Atheists sue Dr. Ben Carson over Christian beliefs, ‘secretive’ Bible study


Jan 1, 2018
President Trump’s Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and 2016 Presidential candidate, Dr. Ben Carson, is being sued by the radical leftist group, Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) for his Christian beliefs.

Dr. Carson attends a weekly Cabinet Bible study but as far as FFRF is concerned, he’s not allowed to practice his Christian beliefs. For that matter, it seems that neither is anyone else in government if one takes FFRF literally.
Atheists sue Dr. Ben Carson over Christian beliefs, ‘secretive’ Bible study
Ralph Drollinger

Rather than sue,the FFRF can simply go to and check out copies of the Bible studies I write and teach the Cabinet, Senate and House Members every week. There's nothing secret to this -- and all related Bible study expenses are paid by Capitol Ministries, a 501(c)3 organization.

Atheists are so petty.
Assuming that the story, as reported here, is anywhere close to accurate, the Freedom From Religion Foundation needs to be sued out of existence, for this blatant attempt to abuse the legal system in a deliberate and,malicious effort to violate Mr. Carson's freedom of religion. This sort of abuse has to be seriously illegal, and in any event, it is completely unacceptable in a free society.
President Trump’s Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and 2016 Presidential candidate, Dr. Ben Carson, is being sued by the radical leftist group, Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) for his Christian beliefs.

Dr. Carson attends a weekly Cabinet Bible study but as far as FFRF is concerned, he’s not allowed to practice his Christian beliefs. For that matter, it seems that neither is anyone else in government if one takes FFRF literally.
Atheists sue Dr. Ben Carson over Christian beliefs, ‘secretive’ Bible study

If you go through the links within the article, or better yet, look this up through other sources, it appears that the suit is actually in relation to fees being charged for a FOIA request.

Here's the CREW page about it: CREW & Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) v. US Department of Housing and Urban Development - CREW

And this is supposedly the actual complaint:
President Trump’s Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and 2016 Presidential candidate, Dr. Ben Carson, is being sued by the radical leftist group, Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) for his Christian beliefs.

Dr. Carson attends a weekly Cabinet Bible study but as far as FFRF is concerned, he’s not allowed to practice his Christian beliefs. For that matter, it seems that neither is anyone else in government if one takes FFRF literally.
Atheists sue Dr. Ben Carson over Christian beliefs, ‘secretive’ Bible study
The case is about fees for a Freedom of Information Act request

Why are you lying and saying they are suing Carson over his beliefs?

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