Here's Everything You Need To Know About I.s.i.s

The muslims in America didn't flock to the military recruiting offices after 9/11 because they knew the U.S. government was going down a path that would lead to failure in the Middle East. ...... :cool:

So the smart move here is to let them destroy themselves and use the internet to undermine their beliefs.

Ah, the deus ex machina strategy of today, use the internet to undermine the enemy. I see, I see.


But it will be happening because winning a war is not just about fighting and killing. It is about knowing your enemy better than he knows himself and using his own "strengths" to defeat him.

Every move Obama has made in the Middle East was a violation of this principle. His problem is that he, like you, is an adherent of the Religion of Liberalism and this seriously distorts his view of the world. He destabilized Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Syria and other nations with his kumbaya vision of enlightened Muslims.

I can agree that what you write is sound advice but I don't believe for a second that you can translate a sound general principle into specific strategy. You don't know this enemy better than he knows himself, neither does Obama and neither does his liberal "brain" trust. There might well be people in the Pentagon who do know the enemy but they're not going to speak up because that would violate the reigning liberal doctrine of Islam being a religion of peace. This is like the Rotherham Sex Scandal playing out in defense and foreign policy - saying politically incorrect things will get you cast in the racist role and end your career, so better to keep silent and let blood and treasure be wasted.

Wahabbism is a warlike cult and as such it preaches militancy as opposed to diplomacy. Showing ordinary rational Muslims the true horror of the atrocities committed by ISIS will turn them against such sects. No parent wants their child to be butchered or to become a butcher

Let me help pierce your religious indoctrination. When you analyze a policy and try to model the response of the intended audience don't put yourself in their shoes, rather become one of the them. There's a difference here. Let me explain it this way. Back in the 40s when liberals were agitating to provide welfare to single mothers, the critics were warning that if we reward such behavior it would incentivize the behavior. The supporters didn't buy it because the middle class women supporters thought to themselves "if I was in that situation I certainly would not have another child in order to increase my benefits." The problem is that the poorly educated, low impulse control women who were the target audience didn't think like middle class women, for many of these women it made sense to have another kid in order to boost their monthly benefits.

The lesson here is to step outside of your Western bourgeois mindset and to think like a Muslim and for that to happen you have to actually know something about Islam and the religious and cultural values that wash over these people.

Here, let me help you with your education:


Once again Pastor Rikurzhen makes a fool of himself preaching his Gospel of Conservatism.
The lesson here is to step outside of your Western bourgeois mindset and to think like a Muslim and for that to happen you have to actually know something about Islam and the religious and cultural values that wash over these people.

Here, let me help you with your education:


Well the Muslims got most of their info from the Jews and Christians,

Reminds me of a story in the OT

2 Maccabees 7 GNT - A Mother and Her Sons Die for Their - Bible Gateway

2 Maccabees, but most Protestants have never read the Maccabees or Ester.
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As I was skimming, I happened to catch the last line of someone's post....I think it was Rik's.....that said, "there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim."

And that folks, is at the heart of this debate I've had with my friends forever.

I think we should drill down into THAT discussion.

Because that is what we're really trying to figure out. I believe there is such a thing as moderate Muslims, and plenty of them. Of course you can drive an aircraft carrier through how wide the interpretation of the word, "moderate" is, but I'd like to see discussion of that.

Rik perhaps you can start with your definition of moderate and extreme so we can talk apples to apples.

By far the largest group of Muslims are moderates. They are not conspiring against the west. They are not sewing suicide vests. They are not even reading the verses in the Quaran that keep Pastor Rikurzhen awake all night long afraid that they will jump out from under his bed and cut off his head.

Instead they are just ordinary people with jobs, families and bills to pay. They probably care way more about how their kids are doing in school than they do about ISIS.

