GOP worried about fallout from Trump's comments

Donald Trump hinders Republican Latino outreach -

The problem with those comments is made worse by the fact that people will continue to confuse Trump with a Republican, which he is not, as opposed to thinking of him as an entertainer, which he is."

The GOP better not antagonize Trump. He will run as a third party candidate. That would doom the GOP nominee, WHICH WILL NOT BE TRUMP!
Trump did his job. He rallied the racist nuts and now those guys are going to all show up and vote next year. Same way Herman Cain last time got up there and pushed the 999 concept. that was Koch brothers telling him what to say. It doesn't have to happen right away the rich get these ass clowns to show up and say what they want to say and Donald took one for the team he knew he was never going to get elected but I think he didn't realize he went too far. I hope he goes away like the former clippers owner.

Republicans should play just as dirty as Democrats this time around, remind voters of the Democratic parties pro-slavery, pro-Jim Crow laws and their founding of the KKK. Then remind them that Democrats have always played the,"race card", have legions of race baiters and use divisive politics to split the nation and keep unity between the races unattainable.

I'd also would remind voters of the total failures of Democratic Parties governance of the inner cities and their total lack of successes in jobs, education and opportunities for the black race. I'd probably refer to those failures as profound racism and Democratic Party governance used to enslave Blacks with the threat of losing the only source of survival available.

View attachment 43845
You remind us while we educate you that the Democrats back then either Republicans today you got damn fool
If you're trying to be insulting you should at least try to make sense...:itsok:
Trump can't win by beating on the wetbacks, or the *******, or the faggots, or the Jews. Old angry whitey just doesn't have the numbers anymore...

The fun part is he is forcing other Republicans to make a stand
Do they side with Trump or defend Mexicans?

lose/lose either way
If you're denying that criminals, including rapist aren't entering the U.S. at the southern border you're an idiot. 80% of the women and girls are being raped along the way into the country, you support that?
Donald Trump hinders Republican Latino outreach -

The problem with those comments is made worse by the fact that people will continue to confuse Trump with a Republican, which he is not, as opposed to thinking of him as an entertainer, which he is."

The GOP better not antagonize Trump. He will run as a third party candidate. That would doom the GOP nominee, WHICH WILL NOT BE TRUMP!

the OP is bullshit. the only people worried about Trump's comments are the far left hildebeast supporters. They are scared shitless of Trump because he isn't afraid to tell the truth, and the truth will destroy hollary and her far left corrupt cronies.
Trumps big mouth will be used against Republicans
Democrats sit back and laugh
Democrats are far better gutter snipes than problem solvers, good point.
The american people are fed up with lying politicians who talk a good game but do nothing. They are desperate for someone who is not afraid to speak the truth. Trump is a breath of fresh air in the polluted political atmosphere.

Which explains why he has the highest unfavorable rating amongst both Republicans and Americans in general.


Donald Trump Wins Title Of Most Disliked Republican Candidate
Trump can't win by beating on the wetbacks, or the *******, or the faggots, or the Jews. Old angry whitey just doesn't have the numbers anymore...

The fun part is he is forcing other Republicans to make a stand
Do they side with Trump or defend Mexicans?

lose/lose either way
If you're denying that criminals, including rapist aren't entering the U.S. at the southern border you're an idiot. 80% of the women and girls are being raped along the way into the country, you support that?

These are women from Central America who are crossing INTO Mexico and raped there. It has nothing to do with the U.S. or how Mexicans act once they get here

Is rape the price to pay for migrant women chasing the American Dream Fusion
Trump can't win by beating on the wetbacks, or the *******, or the faggots, or the Jews. Old angry whitey just doesn't have the numbers anymore...

The fun part is he is forcing other Republicans to make a stand
Do they side with Trump or defend Mexicans?

lose/lose either way
If you're denying that criminals, including rapist aren't entering the U.S. at the southern border you're an idiot. 80% of the women and girls are being raped along the way into the country, you support that?

These are women from Central America who are crossing INTO Mexico and raped there. It has nothing to do with the U.S. or how Mexicans act once they get here

Is rape the price to pay for migrant women chasing the American Dream Fusion

it would not be happening if your borders were not wide open, idiot.
Trump can't win by beating on the wetbacks, or the *******, or the faggots, or the Jews. Old angry whitey just doesn't have the numbers anymore...

