I have read Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and it has opened my eyes


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Since the founding of the Republican Party we have been crippled by one simple fact: our enemies, the Democrats, believe the "ends justify the means" while we attempt mightily not to fight using that rule for ourselves.

We have fought to keep our honor while our enemies hurl hatred at us, using all manner of despicable and lowly tactics that we will not deem to use ourselves.

George W. Bush was the paragon of virtue, never responding to defend himself no matter what manner of abuse was heaped on his head.

But now, I see clearly that the Democrats' struggle to win back power is actually undermining the foundations of our Republic so that it might crack under the pressure.

They have "weaponized" the FBI and the CIA to attack the Trump administration, destroying the rule of law.

They have impeached the President for the "crime" of asking a foreign government to investigate the crooked son of a crooked politician.

They have shut down our businesses, churches and schools on the excuse of a virus that only killed a tiny percentage of the population, thereby creating trillions of dollars of damage to our economy.

Now, they have whipped up armed revolution in our cities and people are dying.

It is time, way past time, for Republicans to realize that in war, the ends do sometimes justify the means.

We do not have to become as immoral and destructive and hateful and violent as the Democrats.

But, we must abandon our lofty position up here in the clouds and realize we're in a fight and start fighting it.

I suggest to all Republicans to read Saul Alinsky's book and realize that these dirty tactics have been used against us for fifty years, it is time to get dirty ourselves.
It is my girlfriend who first made me realize it. She is such a quiet person, but her fierce anger at the Democrats for what they are doing surprised me.
The Democrats will be ill-prepared for us when we start using their tactics against them.
Alinsky wrote his book and published so that anyone with a few bucks could buy it in a bookstore.

But he assumed that only radicals on the left would actually pick it up and use it.

He was so smug in his belief that those of us on the right would never resort to his dirty tactics that he made no efforts to conceal these tactics from us.
Let's not get carried away
Well, tell me why I should not get carried away.

I understand that the inclination of the conservative is to be cautious and circumspect. I have those inclinations myself.

I would, of course, prefer to live a peaceful life, minding my own business, spending time with friends and family, letting others worry about the big issues.

Tell me, please, if you think we can continue to live that way while the Democrats fight with all their might to tear everything we love into pieces.
Here's the way I see it.

Republicans, conservatives, Christians, we live our lives like hobbits from Lord of the Rings.

We love our homes, our families, our way of life, and we very much dislike going off on adventures to far away places.

But the Democrats, they act like orcs.

For some reason we don't understand, Democrats are so unhappy with the way things are, that they want to tear it all down, and they are willing to use any dirty tactic to do it.

They've taken the FBI, our most trusted law enforcement agency, and turned it into a dirty weapon against the President.

They've impeached the President for daring to ask a foreign government to investigate the corrupt son of a corrupt politician.

They've robbed us of our liberties to fight a virus that ended up killing a tiny fraction of our population, doing trillions of dollars in economic damage.

Now, they've resorted to murdering people and burning down our cities.

At what point do us fat little hobbits stir ourselves from our hobbit holes, gird ourselves with a sword, and start the long trek towards Mordor?
You want even more insight to their tactics, read Antonio Gramsci's books; Alinsky got it all from Gramsci, and dumbed it down to be readable to dope addled Burb Brats and hippies. They didn't have to learn to spell big words, like 'proletarian' or 'Hegelian dialectics'.
You want even more insight to their tactics, read Antonio Gramsci's books; Alinsky got it all from Gramsci, and dumbed it down to be readable to dope addled Burb Brats and hippies. They didn't have to learn to spell big words, like 'proletarian' or 'Hegelian dialectics'.
I've purchased all of Communism's greatest books and plan to read them in detail. They are very, very boring and badly written so it will be quite a slog.

But the best way to beat your enemy is know what he's thinking.
The OP has nothing intelligent to say about Saul Alinsky — and he said it all before In another almost identical post.

I responded at length before, so I link to that discussion:

Alternatively, go to this link:
Who is Saul Alinsky, and why does the right hate him so much?
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The OP has nothing intelligent to say about Saul Alinsky — and he said it all before In another almost identical post.

I responded at length before, so I link to that discussion:

Alternatively, go to this link:Who is Saul Alinsky, and why does the right hate him so much?
In my prior post, I said I disagreed with Mr. Alinsky.

Now, I realize I must transform myself into an Alinskyite if I'm to be of any use in the struggle to save our nation from the Democrats.
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..
Here's the way I see it.

Republicans, conservatives, Christians, we live our lives like hobbits from Lord of the Rings.

We love our homes, our families, our way of life, and we very much dislike going off on adventures to far away places.

But the Democrats, they act like orcs.

For some reason we don't understand, Democrats are so unhappy with the way things are, that they want to tear it all down, and they are willing to use any dirty tactic to do it.

They've taken the FBI, our most trusted law enforcement agency, and turned it into a dirty weapon against the President.

They've impeached the President for daring to ask a foreign government to investigate the corrupt son of a corrupt politician.

They've robbed us of our liberties to fight a virus that ended up killing a tiny fraction of our population, doing trillions of dollars in economic damage.

Now, they've resorted to murdering people and burning down our cities.

At what point do us fat little hobbits stir ourselves from our hobbit holes, gird ourselves with a sword, and start the long trek towards Mordor?
Somebody just needs to piss off the trees is all.

Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.

Wow, they were all peaceful? Do tell.

In addition, did anyone see any social distancing? Any masks being worn? Meanwhile, little 70 year old men are being arrested for cutting hair during Covid? Businesses are forced to shut while their families starve?

Churches are forced to close while elective abortions are allowed to continue?

Tell us more dimwit
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Well, I see you're resorting to that oldest of Alinsky's tricks, an outright lie.

I did serve in the Air Force. I went to Officer Training School. Unfortunately, my flat feet made it impossible to march properly or run fast enough so I didn't finish.

But tell me mdk, who I used to respect as a worthy opponent, but now realize you are a fucking scumbag just like the rest, why did you decide to tell this particular lie about me?
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.
Yeah , in the Alinsky book it also says to go outside the "Norm" as we have seen the big push to let fudge packers push their agenda on the children of this country. Without their indoctrination of homosexuality that "unlifestyle" would die out..

Blackrook stole your valor and you want to talk about faggots. :lol:
Blackrook, which of Alinskys' Rules were you employing when you pretended you served in the armed service?

You stole some valor so you could use it as a moral licence to slam peaceful protesters. How sad for you.

Wow, they were all peaceful? Do tell.

In addition, did anyone see any social distancing? Any masks being worn? Meanwhile, little 70 year old men are being arrested for cutting hair during Covid? Businesses are forced to shut while their families starve?

Churches are forced to close while elective abortions are allowed to continue?

Tell us more dimwit

The thread I linked to was from 2017 discussing the NFL protests. Perhaps you missed that detail in vigor to suck some stolen valor cock.

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