House Democrats Attempt To Shut Down Government

To what benefit for us every day Joe and Josephine citizens is insuring derivatives?

Let's hope Joe and Josephine have a 401k and don't end up short-changed by Social Security.

please explain?

He(?) can't. It's amazing that a little more than six years ago we looked into the abyss and saw banks, insurance companies and other fiscal experts, and we, the taxpayer needed to rescue them. Of course the lunatics wanted to let them all fail, but the adults decided it would be best to reign them in.

Well the Master's of the Universe not only survived they thrived, and many Americans suffered, and too many have not recovered, since their money never got pulled from the abyss. Much of that wealth was in home equity and money invested with the snake oil salesmen who now want to change the rules back to where they were, so they can once again gamble with the hard earned savings of many Americans.
To what benefit for us every day Joe and Josephine citizens is insuring derivatives?

Let's hope Joe and Josephine have a 401k and don't end up short-changed by Social Security.

please explain?

He(?) can't. It's amazing that a little more than six years ago we looked into the abyss and saw banks, insurance companies and other fiscal experts, and we, the taxpayer needed to rescue them. Of course the lunatics wanted to let them all fail, but the adults decided it would be best to reign them in.

Well the Master's of the Universe not only survived they thrived, and many Americans suffered, and too many have not recovered, since their money never got pulled from the abyss. Much of that wealth was in home equity and money invested with the snake oil salesmen who now want to change the rules back to where they were, so they can once again gamble with the hard earned savings of many Americans.

The questions posed in my response to Care4all stand for you as well.

If are having difficulties understanding how Joe and Josephine can benefit ... And choose to leave your empty accusations at the door ... Then perhaps you will be able to understand how some people retire with far better financial standing than others who rely on Social Security alone.

But hey ... It is not like I am going to hold my breath waiting for you to agree.

To what benefit for us every day Joe and Josephine citizens is insuring derivatives?

Let's hope Joe and Josephine have a 401k and don't end up short-changed by Social Security.

please explain?

What do you need me to explain to you ...

What derivatives are
How Joe and Josephine can benefit from derivatives
What a 401k is
How 401k's benefit from derivatives
How a 401k can provide more financial security than Social Security
How Joe and Josephine are probably going to get short-changed by Social Security

I mean I am not going to guess at how far you might need to be brought up to speed.

all the way baby! ;) pretend like you are explaining to a high school student why tax payers insuring derivatives for wall street is good for all 401k holders?
It is a crap bill, at best a mistake and at worst a total disaster. The government won't close down, but the spending bill cements that for every bill passed there are underhanded deals and corrupt practices at the highest levels.

Wall Street will stuff up the deratives again and cause a global depression (as now our financial regulation is weaker than before the great depression). Next time don't bailout the banks, as the free market says to let them burn, as that is how failure should go down in a true free market.

The bill proves not only that democracy is a sham in America, but that the Federal Reserve and Wall Street run the government, not the people that vote it in.
To what benefit for us every day Joe and Josephine citizens is insuring derivatives?

Let's hope Joe and Josephine have a 401k and don't end up short-changed by Social Security.

please explain?

What do you need me to explain to you ...

What derivatives are
How Joe and Josephine can benefit from derivatives
What a 401k is
How 401k's benefit from derivatives
How a 401k can provide more financial security than Social Security
How Joe and Josephine are probably going to get short-changed by Social Security

I mean I am not going to guess at how far you might need to be brought up to speed.

all the way baby! ;) pretend like you are explaining to a high school student why tax payers insuring derivatives for wall street is good for all 401k holders?


Derivatives are a financial contract used to insure against "hedging" and price fluctuation ... Using the ability to adjust liabilities, spread risk and assume corporate assets as capital.

Joe, Josephine and 401k's

401k's are investment options that allow Joe and Josephine to invest a portion of their earned income deducted prior to the application of tax rates on the remaining portion of earned income. They allow those investments to grow in the market (some which is sheltered in derivatives) ... And benefit with accrued interest and compounded returns. Derivatives are part of the financial structure in most structured 401k offerings to help insure against hedging and drastic price fluctuations. Joe and Josephine can utilize 401k's to save for retirement.

Benefits of 401k's

401k's allow working people to address retirements concerns through saving money and reducing their tax burden at the same time. The 401k's also utilize a broad spectrum of investment options (including derivatives) to reduce immediate risk and offer more substantial return than the expected benefit of Social Security. Their investments can grow at a much higher rate of return as well.

