How has your marriage been hurt?

Still a privilege, not a right.
Ultimately all rights are privileges of society and a functioning government. Natural rights aren't a thing that actually exist and legal rights are ultimately whatever the government and rule of law allows.
Yes, you can't explain yourself or reason, so you've resorted to name calling. :rolleyes:
I have no problem explaining to you what my argument actually was. Me taking a moment to enjoy mocking your inability to discern it for yourself isn't the same thing as inability.

What I was saying to that other poster was that his argument about statistical averages of the number of trans and intersex people isn't a refutation of trans and intersex people actually existing. I was not arguing that saying that you're something makes you that something.
Curried Goats What's with the Jamaican reference and the weird avatar choice?
The avatar is my grandson sticking his tongue out which I think is a fair representation of how I treat interactions here and the reference to Jamaica is because that's where my family is from, at least more recently, and curry goat is one of my favorite dishes.
Ultimately all rights are privileges of society and a functioning government. Natural rights aren't a thing that actually exist and legal rights are ultimately whatever the government and rule of law allows.
Natural rights don't exist. Uh, okay.
The avatar is my grandson sticking his tongue out which I think is a fair representation of how I treat interactions here and the reference to Jamaica is because that's where my family is from, at least more recently, and curry goat is one of my favorite dishes.
Lol. No, it's not. Playing your grandma persona again? This is the third time! :laughing0301:
Nine years ago, gay marriage was legalized. Many were sure that such a thing would irrevocably harm existing marriages, and it was claimed that marriage to animals would soon be enacted. I haven't found any evidence of all the terrible things we were told would happen. Somebody help me out here. What happened to all that destruction of marriage, or even the wedding announcements for all those Human/Animal marriages?
Please list in detail how your marriage has been harmed by gay marriage, or how marriage in general has been harmed. Do you think 9 years is just not enough time for those bad repercussions to gay marriage to develop? Do we have to wait longer for the bad effects to be shown?

I can say this.

Gay marriage is why we have children getting drugs and surgeries to become trannies before they can drive a car. And it's why we have pedophiles working to normalize having sex with kids.

What you don't realize is when a society takes it's morals, values and standards and lowers them all you do is set the bar closer to the group below them.

When we let gays get married the next group to step up was drag queens. So then we lowered the bar again and let them become mainstream.

Then after the drag queens the entire gay alphabet people came out and started demanding more attention and special treatment and openly hate non gays.

Then after the alphabet people got the bar the next group up was trannies. The trannies make people like and say a man pretending to be a woman is in fact a real woman and they started beating real women in their own sports.

After the trannies got a hold of the bar then it was closer to pedophiles wanting to sexualize children and normalizing sex with kids. If you need proof of it then see below.

They have TV shows of children being in the adult world of professional drag queens.

They are trying to normalize pedophiles by calling them minor attracted persons.

Childrens hospitals teaching children how to hide their genitals to be trans.

Gays publicly announcing they are coming for your children.

And so on.

Everytime we lower the bar you can't raise it back up and everytime you lower the bar you just place it closer to groups that it was previously out of reach for.
Uh, okay. Uninvent stealing, lying, and murder. :rolleyes:

Those are all human concepts that we make laws against due to our society, not nature.

What does nature know of stealing or lying or murder?

Is it murder when the lion kills the gazelle?

When a crow robs the next of another bird, it that stealing?

Can an animal lie?

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