Evidence of Climate -- so what is the Climate changing to?

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
You don't need to spend much time on this video to catch that things cause climate. Things cause change. To claim a tiny portion of any gas changes climate is a wild wild claim.

So take a moment or two and check out this island between Australia and New Zealand.
First what things change climate here? The pair of island mountains? Take a Grade of A if you say the mountains cause it. So please stop blaming a tiny amount of a helpless gas, called Carbon Dioxide.

Lord Howe Island can be an absolute nightmare if the winds are blowing wrong.

Because of variable strong winds on the island, the tiny one strip airport (YLHI) is sometimes not aligned with prevailing winds and creates a crosswind lending scenario beyond the capability of most small planes.

Pilots approaching the island from Sydney (424 nm) have to be updated on winds before reaching a no-go point where they won't be able to land and won't have enough fuel to return to the nearest landing field 318nm away.
Lord Howe Island can be an absolute nightmare if the winds are blowing wrong.

Because of variable strong winds on the island, the tiny one strip airport (YLHI) is sometimes not aligned with prevailing winds and creates a crosswind lending scenario beyond the capability of most small planes.

Pilots approaching the island from Sydney (424 nm) have to be updated on winds before reaching a no-go point where they won't be able to land and won't have enough fuel to return to the nearest landing field 318nm away.
I watched the entire video but they did not mention the airport. I can check for it using google. YES as a pilot myself, winds can wreak holy havoc. They mentioned winds on those islands but their main focus was nature. They say islanders purchased a sea vessel so their supplies are as needed. And that they only allow 400 visitors at a time who can only stay short times.

I checked the airport and it is located as far as I can tell on the one flat area of that island. And of course the wind direction can be a major problem. The airport building reminds me of the building at Hawaii on the Kona side.
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I watched the entire video but they did not mention the airport. I can check for it using google. YES as a pilot myself, winds can wreak holy havoc. They mentioned winds on those islands but their main focus was nature. They say islanders purchased a sea vessel so their supplies are as needed. And that they only allow 400 visitors at a time who can only stay short times.

I checked the airport and it is located as far as I can tell on the one flat area of that island. And of course the wind direction can be a major problem. The airport building reminds me of the building at Hawaii on the Kona side.

Add to that, the fact that the strip is set between two peaks, any winds blowing between the two at greater than 20kts can cause moderate to severe turbulence and windshear. SIGMETs are issued regularly for the island and many commercial flights are cancelled, sometimes in mid-flight.
Add to that, the fact that the strip is set between two peaks, any winds blowing between the two at greater than 20kts can cause moderate to severe turbulence and windshear. SIGMETs are issued regularly for the island and many commercial flights are cancelled, sometimes in mid-flight.
I have landed in cross winds. 20 Kts is doable but no fun. And take offs mean the pilot has to really understand crosswind take off and landings. We got trained where I did to do good cross wind landings.
You don't need to spend much time on this video to catch that things cause climate. Things cause change. To claim a tiny portion of any gas changes climate is a wild wild claim.

So take a moment or two and check out this island between Australia and New Zealand.
First what things change climate here? The pair of island mountains? Take a Grade of A if you say the mountains cause it. So please stop blaming a tiny amount of a helpless gas, called Carbon Dioxide.

Oceanic climate ... those don't ever change ... liquid water interacts with the atmosphere somewhat differently than dry land ... the ocean is a great moderator of temperature and humidity and producer of copious amounts of precipitation ... 60 inches a year on this poor island, a wonder she hasn't washed away yet ...
Oceanic climate ... those don't ever change ... liquid water interacts with the atmosphere somewhat differently than dry land ... the ocean is a great moderator of temperature and humidity and producer of copious amounts of precipitation ... 60 inches a year on this poor island, a wonder she hasn't washed away yet ...
I can name the desert climate where it is 8 degrees cooler than the record at the same place.
People also ask

What is the best month to go to Lord Howe Island?

The most popular time to visit Lord Howe is between September and May, however, even in the winter months (June, July and August), the days can be sunny and warm. Winter on Lord Howe Island showcases an array of unique activities that highlight the wildlife and biodiversity of our World Heritage listed Island.
I have landed in cross winds. 20 Kts is doable but no fun. And take offs mean the pilot has to really understand crosswind take off and landings. We got trained where I did to do good cross wind landings.

20kts isn't a bad x-wind... but, because of the terrain at this particular airport, a 20 kt wind generates significant turbulence and wind shear even when it's aligned with the runway. Making YLHI a pretty tricky landing. I wouldn't want to fly it on a daily basis.

Still, better than VHHH, old Kai Tak.
Tiny amounts of things are totally insignificant. Like we should raise the blood alcohol limit for safe driving from the tiny less than 1% it is now. How could that do anything because it's so small?
Tiny amounts of things are totally insignificant. Like we should raise the blood alcohol limit for safe driving from the tiny less than 1% it is now. How could that do anything because it's so small?

Worse ... we measure CO2 in parts per million ... for physical properties that depend on mass, ppm is super tiny ... much much smaller than our BAC standards ... and that's 0.05% in Utah ... or 500 ppm per day ... compared to the 3 or 4 ppm of carbon emissions per year ...

1ºC is nothing ... won't change weather, won't change climate ...
Tiny amounts of things are totally insignificant. Like we should raise the blood alcohol limit for safe driving from the tiny less than 1% it is now. How could that do anything because it's so small?
How many micrograms of hydrogen cyanide in a fatal dose?
How many micrograms of fentanyl?
They're "so small".......
How many micrograms of hydrogen cyanide in a fatal dose?
How many micrograms of fentanyl?
They're "so small".......

You don't need to spend much time on this video to catch that things cause climate. Things cause change. To claim a tiny portion of any gas changes climate is a wild wild claim.

So take a moment or two and check out this island between Australia and New Zealand.
First what things change climate here? The pair of island mountains? Take a Grade of A if you say the mountains cause it. So please stop blaming a tiny amount of a helpless gas, called Carbon Dioxide.

Just a few atoms of Polonium-210 is fatal ... better ... it's a slow very painful death ... makes rabies seem like a Sunday stroll ... how Putin teaches his lessons ...
There is on Prime a movie that is true in the major points showing how the Soviet Union would poison those it was suspicious of. It is called the Courier. It is in other languages and on my system one can get them translated. It builds the true story of an Englishman who is motivated by the British Secret Service to go to Moscow. He is a businessman. He is not thought of as a spy by the Soviets early on. He is told to meet a Soviet man with a high job who wants to get rid of the Soviet system and is willing to pass to England some top secrets. IT works out for a period of time until the Soviets put the missiles at Cuba. And the Soviets trying to be on top of things sets up exposing their own Soviet ranking person. To get time to completely investigate him, they poison him and he does not die, he is put into a hospital to recover. When he gets out, the Soviets learned his secrets. The English Courier has never been told the secrets he gets back to England, but knows he has top secrets.The end is he is picked up by the Soviets when he volunteers to go to Moscow to warn the actual spy. And the Soviets know it when he arrives and to them, he is also a spy. All he has been is a courier. After jailing him, and the actual spy, the Soviets have them meet at a prison. Naturally the Soviets hear every word. They know the Courier is nto a real spy but they keep him in prison. But the Soviet spy is executed. The story also involves an American CIA spy who is a woman.
So the Soviets have long used poison and they are smarter than they often are given credit for. This Soviet spy they say in the movie caused Kennedy to learn about the missiles at Cuba and was a reason that the Soviets pulled the Missies back out of Cuba. So Kennedy had plenty of help.

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