House Democrats Attempt To Shut Down Government


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The House Democrats attempted to shutdown the government. The made up some phoney excuse that the spending bill helps the rich. It's total BS. Elizabeth Warren is just pulling her normal communist nonsense and was hoping that the bill wouldn't pass so the government would shut down. Then she would try to blame it on the Republicans:


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), shown with Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), urged Democrats to withhold support for the spending bill, calling it “the worst of government for the rich and powerful.” (J. Scott Applewhite/AP)
By Lori Montgomery and Sean Sullivan December 10 at 10:02 PM
Congressional liberals rebelled Wednesday against a must-pass spending bill that would keep the government open past midnight Thursday, complaining that it would roll back critical limits on Wall Street and sharply increase the influence of wealthy campaign donors.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), a popular figure on the left, led the insurrection with a speech on the Senate floor, calling the $1.01 trillion spending bill “the worst of government for the rich and powerful.”

Warren urged House Democrats to withhold their support from the measure in a vote scheduled for Thursday. But the fear of shutting down federal agencies for the second time in just over a year appeared to weigh more heavily on Democratic leaders than liberal outrage.

Warren leads liberal Democrats rebellion over provisions in 1 trillion spending bill - The Washington Post
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Every single Democrat in the House voted to shut down the government.

The House on Thursday narrowly passed a rule to set up debate on the $1.1 trillion "cromnibus" government funding bill, in a dramatic vote that for several minutes was on the brink of failing.

By a razor-thin margin of 214-212, the House advances to debating the underlying appropriations bill to avoid a government shutdown at midnight. [Read the full vote breakdown here.]

Not a single Democrat voted for the rule. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) initially cast her vote in favor, then later switched her vote to "no."
That left Republicans to approve the rule on their own. For several minutes, there were more "nay" votes than "yes" votes by 210-213. Then, for a moment, it was tied at 213-213.

It was at that point Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) intervened. Fellow lawmakers and reporters in the gallery could see Boehner personally lobbying conservatives who voted against the rule to switch their votes.

One of the lawmakers who switched was Rep. Kerry Bentivolio (R-Mich.), who lost his primary earlier this year and won't be returning in the new Congress.

Votes on rules are typically a formality, but for several minutes, lawmakers cast their gaze at the gallery listing of votes as many wondered whether the rule would fail.

That outcome could have derailed the entire bill and raised the risk of a government shutdown.

Republicans could only lose up to 17 of their own members to pass the rule without the help of Democrats.

The 16 Republican defectors were Reps. Justin Amash (Mich.), Michele Bachmann (Minn.), Dave Brat (Va.), Mo Brooks (Ala.), Paul Broun (Ga.), Louie Gohmert (Texas), Paul Gosar (Ariz.), Tim Huelskamp (Kan.), Walter Jones (N.C.), Jim Jordan (Ohio), Steve King (Iowa), Raúl Labrador (Idaho), Thomas Massie (Ky.), Bill Posey (Fla.), Matt Salmon (Ariz.) and Steve Stockman (Texas).

High drama as 1.1T spending package advances by one vote TheHill
Warren and Pelosi are screaming over this.
Never mind that the Frank Dodd bill exempted Fanny and Freddie. :)
The House Democrats attempted to shutdown the government. The made up some phoney excuse that the spending bill helps the rich. It's total BS. Elizabeth Warren is just pulling her normal communist nonsense at was hoping that the bill wouldn't pass so the government would shut down. Then she would try to blame it on the Republicans:


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), shown with Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), urged Democrats to withhold support for the spending bill, calling it “the worst of government for the rich and powerful.” (J. Scott Applewhite/AP)
By Lori Montgomery and Sean Sullivan December 10 at 10:02 PM
Congressional liberals rebelled Wednesday against a must-pass spending bill that would keep the government open past midnight Thursday, complaining that it would roll back critical limits on Wall Street and sharply increase the influence of wealthy campaign donors.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), a popular figure on the left, led the insurrection with a speech on the Senate floor, calling the $1.01 trillion spending bill “the worst of government for the rich and powerful.”

Warren urged House Democrats to withhold their support from the measure in a vote scheduled for Thursday. But the fear of shutting down federal agencies for the second time in just over a year appeared to weigh more heavily on Democratic leaders than liberal outrage.

Warren leads liberal Democrats rebellion over provisions in 1 trillion spending bill - The Washington Post

“the worst of government for the rich and powerful.”

And How! Heapum bad stuff, only help pale face.
Democrats playing GAMES again they are so OUT OF ANYTHING else.

I don't think the people will easily fall for this CRAP again on them trying to blame, Republicans
We need a Constitutional Amendment that Congresss MUST have a fiscal budget in place for the following year by the Christmas break of the current year. This bullshit is getting old.
Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.
Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.
Duped by the right wing media headlines....and more hatred inside them against liberals that blinds them... from the truth.

