*Frozen Solid,Global Warming Help!!!!!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

  1. I noticed the center part of North America is slipping into an ice age.
  2. And their leader the little obama bot thinks global warming is creating it.
  3. So warmth in a big way is making it Freeze!!!!
  4. Maybe little obama bot should start saying up is down and down is up, I bet some would agree.
  5. LOL,....it can't get any more hilarious.
  6. Send in the clowns, Nancy, Schumer, and Ryan.....
  7. Polar vortex to bring prolonged, life-threatening cold outbreak to midwestern US this week
Polar vortex splits into three and sends Arctic air southward

Yes sir... Its cold and breaking records tonight, tomorrow, and tomorrow night for sure.. Right now its -30 deg F in many areas in North Dakota, South Dakota, Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois. With wind chill several areas are at -67 deg F and were breaking all time cold records in most of the affected regions..


And today's monkey is..........................^^^^^^^^^^
Donkey Face Cortez said the Earth will overheat to death in 12 years and it is WWII now, and so the Japs and Nazis (combustion engines ala Algore?) need to be defeated by spending money on ways to cool the Earth! :p Fortunately Mother Nature stepped in to save the Earth from Donkey Face Cortez.

All LOLs aside, I hope the forecasters are wrong. I could care less about the Chicago homeless and welfare scum freezing to death, I am concerned about farm animals, wild animals, farmers, etc., that make America great being messed up by the arctic blast.
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"How can this boat be sinking when my side is now 8 feet higher up than before!?"
Sorry bout that,

  1. I noticed the center part of North America is slipping into an ice age.
  2. And their leader the little obama bot thinks global warming is creating it.
  3. So warmth in a big way is making it Freeze!!!!
  4. Maybe little obama bot should start saying up is down and down is up, I bet some would agree.
  5. LOL,....it can't get any more hilarious.
  6. Send in the clowns, Nancy, Schumer, and Ryan.....
  7. Polar vortex to bring prolonged, life-threatening cold outbreak to midwestern US this week
Whenever it's cold outside, the dumbshits have to say this nonsense to validate their ass backwards misbeliefs.

My experience this winter from Minnesota is that prior to last week it's one of the mildest I've ever seen here. There was very little snow accumulation before mid January as it would all melt off. We had 40 degree days not long ago. Now we are finally dipping below 0 on some days and getting some accumulation almost in February. It's been a warm winter again and I think the data is going to back that up when it's over.

So, please stop this idiotic posting when the weather is cold.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I love it when the weather won't cooperate with the liberal mindsets.
  2. They flail back and forth up and down claim we just don't understand global warming, and how its all going be proven out its getting hotter and hotter and will kill us all soon.
  3. The great thinkers will justify it all and then they can sleep at night again.
  4. The President made a comment he was hoping global *waming* came back soo, to save their stupid lives.
  5. I was watching steven colbert and he mocked the President for his typo.
  6. Does that idiot really think President Trump doesn't know how to speel warming?
  7. Speel or spell dumb ass?!
Whenever it's cold outside, the dumbshits have to say this nonsense to validate their ass backwards misbeliefs.

And when it's hot outside, the other side does precisely the same thing.

If weather isn't climate then that applies equally to unseasonably warm and cold days.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I noticed the center part of North America is slipping into an ice age.
  2. And their leader the little obama bot thinks global warming is creating it.
  3. So warmth in a big way is making it Freeze!!!!
  4. Maybe little obama bot should start saying up is down and down is up, I bet some would agree.
  5. LOL,....it can't get any more hilarious.
  6. Send in the clowns, Nancy, Schumer, and Ryan.....
  7. Polar vortex to bring prolonged, life-threatening cold outbreak to midwestern US this week
Whenever it's cold outside, the dumbshits have to say this nonsense to validate their ass backwards misbeliefs.

My experience this winter from Minnesota is that prior to last week it's one of the mildest I've ever seen here. There was very little snow accumulation before mid January as it would all melt off. We had 40 degree days not long ago. Now we are finally dipping below 0 on some days and getting some accumulation almost in February. It's been a warm winter again and I think the data is going to back that up when it's over.