Only a fool makes an utterly absurd and baseless allegation that "there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim."
Our best friends are Muslims (Husband and Wife) and they are the nicest people we have ever been around. We go out to dinner with them to expensive restaurants and they insists on always paying. I have to grab the check immediately because I know what they'll do :) They invite us to dinner and make homemade Moroccan food for us, they ALWAYS offer to help us out (drive to airport, pick up this or that if we need it), are genuinely interested in our lives etc. They are just really solid friends. During Ramadan we broke the fast with them at their home (after me and my girlfriend decided to try the fast for a day) and it was an amazing experience. It was like having Thanksgiving Dinner with family. No prayers, ceremonies or anything. Just a great dinner with friends.

I can count on one hand the friends that would literally give the shirt off their backs if we needed it and they are 2 of them. We could count on them for anything and vice versa.

There are plenty of spectacular Muslims out there. I'm sure my experience isn't rare.
I'm sure they are nice people but here's the problem. When push comes to shove, and it will, what will they do? Picture Nazi Germany because ISIS in pretty much like the Nazi's. Many Germans knew nice Jews too and liked them, and yet turned a blind eye to either save themselves or because they believed in the ultimate goal. The Ultimate goal with ISIS is to have the entire world be Muslim. Your friends might not agree with the method to make the entire world Muslim, but would they help you if it meant their own lives? In their mind would they choose you, who ISIS is going to portray as an enemy of Allah for not converting or are they going to pick Allah even if you have to die? It's not going to be whether they will give the shirt off their back for you and your family. It's going to be are they willing to die for you and your family? That's a big difference.
As I was skimming, I happened to catch the last line of someone's post....I think it was Rik's.....that said, "there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim."

And that folks, is at the heart of this debate I've had with my friends forever.

I think we should drill down into THAT discussion.

Because that is what we're really trying to figure out. I believe there is such a thing as moderate Muslims, and plenty of them. Of course you can drive an aircraft carrier through how wide the interpretation of the word, "moderate" is, but I'd like to see discussion of that.

Rik perhaps you can start with your definition of moderate and extreme so we can talk apples to apples.

By far the largest group of Muslims are moderates. They are not conspiring against the west. They are not sewing suicide vests. They are not even reading the verses in the Quaran that keep Pastor Rikurzhen awake all night long afraid that they will jump out from under his bed and cut off his head.

Instead they are just ordinary people with jobs, families and bills to pay. They probably care way more about how their kids are doing in school than they do about ISIS.

Only a fool makes an utterly absurd and baseless allegation that "there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim."
Our best friends are Muslims (Husband and Wife) and they are the nicest people we have ever been around. We go out to dinner with them to expensive restaurants and they insists on always paying. I have to grab the check immediately because I know what they'll do :) They invite us to dinner and make homemade Moroccan food for us, they ALWAYS offer to help us out (drive to airport, pick up this or that if we need it), are genuinely interested in our lives etc. They are just really solid friends. During Ramadan we broke the fast with them at their home (after me and my girlfriend decided to try the fast for a day) and it was an amazing experience. It was like having Thanksgiving Dinner with family. No prayers, ceremonies or anything. Just a great dinner with friends.

I can count on one hand the friends that would literally give the shirt off their backs if we needed it and they are 2 of them. We could count on them for anything and vice versa.

There are plenty of spectacular Muslims out there. I'm sure my experience isn't rare.
I'm sure they are nice people but here's the problem. When push comes to shove, and it will, what will they do? Picture Nazi Germany because ISIS in pretty much like the Nazi's. Many Germans knew nice Jews too and liked them and yet turned a blind eye to either save themselves or because they believed in the ultimate goal. The Ultimate goal with ISIS is to have the entire world be Muslim. Your friends might not agree with the method to make the entire world Muslim but would they help you if it meant their own lives? In their mind would they choose you, who ISIS are going to be portrayed as an enemy of Allah for not converting or are they going to pick Allah even if you have to die?

ISIS is not an existential threat to the whole world. It is not even a existential threat to the middle east.

