Donald Trump : Department Of Education Must Go

The Department of Education did not exist prior to 1979 when Jimmy Carter invented it. Since 1979 education has not gotten better. Get rid of it.
Yeah, getting rid of unnecessary bureaucracies would be the beginning of child labor, slave ownership and women not being allowed to work.

You libs will lie at anything to get your way.

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk...

You Libs is code that you have no clue what I am...

First off why not fix the problem?

Simple, it is because those like you and your Tea Party brethren have no clue how to fix anything...

Also remember it was those like Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ike, and Nixon that help expand the role of government into our daily lives, but let not remember those damn Liberal Republicans and instead worship a Corporate Welfare nimrod like Donald " Yes he is daft in the head " Trump...

Also a good majority of you that support the Tea Party are byproducts of that horrible Liberal Edukation system you hate so much...

Just imagine if your parents had to actually pay for your education...

So as you suckle at the stupidity tit of Donald " Women are second class citizens " Trump please note that without public edukation most of you would have grown up ignorant and stupid, oh wait you already did, so Trump might actually be correct...

Thanks but I went to a private religious school and we did just fine.

Your liberal education is why one out of five students don't graduate high school. It's also the reason the US spends more per capita on their students than any other in the industrialized world, yet only have mediocre results to show for it.

Okay liberals, so what's the solution? Oh, throw more money at it you say?

You liberals couldn't live one day without the federal government controlling your lives, could you? If Trump were President today and eliminated the Department of Education and nobody told you about it, you'd never know they were gone. It's a huge waste of money.

It was a Republican that made the Department of Education a Cabinet position...

United States Department of Education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You wrote about the Voucher system, but why should I be forced to pay for your kid education?

According to you the public school system is a waste and you support Trump idea of getting rid of it and do not want the government involved in your child education, then why request voucher system?

If a individual has a child then why not make the parent pay for their child education and not demand those like me to pay for someone mistake?

If you are too poor then why are you breeding?

So let cut through the nonsense and do away with all forms of taxation, and departments on the Federal, State, County and City level...

Now understand you are the one claiming I can not live a day without the Federal Government, but the reality it is those like you benefit as much as I do from the Federal Government involvement in our daily lives, but you are too ignorant to see this...

Yes, I benefit so much from the federal government, as if I had a choice. What button to I press to get government out of my life? The more government out of my life, the better my life will be whereas you are the exact opposite.

Yes I wrote about the voucher system; not because I think it's a great idea, but only to show that Republicans have been more proactive in trying to straighten out the mess that is our public school systems than the Democrats. Democrats keep asking for more money as if that's ever going to help.

Taxes? Yes, I do think parents should be paying more taxes if they have kids in the public school system than people that don't. In our state, it's assessed through property taxes. I nor my tenants have any kids in our public school system, but over half of my property taxes that I pay go to support the schools. In the meantime, the parent(s) down the street may be paying half of what I pay because my property is much larger and they might have four kids in those schools. I don't see anything fair about that.

First off you keep on claiming certain garbage about me, and no matter how many times you write it the fact is you are still wrong!

First off you are using the internet which was created with Government money, so what button you should push is the off button on the device you are using...

I find it funny those like you hate the government so much but rely on as much as I do, so please understand that fact, but I bet you will refuse to accept it nor understand it!

Also you wrote about your hero Trump and how had he been President the Department of Education would have been done away with, but the reality is he's selling you so much bullshit and your too stupid to realize it.

Your major issue is with the Union and I will agree the Teacher Union is not helping the Children of this country by keeping worthless teachers at their jobs. I believe the Union has done more harm than good when it come to our school system, so I guess that blows your theory about " You Libs ".

As for paying Taxes, well everyone has to pay into the system if they want roads and infrastructure, and if you disagree then move to a country that has a system of government to your liking.

The fact is it was Republicans like Lincoln, Teddy, Ike and Nixon that expanded the role of the government into our lives, so where is your outrage over that fact?

Simple, you do not care when a Republican does it because you believe they have the best interest of the nation in their heart and soul, but when and if a Democrat get to abuse the system you then whine like a little girl...

Also why should I support the Voucher system?

It is still taking money from me to pay for your kids education, and you claim to be against the Federal Government involvement into our lives, so why write you are in support of another system that will tax us?

Simple, the GOP offered it up, so it must be a good thing to your close minded view...

So as you whine about how you have to pay too much taxes while the family down the street get off paying less is not my problem. Life is not fair and neither is paying taxes, and we all have to pay our share, but of course you prefer those like me to pay more while you pay less and still enjoy the same benefits in life...

So if you do not like the Educational System then do not offer another program that taxes the American Public to replace the broken one with because it is not my duty to pay for your kid education, and if you want a voucher then send your kid to public school instead!

