Finally, A President Willing To Cut Off Boomers' Social Security And Medicare Charity


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November.

The Trump campaign was apparently so satisfied with the public acknowledgement of the president's promise to make the payroll tax permanent—a move that would inherently bankrupt the Social Security system—that it clipped the portion of the press conference and shared on social media immediately after it concluded.

Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest accomplishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.

Workers can now spend the money the government had held for their retirement from the first day of their employment. Waiting until later years to begin saving for one's old age is a much more viable system, since everyone will be diligent in this effort.

President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November.

The Trump campaign was apparently so satisfied with the public acknowledgement of the president's promise to make the payroll tax permanent—a move that would inherently bankrupt the Social Security system—that it clipped the portion of the press conference and shared on social media immediately after it concluded.

Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest accomplishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.

Workers can now spend the money the government had held for their retirement from the first day of their employment. Waiting until later years to begin saving for one's old age is a much more viable system, since everyone will be diligent in this effort.

Wow, threaten taking MY money that I paid in to pay for his petty projects sure does buy my vote. And it certainly buys the votes of the largest voting block in the nation. Talk about shooting himself in the foot once again. I wondered when the next "Here, hold my beer" moment would surface.
President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November.

The Trump campaign was apparently so satisfied with the public acknowledgement of the president's promise to make the payroll tax permanent—a move that would inherently bankrupt the Social Security system—that it clipped the portion of the press conference and shared on social media immediately after it concluded.

Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest accomplishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.

Workers can now spend the money the government had held for their retirement from the first day of their employment. Waiting until later years to begin saving for one's old age is a much more viable system, since everyone will be diligent in this effort.

This is a lie. I can sense it without even reading the first sentence.
Conservative voters of all ages realize the president's plan will benefit all Americans.
I'm for cutting off Social Security for everyone under 25yo - no more AFTER everyone above that who has actually paid into if for at least 20 years gets theirs paid.

You snowflakes seem to believe that the government is giving recipients government money each month, that they are doing recipients a favor by doing so. Those who believe that are just f*ing STUPID.



I don't know about you idiots who think killing SS without reimbursing anyone who has paid in is a good idea, but doing so would amount to THE LARGEST PONZI SCHEME IN WORLD HISTORY.

A man is sitting in prison right now for doing what is being suggested.

Screw that....

Tell you what...cut me a check right now for HALF of the money I have paid into SS, and you can do whatever you want with SS.

You know who writes his financial speeches- the one guy he can't fire.
I'm for cutting off Social Security for everyone under 25yo - no more AFTER everyone above that who has actually paid into if for at least 20 years gets theirs paid.

You snowflakes seem to believe that the government is giving recipients government money each month, that they are doing recipients a favor by doing so. Those who believe that are just f*ing STUPID.



I don't know about you idiots who think killing SS without reimbursing anyone who has paid in is a good idea, but doing so would amount to THE LARGEST PONZI SCHEME IN WORLD HISTORY.

A man is sitting in prison right now for doing what is being suggested.

Screw that....

Tell you what...cut me a check right now for HALF of the money I have paid into SS, and you can do whatever you want with SS.

If you are a Baby Boomer, the president is finally ending your free ride.
President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November.

The Trump campaign was apparently so satisfied with the public acknowledgement of the president's promise to make the payroll tax permanent—a move that would inherently bankrupt the Social Security system—that it clipped the portion of the press conference and shared on social media immediately after it concluded.

Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest accomplishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.

Workers can now spend the money the government had held for their retirement from the first day of their employment. Waiting until later years to begin saving for one's old age is a much more viable system, since everyone will be diligent in this effort.

You tards are Hillaryous.

Stopping the deduction of a regressive tax from people to stimulate the economy is not gutting Social Security.

If you had a job you'd be happy. And if your leader Nazi Pelosi had done the right thing Trump wouldn't have had to do it.
President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November.

The Trump campaign was apparently so satisfied with the public acknowledgement of the president's promise to make the payroll tax permanent—a move that would inherently bankrupt the Social Security system—that it clipped the portion of the press conference and shared on social media immediately after it concluded.

Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest accomplishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.

Workers can now spend the money the government had held for their retirement from the first day of their employment. Waiting until later years to begin saving for one's old age is a much more viable system, since everyone will be diligent in this effort.

You tards are Hillaryous.

Stopping the deduction of a regressive tax from people to stimulate the economy is not gutting Social Security.