ISIS is a bunch of crazy religious zealots with guns who will die for their cause.

The problem is ensuring that they are the only ones who end up dying.
What an interesting thread. As one poster said we need to shore up the boarder and we have urgent demands in Latin America, with the gangs that are coming into the US, we need to work with their governments. We have issues at home now, we can't be policing the globe,
I am glad to see US do something about the Ebola virus , that is a much bigger threat than ISIS now.

DAMN!!!! Only 50,000 of them now, and growing as the rest of the world performs useless bombing runs, and QUIVERS!

Hundreds Of Chechens Join ISIS Including Group s No. 2 Leader KQED Public Media for Northern CA

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As I was skimming, I happened to catch the last line of someone's post....I think it was Rik's.....that said, "there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim."

And that folks, is at the heart of this debate I've had with my friends forever.

I think we should drill down into THAT discussion.

Because that is what we're really trying to figure out. I believe there is such a thing as moderate Muslims, and plenty of them. Of course you can drive an aircraft carrier through how wide the interpretation of the word, "moderate" is, but I'd like to see discussion of that.

Rik perhaps you can start with your definition of moderate and extreme so we can talk apples to apples.

By far the largest group of Muslims are moderates. They are not conspiring against the west. They are not sewing suicide vests. They are not even reading the verses in the Quaran that keep Pastor Rikurzhen awake all night long afraid that they will jump out from under his bed and cut off his head.

Instead they are just ordinary people with jobs, families and bills to pay. They probably care way more about how their kids are doing in school than they do about ISIS.

Only a fool makes an utterly absurd and baseless allegation that "there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim."
Our best friends are Muslims (Husband and Wife) and they are the nicest people we have ever been around. We go out to dinner with them to expensive restaurants and they insists on always paying. I have to grab the check immediately because I know what they'll do :) They invite us to dinner and make homemade Moroccan food for us, they ALWAYS offer to help us out (drive to airport, pick up this or that if we need it), are genuinely interested in our lives etc. They are just really solid friends. During Ramadan we broke the fast with them at their home (after me and my girlfriend decided to try the fast for a day) and it was an amazing experience. It was like having Thanksgiving Dinner with family. No prayers, ceremonies or anything. Just a great dinner with friends.

I can count on one hand the friends that would literally give the shirt off their backs if we needed it and they are 2 of them. We could count on them for anything and vice versa.

There are plenty of spectacular Muslims out there. I'm sure my experience isn't rare.

The diversity is awesome because the kids are all alike.

Ah, behold the power of religious viewpoints.

-This food is so bland, it sets my mouth on fire.
-That woman is so fat, all I see is skin and bones.
-That man is such a fast sprinter that the snail is moving faster than he is.

Up is down, left is right, diversity is likeness.

That is the way it should be and will be when they are adults.

No it won't be. You really think that this is the first generation of kids in humanity who have had interracial friendships. Look at wedding photos of 20-something white couples and you already see racial clustering. Kids are friends with each other mostly due to proximity. Adults base friendships more on common interests, not because the person living next door to them is the same age.
Well the Muslims got most of their info from the Jews and Christians,
Huh? Christians weren't around then.

Oh yes all gnotics and non orthodox Christians were kicked out of Rome and went to Mecca and Medina area . That was a well traveled and traded area, with lots of different people passing through.
Of course the Jews went there as well. Most of the stuff in the Quran came from the OT and new. That is where Muhammad got most of his material and thoughts for the Quran. The virgin birth story is different, but one must realize there were many different views at the time. No one really had a bible to read and study, all based on stories and traditions.
As I was skimming, I happened to catch the last line of someone's post....I think it was Rik's.....that said, "there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim."

And that folks, is at the heart of this debate I've had with my friends forever.

I think we should drill down into THAT discussion.

Because that is what we're really trying to figure out. I believe there is such a thing as moderate Muslims, and plenty of them. Of course you can drive an aircraft carrier through how wide the interpretation of the word, "moderate" is, but I'd like to see discussion of that.