What I offered was a cheaper alternative since we are stuck paying those taxes to support the children of other people anyway. If left up to me, everybody would pay their own way and I would only pay what I benefit from. I don't benefit by paying money to educate your kid.

I don't care what other Presidents did long before I was born. We are talking the present here and since you think you know much more about me than I do you, I was against Bush's Medicare expansion, Head start and buying votes by sending Africa money to fight AIDS. I'm against all of it no matter who is President. Much unlike Democrats, we do criticize our own, and most conservatives joined me in my opinion of what Bush and some other Republicans did or tried to do. Aren't you paying attention to the Republican primaries and notice who our front runners are right now? We are trying to make change.

As far as that old worn out canard about infrastructure and roads, those are expenses of our federal government because they are in the US Constitution. Cash for Clunkers and supporting schools that come complete with free transportation, gymnasiums, swimming pools, football fields, school lunch and breakfast are not.
Seeing as how our current federal education system is all about maximizing White guilt, promoting diversity, and spreading leftist ideology, I support this measure!

Trump: Deptartment Of Education Must Go

What a surprise that a moron is against education. Sure didn't see that coming.

In other news Mike Huckabee says he'll do away with the Department of Satan and Rick Santorum pledged to abolish the SPCA.
I'm against the jewish indoctrination of our kids in public schools. Aren't you?
Thus spake der Fuhrher. Hey! That's an idea! Let's look to racist, Facsists as our example of education policy!

Why isn't education a top priority for Conservatives? It seems they would be happy with an under qualified workforce in the coming century. They would embrace a lack of innovation and economic expansion, stuff right in their political wheelhouse.

But the Conservative, for whom science has always been a dicey proposition, would rather throw out the baby with the bath water so far as our education standards are concerned. The next time we hear about say, the Swedes beating us in science education scores remember the knuckle dragging Conservatives believe it was the best decision for their vision of America.

The conservatives have been fighting the teachers unions for years. You know, the unions that protect and keep crummy teachers employed. They have also promoted home-schooling which works quite well since the liberal schools can't indoctrinate children with their nonsense. And remember who it was that fought against school vouchers and even took it to court. You know, those vouchers that give poorer minorities an opportunity to attend much better schools?

The more uneducated children, the more likely Democrat voters once they get out of school. That's why DEMOCRATS want to keep it this way.

How much does in a voucher does a minority family get to send their kid to "much better schools"? What I've read is they don't cover the cost of tuition.
Seeing as how our current federal education system is all about maximizing White guilt, promoting diversity, and spreading leftist ideology, I support this measure!

Trump: Deptartment Of Education Must Go

What a surprise that a moron is against education. Sure didn't see that coming.

In other news Mike Huckabee says he'll do away with the Department of Satan and Rick Santorum pledged to abolish the SPCA.
I'm against the jewish indoctrination of our kids in public schools. Aren't you?
Thus spake der Fuhrher. Hey! That's an idea! Let's look to racist, Facsists as our example of education policy!

Why isn't education a top priority for Conservatives? It seems they would be happy with an under qualified workforce in the coming century. They would embrace a lack of innovation and economic expansion, stuff right in their political wheelhouse.

But the Conservative, for whom science has always been a dicey proposition, would rather throw out the baby with the bath water so far as our education standards are concerned. The next time we hear about say, the Swedes beating us in science education scores remember the knuckle dragging Conservatives believe it was the best decision for their vision of America.

The conservatives have been fighting the teachers unions for years. You know, the unions that protect and keep crummy teachers employed. They have also promoted home-schooling which works quite well since the liberal schools can't indoctrinate children with their nonsense. And remember who it was that fought against school vouchers and even took it to court. You know, those vouchers that give poorer minorities an opportunity to attend much better schools?

The more uneducated children, the more likely Democrat voters once they get out of school. That's why DEMOCRATS want to keep it this way.

How much does in a voucher does a minority family get to send their kid to "much better schools"? What I've read is they don't cover the cost of tuition.

No, they don't cover the total cost. The parent must put some money in which is part of the problem with public schools.

In public schools many parents are divorced from the institution because once that kid hops the bus, they are the schools problem. In private school however, the parents pay dearly for education and make sure they are getting every dimes worth.

My sister had a problem with my niece when she was in high school. She got after that kid like white on rice. She stayed up all night coaching and teaching her herself. She wasn't about to pay all that money and let my niece flunk a grade.

Parental involvement is the biggest complaint by public school teachers. They can't do it alone. When you have a dog in the fight, it's a different story.
Tsk, Tsk, Tsk...

You Libs is code that you have no clue what I am...