The fun part is he is forcing other Republicans to make a stand
Do they side with Trump or defend Mexicans?

lose/lose either way

What trump said is true. Mexico is not sending its doctors, teachers, engineers, and police across our border, it is sending its very poor, criminals, and druggies. It is also true that many girls are raped in the process of crossing our border illegally.

Trump did not denigrate all Mexicans, he only told the truth about the ones entering this country illegally.

BTW, mexican is NOT a race.

Most of the Mexicans I have met are hard working, religious with strong family ties. They are here to make a better life for themselves and their most immigrants

The hate being spewed by Trump has been around for over 100 years. The same comments were used against the Irish, Itallian, Chinese and any new group of immigrants.
Take your family for a vacation of the poor Hispanic sections of the Los Angeles area, you need a dose or reality.
The american people are fed up with lying politicians who talk a good game but do nothing. They are desperate for someone who is not afraid to speak the truth. Trump is a breath of fresh air in the polluted political atmosphere.

Which explains why he has the highest unfavorable rating amongst both Republicans and Americans in general.


Donald Trump Wins Title Of Most Disliked Republican Candidate

polls are like assholes, everyone has one. We will see what happens in the next 12 months.

I truly doubt that Trump will be the nominee, but he is shaking up the debate and that is a good thing.
Sorry, Donald Trump Has A Point
“When Mexico sends its people,” Trump said, “they’re not sending their best.”

This is obviously correct.
Immigrants here from Mexico — which has sent more immigrants than any other country for decades — have the lowest levels of education. Nearly 60 percent of them haven’t graduated from high school. Only about 10 percent have some college and nearly 6 percent have a bachelor’s degree or higher.

By way of comparison, the situation of immigrants from Korea, for instance, is almost exactly reversed. More than 50 percent of them have a bachelor’s degree or higher, and less than 4 percent failed to earn a high school diploma.
Fifty-four percent of immigrants from Mexico lack health insurance. A higher proportion of Mexican immigrants uses means-tested government programs than immigrants from any other country—more than 57 percent. As Camarota notes, this is “even higher than for refugee-sending countries like Russia and Cuba.” Sorry Donald Trump Has A Point - Rich Lowry - POLITICO Magazine

That's a red herring.

Here is exactly what he said.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. ... They’re sending people that have a lot of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”​

Donald Trump the Politician Burns Trump the Businessman - WSJ

He did not say that Mexico wasn't "sending" their graduates. He said they were sending their drug pushing, rapist criminals. And "some" of them, he assumes, are good people.

That is deeply offensive. And the so-called "conservatives' defending this statement are hurting the Republican Party.
Trump can't win by beating on the wetbacks, or the *******, or the faggots, or the Jews. Old angry whitey just doesn't have the numbers anymore...

The fun part is he is forcing other Republicans to make a stand
Do they side with Trump or defend Mexicans?

lose/lose either way

What trump said is true. Mexico is not sending its doctors, teachers, engineers, and police across our border, it is sending its very poor, criminals, and druggies. It is also true that many girls are raped in the process of crossing our border illegally.

Trump did not denigrate all Mexicans, he only told the truth about the ones entering this country illegally.

BTW, mexican is NOT a race.

Most of the Mexicans I have met are hard working, religious with strong family ties. They are here to make a better life for themselves and their most immigrants

The hate being spewed by Trump has been around for over 100 years. The same comments were used against the Irish, Itallian, Chinese and any new group of immigrants.
Take your family for a vacation of the poor Hispanic sections of the Los Angeles area, you need a dose or reality.

Winger is not a real person, he is a dem/lib talking point repeater. He is a human parrot with no ability to think for himself. Don't let his lunacy get to you, he is worthless.
Sorry, Donald Trump Has A Point
“When Mexico sends its people,” Trump said, “they’re not sending their best.”

This is obviously correct.
Immigrants here from Mexico — which has sent more immigrants than any other country for decades — have the lowest levels of education. Nearly 60 percent of them haven’t graduated from high school. Only about 10 percent have some college and nearly 6 percent have a bachelor’s degree or higher.