Rik perhaps you can start with your definition of moderate and extreme so we can talk apples to apples.

By far the largest group of Muslims are moderates. They are not conspiring against the west. They are not sewing suicide vests. They are not even reading the verses in the Quaran that keep Pastor Rikurzhen awake all night long afraid that they will jump out from under his bed and cut off his head.

Instead they are just ordinary people with jobs, families and bills to pay. They probably care way more about how their kids are doing in school than they do about ISIS.

Only a fool makes an utterly absurd and baseless allegation that "there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim."
Our best friends are Muslims (Husband and Wife) and they are the nicest people we have ever been around. We go out to dinner with them to expensive restaurants and they insists on always paying. I have to grab the check immediately because I know what they'll do :) They invite us to dinner and make homemade Moroccan food for us, they ALWAYS offer to help us out (drive to airport, pick up this or that if we need it), are genuinely interested in our lives etc. They are just really solid friends. During Ramadan we broke the fast with them at their home (after me and my girlfriend decided to try the fast for a day) and it was an amazing experience. It was like having Thanksgiving Dinner with family. No prayers, ceremonies or anything. Just a great dinner with friends.

I can count on one hand the friends that would literally give the shirt off their backs if we needed it and they are 2 of them. We could count on them for anything and vice versa.

There are plenty of spectacular Muslims out there. I'm sure my experience isn't rare.

The diversity is awesome because the kids are all alike.

Ah, behold the power of religious viewpoints.

-This food is so bland, it sets my mouth on fire.
-That woman is so fat, all I see is skin and bones.
-That man is such a fast sprinter that the snail is moving faster than he is.

Up is down, left is right, diversity is likeness.

That is the way it should be and will be when they are adults.

No it won't be. You really think that this is the first generation of kids in humanity who have had interracial friendships. Look at wedding photos of 20-something white couples and you already see racial clustering. Kids are friends with each other mostly due to proximity. Adults base friendships more on common interests, not because the person living next door to them is the same age.


Pastor Rikurzhen just exposed his inner racist!

Want me to post the photos of the interracial marriages of the 20-somethings around here? Looks like another one blossoming right across the street from me if the way they are holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes is anything to go by. Just received the photo of an interracial grandchild from one of my best friends in the next town over. Both of their children are in interracial marriages. The 20 somethings are all color blind. They just see each other as people. They hang out because of shared interests too but the diversity is there amongst those with shared interests.
The muslims in America didn't flock to the military recruiting offices after 9/11 because they knew the U.S. government was going down a path that would lead to failure in the Middle East. ...... :cool:

The muslims in my town----and in some of the towns near which I once lived -----in the
USA were too busy celebrating to consider
military service Also the sluts were busy complaining "someone pulled my head rag" or even "someone LOOKED at me"----at the behest of CAIR which urged muslim
sluts to REPORT anything that entered their depraved heads that could be a "hate
crime" with absolutely no evidence thereof.

the kids were busy learning to lisp out by rote--- "the jews did it"
As I was skimming, I happened to catch the last line of someone's post....I think it was Rik's.....that said, "there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim."

And that folks, is at the heart of this debate I've had with my friends forever.

I think we should drill down into THAT discussion.

Because that is what we're really trying to figure out. I believe there is such a thing as moderate Muslims, and plenty of them. Of course you can drive an aircraft carrier through how wide the interpretation of the word, "moderate" is, but I'd like to see discussion of that.

Rik perhaps you can start with your definition of moderate and extreme so we can talk apples to apples.

By far the largest group of Muslims are moderates. They are not conspiring against the west. They are not sewing suicide vests. They are not even reading the verses in the Quaran that keep Pastor Rikurzhen awake all night long afraid that they will jump out from under his bed and cut off his head.

Instead they are just ordinary people with jobs, families and bills to pay. They probably care way more about how their kids are doing in school than they do about ISIS.

