GREAT AGAIN!!: Unemployment Rate Hits 3.8% -- Lowest in 18 Years...

A disaster
Uh oh, expect mass Democrat implosion hysteria over this YUGE news for Americans. :dance:

The U.S. economy continued to add jobs at a solid clip in May, with nonfarm payrolls up 223,000 while the unemployment rate was 3.8 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.

Economists had been expecting payroll growth of 188,000 and the jobless rate to hold steady at 3.9 percent.

The unemployment rate was last this low in April 2000...

Payrolls rise by better than expected 223,000, jobless rate drops to 3.8%, wages up 2.7%
Part time, burger flipping jobs
Just like your job right?
That garbage in the AW parking lot isn't going to clean itself up asshole! Get back to work or come home to mommy!
Uh oh, expect mass Democrat implosion hysteria over this YUGE news for Americans. :dance:

The U.S. economy continued to add jobs at a solid clip in May, with nonfarm payrolls up 223,000 while the unemployment rate was 3.8 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.

Economists had been expecting payroll growth of 188,000 and the jobless rate to hold steady at 3.9 percent.

The unemployment rate was last this low in April 2000...

Payrolls rise by better than expected 223,000, jobless rate drops to 3.8%, wages up 2.7%
Part time, burger flipping jobs
Just like your job right?
That garbage in the AW parking lot isn't going to clean itself up asshole! Get back to work or come home to mommy!
Come home to whose mommy? Is that what you call yourself? Creepy

I don't know --- I once was hiring people back in 2000 when the unemployment rate was down to 4%. You could not find anyone who could READ ---- this really happened.

It's quite a problem for business when the economy booms like this. The only people left are blacks and druggies. And Mexicans, I guess, illegals.
I'm good with 3.8% and Full Employment. I think all rational common sense-thinking folks are. So Democrats expressing so much butthurt, really does make them look like irrational dipshits.
Nah, you sound real butthurt. It is what it is.

If your feigned rhetoric were true, you'd answer my question. Instead, you allow your fear to answer for you.

Well, your butthurt temper tantrum has lasted for like 3hrs. So yeah, you are pretty butthurt. It is what it is.

You are quite insane. Funny to watch, but nutty just the same. Meanwhile, we've been at full employment for years. Your inability to comprehend that is not actually a factor.
/——: If we’ve been at full employment for years why are democRATs screaming JOBS JOBS JOBS?
Who's screaming that? :dunno:

And it's not IF .... we have been since early 2016...

The U.S. Economy Is Finally at Full Employment
/-----/ Here's one: Democrats are out there and candidates and our colleagues talking to the American people about real issues facing them around the kitchen table around better jobs and better wages. Democrats' Midterm Election Strategy

I don't know --- I once was hiring people back in 2000 when the unemployment rate was down to 4%. You could not find anyone who could READ ---- this really happened.

It's quite a problem for business when the economy booms like this. The only people left are blacks and druggies. And Mexicans, I guess, illegals.
Race aside, I have many business clients who told me they were having trouble finding people when unemployment as 10%.

I'm not kidding. Applicants felt entitled, felt they were worth far more than they were, and didn't want to put out too much effort.

Come to think of it, that may have been around the time I started wondering about the direction of our culture.

I don't know --- I once was hiring people back in 2000 when the unemployment rate was down to 4%. You could not find anyone who could READ ---- this really happened.

It's quite a problem for business when the economy booms like this. The only people left are blacks and druggies. And Mexicans, I guess, illegals.
Race aside, I have many business clients who told me they were having trouble finding people when unemployment as 10%.

I'm not kidding. Applicants felt entitled, felt they were worth far more than they were, and didn't want to put out too much effort.

Come to think of it, that may have been around the time I started wondering about the direction of our culture.

Yeah, me too --- and for me, it WAS the blacks who couldn't read.