First off why not fix the problem?

Simple, it is because those like you and your Tea Party brethren have no clue how to fix anything...

Also remember it was those like Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ike, and Nixon that help expand the role of government into our daily lives, but let not remember those damn Liberal Republicans and instead worship a Corporate Welfare nimrod like Donald " Yes he is daft in the head " Trump...

Also a good majority of you that support the Tea Party are byproducts of that horrible Liberal Edukation system you hate so much...

Just imagine if your parents had to actually pay for your education...

So as you suckle at the stupidity tit of Donald " Women are second class citizens " Trump please note that without public edukation most of you would have grown up ignorant and stupid, oh wait you already did, so Trump might actually be correct...

Thanks but I went to a private religious school and we did just fine.

Your liberal education is why one out of five students don't graduate high school. It's also the reason the US spends more per capita on their students than any other in the industrialized world, yet only have mediocre results to show for it.

Okay liberals, so what's the solution? Oh, throw more money at it you say?

You liberals couldn't live one day without the federal government controlling your lives, could you? If Trump were President today and eliminated the Department of Education and nobody told you about it, you'd never know they were gone. It's a huge waste of money.

It was a Republican that made the Department of Education a Cabinet position...

United States Department of Education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You wrote about the Voucher system, but why should I be forced to pay for your kid education?

According to you the public school system is a waste and you support Trump idea of getting rid of it and do not want the government involved in your child education, then why request voucher system?

If a individual has a child then why not make the parent pay for their child education and not demand those like me to pay for someone mistake?

If you are too poor then why are you breeding?

So let cut through the nonsense and do away with all forms of taxation, and departments on the Federal, State, County and City level...

Now understand you are the one claiming I can not live a day without the Federal Government, but the reality it is those like you benefit as much as I do from the Federal Government involvement in our daily lives, but you are too ignorant to see this...

Yes, I benefit so much from the federal government, as if I had a choice. What button to I press to get government out of my life? The more government out of my life, the better my life will be whereas you are the exact opposite.

Yes I wrote about the voucher system; not because I think it's a great idea, but only to show that Republicans have been more proactive in trying to straighten out the mess that is our public school systems than the Democrats. Democrats keep asking for more money as if that's ever going to help.

Taxes? Yes, I do think parents should be paying more taxes if they have kids in the public school system than people that don't. In our state, it's assessed through property taxes. I nor my tenants have any kids in our public school system, but over half of my property taxes that I pay go to support the schools. In the meantime, the parent(s) down the street may be paying half of what I pay because my property is much larger and they might have four kids in those schools. I don't see anything fair about that.

First off you keep on claiming certain garbage about me, and no matter how many times you write it the fact is you are still wrong!

First off you are using the internet which was created with Government money, so what button you should push is the off button on the device you are using...

I find it funny those like you hate the government so much but rely on as much as I do, so please understand that fact, but I bet you will refuse to accept it nor understand it!

Also you wrote about your hero Trump and how had he been President the Department of Education would have been done away with, but the reality is he's selling you so much bullshit and your too stupid to realize it.

Your major issue is with the Union and I will agree the Teacher Union is not helping the Children of this country by keeping worthless teachers at their jobs. I believe the Union has done more harm than good when it come to our school system, so I guess that blows your theory about " You Libs ".

As for paying Taxes, well everyone has to pay into the system if they want roads and infrastructure, and if you disagree then move to a country that has a system of government to your liking.

The fact is it was Republicans like Lincoln, Teddy, Ike and Nixon that expanded the role of the government into our lives, so where is your outrage over that fact?

Simple, you do not care when a Republican does it because you believe they have the best interest of the nation in their heart and soul, but when and if a Democrat get to abuse the system you then whine like a little girl...

Also why should I support the Voucher system?

It is still taking money from me to pay for your kids education, and you claim to be against the Federal Government involvement into our lives, so why write you are in support of another system that will tax us?

Simple, the GOP offered it up, so it must be a good thing to your close minded view...

So as you whine about how you have to pay too much taxes while the family down the street get off paying less is not my problem. Life is not fair and neither is paying taxes, and we all have to pay our share, but of course you prefer those like me to pay more while you pay less and still enjoy the same benefits in life...

So if you do not like the Educational System then do not offer another program that taxes the American Public to replace the broken one with because it is not my duty to pay for your kid education, and if you want a voucher then send your kid to public school instead!

What I offered was a cheaper alternative since we are stuck paying those taxes to support the children of other people anyway. If left up to me, everybody would pay their own way and I would only pay what I benefit from. I don't benefit by paying money to educate your kid.