Only a fool makes an utterly absurd and baseless allegation that "there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim."
Our best friends are Muslims (Husband and Wife) and they are the nicest people we have ever been around. We go out to dinner with them to expensive restaurants and they insists on always paying. I have to grab the check immediately because I know what they'll do :) They invite us to dinner and make homemade Moroccan food for us, they ALWAYS offer to help us out (drive to airport, pick up this or that if we need it), are genuinely interested in our lives etc. They are just really solid friends. During Ramadan we broke the fast with them at their home (after me and my girlfriend decided to try the fast for a day) and it was an amazing experience. It was like having Thanksgiving Dinner with family. No prayers, ceremonies or anything. Just a great dinner with friends.

I can count on one hand the friends that would literally give the shirt off their backs if we needed it and they are 2 of them. We could count on them for anything and vice versa.

There are plenty of spectacular Muslims out there. I'm sure my experience isn't rare.
I'm sure they are nice people but here's the problem. When push comes to shove, and it will, what will they do? Picture Nazi Germany because ISIS in pretty much like the Nazi's. Many Germans knew nice Jews too and liked them, and yet turned a blind eye to either save themselves or because they believed in the ultimate goal. The Ultimate goal with ISIS is to have the entire world be Muslim. Your friends might not agree with the method to make the entire world Muslim, but would they help you if it meant their own lives? In their mind would they choose you, who ISIS is going to portray as an enemy of Allah for not converting or are they going to pick Allah even if you have to die? It's not going to be whether they will give the shirt off their back for you and your family. It's going to be are they willing to die for you and your family? That's a big difference.

Marianne-----you are preaching to the choir..
Because of the realities I post----I have been accused of being "islamophobic" I have little doubt that I have had more muslim friends and have been in the homes of muslims socializing ---etc etc,, more than the overwhelming majority of the persons who accuse me of "islamophobia" -------I have no doubt that I have had MORE Islamic experiences than "cereal" has had in his lifetime-------Adolf Hitler was described by the
widow of Richard Wagner II-----as the nicest fellow-----and the "children loved 'uncle
adolf' " Frau Wagner was an English woman who happened to have married "up"
She described herself----long after world war II as "the only Nazi in Germany"-----an allusion to the fact that after World War II----
HOLOCAUST DENIAL was so comprehensive that no one would admit to EVER HAVING BEEN a Nazi. She was quite charming too.
Jihad denial is no different. The bitch who held a severed head up for the cameras
is a HEROINE in the mosques of the USA (I am lucky---I was in mosques long before
9-11-01---before they came scrutiny------and I had long conversations with muslims long
before they began to be "stifled") The stuff I read circa 1960 which was lying scattered
about my erstwhile Nazi enclave town and was written in the mid to late 1930s-----
would have delighted both Penelope and Cereal ----they would have agreed HEARTILY
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The 20 somethings are all color blind. They just see each other as people. They hang out because of shared interests too but the diversity is there amongst those with shared interests.

Sell it someplace else sister. You think that kids who came of age in 2000 or 1990 or 1980 were stone cold racists? Who are the big users of dating sites, old geezers like you or young adults? They don't see race, huh? Hey, I have a bridge I'm trying to sell, I can sell it to you for a good price.

The 20 somethings are all color blind. They just see each other as people. They hang out because of shared interests too but the diversity is there amongst those with shared interests.

Sell it someplace else sister. You think that kids who came of age in 2000 or 1990 or 1980 were stone cold racists?

That is your vile canard, not mine.

Who are the big users of dating sites, old geezers like you or young adults? They don't see race, huh? Hey, I have a bridge I'm trying to sell, I can sell it to you for a good price.


:lmao: Utterly meaningless unscientific drivel on your part. Attractiveness on a dating website is not a legitimate poll that identifies racism. You have no clue as to the actual demographics involved nor do you have a clue regarding the standard deviations from the norm. To extrapolate anything from that is purely in your own racist mind.