They would apply for jobs (like editor) when they couldn't read or write. I suppose they were just putting it on their welfare or unemployment forms as an attempt to get a job, however unrealistic --- I had a black woman who called me every week pretending to ask for a job; I finally put a stop to it. Just dishonest in the worst way. Time wasters.
I work with people who are full time employees and just about all of us have second jobs.....we haven't seen a raise in years, despite the success of our company. Trump needs to get out among real people and give up the staged rallies...he's see that this trickle down shit is for show only!!

You have received a raise. Thanks to Trump, you're gonna be bringing home more of your paycheck. And many prominent businesses have recently announced large bonuses for their employees. So maybe it's just time for you to find a better job. They're out there. Go for it. :)
I make 15.75 an hour...sitting at a desk processing mortgages and have done so for the last 20 years I haven't had a raise is almost 5 years, a cost of living adjustment, yes, but no raise...most jobs out here and this is fact...are factory jobs issued via temp services..that is fact!!
This is the question. It appears that demand for labor is .. slowly .... causing overall wages to rise, and almost equal to rising GNP. But of course the rise in wages is not uniform for all workers, and workers in jobs that don't see a lot of job growth don't benefit from a labor market ... even it it's at 3.8 unemployment.

That's not a partisan post. It was much the same under Obama, although there is more demand for labor now.
Yes the demand is there, but most jobs where I live, are starting you off at 10-12 max an hour, still very low. And most of these jobs are through Temp services and most if not the majority are wharehouse jobs. Most administrative white collar jobs, pay good but they'd rather hire young people!!
/——/ That was my case when I was 18 so I moved to where the jobs were.
If you're a laid off steelworker in the Midwest, you have a RIGHT to a job, and we should all be grateful to pay more for goods so that you can work for an inefficient company at union scale ... with union retirement. It's the Trump way.
Well, your butthurt temper tantrum has lasted for like 3hrs. So yeah, you are pretty butthurt. It is what it is.

You are quite insane. Funny to watch, but nutty just the same. Meanwhile, we've been at full employment for years. Your inability to comprehend that is not actually a factor.

Yeah sure, you ain't butthurt at all. Ok. :cuckoo:
Holyfuck :eusa_doh:

You really are retarded, aren't you? Lemme see if this shines some light over your head....

You said these are good numbers and we're at full employment.

I said these are good numbers and we're at full employment.

You're such an idiot, you don't even realize if I'm butthurt, then so are you. :eusa_doh:
If you understand what he's saying you're doing better than I.

The only thing different is that unemployment falling under 4% may accelerate wage growth in some job sectors. The Feds been wondering for about 5 years where inflation went. We may find out.

We better hope that the gop tax cut adds a lot of new tax revenue to the federal budget because they're still spending like drunken sailors. And what was that term they used to use for the economy "praying for a safe landing" LOL
Seems to me he's admitting he's butt hurt because according to him, pointing out job numbers are good and we're at full employment means one is butt hurt. :cuckoo:
He's a mystery to me. But the Trump folks can crow about the economy. Reagan benefited from Carter appointing Volker who jacked up rates to 20% so the recession ended in Reagan's first term, and Clinton benefitted from BushI ending his own presidency by raising taxes to pay for the Savings and Loan bailout.

Wages are slowly improving. Not for everyone, but that's the way labor markets are supposed to work.

I doubt Trump is really serious about EU tariffs, and he's just pushing for a better trade quota deal. Personally, I think its more about feeding his base than even negotiating. Ford and Chevy can't sell their sedans. Mercedes and BMW don't have that problem. We should be negotiating to have more of their cars assembled here.
The modern education system evolved around the premise that the average student had an IQ between 110-120.
With that baseline in mind the majority of students were mentally capable of passing the tests and moving forward academically.
When you stick a race of people with an average IQ in the low eighties into that education system the results are not unexpected.
Plain simple fact 'you-all'.
The late Antonin Scalia understood this fact when he spoke of the damage 'AA' was in fact doing to negroes in the college admission system.

I don't know --- I once was hiring people back in 2000 when the unemployment rate was down to 4%. You could not find anyone who could READ ---- this really happened.