I don't care what other Presidents did long before I was born. We are talking the present here and since you think you know much more about me than I do you, I was against Bush's Medicare expansion, Head start and buying votes by sending Africa money to fight AIDS. I'm against all of it no matter who is President. Much unlike Democrats, we do criticize our own, and most conservatives joined me in my opinion of what Bush and some other Republicans did or tried to do. Aren't you paying attention to the Republican primaries and notice who our front runners are right now? We are trying to make change.

As far as that old worn out canard about infrastructure and roads, those are expenses of our federal government because they are in the US Constitution. Cash for Clunkers and supporting schools that come complete with free transportation, gymnasiums, swimming pools, football fields, school lunch and breakfast are not.

No, you wrote you wanted a button to push to get the Government out of your life, and yet you still use the internet that was created from a government funded program...

Also you just wrote you do not care what another President did before you were born, and that tell me you really do not care about the history of our fine nation...

You spewed about how this or that is not in the constitution, and well the founding fathers were also against your wife being allowed to vote, and support your right to enslave another person...

Also you do not support my kids because I have none. See I am one of those that believe if you can not give a child the finest things in life then why bring them into a selfish world with those like you whining about how you have to pay more than the other...

So as you claim how Conservative you really are the fact is you are just Conservative when it suit your interest. You are the typical Tea Party Conservative that suckle at the stupid tree for your knowledge, and believe the nonsense those like Hannity hand feed you.

if you want Vouchers as the alternative so you can crush the Teacher Union but still require the taxpayer to pay for your child education then send you kid to Public School because it is your job to support your child and not mine...

Now tell me again how Conservative you really are!
The U.S. Schools rank lower because of the dumb ass red states dragging down national scores.

You seriously want them left to their own devices ? Holy shit, every answer in the science classes will be "Jesus" !
What a surprise that a moron is against education. Sure didn't see that coming.

In other news Mike Huckabee says he'll do away with the Department of Satan and Rick Santorum pledged to abolish the SPCA.
I'm against the jewish indoctrination of our kids in public schools. Aren't you?
Thus spake der Fuhrher. Hey! That's an idea! Let's look to racist, Facsists as our example of education policy!

Why isn't education a top priority for Conservatives? It seems they would be happy with an under qualified workforce in the coming century. They would embrace a lack of innovation and economic expansion, stuff right in their political wheelhouse.

But the Conservative, for whom science has always been a dicey proposition, would rather throw out the baby with the bath water so far as our education standards are concerned. The next time we hear about say, the Swedes beating us in science education scores remember the knuckle dragging Conservatives believe it was the best decision for their vision of America.

The conservatives have been fighting the teachers unions for years. You know, the unions that protect and keep crummy teachers employed. They have also promoted home-schooling which works quite well since the liberal schools can't indoctrinate children with their nonsense. And remember who it was that fought against school vouchers and even took it to court. You know, those vouchers that give poorer minorities an opportunity to attend much better schools?

The more uneducated children, the more likely Democrat voters once they get out of school. That's why DEMOCRATS want to keep it this way.

How much does in a voucher does a minority family get to send their kid to "much better schools"? What I've read is they don't cover the cost of tuition.

No, they don't cover the total cost. The parent must put some money in which is part of the problem with public schools.

In public schools many parents are divorced from the institution because once that kid hops the bus, they are the schools problem. In private school however, the parents pay dearly for education and make sure they are getting every dimes worth.

My sister had a problem with my niece when she was in high school. She got after that kid like white on rice. She stayed up all night coaching and teaching her herself. She wasn't about to pay all that money and let my niece flunk a grade.

Parental involvement is the biggest complaint by public school teachers. They can't do it alone. When you have a dog in the fight, it's a different story.

So a voucher will not cover the cost for tuition so tell the entire site how would a single mother be able to send her child to a private school and feed the kid too?

You have to remember the tuition is one thing, and will not cover supplies, uniforms, and other costs and then you know the government will then require that the public put up more money, and we are back to the same problem you are crying about!

I say we adopt China rule and just allow one child per family...

It will keep it simple, what you say?
Thanks but I went to a private religious school and we did just fine.

Your liberal education is why one out of five students don't graduate high school. It's also the reason the US spends more per capita on their students than any other in the industrialized world, yet only have mediocre results to show for it.

Okay liberals, so what's the solution? Oh, throw more money at it you say?

You liberals couldn't live one day without the federal government controlling your lives, could you? If Trump were President today and eliminated the Department of Education and nobody told you about it, you'd never know they were gone. It's a huge waste of money.

It was a Republican that made the Department of Education a Cabinet position...

United States Department of Education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You wrote about the Voucher system, but why should I be forced to pay for your kid education?

According to you the public school system is a waste and you support Trump idea of getting rid of it and do not want the government involved in your child education, then why request voucher system?

