“ Small town locals fight for the right to play poker” - should Poker rooms be allowed to be legalized throughout the country?

Should Poker rooms be allowed to be opened throughout the USA?

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  • No

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Another point to be made is that it doesn’t make sense that so-called Indian reservations have an ability to open up a casino and can get involved in political debates banning non-Indians from opening up a casino. That is against common sense. we should have equal laws for everybody in the country whether they from a Indian, white, black, Jewish, Christian you name it whatever background there from..
Cigarettes, Booze, strip clubs, Casinos, “dispensaries“ (dope houses), Whorehouses, all open now and Taxed into oblivion.

Might as well add in Heroin, Fentynal, Coke, downers, uppers, Meth…..MDA, mescaline, Peyote. Put the street dealing cartels on notice. Regulate and sell only the good clean stuff. Cartels & street thugs often cutting down to poison levels Of weird additives.

Let the good times flow.//
There has historically been some association between the use of alcohol with prostitution, gambling and drugs.

All these so-called vices are found all over the world. There are people who are against gambling, but who might own a business and who have engaged in using drugs and prostitution.

I look at each individual item. Whether it’s playing poker, using drugs, getting with a prostitute, drinking alcohol. On their own, they all have their effect. And there are of course similarities between drinking a bunch of alcohol and using a drug …those are things people can die from doing too much of it at once. That’s not the case with Poker.

I believe some poker rooms have laws against alcohol use. But we do live in the USA and the fact is people have been negatively influenced by drugs or alcohol when engaging in a number of activities, including business activities. So that is a risk that comes along with our capitalistic society when that allows alcohol use and now in a growing number of states legal marijuana use..

You’re certainly making a valid point. There are people who play poker and who smoke marijuana and drink alcohol at the same time and that increases their chances of losing, I would venture to say.. I’m sure that there are capitalists in America who would if possible have a poker room that also provides prostitutes, drugs, and other things you talk about. Personally, I would be against that. I am for the legalization of poker rooms throughout the country.

I don’t believe in the legalization of marijuana. Or of hard-core drugs.

With the issue of prostitution that is something that is debatable. There’s a lot of young men and women in America who have no sex at all. And so that thing goes both ways.

But then again as you talk about I believe regulation of drugs would cut down on the gangbangers and the criminal elements of drug dealing…. along with the safety issues surrounding whatever drug lords are putting into their drugs.
Poker is not a casino game. It is a game hosted by a casino where people play against each other. Some poker games are not hosted by a casino, but by a homeowner or a bar owner. Sometimes people just play poker against each other without a “rake”, which will be explained a little bit later in this post. This was already outlined in the original post. Roulette for example is a casino game hosted by the casino. The player is playing against the casino. Whereas in poker the casino is simply hosting the game and taking a rake from the game. They are not directly taking players money. Like in blackjack a player might bet five dollars or maybe even up to $1 million on one hand of blackjack… if they win the casino pays them if they lose they pay the casino. In Poker it is entirely Different, you are winning or losing against other players.

Donald layoff the personal attacks. That’s up to you if you wanna engage in such behavior I don’t do that to you. Don’t say things like “you don’t care”. I don’t say that about you. I’m here for a civilized conversation and I will do my best to act with civility as a Catholic and as someone who wants to be a gentleman. You will not see me talking down to other people who might be against the legality of Poker telling them “you don’t care.”

I am set in my position. And if you are as well, that’s totally fine. At this point, it is about you being by myself and other people in the video including conservative Christians, who believe that Poker should be legalized. So there’s a number of critical points to be responded to here some of which you have responded to others of what you have not. I’ve already outlined all of my points
Nobody is/are forbidden from playing poker. You're dishonestly trying to change the subject away from where you started.
Anyway, you've got a couple of contrarians claiming to be 'con', so you can leave me out. You don't want to hear anything about social responsibility.
Nobody is/are forbidden from playing poker. You're dishonestly trying to change the subject away from where you started.
Anyway, you've got a couple of contrarians claiming to be 'con', so you can leave me out. You don't want to hear anything about social responsibility.
Donald, I’m not here for a negative discussion or fostering a hostile environment. Don’t say things like “you’re dishonestly”

Simply put I’m not talking to you like that. I’m not going to continue to respond to you if you continue to use such language that leads to a negative environment.