So, please stop this idiotic posting when the weather is cold.
They can't help themselves. There a bunch of simpletons.
Don't listen to the ignorant.

I believe scientists.

Not people who swear the ramblings and writings of robe wearing bronze age primitives who didn't know to wash after wiping is the literal truth.
Polar vortex splits into three and sends Arctic air southward

Yes sir... Its cold and breaking records tonight, tomorrow, and tomorrow night for sure.. Right now its -30 deg F in many areas in North Dakota, South Dakota, Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois. With wind chill several areas are at -67 deg F and were breaking all time cold records in most of the affected regions..


And today's monkey is..........................^^^^^^^^^^

Trivia: Do you know the meaning of the phrase "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey"?

It is a Navy term, when cannonballs were stacked on brass plates with divots in the plate to make the cannonballs stay in one place. When it got cold enough, the brass would contract, allowing the cannonballs to roll out of the divots and off the brass "monkey", hence "cold enough to freeze the balls off of a brass monkey".

Polar vortex splits into three and sends Arctic air southward

Yes sir... Its cold and breaking records tonight, tomorrow, and tomorrow night for sure.. Right now its -30 deg F in many areas in North Dakota, South Dakota, Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois. With wind chill several areas are at -67 deg F and were breaking all time cold records in most of the affected regions..


And today's monkey is..........................^^^^^^^^^^

Trivia: Do you know the meaning of the phrase "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey"?

It is a Navy term, when cannonballs were stacked on brass plates with divots in the plate to make the cannonballs stay in one place. When it got cold enough, the brass would contract, allowing the cannonballs to roll out of the divots and off the brass "monkey", hence "cold enough to freeze the balls off of a brass monkey".

Dad was a navy man so I was given a few of these historical trivia things over the years. Thank You for posting it!
Enjoy the warm weather because this is nothing. It is going to get much colder. MUCH colder. The sun is in minima. I have heard that it might last 70 years. Some say up to 200 years. No one knows how long the minimum will last.
this arctic vortex is killing me - it got down to 30's $ 40's for one day, today was in he low 50's, back to the 70's by Saturday.


Sorry bout that,

  1. I noticed the center part of North America is slipping into an ice age.
  2. And their leader the little obama bot thinks global warming is creating it.
  3. So warmth in a big way is making it Freeze!!!!
  4. Maybe little obama bot should start saying up is down and down is up, I bet some would agree.
  5. LOL,....it can't get any more hilarious.
  6. Send in the clowns, Nancy, Schumer, and Ryan.....
  7. Polar vortex to bring prolonged, life-threatening cold outbreak to midwestern US this week
How many threads do you guys need to prove you don't know the difference between climate and weather?
-16 in Chicago, hopefully that will deter the savages from their nightly shootings. On the other hand who gives a fuck when low IQ savages kill other low IQ savages. :p
Sorry bout that,

  1. I noticed the center part of North America is slipping into an ice age.
  2. And their leader the little obama bot thinks global warming is creating it.
  3. So warmth in a big way is making it Freeze!!!!
  4. Maybe little obama bot should start saying up is down and down is up, I bet some would agree.
  5. LOL,....it can't get any more hilarious.
  6. Send in the clowns, Nancy, Schumer, and Ryan.....
  7. Polar vortex to bring prolonged, life-threatening cold outbreak to midwestern US this week
Whenever it's cold outside, the dumbshits have to say this nonsense to validate their ass backwards misbeliefs.

My experience this winter from Minnesota is that prior to last week it's one of the mildest I've ever seen here. There was very little snow accumulation before mid January as it would all melt off. We had 40 degree days not long ago. Now we are finally dipping below 0 on some days and getting some accumulation almost in February. It's been a warm winter again and I think the data is going to back that up when it's over.

So, please stop this idiotic posting when the weather is cold.
At some point, the mild summers and -40 winters MUST have an effect on what we consider "climate."

Our senses are telling us that the alleged rise in average global temperature CANNOT be supported.

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