Financial Security of Added Investment

Any additional increase experienced in investment holdings better secures Joe and Josephine's ability to retire with more financial resources than with Social Security alone. Long term investment is historically stable although short term losses can occur. The sooner Joe and Josephine decide to take advantage of the tools available to them ... The more benefit they stand to experience over time. Joe and Josephine can benefit from 401k's with investments allotted at whatever level of risk they prefer.

Short-Changed by Social Security

Unlike a 401k, Social Security is nothing more than an unfunded liability. There is no guarantee the contributor will ever see a return for their investment. There is no evidence the return on their investment in Social Security will ever provide substantial support for their living expenses much less the ability to do anything other than stay alive. It is a poor unfunded investment that relies on government solvency and responsible spending (responsible spending practices are non-existent at the federal level) to exist. It is not controlled by the investor ... It is not accountable to the investor ... And the investor has no choice in participating.

But all said ... I would be surprised if all the high school graduates nowadays could even read any of that.

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Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.
All Warren is doing is trying to be relevant. She's running for president and Democrat voters need another self-centered communist/Marxist who won't work with Republicans to run for the Oval Office.

She isn't even close to a communist or Marxist.

The author of the OP is a shameless partisan who is dishonest to his core. He hopes that the echo chamber will carry his filthy water and doesn't really give a damn what educated people think.

I doubt he knows a lick about Communism, Marxism, Marxist-Leninism, Socialism or much of anything, to him they are words which foster emotion, not thought, and thus appeal to he and his compatriots.
I know that unless they are strictly one class or another and never deviate one iota, never take advantage of capitalism or anything thing outside of their core ideology, meaning as long as they don't show themselves to be utter hypocrites, they can't be a pure Socialist, a pure Marxist, or a pure Communist.

This is a total dodge.

These people are seeping in corruption. They tell us how to live and they do the opposite. It's like Obama being against fossil-fuels and guns yet he jets all over the world and burns jet fuel like it's going out of style all the while he's surrounded by gun packing bodyguards, and passes out military weapons to our enemies like he's throwing around candy during a parade.

Of course Warren isn't a pure Communist/Marxist. She's too deeply seeped in hypocrisy to be one. She's in Washington to take advantage of our system and she's just there to make herself rich while she's screwing businesses over, thus screwing up the economy and making life harder for the working Middle-Class.

Thank you for sharing your opinion, now, do you have anything substantive to offer?

There is no pure economic system anywhere in the world. Of course extremists are always pushing their idea of what is best, be it called Capitalism or Socialism, or a mixed economic system, which is what we have and have had for more than two centuries.

Calling Sen. Warren names may make you feel good, but it does not make your comments relevant or substantive. Using words to demean someone and not using the force of facts to refute her ideas isn't logical, it is an appeal to emotion. If you truly believe unregulated capitalism is best make an argument.

But let me ask, think before you respond and keep in mind the old adage be careful what you wish (or vote) for.
To what benefit for us every day Joe and Josephine citizens is insuring derivatives?

Let's hope Joe and Josephine have a 401k and don't end up short-changed by Social Security.

please explain?

He(?) can't. It's amazing that a little more than six years ago we looked into the abyss and saw banks, insurance companies and other fiscal experts, and we, the taxpayer needed to rescue them. Of course the lunatics wanted to let them all fail, but the adults decided it would be best to reign them in.

Well the Master's of the Universe not only survived they thrived, and many Americans suffered, and too many have not recovered, since their money never got pulled from the abyss. Much of that wealth was in home equity and money invested with the snake oil salesmen who now want to change the rules back to where they were, so they can once again gamble with the hard earned savings of many Americans.

The questions posed in my response to Care4all stand for you as well.

If are having difficulties understanding how Joe and Josephine can benefit ... And choose to leave your empty accusations at the door ... Then perhaps you will be able to understand how some people retire with far better financial standing than others who rely on Social Security alone.

But hey ... It is not like I am going to hold my breath waiting for you to agree.


Please do, when you pass out you may hit the floor and knock some sense into your head.

Next time you choose to post an ad hominem, use less words. Just call me stupid, or a commie, and that will be sufficient for your purpose. Failure to regulate the financial services industry go us into a very big mess. To deny that is ridiculous. But don't take my word for it, see:

Did Derivatives Cause The Recession
Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.

