How has your marriage been hurt?

Because I don't care about your opinion. I'm only interested to see if you are emotionally capable of accepting objective reality. Do you recognize, despite your hilariously impotent opinion to the contrary, that homosexual couples have a legal right to same sex marriage? Yes or no?

Because you're a hilarious cosplayer of emotional fragility, that's why.


Objective reality like women having penises?


They have a made up right to get it in any State they want.
Nobody claimed that gay marriage was going to harm THEIR marriage. It harms the institution of marriage. It adds to the theme that marriage is a joke, and the word can be used to describe any two (or group of) people who want to make their relationship special in some way.

It is worth noting that Rick Santorum, who was excoriated and indeed "cancelled" for saying it, was absolutely correct when he said that the same Constitutional rationale that led the USSC to legalize gay marriage could be used to legalize incest, polygamy, and polyandry. It is only a question of when it happens.

So now we have children born (or adopted) into these bizarre relationships, with hundreds of corrupt "researchers" claiming that they are just as happy and well-adjusted as children born into...marriages. Sell it someplace else.

One thing that gay marriage has done is create a lot of weird divorce cases as they fall apart.

The unspoken aspect of gay marriage is the fact that the majority of gay marriages are lesbians, and THOSE couples have astronomical divorce rates.

"According to the Office for National Statistics, in 2019, 56% of same-sex marriages were between women. However, the divorce rate for lesbians was much higher, with 72% of same-sex divorces in 2019 coming from lesbian couples, about 3 times higher than gay male couples. The lesbian divorce rate was 78% in 2016, 74% in 2017 and 75% in 2018.”
My marriage has withstood the sin of gay marriage. We have gay friends who are just as married as us. I think you are scrambling around for a reason to hate something you dont approve of.
Why cant you leave these people alone ? This attitude is very ugly and not Christian.
Coincidence society has corroded since? Just asking.

Coincidence women are now having to compete with female imposters? And not very good ones.

Gay marriage should have been a right to begin with, but under another label. Marriage is intended for heterosexuals, for too many reasons, including reproduction as God and nature intended. Few gays are married anyway, know why? Many are traditional and respectful.

What's interesting is how many US citizens have swung gay since, last three generations progressively more, assuming the stats are accurate. Personally I think many only check so, in order to remain hip, validating their beliefs, I mean, who wants to suck a dick when....... Today's liberals have progressively more hang ups in the bedroom as well.
More people have come out as gay as the laws have stopped persecuting them.
That's all water under the bridge. The Supreme court determined that gay marriage is constitutional. The list of harms expected to be caused by gay marriage was long and scary. Did any of those bad things actually happen, or was it all just silly made-up things by bigots that just didn't want gay people to be married?

Do not be so sure, with the current make up the SCOTUS I can see them reversing that decision
Which is, of course, HILARIOUS.

Divorce in the US is at huge rates.

"In 2021, a total of 689,308 divorces occurred across the 45 U.S. states that report this statistics."

So, more than 1.3 million people a year are getting divorced.

"So, what about the famous statistic that half of all marriages end in divorce? That’s true, but only when it comes to first marriages, half of which are dissolved. Second and third marriages actually fail at a far higher rate."

So, you've got a 50% chance your marriage will fail, based on pure statistics. Obviously the people getting divorced include people who will almost certainly get divorced because that's the kind of people they are. They're in professions that lead to divorce, or they just can't deal with marriage and be trustworthy.

but let's blame gay people.

These people literally worship a thrice married man who cheated on every wife he has had and then they whine that gay people will make marriage a joke!
Objective reality like women having penises?

See. If you weren't emotionally frail you wouldn't knee jerk to other topics that you're also objectively wrong on. People come in all sorts of configurations Marty. It might not be a large percentage of women who have penises but it isn't scientifically unheard of nor is the notion of people with ambiguous genitalia. In real science your genitalia isn't the definitive determination of sex or identity that you want to emotionally believe it is.

Ambiguous Genitalia: Definition & Causes
They have a made up right to get it in any State they want.
All rights are made up Marty. The question is whether or not your made up beliefs are supported by the rule and force of law. Yours aren't. The Supreme Courts are. Thems the breaks. :itsok:
See. If you weren't emotionally frail you wouldn't knee jerk to other topics that you're also objectively wrong on. People come in all sorts of configurations Marty. It might not be a large percentage of women who have penises but it isn't scientifically unheard of nor is the notion of people with ambiguous genitalia. In real science your genitalia isn't the definitive determination of sex or identity that you want to emotionally believe it is.

Ambiguous Genitalia: Definition & Causes

All rights are made up Marty. The question is whether or not your made up beliefs are supported by the rule and force of law. Yours aren't. The Supreme Courts are. Thems the breaks. :itsok:

Abnormalities aren't the argument, people demanding to be treated as something they are not is the argument.

Not work going on and on with this with you.

Abnormalities aren't the argument, people demanding to be treated as something they are not is the argument.
You have to establish that they're not if that is your premise. Calling people abnormal (not the norm) isn't an argument that counters them being what they say they are. It's you simply stating that they aren't average. Ok. Neither are left handed people, it doesn't mean you've refuted their existence.
Not work going on and on with this with you.

I don't care what you do, I'm going to point and laugh at you either way. :dunno:
Normalizing this stuff has led to sick boldness. Witness library drag queen hour.
Because I don't care about your opinion. I'm only interested to see if you are emotionally capable of accepting objective reality. Do you recognize, despite your hilariously impotent opinion to the contrary, that homosexual couples have a legal right to same sex marriage? Yes or no?

Because you're a hilarious cosplayer of emotional fragility, that's why.

It's a privilege, not a right. No one is taking your right of free association.
It's a privilege, not a right. No one is taking your right of free association.
Well no. Not after they fined that one dumb bitch hundreds of thousands of dollars after trying to deny that gay couple their right to a marriage license. :lmao:

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