Hillary’s Reading of “Fire and Fury” Just More Hypocrisy

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Hillary reading a book whose author accuses the Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, of sleeping her way to the top as the Grammys talk about #metoo is so much hypocrisy that it’s breath taking even for a Clinton.

And right after a big report on HRC covering up high level harassment on her 2008 campaign. The hypocrisy never ends with these people and where are feminist groups decrying these accusations?
So the DNC platform for mid-terms and 2020 election will be no substance, but to hate Trump? Meanwhile they are clearly sticking with calling American people deplorables still. Wow!
Hillary reading a book whose author accuses the Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, of sleeping her way to the top as the Grammys talk about #metoo is so much hypocrisy that it’s breath taking even for a Clinton.

And right after a big report on HRC covering up high level harassment on her 2008 campaign. The hypocrisy never ends with these people and where are feminist groups decrying these accusations?
*Being a Democrat means
never having to say you're sorry......*
Hillary reading a book whose author accuses the Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, of sleeping her way to the top as the Grammys talk about #metoo is so much hypocrisy that it’s breath taking even for a Clinton.

And right after a big report on HRC covering up high level harassment on her 2008 campaign. The hypocrisy never ends with these people and where are feminist groups decrying these accusations?

I thought it was great. Hollywood should keep promoting Hillary.
Did she say, "Ahh don' feels no way tarred.."

Sorry, just had a flashback to a wacky nightmare of a speech...
Hillary reading a book whose author accuses the Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, of sleeping her way to the top as the Grammys talk about #metoo is so much hypocrisy that it’s breath taking even for a Clinton.

And right after a big report on HRC covering up high level harassment on her 2008 campaign.

That never happened. You're making shit up.

The hypocrisy never ends with these people and where are feminist groups decrying these accusations?

You lying does not make anyone else a hypocrite.

So, are you finally giving up the charade that you're not a bug-eyed red-faced sputtering liberal-hating Trump shill? It would be for the best, as nobody ever fell for your charade. You have been going downhilll badly lately, getting more and more hysterical, making up wilder and wilder stories. Same as all the other Trump shills. Are Trump's troubles getting you down?
Hillary reading a book whose author accuses the Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, of sleeping her way to the top as the Grammys talk about #metoo is so much hypocrisy that it’s breath taking even for a Clinton.

And right after a big report on HRC covering up high level harassment on her 2008 campaign. The hypocrisy never ends with these people and where are feminist groups decrying these accusations?
Taz, I agree with you. Hillary has about as much creds as that loser Trump and why the establishment can't see this, is you hair raising. One year end, and we're still talking about this woman. Its time we allow Hillary and her who effin family to get out of town and just go away. I don't understand the dem's. Both she and Pelosi are bad for our party and yet, we keep recycling these mops and as a result, we lose. I'm not a Taz fan, but I get you, I really do.
So the DNC platform for mid-terms and 2020 election will be no substance, but to hate Trump? Meanwhile they are clearly sticking with calling American people deplorables still. Wow!
Lets get something clear, you and your kind are deplorable....
House Republicans Vote To Release Classified Memo They Wrote Attacking Russia Probe
The memo’s release is part of a sustained GOP attack on investigations into Trump and Russia.

However, the messenger, ie Hillary....is deplorable also.
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Hillary reading a book whose author accuses the Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, of sleeping her way to the top as the Grammys talk about #metoo is so much hypocrisy that it’s breath taking even for a Clinton.

And right after a big report on HRC covering up high level harassment on her 2008 campaign.

That never happened. You're making shit up.

Tell the media and everyone else who watched it that it didn't happen, dipshit. You really do live in a world made up of your own delusions. Sometimes I'm not sure if you're actually serious or just trolling the shit out of everyone here.

Hillary Clinton spoofs Trump with 'Fire and Fury' reading at Grammys

Tell the media and everyone else who watched it that it didn't happen, dipshit.

I pointed your big lie concerned your fake story about Clinton shielding harassment. So why are you pretending I was saying you lied about the book reading? Are you too stupid to read simple English, or are you deflecting out of desperation?

And I haven't seen a single liberal anywhere making a sexist smear of Haley. I've only seen conservatives having poutrage attacks over a supposed slur they can't even point to.
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Tell the media and everyone else who watched it that it didn't happen, dipshit.

I pointed your big lie concerned your fake story about Clinton shielding harassment. So why are you pretending I was saying you lied about the book reading? Are you too stupid to read simple English, or are you deflecting out of desperation?

More of your delusions, huh, fuck chop?

Hillary Clinton aide stayed on after 2008 sexual harassment complaint, but bad behavior continued, report says

And I haven't seen a single liberal anywhere making a sexist smear of Haley.

You mean other than the guy who wrote the book making them?
Grammys audience suffered huge loss...nothing like putting a victimizer up in front of the victims as some sort of womens rights goddess.......she should have been shouted down
More of your delusions, huh, fuck chop?

Triggered by reality again.

So, the woman's story was instantly believed. Clinton had guy suspended, docked and counseled. When the bad behavior continued, he was fired. Pretty standard corporate policy.

A liar would say that's shielding. Hence, all the Trumpflakes are saying it.

You mean other than the guy who wrote the book making them?

So in other words, no liberals at all have been making any sexist smear. Glad we cleared that up.
Hillary reading a book whose author accuses the Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, of sleeping her way to the top as the Grammys talk about #metoo is so much hypocrisy that it’s breath taking even for a Clinton.

And right after a big report on HRC covering up high level harassment on her 2008 campaign. The hypocrisy never ends with these people and where are feminist groups decrying these accusations?

Piers Morgan nailed it:

Piers Morgan: Grammys is the most misogynistic awards show | Daily Mail Online

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