WTF are you talking about? Obama orchestrated the biggest give away to banks in history.
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Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.

WTF are you talking about? Obama orchestrated the biggest give away to Bank in World history.
Democrats also voted amongst Republicans to gleefully pass the bailout. Pelosi is a political survivor whereas Warren actually believes what she is saying, a curious mix to be sure.
Please do, when you pass out you may hit the floor and knock some sense into your head.

Next time you choose to post an ad hominem, use less words. Just call me stupid, or a commie, and that will be sufficient for your purpose. Failure to regulate the financial services industry go us into a very big mess. To deny that is ridiculous. But don't take my word for it, see:

Did Derivatives Cause The Recession

If the government chooses to regulate lending organizations through threatening to take them to court for violating race based and fair housing policies ... Then don't be surprised when lending agencies follow through with the regulations. If instructed to offer loans to unqualified applicants or go to court ... Then don't be surprised when they applicants cannot make their loan payments. Not to mention that derivatives are not restricted to housing securities ... And benefits are still accrued from additional offerings.

Like I mentioned before ... My investment security and retirement options are not restricted or dependent on your opinion or narrow sighted desire to obstruct investment opportunities ... And I am not holding my breath waiting for you to agree.

To what benefit for us every day Joe and Josephine citizens is insuring derivatives?

Let's hope Joe and Josephine have a 401k and don't end up short-changed by Social Security.

please explain?

He(?) can't. It's amazing that a little more than six years ago we looked into the abyss and saw banks, insurance companies and other fiscal experts, and we, the taxpayer needed to rescue them. Of course the lunatics wanted to let them all fail, but the adults decided it would be best to reign them in.

Well the Master's of the Universe not only survived they thrived, and many Americans suffered, and too many have not recovered, since their money never got pulled from the abyss. Much of that wealth was in home equity and money invested with the snake oil salesmen who now want to change the rules back to where they were, so they can once again gamble with the hard earned savings of many Americans.
Sounds like you support only the rich. :muahaha:
The recession of 2008 started because of easy lending practices that were initially started under Clinton and the Democrat Congress. Bush went along with it because he thought the more people in their own homes the better for America.

Both sides were deeply involved. Both sides are responsible. To say otherwise is ridiculous.
The recession of 2008 started because of easy lending practices that were initially started under Clinton and the Democrat Congress. Bush went along with it because he thought the more people in their own homes the better for America.

Both sides were deeply involved. Both sides are responsible. To say otherwise is ridiculous.
But the ramifications won't be felt for a decade or more this time around. Obviously the same arrogance and short-term profit mindset exists on Wall Street, but like last time bad trades and debt will take a while to build up to crisis point.

Having to pass another bailout would bankrupt America and destroy what is left of the Middle Class through crippling taxes and toxic debt. But the politicians who passed this bill will be long retired by then, and they know it.
Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.

WTF are you talking about? Obama orchestrated the biggest give away to Bank in World history.
Democrats also voted amongst Republicans to gleefully pass the bailout. Pelosi is a political survivor whereas Warren actually believes what she is saying, a curious mix to be sure.
Warren may believe in her insanity, but I hardly think that turning our government over to the whims of a radical along the lines of Dennis Kasinich is a good idea. She's the idiot that originated the idea that "You Didn't Build That!!!"
The recession of 2008 started because of easy lending practices that were initially started under Clinton and the Democrat Congress. Bush went along with it because he thought the more people in their own homes the better for America.

Both sides were deeply involved. Both sides are responsible. To say otherwise is ridiculous.
But the ramifications won't be felt for a decade or more this time around. Obviously the same arrogance and short-term profit mindset exists on Wall Street, but like last time bad trades and debt will take a while to build up to crisis point.

Having to pass another bailout would bankrupt America and destroy what is left of the Middle Class through crippling taxes and toxic debt. But the politicians who passed this bill will be long retired by then, and they know it.

I agree ... Short-term profit hedging is a destructive market option.

That still doesn't address qualified derivatives and aggressive market conditions. Derivatives are used to insure against hedging when applied properly ... Not all offerings are properly managed.

The greatest threat to the middle class is the idea they are capable of being market experts with no effort on their part to ensure their investments are properly managed. A lot of middle class workers continued to pour assets into the market through their 401k's while the market was falling apart.

