Finally, A President Willing To Cut Off Boomers' Social Security And Medicare Charity

A President Willing To Cut Off Boomers' Social Security And Medicare Charity



Try again.

President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November.



Try again.

You are suffering from a serious comprehension failure.

I strongly suggest you watch your own video link and LISTEN.
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President Donald Trump on Saturday afternoon openly vowed to permanently "terminate" the funding mechanism for both Social Security and Medicare if reelected in November.

The Trump campaign was apparently so satisfied with the public acknowledgement of the president's promise to make the payroll tax permanent—a move that would inherently bankrupt the Social Security system—that it clipped the portion of the press conference and shared on social media immediately after it concluded.

Getting Baby Boomers off the federal dole will be the greatest complishment by any U.S. president of the past 100 years.

Workers can now spend the money the government had held for their retirement from the first day of their employment. Waiting until later years to begin saving for one's old age is a much more viable system, since everyone will be diligent in this effort.

Why do have SS in the first place? Oh yeah, during the depression seniors were starving. Ah, the good old days.

In fact, getting rid of the payroll tax doesn't mean getting rid of SS or Medicare. They will simply be funded in other ways.

I'm sure it will go better than healthcare. First they gut Obamacare and then promise to fix it at some nebulous time in the future.

Obamacare was a failure. It promised to provide universal healthcare but except for the expansion of Medicaid, it did very littler to expand healthcare benefits. It was driven entirely by ideology with very few practical benefits.
The GOP has defined Social Security and Medicare as "entitlement programs" for decades. So, since most Baby Boomers are registered Republicans, they must, by definition, agree with politicians of their chosen party.
Trumps wants to CUT the payroll tax, not TERMINATE it. This entire topic was built on a totally false premise.

So basically, Trump wants to add to the deficit. Trillion dollar deficits are too small for Donald "Tiny Hands" Trump.
You deadbeats that want to steal should get your overtly sensitive lazy asses out there and do something for SS instead of endorsing rioters and looters over the fake du jour.
George "Shrub" Bush years ago talked about setting up a privatized system like Chile so people could opt out of SS if they wanted and democrats had a massive coordinated crap fit!
And the system is reportedly falling apart.

But nevertheless the left are all on the record solidly backing SS.
I'm for cutting off Social Security for everyone under 25yo - no more AFTER everyone above that who has actually paid into if for at least 20 years gets theirs paid.

You snowflakes seem to believe that the government is giving recipients government money each month, that they are doing recipients a favor by doing so. Those who believe that are just f*ing STUPID.



I don't know about you idiots who think killing SS without reimbursing anyone who has paid in is a good idea, but doing so would amount to THE LARGEST PONZI SCHEME IN WORLD HISTORY.

A man is sitting in prison right now for doing what is being suggested.

Screw that....

Tell you what...cut me a check right now for HALF of the money I have paid into SS, and you can do whatever you want with SS.

If you are a Baby Boomer, the president is finally ending your free ride.

Free ride? The federal gov't has been collecting that money from me since I was 17 years old. Free ride? It is no free ride. It was taken from me by force. And a promise was made to me that it would be returned if I lived long enough.

So what you applauding is blatant theft and breaking a promise to a citizen.

That will not bode well for the large voting block. Candidates have lost elections when the other side made the voters THINK they were going to close Social Security. When the candidate actually threatens it? Not smart.
Trumps wants to CUT the payroll tax, not TERMINATE it. This entire topic was built on a totally false premise.

So basically, Trump wants to add to the deficit. Trillion dollar deficits are too small for Donald "Tiny Hands" Trump.
So I gather you yourself have a massive dong!
But I guess on the internet anyone can make any claim they want.
The government wasn't run by the champion at going bankrupt when you were "guaranteed" that money.
That's absolutely immaterial! Presidents are bound by laws and policies just like everyone else.
Social security is not called the "third rail" of politics for nothing. Anyone touching it will die!
Since when has trump been bound by laws? He is the greatest president of all time, laws have no effect on him. He's busy making America great again, and if Boomers must suffer a little hardship, that's the way it is.
Trumps wants to CUT the payroll tax, not TERMINATE it. This entire topic was built on a totally false premise.