The right wing media drives them...look at all the threads....nothing about us tax payers being set up to bail the wall street bankers out again.... just the hahahas on liberLs shutting down the govt.

Sad, sad indeed.
"House Democrats Attempt To Shut Down Government"

Actually not, as this is yet another lie from the right.

Many House republicans were also opposed to the measure, willing to allow for a government shutdown:

"The Senate begins debate on a $1.1 trillion U.S. government spending bill today after turmoil in the House yielded narrow passage of the plan amid opposition from Democrats and Republicans alike.

Some Republicans were against the measure because it puts off a confrontation over Obama’s immigration policy until 2015."

U.S. Spending Fight Moves to Senate After Narrow House Passage - Bloomberg
Same spending bill written by Citigroup?

Why the hell do you worship Citigroup? And the insurance companies?

Yanno, at some point it should hit folks that the bill itself is actually pretty damn important.
Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.
The left does that very thing but tries to deceive everyone. Idiot libtards.
Can someone from the right wing please tell me WHY you support the republicans in congress on this issue of making the tax payers insure the Banks on Wall Street's derivative gambling, and making us pay for these risks of these companies?

Honest to goodness, what is wrong with you people?

YOU SHOULD BE OUTRAGED....yes outraged that the Repubs are doing this to all of us citizens AGAIN.
Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.
Duped by the right wing media headlines....and more hatred inside them against liberals that blinds them... from the truth.

The right wing media drives them...look at all the threads....nothing about us tax payers being set up to bail the wall street bankers out again.... just the hahahas on liberLs shutting down the govt.

Sad, sad indeed.
What's sad is that you don't know obama wants to sign it and you are guilty of what you accuse others of.
Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.
All Warren is doing is trying to be relevant. She's running for president and Democrat voters need another self-centered communist/Marxist who won't work with Republicans to run for the Oval Office.
Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.
Duped by the right wing media headlines....and more hatred inside them against liberals that blinds them... from the truth.

The right wing media drives them...look at all the threads....nothing about us tax payers being set up to bail the wall street bankers out again.... just the hahahas on liberLs shutting down the govt.

Sad, sad indeed.
What's sad is that you don't know obama wants to sign it and you are guilty of what you accuse others of.
Of course he wants to sign a bill to keep the country running....

But WHY did the Republicans put in this bill that we, the tax payers, have to insure the LOSSES of derivatives IN THE FIRST PLACE?


CAN ANYONE answer that question? WHY is this in the republican bill to fund the government, why, why why? sheesh....
Can someone from the right wing please tell me WHY you support the republicans in congress on this issue of making the tax payers insure the Banks on Wall Street's derivative gambling, and making us pay for these risks of these companies?

Honest to goodness, what is wrong with you people?

YOU SHOULD BE OUTRAGED....yes outraged that the Repubs are doing this to all of us citizens AGAIN.
What's wrong with you. This whole maneuver was an attempt to deceive. Democrats supported this 100%:

The House on Wednesday passed legislation to extend the terrorism risk insurance program through 2020 despite objections from Democrats over the inclusion of unrelated provisions to change the Dodd-Frank financial overhaul.

The measure passed overwhelmingly by a vote of 417-7. All of the seven votes in opposition were from Republicans.

Congress created the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) in 2002 as a temporary program following the Sept. 11 attacks. It allows for the federal government to recoup costs for businesses after a terror attack in which the damage exceeds $100 million.

House passes extension of terrorism insurance TheHill
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Of course he wants to sign a bill to keep the country running....

But WHY did the Republicans put in this bill that we, the tax payers, have to insure the LOSSES of derivatives IN THE FIRST PLACE?


CAN ANYONE answer that question? WHY is this in the republican bill to fund the government, why, why why? sheesh....
It's what both sides of the isle do. Republicans are trying to roll back some of the BS rammed down our throats. I'm no derivatives expert and don't know what's in the bill but obama usually blames Republicans for shutting down the government if he doesn't get his way.
Can someone from the right wing please tell me WHY you support the republicans in congress on this issue of making the tax payers insure the Banks on Wall Street's derivative gambling, and making us pay for these risks of these companies?

Honest to goodness, what is wrong with you people?

YOU SHOULD BE OUTRAGED....yes outraged that the Repubs are doing this to all of us citizens AGAIN.

I don't think Republicans want the bill to pass.

I think they want Democrats on the record voting to shut the government down ... Then Republicans can pass a three month extension ... And do another spending bill in February when Democrats have even less say-so in the new Congress.

But who knows ... They may be sissies and crawfish.


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