Zone1 Get rid of the ignore feature.

Completely silencing someone because you don't like what they say is essentially the same as's weak and lazy.
They aren't silenced. The person is just selecting to not read their stuff.

I don't do that myself, but I sure don't see it as censorship.

Once again -- the moderators here are the only ones who censor anybody.
It's my guess that so many people have so many other people on ignore that it has slowed the board down too much.

I say we at least clear it off and start over or just do away with it. People need to learn how to talk out their differences .
How can I tell if I have anyone on ignore? I don't think I've ever done that. Is it possible to know if I'm on others' "Ignore"? I don't mean to brag but I've really pissed off some posters here by posting FACTS to refute their less-than-truths.
It's my guess that so many people have so many other people on ignore that it has slowed the board down too much.

I say we at least clear it off and start over or just do away with it. People need to learn how to talk out their differences .
The main reason, this forum would never get rid of the ignore feature, is because at its heart, it is all about the free market, and its competition with other social media.

Do you have the ability to block others in like social media? Of course you do. While libertarians and many conservatives don't like the idea of people not talking out their differences, and being able to ignore one another; many social justice types, and religious fundamentalist types, and others on the extreme political and social ends of the spectrum, just don't want to deal with folks that are outside their sociopolitical economic reality. . .

These types, would just rather pretend that other folks don't exist, than deal with a completely foreign epistemological reality. If those realities don't exist, having to negotiate with them, and confront ones own cognitive biases? Is never a problem.

There are TWO, primary reasons folks put others on ignore, first, for reasons of politeness. . . some folks are just raised different. The first primary difference, is some folks don't believe that adults who are not family or intimate friends, should ever speak to each other in anything but formal, polite, and adult language. Younger folks that have never not known a world with out the internet? Think boomers are foreigners are sticks in the mud, and old fashioned in this regard. . . so, what are you going to do? Folks from different ethnic, religious, and from different nations, are this way as well; they just have different mores when it come to addressing each other.

The second primary reason that others get into heated debates and put others on ignore, is cognitive dissonance. They are faced with an epistemological reality, or an ontology, which they cannot reconcile with their KSAs. (Knowledge/Skills/Experiences) and everything they have come to know and believe. . . When you have two conflicting paradigms, your choices are slim. Change and incorporate new information into a newly constructed world view/epistemological paradigm, attack the source of knowledge with fallacies, and deny the validity of that source of new knowledge, or IGNORE IT.

They only way we, as a forum, and a community, can cater to all needs, is to do what every other social media site/forum, etc. has enabled their members to do. . .which is to just let you folks pretend, that the folks you don't want to acknowledge, even have ever been born, or exist in cyberspace, are there. Then, everyone is happy, and we can thrive and compete.

. . . I think.
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The main reason, this forum would never get rid of the ignore feature, is because at its heart, it is all about the free market, and its competition with other social media.

Do you have the ability to block others in like social media? Of course you do. While libertarians and many conservatives don't like the idea of people not talking out their differences, and being able to ignore one another; many social justice types, and religious fundamentalist types, and others on the extreme political and social ends of the spectrum, just don't want to deal with folks that are outside their sociopolitical economic reality. . .

These types, would just rather pretend that other folks don't exist, than deal with a completely foreign epistemological reality. If those realities don't exist, having to negotiate with them, and confront ones own cognitive biases? Is never a problem.

There are TWO, primary reasons folks put others on ignore, first, for reasons of politeness. . . some folks are just raised different. The first primary difference, is some folks don't believe that adults who are not family or intimate friends, should ever speak to each other in anything but formal, polite, and adult language. Younger folks that have never not known a world with out the internet? Think boomers are foreigners are sticks in the mud, and old fashioned in this regard. . . so, what are you going to do?

The second primary reason that others get into heated debates and put others on ignore, is cognitive dissonance. They are faced with an epistemological reality, or an ontology, which they cannot reconcile with their KSAs. (Knowledge/Skills/Experiences) and everything they have come to know and believe. . . When you have two conflicting paradigms, your choices are slim. Change and incorporate new information into a newly constructed world view/epistemological paradigm, attack the source of knowledge with fallacies, and deny the validity of that source of new knowledge, or IGNORE IT.

They only way we, as a forum, and a community, can cater to all needs, is to do what every other social media site/forum, etc. has enabled their members to do. . .which is to just let you folks pretend, that the folks you don't want to acknowledge, even have ever been born, or exist in cyberspace, are there. Then, everyone is happy, and we can thrive and compete.

. . . I think.
and some people are just assholes.

Don't forget that.
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I have a question for the moderators. If two members have each other on ignore can they ever undo it or will they never be able to acknowledge each other's presence here?

To my knowledge, you always have the option of editing your ignore list. . . (It is in your member panel, under settings,) but you might just forget to?


. . . until someone mentions the name of the person you are ignoring? :eusa_think: (Then you might check on it and update it?)
That is correct, they start a post with some bullshit, then when they get refuted with FACTS, they instantly use name calling or emoji's. Ask them a question that is yes or no, they just wont answer but with some babbling shit, like Joe Biden does all the time, or his medusa hair fagot bitch. I always know when the binder is lying, her eyes flutter like a moth in a light.
Yeah, this is the guy who claims to be worth over $10M.
I like the ignore feature and I use it often.

It's a like a vacuum up all the rubbish on the rugs. :)

The "Political Satire" and "Political Cartoon" forums were full of butthurt leftist crybabies posting their irrelevant tweets until I put them all in my patented Handy-Handy Shut-The-Fuck-Up® soundproof cage! Now it's peaceful and relevant in those forums again.

It's my guess that so many people have so many other people on ignore that it has slowed the board down too much.

I say we at least clear it off and start over or just do away with it. People need to learn how to talk out their differences .
Folks are too far into their ideology to have any kind of constructive debate here.
I was. . . sort of intimating, that those were the two primary reasons, folks decided, others were assholes. . . I thought.


Often for me it comes down to mostly two types which aren't mutually exclusive: trolls looking for a reaction or those I call "time sucks" who just want to drag everything out into two pages of obtuse posts (often about something you never actually said).

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