By all means disagree with what I’m saying, quote the points I have made as I have directly responded to you by quoting your points. Hope you’re doing well, my friend.
I’m not here for personal attacks or abuse. Only for a civilized discussion. Please by all means provide your opinion. I’m here for a civilized discussion.

It would be productive if you could quote the specific points made by myself or even people in the video(did you watch any of it?) and then respond to them using quotes. As I have directly responded to you using your own quotes.

As a Catholic and somebody who wants to be a gentleman, I will not be talking down to people or abusing them. And I will not be fostering a negative environment.

I responded to your point friend. Organized crime exists in all areas of life. There’s even criminals in churches… pastors who have stolen money from their attendance. But most church leaders are good people.

Folks Have a bigger chance of losing everything by opening up a restaurant or investing into a business… compared to playing a game of poker or walking through a casino.

So you think inviting more opportunities for organized crime is a good thing. Like I said, folks can play in their own homes, When the house takes a cut of every pot, the incentive is for larger and larger pots.

I suppose you could have $10K home games in AZ, TX or FLA where everyone is armed? I dont know. Junkies & Thugs need money. They don't rob parking meters or soda machines.
So you think inviting more opportunities for organized crime is a good thing. Like I said, folks can play in their own homes, When the house takes a cut of every pot, the incentive is for larger and larger pots.

I will tell you what I think in each post and you can quote the very post/point in response to this point specifically like I directly respond to in each of your points. There are still a few points I made in the op that you and Donald have not responded to.

In the USA, there is a limit on what can be raked from poker game at casino. So the larger the pot it is not the case that the larger the Rake is . And in most smaller games in the USA the rake is seven dollars but some of them actually it’s five dollars. Meaning that there could be $100 in the pot or $10,000 in the pot and the maximum rake is five dollars.

Directly to your point, it’s actually the private games that are unregulated where there could be any sort of rake, it could be very high. So that’s only an argument to support legalizing Poker.

About organized crime. It’s not about more opportunities. That is some thing that simply comes along with a capitalistic society like America. It is not preventable. We will always have it actually it’s a part of humanity. Even with Christian churches, you know It I know it my friend there are Christian leaders who have stolen money from their parishioners. So it’s never going to be stopped. It’s simply can’t and God will judge us all.

It is interesting to look at the facts on the ground. Far more people have lost money opening up a business or a restaurant compared to playing poker.
I will tell you what I think in each post and you can quote the very post/point in response to this point specifically like I directly respond to in each of your points. There are still a few points I made in the op that you and Donald have not responded to.

In the USA, there is a limit on what can be raked from poker game at casino. So the larger the pot it is not the case that the larger the Rake is . And in most smaller games in the USA the rake is seven dollars but some of them actually it’s five dollars. Meaning that there could be $100 in the pot or $10,000 in the pot and the maximum rake is five dollars.

Directly to your point, it’s actually the private games that are unregulated where there could be any sort of rake, it could be very high. So that’s only an argument to support legalizing Poker.

About organized crime. It’s not about more opportunities. That is some thing that simply comes along with a capitalistic society like America. It is not preventable. We will always have it actually it’s a part of humanity. Even with Christian churches, you know It I know it my friend there are Christian leaders who have stolen money from their parishioners. So it’s never going to be stopped. It’s simply can’t and God will judge us all.

It is interesting to look at the facts on the ground. Far more people have lost money opening up a business or a restaurant compared to playing poker.

There was never a rake, as you call it, in any private game I've ever played in. We usually brought our own drinks and snacks, or we pitched in for the host to purchase them. No one had a stake in the game if they weren't playing. You can also drone on how many ways there are to commit crimes or lose your money, I've owned businesses, I know the risks. Frankly this is an issue for the States, the feds have no authority in the matter.

There was never a rake, as you call it, in any private game I've ever played in. We usually brought our own drinks and snacks, or we pitched in for the host to purchase them. No one had a stake in the game if they weren't playing. You can also drone on how many ways there are to commit crimes or lose your money, I've owned businesses, I know the risks. Frankly this is an issue for the States, the feds have no authority in the matter.