So basically, Trump wants to add to the deficit. Trillion dollar deficits are too small for Donald "Tiny Hands" Trump.
So I gather you yourself have a massive dong!
But I guess on the internet anyone can make any claim they want.
Show me where I made any claim about my johnson, fuckwit.

Is that the best you can do when the OP is shattered?


Speaking of claims, the topic title and the OP are both horseshit.
The government wasn't run by the champion at going bankrupt when you were "guaranteed" that money.
That's absolutely immaterial! Presidents are bound by laws and policies just like everyone else.
Social security is not called the "third rail" of politics for nothing. Anyone touching it will die!
Since when has trump been bound by laws? He is the greatest president of all time, laws have no effect on him. He's busy making America great again, and if Boomers must suffer a little hardship, that's the way it is.
If Trump was not bound by laws he would be in jail rather than former FBI agents Terry Allbury and
Robert Lustyik with may more to come. You're a wonderfully b.s. filled troll but
I think you are out over your skies now. Time to go nighty night.
If politicians ever end social security without compensating Americans who have paid into it for decades, if Americans lose all that money, Americans need to drag millionaire politicians like Pelosi, Schumer, etc...out into the streets, seize their MULTIPLE HOMES, their $25k fridges, etc...until we get OUR money back.
Please, take care not to injure any members of the GOP, they've always fought for the rights of SS retirees.

Until now. And that might well be how the voters vote. Loyal republicans until now. I am not a retiree. But I paid into SS for more than 40 years.

Cut a few bombers out of the DoD budget.
The GOP has defined Social Security and Medicare as "entitlement programs" for decades. So, since most Baby Boomers are registered Republicans, they must, by definition, agree with politicians of their chosen party.

Anyone who defined Social Security as an "entitlement program" is a dumbass. Party does not matter.
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Show me where I made any claim about my johnson, fuckwit.

Is that the best you can do when the OP is shattered?


Speaking of claims, the topic title and the OP are both horseshit.
First of all I agree totally with your last sentence. It's an absolute shit bomb of trolling.

But sadly, when you reference that really tired worn out meme about Trump's "little hands" you
turn the magnifying glass on yourself and comparisons can't help but be made.
And people are free to speculate on your dong size like you are doing with Trump.

And we know how the self conscious love to speculate about others, bringing them down
to size, so to speak.

So sorry if you were upset but you went down that road yourself. I haven't even heard a whisper about
little hands in the last four years until you went there.

So grow up...and I mean that literally.
Baby Boomers, most of you want trump for president for as long as possible. You can deny the truth all you want, but it doesn't change what he said.

Watch the video and see, he promises to end FICA contributions if he is reelected. Shooting the messenger never changes the message.

If politicians ever end social security without compensating Americans who have paid into it for decades, if Americans lose all that money, Americans need to drag millionaire politicians like Pelosi, Schumer, etc...out into the streets, seize their MULTIPLE HOMES, their $25k fridges, etc...until we get OUR money back.
Please, take care not to injure any members of the GOP, they've always fought for the rights of SS retirees.
So they have fought Democrats who want to steal more of our money...good for them.
Show me where I made any claim about my johnson, fuckwit.

Is that the best you can do when the OP is shattered?


Speaking of claims, the topic title and the OP are both horseshit.
First of all I agree totally with your last sentence. It's an absolute shit bomb of trolling.

But sadly, when you reference that really tired worn out meme about Trump's "little hands" you
turn the magnifying glass on yourself and comparisons can't help but be made.
And people are free to speculate on your dong size like you are doing with Trump.
And we know how the self conscious love to speculate about others, bringing them down
to size, so to speak.

So sorry if you were upset but you went down that road yourself. I haven't even heard a whisper about
little hands in the last four years until you went there.

So grow up...and I mean that literally.
Watch the video.
If you are a Baby Boomer, the president is finally ending your free ride.
You sound very bitter...and ignorant. Boomers have spent their entire working life paying into Social Security
because it was law and the government guaranteed their money would always be there for them.

Getting my money back as promised is not a free ride! Grab a pool cue, bend over and see if you can't go
fuck yourself. I bet someone slimy and slippery like you could.

He's trolling everyone.

First, he's a left there is no way he is positioned to support this.

He's just trying to piss you off.
I am not mad....I'm laughing at his dumb ass.

Dems / snowflakes are always accusing others of what they have been doing for decades...

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