That you are a gullible enough racist to believe what you just posted says volumes about your beloved "Gospel of Conservativism" religion.
As I was skimming, I happened to catch the last line of someone's post....I think it was Rik's.....that said, "there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim."

And that folks, is at the heart of this debate I've had with my friends forever.

I think we should drill down into THAT discussion.

Because that is what we're really trying to figure out. I believe there is such a thing as moderate Muslims, and plenty of them. Of course you can drive an aircraft carrier through how wide the interpretation of the word, "moderate" is, but I'd like to see discussion of that.

Rik perhaps you can start with your definition of moderate and extreme so we can talk apples to apples.

By far the largest group of Muslims are moderates. They are not conspiring against the west. They are not sewing suicide vests. They are not even reading the verses in the Quaran that keep Pastor Rikurzhen awake all night long afraid that they will jump out from under his bed and cut off his head.

Instead they are just ordinary people with jobs, families and bills to pay. They probably care way more about how their kids are doing in school than they do about ISIS.

Only a fool makes an utterly absurd and baseless allegation that "there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim."
Our best friends are Muslims (Husband and Wife) and they are the nicest people we have ever been around. We go out to dinner with them to expensive restaurants and they insists on always paying. I have to grab the check immediately because I know what they'll do :) They invite us to dinner and make homemade Moroccan food for us, they ALWAYS offer to help us out (drive to airport, pick up this or that if we need it), are genuinely interested in our lives etc. They are just really solid friends. During Ramadan we broke the fast with them at their home (after me and my girlfriend decided to try the fast for a day) and it was an amazing experience. It was like having Thanksgiving Dinner with family. No prayers, ceremonies or anything. Just a great dinner with friends.

I can count on one hand the friends that would literally give the shirt off their backs if we needed it and they are 2 of them. We could count on them for anything and vice versa.

There are plenty of spectacular Muslims out there. I'm sure my experience isn't rare.
I'm sure they are nice people but here's the problem. When push comes to shove, and it will, what will they do? Picture Nazi Germany because ISIS in pretty much like the Nazi's. Many Germans knew nice Jews too and liked them and yet turned a blind eye to either save themselves or because they believed in the ultimate goal. The Ultimate goal with ISIS is to have the entire world be Muslim. Your friends might not agree with the method to make the entire world Muslim but would they help you if it meant their own lives? In their mind would they choose you, who ISIS are going to be portrayed as an enemy of Allah for not converting or are they going to pick Allah even if you have to die?

ISIS is not an existential threat to the whole world. It is not even a existential threat to the middle east.

ISIS is a bunch of crazy religious zealots with guns who will die for their cause.

The problem is ensuring that they are the only ones who end up dying.

Yes it is and yes it is. They are recruiting from all corners of the world as we speak. They are in the USA and recently had a plot foiled in Australia. Don't kid yourself, they are all through Europe and North America by now. They may be crazy but they aren't stupid. They know the weaknesses of the ME and the West and they exploit it to their advantage. Right now you are only seeing what they want you to see, but it's what you can't see that will hurt you. It's happened over and over again in history where the underdog has won. Never underestimate the power of your opponent, it will bite you in the ass every time.
The 20 somethings are all color blind. They just see each other as people.

Attractiveness on a dating website is not a legitimate poll that identifies racism.

Can you not even keep your own arguments straight? You asserted that 20 somethings are color blind. That poll should show 0% variation by race. I don't want to derail this thread anymore than you already have with your delusional statements, but go find the data on marriage by age group and you'll see very strong same-race preference.

Your over-arching problem in this thread, and others, is that you impose your religious view of the world onto reality rather than following an empiricist model and allowing reality to shape your view. You're exactly like the neocons in this respect.
As I was skimming, I happened to catch the last line of someone's post....I think it was Rik's.....that said, "there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim."