It’s different everywhere, brother. I’ve been playing poker very competitively for a long time. often relatively high stakes.

That’s the bottom line when it comes to private games it is different everywhere. And for example, it is more risk or meaning that a private game can be attacked by criminals. They can attempt to rob the game. One of the games I’ve played has been “hit” in that manner… thankfully I wasn’t there for that.

It goes both ways when we compare private games to casino. The only way that a private game is better is it the rake is lower and from my experience the rake is usually higher at a lot of the private games at least the ones in my area. What of the private games I played at has double the rake compared to what the casino is. But the other two private games has a very low rake actually lower than the casino, but that is very rare from what I understand if you’re playing competitively. I’m not talking about 10 or $20 much much higher stakes like people winning losing one or $2000 or more

Also, the casinos guarantee a level of safety that a private game really cannot guarantee.

I did provide a fact. And it is a fact that large portions of people who open up a business or restaurant fail within their first year. And so less people lose the same amount of money if they are playing poker. Most people who play poker play casually. It is the same thing for people who go to a casino most of them end up losing about $20 and they’re done. I’m not “droning” on about things nor are you… I could say you’re doing that just for the sake of it but it’s inappropriate to talk like that. let’s have a civilized discussion.

As the original post stated it’s about the morality here. What do people think about this regardless of what the state or federal laws are. I’ve already provided my opinion on this and I’m interested to see what other folks have to say.
It’s different everywhere, brother. I’ve been playing poker very competitively for a long time. often relatively high stakes.

That’s the bottom line when it comes to private games it is different everywhere. And for example, it is more risk or meaning that a private game can be attacked by criminals. They can attempt to rob the game. One of the games I’ve played has been “hit” in that manner… thankfully I wasn’t there for that.

It goes both ways when we compare private games to casino. The only way that a private game is better is it the rake is lower and from my experience the rake is usually higher at a lot of the private games at least the ones in my area. What of the private games I played at has double the rake compared to what the casino is. But the other two private games has a very low rake actually lower than the casino, but that is very rare from what I understand if you’re playing competitively. I’m not talking about 10 or $20 much much higher stakes like people winning losing one or $2000 or more

Also, the casinos guarantee a level of safety that a private game really cannot guarantee.

I did provide a fact. And it is a fact that large portions of people who open up a business or restaurant fail within their first year. And so less people lose the same amount of money if they are playing poker. Most people who play poker play casually. It is the same thing for people who go to a casino most of them end up losing about $20 and they’re done. I’m not “droning” on about things nor are you… I could say you’re doing that just for the sake of it but it’s inappropriate to talk like that. let’s have a civilized discussion.

As the original post stated it’s about the morality here. What do people think about this regardless of what the state or federal laws are. I’ve already provided my opinion on this and I’m interested to see what other folks have to say.

Feel free to carry on, I've said all I have to say on the subject. It's up to the States.

why is this a problem?
It's not but he's trying to invent a problem. And mostly he's making a political statement to show that he's not interested in the social ills caused by all forms of gambling.

This discussion doesn't suit his agenda now and his remarks will show that. Don't let him avoid the 'socially responsible' side of the discussion.
It's not but he's trying to invent a problem. And mostly he's making a political statement to show that he's not interested in the social ills caused by all forms of gambling.

This discussion doesn't suit his agenda now and his remarks will show that. Don't let him avoid the 'socially responsible' side of the discussion.

I am with him in that I do not give a crap about the " social ills caused by all forms of gambling". If you do not wish to gamble, then do not gamble. Do not tell me what I can do though.
I am with him in that I do not give a crap about the " social ills caused by all forms of gambling". If you do not wish to gamble, then do not gamble. Do not tell me what I can do though.
I think it's only most of Americans who think that you're being told what to do. As that applies to the very wealthy telling the working class, you're right.

Socially responsible governments in socially responsible societies attempt to limit or eliminate gambling for good reasons.

For example, the poor turn to gambling in desperation, lose their money that was to feed their families, and then have to turn to government for OPM! Your money!

Look a little closer at your concept of 'freedom'. You'll find issues such as affordable health care for all Americans to be one of the major freedoms that is missing!