If a individual has a child then why not make the parent pay for their child education and not demand those like me to pay for someone mistake?

If you are too poor then why are you breeding?

So let cut through the nonsense and do away with all forms of taxation, and departments on the Federal, State, County and City level...

Now understand you are the one claiming I can not live a day without the Federal Government, but the reality it is those like you benefit as much as I do from the Federal Government involvement in our daily lives, but you are too ignorant to see this...

Yes, I benefit so much from the federal government, as if I had a choice. What button to I press to get government out of my life? The more government out of my life, the better my life will be whereas you are the exact opposite.

Yes I wrote about the voucher system; not because I think it's a great idea, but only to show that Republicans have been more proactive in trying to straighten out the mess that is our public school systems than the Democrats. Democrats keep asking for more money as if that's ever going to help.

Taxes? Yes, I do think parents should be paying more taxes if they have kids in the public school system than people that don't. In our state, it's assessed through property taxes. I nor my tenants have any kids in our public school system, but over half of my property taxes that I pay go to support the schools. In the meantime, the parent(s) down the street may be paying half of what I pay because my property is much larger and they might have four kids in those schools. I don't see anything fair about that.

First off you keep on claiming certain garbage about me, and no matter how many times you write it the fact is you are still wrong!

First off you are using the internet which was created with Government money, so what button you should push is the off button on the device you are using...

I find it funny those like you hate the government so much but rely on as much as I do, so please understand that fact, but I bet you will refuse to accept it nor understand it!

Also you wrote about your hero Trump and how had he been President the Department of Education would have been done away with, but the reality is he's selling you so much bullshit and your too stupid to realize it.

Your major issue is with the Union and I will agree the Teacher Union is not helping the Children of this country by keeping worthless teachers at their jobs. I believe the Union has done more harm than good when it come to our school system, so I guess that blows your theory about " You Libs ".

As for paying Taxes, well everyone has to pay into the system if they want roads and infrastructure, and if you disagree then move to a country that has a system of government to your liking.

The fact is it was Republicans like Lincoln, Teddy, Ike and Nixon that expanded the role of the government into our lives, so where is your outrage over that fact?

Simple, you do not care when a Republican does it because you believe they have the best interest of the nation in their heart and soul, but when and if a Democrat get to abuse the system you then whine like a little girl...

Also why should I support the Voucher system?

It is still taking money from me to pay for your kids education, and you claim to be against the Federal Government involvement into our lives, so why write you are in support of another system that will tax us?

Simple, the GOP offered it up, so it must be a good thing to your close minded view...

So as you whine about how you have to pay too much taxes while the family down the street get off paying less is not my problem. Life is not fair and neither is paying taxes, and we all have to pay our share, but of course you prefer those like me to pay more while you pay less and still enjoy the same benefits in life...

So if you do not like the Educational System then do not offer another program that taxes the American Public to replace the broken one with because it is not my duty to pay for your kid education, and if you want a voucher then send your kid to public school instead!

What I offered was a cheaper alternative since we are stuck paying those taxes to support the children of other people anyway. If left up to me, everybody would pay their own way and I would only pay what I benefit from. I don't benefit by paying money to educate your kid.

I don't care what other Presidents did long before I was born. We are talking the present here and since you think you know much more about me than I do you, I was against Bush's Medicare expansion, Head start and buying votes by sending Africa money to fight AIDS. I'm against all of it no matter who is President. Much unlike Democrats, we do criticize our own, and most conservatives joined me in my opinion of what Bush and some other Republicans did or tried to do. Aren't you paying attention to the Republican primaries and notice who our front runners are right now? We are trying to make change.

As far as that old worn out canard about infrastructure and roads, those are expenses of our federal government because they are in the US Constitution. Cash for Clunkers and supporting schools that come complete with free transportation, gymnasiums, swimming pools, football fields, school lunch and breakfast are not.

No, you wrote you wanted a button to push to get the Government out of your life, and yet you still use the internet that was created from a government funded program...

Also you just wrote you do not care what another President did before you were born, and that tell me you really do not care about the history of our fine nation...

You spewed about how this or that is not in the constitution, and well the founding fathers were also against your wife being allowed to vote, and support your right to enslave another person...

Also you do not support my kids because I have none. See I am one of those that believe if you can not give a child the finest things in life then why bring them into a selfish world with those like you whining about how you have to pay more than the other...

So as you claim how Conservative you really are the fact is you are just Conservative when it suit your interest. You are the typical Tea Party Conservative that suckle at the stupid tree for your knowledge, and believe the nonsense those like Hannity hand feed you.

if you want Vouchers as the alternative so you can crush the Teacher Union but still require the taxpayer to pay for your child education then send you kid to Public School because it is your job to support your child and not mine...