By way of comparison, the situation of immigrants from Korea, for instance, is almost exactly reversed. More than 50 percent of them have a bachelor’s degree or higher, and less than 4 percent failed to earn a high school diploma.
Fifty-four percent of immigrants from Mexico lack health insurance. A higher proportion of Mexican immigrants uses means-tested government programs than immigrants from any other country—more than 57 percent. As Camarota notes, this is “even higher than for refugee-sending countries like Russia and Cuba.” Sorry Donald Trump Has A Point - Rich Lowry - POLITICO Magazine

That's a red herring.

Here is exactly what he said.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. ... They’re sending people that have a lot of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”​

Donald Trump the Politician Burns Trump the Businessman - WSJ

He did not say that Mexico wasn't "sending" their graduates. He said they were sending their drug pushing, rapist criminals. And "some" of them, he assumes, are good people.

That is deeply offensive. And the so-called "conservatives' defending this statement are hurting the Republican Party.

If the truth offends you-------------tough shit.
The american people are fed up with lying politicians who talk a good game but do nothing. They are desperate for someone who is not afraid to speak the truth. Trump is a breath of fresh air in the polluted political atmosphere.

Which explains why he has the highest unfavorable rating amongst both Republicans and Americans in general.


Donald Trump Wins Title Of Most Disliked Republican Candidate

polls are like assholes, everyone has one. We will see what happens in the next 12 months.

I truly doubt that Trump will be the nominee, but he is shaking up the debate and that is a good thing.

He's making his supporters look like small-minded, racist idiots.
Donald Trump hinders Republican Latino outreach -

The problem with those comments is made worse by the fact that people will continue to confuse Trump with a Republican, which he is not, as opposed to thinking of him as an entertainer, which he is."

The GOP better not antagonize Trump. He will run as a third party candidate. That would doom the GOP nominee, WHICH WILL NOT BE TRUMP!

I love Trump for president. I would love to see Donald and Hillary in a Wondering how many voters would sit out the general election if it were between the
Hillary would get 60% of the vote
The fact that Democrats would vote for another compulsive liar and moral degenerate is a refection of the Democratic Party, interesting that you seem to take pride in it.
The american people are fed up with lying politicians who talk a good game but do nothing. They are desperate for someone who is not afraid to speak the truth. Trump is a breath of fresh air in the polluted political atmosphere.

Which explains why he has the highest unfavorable rating amongst both Republicans and Americans in general.


Donald Trump Wins Title Of Most Disliked Republican Candidate

polls are like assholes, everyone has one. We will see what happens in the next 12 months.

I truly doubt that Trump will be the nominee, but he is shaking up the debate and that is a good thing.

He's making his supporters look like small-minded, racist idiots.

Nope, that category is reserved for supporters of the hildebeast.
Trump can't win by beating on the wetbacks, or the *******, or the faggots, or the Jews. Old angry whitey just doesn't have the numbers anymore...

The fun part is he is forcing other Republicans to make a stand
Do they side with Trump or defend Mexicans?

lose/lose either way
If you're denying that criminals, including rapist aren't entering the U.S. at the southern border you're an idiot. 80% of the women and girls are being raped along the way into the country, you support that?

These are women from Central America who are crossing INTO Mexico and raped there. It has nothing to do with the U.S. or how Mexicans act once they get here

Is rape the price to pay for migrant women chasing the American Dream Fusion

it would not be happening if your borders were not wide open, idiot.
Our borders are far from wide open and we have fewer people crossing than ten years ago

Over half of illegal immigrants did not cross illegally
Trump can't win by beating on the wetbacks, or the *******, or the faggots, or the Jews. Old angry whitey just doesn't have the numbers anymore...

The fun part is he is forcing other Republicans to make a stand
Do they side with Trump or defend Mexicans?

lose/lose either way
If you're denying that criminals, including rapist aren't entering the U.S. at the southern border you're an idiot. 80% of the women and girls are being raped along the way into the country, you support that?

These are women from Central America who are crossing INTO Mexico and raped there. It has nothing to do with the U.S. or how Mexicans act once they get here

Is rape the price to pay for migrant women chasing the American Dream Fusion

it would not be happening if your borders were not wide open, idiot.
Our borders are far from wide open and we have fewer people crossing than ten years ago

Over half of illegal immigrants did not cross illegally

an illegal immigrant did not cross illegally?????????????????? now I know you are crazy.

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