Can you name some of the other freedoms that come with social reform of greedy capitalism?
I think it's only most of Americans who think that you're being told what to do

When the Govt tells you that you cannot do something, they are telling you what to do. Not really all that complicated.

As that applies to the very wealthy telling the working class, you're right.

The wealthy do not tell me what do. Even in dealing with my employer we have a transactional relationship, I freely choose to give them my time and effort and they freely choose to give me money in exchange for said time and effort. I am free to walk away at any time as are they.

Socially responsible governments in socially responsible societies attempt to limit or eliminate gambling for good reasons.

Which countries have done that? One thing I know for sure, is that more than 100 nations out there have legalized, Govt sponsored gambling called a Lottery. There is no limit to how much money a poor person can dump into the lottery. It is my experience that Govt's only restrict other gambling so as to not cut into their profits.

For example, the poor turn to gambling in desperation, lose their money that was to feed their families, and then have to turn to government for OPM! Your money!

People abuse everything out there, should we ban booze since poor people can become alcoholics and not be able to work, thus needing my money. Where does it end in your world?
When the Govt tells you that you cannot do something, they are telling you what to do. Not really all that complicated.
I think it depends on what the government is telling you that you can't do. Government tells you that you're not permitted to shoot other people with your guns. They even tell you that you're not permitted to shoot some animals.
The wealthy do not tell me what do. Even in dealing with my employer we have a transactional relationship, I freely choose to give them my time and effort and they freely choose to give me money in exchange for said time and effort. I am free to walk away at any time as are they.
You've introduced a good point for discussion. In fact, many people aren't free to walk away from their employment. There are consequences involved to prevent that. Let's not get any farther into simplistic details.
Which countries have done that? One thing I know for sure, is that more than 100 nations out there have legalized, Govt sponsored gambling called a Lottery. There is no limit to how much money a poor person can dump into the lottery. It is my experience that Govt's only restrict other gambling so as to not cut into their profits.
Too simplistic and not to the point. 100 countries is about half.
Government's profits are its incentive. Some governments refuse some or all gambling. i'm only speaking for what I consider to be a socially responsible government position.
It might seem that more rightist governments are more in favour of gambling, which leads to bailing out the poor with OPM!
People abuse everything out there,
Not everything, and in my opinion, much less than most everything.
should we ban booze since poor people can become alcoholics and not be able to work, thus needing my money. Where does it end in your world?
In my opinion government should discourage the use of alcohol, through offering socially responsible advice. Some governments succeed with that more than others.
I think it depends on what the government is telling you that you can't do. Government tells you that you're not permitted to shoot other people with your guns.

Doing something to another person is very different than doing something for yourself. Yes it is illegal for me to gamble with your money, but should not be for me to do so with my money if I want to.

Some governments refuse some or all gambling. i'm only speaking for what I consider to be a socially responsible government position.

Can you list some of the countries you are speaking of so I can see what their rules are?

Not everything, and in my opinion, much less than most everything.

Not sure you could name 10 things that do not get abused in one form or another.

In my opinion government should discourage the use of alcohol, through offering socially responsible advice.

Seems most do that. But why not just outlaw it like you want to do with gambling. Booze causes far more problems than gambling.

Some governments succeed with that more than others.

Again, can you give some examples?
Doing something to another person is very different than doing something for yourself. Yes it is illegal for me to gamble with your money, but should not be for me to do so with my money if I want to.
Can you accept that gambling often does something to other people by placing the resultant burden on OPM?
Can you list some of the countries you are speaking of so I can see what their rules are?
That doesn't indicate that you're interested in learning anything out of what I've said.
Iran for an extreme on alcohol use.
Canada for a moderated and sensible approach. (IMO)
Not sure you could name 10 things that do not get abused in one form or another.
It could take an applied effort. But I don't see your point. My emphasis is on looking at abuse and then examining whether or not society can do better.
Seems most do that. But why not just outlaw it like you want to do with gambling.
The main problem with chopped up questions and answers that you don't like, is when you refer to some 'that'.
Outlawing something or anything requires discretion.
Booze causes far more problems than gambling.
I would think that's true.
Again, can you give some examples?

Give examples of what? See what I mean with your criticism of chopping up questions and answers now?
Be specific on what you're asking for as 'some' examples.

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