Now tell me again how Conservative you really are!

Well I have bad news for you, and that is you well exposed yourself.

See, liberals are like clones; you all think alike. So when I hear or read this Rush, Hannity, Fox nonsense, I know I'm talking with a liberal. It's the same rant that every single liberal uses when backed into a corner. Since you can't debate the message, you look to accuse messengers that don't exist in the argument.

The government doesn't provide my internet service, U-Verse does. The government didn't build my computer, Macintosh did. To say I should not use the internet because it was started (not developed) by our federal government is to say you shouldn't drive a car because you are concerned about our environment or you disagree with Henry Ford's political stance. It's a ridiculous argument to make.

Slavery and the right to vote were amended in our US Constitution and decided on by the Supreme Court. If you want government to be the provide all for everything in life, I suggest you petition your representatives to do the same. Until that time, the US Constitution is our ultimate rule of laws in this country.

As far as school funding, I don't want any of it. Schools should be funded by those that use the schools exclusively.
It was a Republican that made the Department of Education a Cabinet position...

United States Department of Education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You wrote about the Voucher system, but why should I be forced to pay for your kid education?

According to you the public school system is a waste and you support Trump idea of getting rid of it and do not want the government involved in your child education, then why request voucher system?

If a individual has a child then why not make the parent pay for their child education and not demand those like me to pay for someone mistake?

If you are too poor then why are you breeding?

So let cut through the nonsense and do away with all forms of taxation, and departments on the Federal, State, County and City level...

Now understand you are the one claiming I can not live a day without the Federal Government, but the reality it is those like you benefit as much as I do from the Federal Government involvement in our daily lives, but you are too ignorant to see this...

Yes, I benefit so much from the federal government, as if I had a choice. What button to I press to get government out of my life? The more government out of my life, the better my life will be whereas you are the exact opposite.

Yes I wrote about the voucher system; not because I think it's a great idea, but only to show that Republicans have been more proactive in trying to straighten out the mess that is our public school systems than the Democrats. Democrats keep asking for more money as if that's ever going to help.

Taxes? Yes, I do think parents should be paying more taxes if they have kids in the public school system than people that don't. In our state, it's assessed through property taxes. I nor my tenants have any kids in our public school system, but over half of my property taxes that I pay go to support the schools. In the meantime, the parent(s) down the street may be paying half of what I pay because my property is much larger and they might have four kids in those schools. I don't see anything fair about that.

First off you keep on claiming certain garbage about me, and no matter how many times you write it the fact is you are still wrong!

First off you are using the internet which was created with Government money, so what button you should push is the off button on the device you are using...

I find it funny those like you hate the government so much but rely on as much as I do, so please understand that fact, but I bet you will refuse to accept it nor understand it!

Also you wrote about your hero Trump and how had he been President the Department of Education would have been done away with, but the reality is he's selling you so much bullshit and your too stupid to realize it.

Your major issue is with the Union and I will agree the Teacher Union is not helping the Children of this country by keeping worthless teachers at their jobs. I believe the Union has done more harm than good when it come to our school system, so I guess that blows your theory about " You Libs ".

As for paying Taxes, well everyone has to pay into the system if they want roads and infrastructure, and if you disagree then move to a country that has a system of government to your liking.

The fact is it was Republicans like Lincoln, Teddy, Ike and Nixon that expanded the role of the government into our lives, so where is your outrage over that fact?

Simple, you do not care when a Republican does it because you believe they have the best interest of the nation in their heart and soul, but when and if a Democrat get to abuse the system you then whine like a little girl...

Also why should I support the Voucher system?

It is still taking money from me to pay for your kids education, and you claim to be against the Federal Government involvement into our lives, so why write you are in support of another system that will tax us?

Simple, the GOP offered it up, so it must be a good thing to your close minded view...

So as you whine about how you have to pay too much taxes while the family down the street get off paying less is not my problem. Life is not fair and neither is paying taxes, and we all have to pay our share, but of course you prefer those like me to pay more while you pay less and still enjoy the same benefits in life...

So if you do not like the Educational System then do not offer another program that taxes the American Public to replace the broken one with because it is not my duty to pay for your kid education, and if you want a voucher then send your kid to public school instead!

What I offered was a cheaper alternative since we are stuck paying those taxes to support the children of other people anyway. If left up to me, everybody would pay their own way and I would only pay what I benefit from. I don't benefit by paying money to educate your kid.