If you had a job you'd be happy. And if your leader Nazi Pelosi had done the right thing Trump wouldn't have had to do it.

You obviously didn't watch the video. The deductions for SS and Medicare will end permanently if he is reelected. It's the end for you freeloading Baby Boomers when the trust fund dries up.
Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest accomplishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.

"The federal dole"?

Thank you for proving you may be the dumbest snowflake on this board!

The United States Government does not have any money. Every dime they have, every dime they spend, is a fine they TOOK from Americans.

Social Security is NOT the US government's money. It never has been.

The money recipients get back each month is a portion of THEIR money they have been forced to pay into the program, you idiot.

I see they indoctrinated your dumb ass extremely well.
President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November.

The Trump campaign was apparently so satisfied with the public acknowledgement of the president's promise to make the payroll tax permanent—a move that would inherently bankrupt the Social Security system—that it clipped the portion of the press conference and shared on social media immediately after it concluded.

Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest accomplishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.

Workers can now spend the money the government had held for their retirement from the first day of their employment. Waiting until later years to begin saving for one's old age is a much more viable system, since everyone will be diligent in this effort.

Ever watch The Walking Dead? Don't wish for it. They will come for you.

After all, they were forced into the deal.
If you are a Baby Boomer, the president is finally ending your free ride.

'Free ride'? It's MY money, dumbass!

Do you speak / read English, or are you just THAT completely brainwashed or have your head that far up the ass of the criminal socialist collective'?
President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November.

The Trump campaign was apparently so satisfied with the public acknowledgement of the president's promise to make the payroll tax permanent—a move that would inherently bankrupt the Social Security system—that it clipped the portion of the press conference and shared on social media immediately after it concluded.

Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest accomplishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.

Workers can now spend the money the government had held for their retirement from the first day of their employment. Waiting until later years to begin saving for one's old age is a much more viable system, since everyone will be diligent in this effort.

You tards are Hillaryous.

Stopping the deduction of a regressive tax from people to stimulate the economy is not gutting Social Security.

If you had a job you'd be happy. And if your leader Nazi Pelosi had done the right thing Trump wouldn't have had to do it.

You obviously didn't watch the video. The deductions for SS and Medicare will end permanently if he is reelected. It's the end for you freeloading Baby Boomers when the trust fund dries up.

Don't ever underestimate the stupidity of those supporting regressive taxes.
Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest accomplishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.
You are such an idiot. ... :cuckoo:
The boomers paid into Social Security for decades. It's their money not the governments. ... :cool:
For as long as it lasts, but without payroll deductions to fund Social Security recipients' federal lifeline, the gravy train will run out of steam.
President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November.

The Trump campaign was apparently so satisfied with the public acknowledgement of the president's promise to make the payroll tax permanent—a move that would inherently bankrupt the Social Security system—that it clipped the portion of the press conference and shared on social media immediately after it concluded.

Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest accomplishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.

Workers can now spend the money the government had held for their retirement from the first day of their employment. Waiting until later years to begin saving for one's old age is a much more viable system, since everyone will be diligent in this effort.

Why do have SS in the first place? Oh yeah, during the depression seniors were starving. Ah, the good old days.
President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November.

The Trump campaign was apparently so satisfied with the public acknowledgement of the president's promise to make the payroll tax permanent—a move that would inherently bankrupt the Social Security system—that it clipped the portion of the press conference and shared on social media immediately after it concluded.

Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest accomplishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.

Workers can now spend the money the government had held for their retirement from the first day of their employment. Waiting until later years to begin saving for one's old age is a much more viable system, since everyone will be diligent in this effort.

Why do have SS in the first place? Oh yeah, during the depression seniors were starving. Ah, the good old days.

In fact, getting rid of the payroll tax doesn't mean getting rid of SS or Medicare. They will simply be funded in other ways.
If politicians ever end social security without compensating Americans who have paid into it for decades, if Americans lose all that money, Americans need to drag millionaire politicians like Pelosi, Schumer, etc...out into the streets, seize their MULTIPLE HOMES, their $25k fridges, etc...until we get OUR money back.
Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest accomplishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.
You are such an idiot. ... :cuckoo:
The boomers paid into Social Security for decades. It's their money not the governments. ... :cool:

Geez, I just felt the Earth Shudder. Sunni and I are on the same page on this one. The difference is, he'll still vote for Rump.

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