John and Mary, Behold your mother, behold your son--and it was John who took care of Mary from then on.

Also, the word around very early Christians (Apostolic tradition) was that Mary remained a virgin. Remember, these early Christians would have been Jews, and Mary's continued virginity would have been juicy gossip at the time, as this was unheard of for married women. In her own time, Mary never would have been admired for such a thing, she would have been scorned.

All of this has been laid out before. Personally, I could not care less what the situation was because We have two hypothesis and as neither can be proven, it silly to argue which is right. Again, And have no way of finding out. Let it be.
Your wish already granted. It appears we posted about the same time. :)
I was highly suspecting the title of the thread was meant as spam and a joke against religion.
but it's not my place to appeal to have it taken down, so I turned it into something more respectful.
No, the Bible did not say "sisters" or "brothers". That was King James. The original would have said 'male kin' and 'female kin'. This includes half brothers and sisters; step brothers and sisters; cousins (first, second, even third). Non-Catholic denominations prefer to believe 'male kin' were all brothers and 'female kin' were all sisters. Catholic/Orthodox belief is that they were not full siblings. To add to the Catholic/Orthodox point, care of the mother fell to the oldest son. Upon his death, care would fall to the second son. Yet, as he was dying on the cross, Jesus said to John and Mary, Behold your mother, behold your son--and it was John who took care of Mary from then on.

Also, the word around very early Christians (Apostolic tradition) was that Mary remained a virgin. Remember, these early Christians would have been Jews, and Mary's continued virginity would have been juicy gossip at the time, as this was unheard of for married women. In her own time, Mary never would have been admired for such a thing, she would have been scorned.

All of this has been laid out before. Personally, I could not care less what the situation was because We have two hypothesis and as neither can be proven, it silly to argue which is right. Again, And have no way of finding out. Let it be.
There's only one way in which they could be less than full siblings and still be siblings. That is, they all had the same mother, on account of no father being involved,

You don't have to care less! We have two opposing hypotheses.

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