As with anything ... The more you leave yourself exposed to other people making your decisions and taking on your responsibilities ... The more you stand to lose. The idea that the government which cannot even balance its checkbook is ever going to be your best option ... Is just not that wise.

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Good for Warren & Pelosi for attempting to stop a giveaway to banks.
I'll never understand why the Right, even poor ones, look out for the interest of Wall Street over themselves.

WTF are you talking about? Obama orchestrated the biggest give away to Bank in World history.
Democrats also voted amongst Republicans to gleefully pass the bailout. Pelosi is a political survivor whereas Warren actually believes what she is saying, a curious mix to be sure.
Warren may believe in her insanity, but I hardly think that turning our government over to the whims of a radical along the lines of Dennis Kasinich is a good idea. She's the idiot that originated the idea that "You Didn't Build That!!!"
Well, the legislature is full of extremes. Politicians that want to ease regulations and plausibly make doing business easier, have big pockets. Politicians that want to regulate also have big pockets, but are serving a different group of corporate donors.
The House Democrats attempted to shutdown the government. The made up some phoney excuse that the spending bill helps the rich. It's total BS. Elizabeth Warren is just pulling her normal communist nonsense and was hoping that the bill wouldn't pass so the government would shut down. Then she would try to blame it on the Republicans:


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), shown with Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), urged Democrats to withhold support for the spending bill, calling it “the worst of government for the rich and powerful.” (J. Scott Applewhite/AP)
By Lori Montgomery and Sean Sullivan December 10 at 10:02 PM
Congressional liberals rebelled Wednesday against a must-pass spending bill that would keep the government open past midnight Thursday, complaining that it would roll back critical limits on Wall Street and sharply increase the influence of wealthy campaign donors.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), a popular figure on the left, led the insurrection with a speech on the Senate floor, calling the $1.01 trillion spending bill “the worst of government for the rich and powerful.”

Warren urged House Democrats to withhold their support from the measure in a vote scheduled for Thursday. But the fear of shutting down federal agencies for the second time in just over a year appeared to weigh more heavily on Democratic leaders than liberal outrage.

Warren leads liberal Democrats rebellion over provisions in 1 trillion spending bill - The Washington Post
I've always known that you were a total fraud - just an angry sad-sack railing on the interwebs.

Teabaggers are just as angry about this spending bill as Liberals.

So why didn't they block it?
The House Democrats attempted to shutdown the government. The made up some phoney excuse that the spending bill helps the rich. It's total BS. Elizabeth Warren is just pulling her normal communist nonsense and was hoping that the bill wouldn't pass so the government would shut down. Then she would try to blame it on the Republicans:


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), shown with Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), urged Democrats to withhold support for the spending bill, calling it “the worst of government for the rich and powerful.” (J. Scott Applewhite/AP)
By Lori Montgomery and Sean Sullivan December 10 at 10:02 PM
Congressional liberals rebelled Wednesday against a must-pass spending bill that would keep the government open past midnight Thursday, complaining that it would roll back critical limits on Wall Street and sharply increase the influence of wealthy campaign donors.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), a popular figure on the left, led the insurrection with a speech on the Senate floor, calling the $1.01 trillion spending bill “the worst of government for the rich and powerful.”

Warren urged House Democrats to withhold their support from the measure in a vote scheduled for Thursday. But the fear of shutting down federal agencies for the second time in just over a year appeared to weigh more heavily on Democratic leaders than liberal outrage.

Warren leads liberal Democrats rebellion over provisions in 1 trillion spending bill - The Washington Post
I've always known that you were a total fraud - just an angry sad-sack railing on the interwebs.

Teabaggers are just as angry about this spending bill as Liberals.

So why didn't they block it?

If you insist on using that despicable term I feel no need to answer your silly questions.
Let's see, the new spending bill helps the struggling Wall Street bankers. Wait, they aren't struggling!!!!
The new spending bill increases the flow of money to the political establishment. How much more money do they need to be even more bought and paid for?
And of course, there is nothing in the new spending bill to help the struggling and downward spiraling middle class which makes up the largest segment of Americana. What else is new? Legislation to help those who don't need anymore help and no legislation to help those who have been getting screwed over for decades. Well this isn't anything new.
What fine representation Americana has in Washington. That'd be zero, zilch.
And the phenomenon of taxation without representation continues for a majority of Americans. :cry:
And some people think this is good! :confused-84:
My God, some people are so naive. :shock:
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