Hey google...hey apple...


Gold Member
Dec 16, 2017

Looks like the capitol riot was mostly planned on Facebook. Wonder if Google and Apple will remove Facebook from their app stores?

There were more groups planning events on Facebook than there were on Parler, and parler was removed from Google and Apple app stores and removed from aws. So...if this is true...doesn't that mean Apple and Google should also remove Facebook? Hmm..

Looks like the capitol riot was mostly planned on Facebook. Wonder if Google and Apple will remove Facebook from their app stores?

There were more groups planning events on Facebook than there were on Parler, and parler was removed from Google and Apple app stores and removed from aws. So...if this is true...doesn't that mean Apple and Google should also remove Facebook? Hmm..

Facebook will not be harmed let alone de-platformed. Facebook is a prime weapon in the psychological warfare operation against the American People, and the major collector of personal information to be later weaponized against us. You know that part in many movies when you sit breathless in suspense hoping the bad guys don't learn where the good guy's family lives? Yeah, Facebook is that bad guy.

Looks like the capitol riot was mostly planned on Facebook. Wonder if Google and Apple will remove Facebook from their app stores?

There were more groups planning events on Facebook than there were on Parler, and parler was removed from Google and Apple app stores and removed from aws. So...if this is true...doesn't that mean Apple and Google should also remove Facebook? Hmm..
Parler was flushed because it refused to remove nakedly violent posts involving overthrowing the government and murdering elected officials.

Looks like the capitol riot was mostly planned on Facebook. Wonder if Google and Apple will remove Facebook from their app stores?

There were more groups planning events on Facebook than there were on Parler, and parler was removed from Google and Apple app stores and removed from aws. So...if this is true...doesn't that mean Apple and Google should also remove Facebook? Hmm..
Parler was flushed because it refused to remove nakedly violent posts involving overthrowing the government and murdering elected officials.

And? I could play agent provocateur, open an account of the Democratic Underground discussion board, post nakedly violent threads calling for overthrowing the government and murdering elected officials, and I would be hailed as a "hero."

Do you think I'm fucking kidding you?

Looks like the capitol riot was mostly planned on Facebook. Wonder if Google and Apple will remove Facebook from their app stores?

There were more groups planning events on Facebook than there were on Parler, and parler was removed from Google and Apple app stores and removed from aws. So...if this is true...doesn't that mean Apple and Google should also remove Facebook? Hmm..
Parler was flushed because it refused to remove nakedly violent posts involving overthrowing the government and murdering elected officials.
These coordinated efforts were more active on Facebook, and where there long before the riot too place, long enough that Facebook could have taken action.

Parler was removed for not policing its posts inciting violence, but Facebook contained more groups planning the capitol riots than Parler did. Im just saying, seems Facebook was more complicit in not policing its own platform.

Looks like the capitol riot was mostly planned on Facebook. Wonder if Google and Apple will remove Facebook from their app stores?

There were more groups planning events on Facebook than there were on Parler, and parler was removed from Google and Apple app stores and removed from aws. So...if this is true...doesn't that mean Apple and Google should also remove Facebook? Hmm..
Democrat run, no accountability, and zero consequences.
And? I could play agent provocateur, open an account of the Democratic Underground discussion board, post nakedly violent threads calling for overthrowing the government and murdering elected officials, and I would be hailed as a "hero."
Yea, that's your style...but you'd get kicked right the hell off.

Looks like the capitol riot was mostly planned on Facebook. Wonder if Google and Apple will remove Facebook from their app stores?

There were more groups planning events on Facebook than there were on Parler, and parler was removed from Google and Apple app stores and removed from aws. So...if this is true...doesn't that mean Apple and Google should also remove Facebook? Hmm..
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Parler exists solely to accommodate rightwing misinformation, fake news, conspiracy theories, and lies; FB, not.

Whereas the great majority of Parler’s content is rightwing misinformation, fake news, conspiracy theories, and lies, that’s not the case for FB.

FB seeks to discourage rightwing misinformation, fake news, conspiracy theories, and lies; Parler invites and facilitates rightwing misinformation, fake news, conspiracy theories, and lies.
Parler was removed for not policing its posts inciting violence,
Parler didn't get trashed until AFTER the Capitol riot
Ok, and Facebook, likewise should suffer the same consequence.
Parler was using Google . Facebook doesn't need that. Keep up
Google and Apple dropped Parler from their app store. Facebook is also distributed by Apple and Google app store. This is why I am asking, will Google and Apple drop Facebook for doing the very thing they dropped parler for?

Looks like the capitol riot was mostly planned on Facebook. Wonder if Google and Apple will remove Facebook from their app stores?

There were more groups planning events on Facebook than there were on Parler, and parler was removed from Google and Apple app stores and removed from aws. So...if this is true...doesn't that mean Apple and Google should also remove Facebook? Hmm..
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Parler exists solely to accommodate rightwing misinformation, fake news, conspiracy theories, and lies; FB, not.

Whereas the great majority of Parler’s content is rightwing misinformation, fake news, conspiracy theories, and lies, that’s not the case for FB.

FB seeks to discourage rightwing misinformation, fake news, conspiracy theories, and lies; Parler invites and facilitates rightwing misinformation, fake news, conspiracy theories, and lies.
Parler was dropped for not policing their forums, and allowed planning of the capitol riots to happen. Facebook also didn't police their site and more people used Facebook to plan the riots than they did parler.

As to the rest of your post, I never did download parler so I don't know what was on there. You say they were a hive of right wing misinformation. Well, since Facebook is scrubbing anyone they deem to be spreading "misinformation" then I guess that means Facebook is just as guilty of spreading left wing misinformation, since apparently they are the arbiters of what is right and what is wrong, and they are only allowing information that they deem credible.

Looks like the capitol riot was mostly planned on Facebook. Wonder if Google and Apple will remove Facebook from their app stores?

There were more groups planning events on Facebook than there were on Parler, and parler was removed from Google and Apple app stores and removed from aws. So...if this is true...doesn't that mean Apple and Google should also remove Facebook? Hmm..
Parler was flushed because it refused to remove nakedly violent posts involving overthrowing the government and murdering elected officials.

And? I could play agent provocateur, open an account of the Democratic Underground discussion board, post nakedly violent threads calling for overthrowing the government and murdering elected officials, and I would be hailed as a "hero."

Do you think I'm fucking kidding you?
No, you can't be implying all those violent posts on Parler were Dems in disguise. I've been reading this board for 5 years. You folks are not fakes, are you? Violence is your answer to every problem, from immigration to blacks to political opposition. Why should a supposedly stolen election be any different?

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