I don't care what other Presidents did long before I was born. We are talking the present here and since you think you know much more about me than I do you, I was against Bush's Medicare expansion, Head start and buying votes by sending Africa money to fight AIDS. I'm against all of it no matter who is President. Much unlike Democrats, we do criticize our own, and most conservatives joined me in my opinion of what Bush and some other Republicans did or tried to do. Aren't you paying attention to the Republican primaries and notice who our front runners are right now? We are trying to make change.

As far as that old worn out canard about infrastructure and roads, those are expenses of our federal government because they are in the US Constitution. Cash for Clunkers and supporting schools that come complete with free transportation, gymnasiums, swimming pools, football fields, school lunch and breakfast are not.

No, you wrote you wanted a button to push to get the Government out of your life, and yet you still use the internet that was created from a government funded program...

Also you just wrote you do not care what another President did before you were born, and that tell me you really do not care about the history of our fine nation...

You spewed about how this or that is not in the constitution, and well the founding fathers were also against your wife being allowed to vote, and support your right to enslave another person...

Also you do not support my kids because I have none. See I am one of those that believe if you can not give a child the finest things in life then why bring them into a selfish world with those like you whining about how you have to pay more than the other...

So as you claim how Conservative you really are the fact is you are just Conservative when it suit your interest. You are the typical Tea Party Conservative that suckle at the stupid tree for your knowledge, and believe the nonsense those like Hannity hand feed you.

if you want Vouchers as the alternative so you can crush the Teacher Union but still require the taxpayer to pay for your child education then send you kid to Public School because it is your job to support your child and not mine...

Now tell me again how Conservative you really are!

Well I have bad news for you, and that is you well exposed yourself.

See, liberals are like clones; you all think alike. So when I hear or read this Rush, Hannity, Fox nonsense, I know I'm talking with a liberal. It's the same rant that every single liberal uses when backed into a corner. Since you can't debate the message, you look to accuse messengers that don't exist in the argument.

The government doesn't provide my internet service, U-Verse does. The government didn't build my computer, Macintosh did. To say I should not use the internet because it was started (not developed) by our federal government is to say you shouldn't drive a car because you are concerned about our environment or you disagree with Henry Ford's political stance. It's a ridiculous argument to make.

Slavery and the right to vote were amended in our US Constitution and decided on by the Supreme Court. If you want government to be the provide all for everything in life, I suggest you petition your representatives to do the same. Until that time, the US Constitution is our ultimate rule of laws in this country.

As far as school funding, I don't want any of it. Schools should be funded by those that use the schools exclusively.

Wrong again about me and you are really stupid as can be...

You scream Liberal while supporting Donald Trump that is a Corporate Welfare whore... So please spare me with your " I caught me a Liberal Bullshit! " because that is all it is!

Also you are the one wanting a voucher system requiring those like me to pay for your children education, and you even admitted that it would not cover all the intuition, so I can safely say you are hard up for money to send your children to private school, and want the Liberal life through the voucher system.

You have no real knowledge how the government keep you in a job, and keep you in a house. The majority of you Tea Party punks sit behind your computing device writing about how you hate the government and then tell me how the internet is from AT&T and your computer is a Apple, and do some research on AT&T and Apple and tell me how much of Corporate Welfare do they get from the U.S. government?

You remind me of this punk that once told me he would never buy a Dodge or Chevy because the government bailed the company out, and his business was built on Home Healthcare that got a good chunk of it money from the Government...

You hate the government until you realize they are the damn reason why you have anything in your pathetic Tea Party life.

So shut off your internet because it is true the Government funded the program, and destroy your computing device because Apple is a Corporate Welfare whore, and show that government you hate so much you mean business!!!
I'm against the jewish indoctrination of our kids in public schools. Aren't you?
Thus spake der Fuhrher. Hey! That's an idea! Let's look to racist, Facsists as our example of education policy!

Why isn't education a top priority for Conservatives? It seems they would be happy with an under qualified workforce in the coming century. They would embrace a lack of innovation and economic expansion, stuff right in their political wheelhouse.

But the Conservative, for whom science has always been a dicey proposition, would rather throw out the baby with the bath water so far as our education standards are concerned. The next time we hear about say, the Swedes beating us in science education scores remember the knuckle dragging Conservatives believe it was the best decision for their vision of America.

The conservatives have been fighting the teachers unions for years. You know, the unions that protect and keep crummy teachers employed. They have also promoted home-schooling which works quite well since the liberal schools can't indoctrinate children with their nonsense. And remember who it was that fought against school vouchers and even took it to court. You know, those vouchers that give poorer minorities an opportunity to attend much better schools?

The more uneducated children, the more likely Democrat voters once they get out of school. That's why DEMOCRATS want to keep it this way.

How much does in a voucher does a minority family get to send their kid to "much better schools"? What I've read is they don't cover the cost of tuition.