And that folks, is at the heart of this debate I've had with my friends forever.

I think we should drill down into THAT discussion.

Because that is what we're really trying to figure out. I believe there is such a thing as moderate Muslims, and plenty of them. Of course you can drive an aircraft carrier through how wide the interpretation of the word, "moderate" is, but I'd like to see discussion of that.

Rik perhaps you can start with your definition of moderate and extreme so we can talk apples to apples.

By far the largest group of Muslims are moderates. They are not conspiring against the west. They are not sewing suicide vests. They are not even reading the verses in the Quaran that keep Pastor Rikurzhen awake all night long afraid that they will jump out from under his bed and cut off his head.

Instead they are just ordinary people with jobs, families and bills to pay. They probably care way more about how their kids are doing in school than they do about ISIS.

Only a fool makes an utterly absurd and baseless allegation that "there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim."
Our best friends are Muslims (Husband and Wife) and they are the nicest people we have ever been around. We go out to dinner with them to expensive restaurants and they insists on always paying. I have to grab the check immediately because I know what they'll do :) They invite us to dinner and make homemade Moroccan food for us, they ALWAYS offer to help us out (drive to airport, pick up this or that if we need it), are genuinely interested in our lives etc. They are just really solid friends. During Ramadan we broke the fast with them at their home (after me and my girlfriend decided to try the fast for a day) and it was an amazing experience. It was like having Thanksgiving Dinner with family. No prayers, ceremonies or anything. Just a great dinner with friends.

I can count on one hand the friends that would literally give the shirt off their backs if we needed it and they are 2 of them. We could count on them for anything and vice versa.

There are plenty of spectacular Muslims out there. I'm sure my experience isn't rare.
I'm sure they are nice people but here's the problem. When push comes to shove, and it will, what will they do? Picture Nazi Germany because ISIS in pretty much like the Nazi's. Many Germans knew nice Jews too and liked them and yet turned a blind eye to either save themselves or because they believed in the ultimate goal. The Ultimate goal with ISIS is to have the entire world be Muslim. Your friends might not agree with the method to make the entire world Muslim but would they help you if it meant their own lives? In their mind would they choose you, who ISIS are going to be portrayed as an enemy of Allah for not converting or are they going to pick Allah even if you have to die?

ISIS is not an existential threat to the whole world. It is not even a existential threat to the middle east.

ISIS is a bunch of crazy religious zealots with guns who will die for their cause.

The problem is ensuring that they are the only ones who end up dying.

Yes it is and yes it is. They are recruiting from all corners of the world as we speak. They are in the USA and recently had a plot foiled in Australia. Don't kid yourself, they are all through Europe and North America by now. They may be crazy but they aren't stupid. They know the weaknesses of the ME and the West and they exploit it to their advantage. Right now you are only seeing what they want you to see, but it's what you can't see that will hurt you. It's happened over and over again in history where the underdog has won. Never underestimate the power of your opponent, it will bite you in the ass every time.

I am not the one doing the underestimating here. But your fearmongering is not based on actual reach of ISIS. They are nowhere near as powerful as you imagine them to be.
The 20 somethings are all color blind. They just see each other as people.

Attractiveness on a dating website is not a legitimate poll that identifies racism.

Can you not even keep your own arguments straight? You asserted that 20 somethings are color blind. That poll should show 0% variation by race. I don't want to derail this thread anymore than you already have with your delusional statements, but go find the data on marriage by age group and you'll see very strong same-race preference.

Your over-arching problem in this thread, and others, is that you impose your religious view of the world onto reality rather than following an empiricist model and allowing reality to shape your view. You're exactly like the neocons in this respect.

Once again Pastor Rikurzhen throws a hissyfit when no one buys his pathetic disinformation charts. :lol:

Your bizarre "Gospel of Conservatism" is what shapes your own distorted world view. Now that we know that you are also a racist tells us that your low credibility rating is at zero. Have a nice day.

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