It's quite a problem for business when the economy booms like this. The only people left are blacks and druggies. And Mexicans, I guess, illegals.
Well.....Employers could try offering higher wages

Naaaa......Just kidding

I don't know --- I once was hiring people back in 2000 when the unemployment rate was down to 4%. You could not find anyone who could READ ---- this really happened.

It's quite a problem for business when the economy booms like this. The only people left are blacks and druggies. And Mexicans, I guess, illegals.
Well.....Employers could try offering higher wages

Naaaa......Just kidding
Up by 2.7%, last reading.

The trend is clearly headed higher, but we need it to be at 3.5% to 4.0%, and for a while.

We're going in the right direction. Business capital expenditures are up too, and that's a very good sign. But it has to translate.

My guess is we'll have a good idea where this is going by August or September.
Only a moron believes that 3.8 percent number
Even Trump said it is fake

REAL unemployment is at 52 percent

Cue the bizarre Hissy-fits. :laughing0301:

You're saying amid good employment numbers, pointing out the high number of people out of the labor force, the "real" unemployment rate being well into double digits, and the ludicrously fake numbers being pimped out -- is equivalent to some "bizarre hissy fit??"

Great, now we know what to call rightwingnut behavior.

the UE rate is calculated exactly the same as it was calculated during the reign of the Kenyan messiah. Sorry, dude. Trump got it done, obozo failed.
The modern education system evolved around the premise that the average student had an IQ between 110-120.
With that baseline in mind the majority of students were mentally capable of passing the tests and moving forward academically.
When you stick a race of people with an average IQ in the low eighties into that education system the results are not unexpected.
Plain simple fact 'you-all'.
The late Antonin Scalia understood this fact when he spoke of the damage 'AA' was in fact doing to negroes in the college admission system.

Aside from the unabashed racism, the worst part about this is that it's so amazingly ignorant and tone deaf. Our education system isn't designed around above average intellects. To the contrary, it's designed to put greatest emphasis on the lower end of the average range while tragically neglecting the most gifted; instead of focusing on quality of development our schools tend to use quantity of assignments and year skipping as easy buttons to "deal" with those who are gifted beyond the abilities of the herd.

You would understand that if you were educated and if your intellect were higher than the low end of the average range.
Uh oh, more bad news may be coming Democrat's way pretty soon. Rumor has it, there's some very good news on GDP growth coming soon. Sorry bout that Dems. :(
Uh oh, more bad news may be coming Democrat's way pretty soon. Rumor has it, there's some very good news on GDP growth coming soon. Sorry bout that Dems. :(
Do you mean when Q1 2018 growth was adjusted DOWN to 2.2% the other day?
Only a moron believes that 3.8 percent number
Even Trump said it is fake

REAL unemployment is at 52 percent

Cue the bizarre Hissy-fits. :laughing0301:

You're saying amid good employment numbers, pointing out the high number of people out of the labor force, the "real" unemployment rate being well into double digits, and the ludicrously fake numbers being pimped out -- is equivalent to some "bizarre hissy fit??"

Great, now we know what to call rightwingnut behavior.

the UE rate is calculated exactly the same as it was calculated during the reign of the Kenyan messiah. Sorry, dude. Trump got it done, obozo failed.
That is not what Crooked Donnie said
He said Obama’s numbers were fake
Only a moron believes that 3.8 percent number
Even Trump said it is fake

REAL unemployment is at 52 percent

Cue the bizarre Hissy-fits. :laughing0301:

You're saying amid good employment numbers, pointing out the high number of people out of the labor force, the "real" unemployment rate being well into double digits, and the ludicrously fake numbers being pimped out -- is equivalent to some "bizarre hissy fit??"

Great, now we know what to call rightwingnut behavior.

the UE rate is calculated exactly the same as it was calculated during the reign of the Kenyan messiah. Sorry, dude. Trump got it done, obozo failed.
That is not what Crooked Donnie said
He said Obama’s numbers were fake
Trump thinks we have profoundly short memories.

Some of us do.

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