No, they don't cover the total cost. The parent must put some money in which is part of the problem with public schools.

In public schools many parents are divorced from the institution because once that kid hops the bus, they are the schools problem. In private school however, the parents pay dearly for education and make sure they are getting every dimes worth.

My sister had a problem with my niece when she was in high school. She got after that kid like white on rice. She stayed up all night coaching and teaching her herself. She wasn't about to pay all that money and let my niece flunk a grade.

Parental involvement is the biggest complaint by public school teachers. They can't do it alone. When you have a dog in the fight, it's a different story.

So a voucher will not cover the cost for tuition so tell the entire site how would a single mother be able to send her child to a private school and feed the kid too?

You have to remember the tuition is one thing, and will not cover supplies, uniforms, and other costs and then you know the government will then require that the public put up more money, and we are back to the same problem you are crying about!

I say we adopt China rule and just allow one child per family...

It will keep it simple, what you say?

I say that we need restrictions on poor people procreating.

If it were up to me, when a person applies for government assistance, they should have to be fixed first before they get one dime. In most cases, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. So how do we solve poverty when we promote the procreation of more poor people? It's impossible to solve poverty that way.

Single parenthood is not an accident in our country. Currently in the black communities over 73% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Single parent homes are directly related to poverty. But since we replaced the father with government programs, it's a cancer that's likely to continue until leadership changes.

School Vouchers are not the solve all to our education problems. It's a good start for those that can participate in the program. Like anything else good in life, you have to be able to put something in.

I think what we should do is look for other options such as home schooling. Granted that many parents don't have the resources for a mother to stay home and teach her children. That's why I think that we should pay home schooling parents to take on other students for extra cash. Last I checked, the per capita cost per student in public schools is about $12,000. What if we paid a home school parent $8,000 per student to educate those children? It would be extra income for a family while at the same time saving taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars at the same time.

Great idea I think, but Democrats would fight it tooth and nail on behalf of the teachers unions.
Of course, because Trump is tapping into the whole 'we don't need no book lernin' cohort.

Knowledge and facts, the enemy of the conservative mind. What more do you need in life than magic and conspiracy theories.

Better yet, combine the two. Jade Helm is upon us because of 'god's' wrath.

A great many Americans fear and resent the increasing use of our public school system for Liberal Agenda Indoctrination.

"Hey!!!... Teacher!!!... Leave those kids alone!!!"
Thus spake der Fuhrher. Hey! That's an idea! Let's look to racist, Facsists as our example of education policy!

Why isn't education a top priority for Conservatives? It seems they would be happy with an under qualified workforce in the coming century. They would embrace a lack of innovation and economic expansion, stuff right in their political wheelhouse.

But the Conservative, for whom science has always been a dicey proposition, would rather throw out the baby with the bath water so far as our education standards are concerned. The next time we hear about say, the Swedes beating us in science education scores remember the knuckle dragging Conservatives believe it was the best decision for their vision of America.

The conservatives have been fighting the teachers unions for years. You know, the unions that protect and keep crummy teachers employed. They have also promoted home-schooling which works quite well since the liberal schools can't indoctrinate children with their nonsense. And remember who it was that fought against school vouchers and even took it to court. You know, those vouchers that give poorer minorities an opportunity to attend much better schools?

The more uneducated children, the more likely Democrat voters once they get out of school. That's why DEMOCRATS want to keep it this way.

How much does in a voucher does a minority family get to send their kid to "much better schools"? What I've read is they don't cover the cost of tuition.

No, they don't cover the total cost. The parent must put some money in which is part of the problem with public schools.

In public schools many parents are divorced from the institution because once that kid hops the bus, they are the schools problem. In private school however, the parents pay dearly for education and make sure they are getting every dimes worth.

My sister had a problem with my niece when she was in high school. She got after that kid like white on rice. She stayed up all night coaching and teaching her herself. She wasn't about to pay all that money and let my niece flunk a grade.

Parental involvement is the biggest complaint by public school teachers. They can't do it alone. When you have a dog in the fight, it's a different story.

So a voucher will not cover the cost for tuition so tell the entire site how would a single mother be able to send her child to a private school and feed the kid too?

You have to remember the tuition is one thing, and will not cover supplies, uniforms, and other costs and then you know the government will then require that the public put up more money, and we are back to the same problem you are crying about!

I say we adopt China rule and just allow one child per family...

It will keep it simple, what you say?

I say that we need restrictions on poor people procreating.

If it were up to me, when a person applies for government assistance, they should have to be fixed first before they get one dime. In most cases, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. So how do we solve poverty when we promote the procreation of more poor people? It's impossible to solve poverty that way.

Single parenthood is not an accident in our country. Currently in the black communities over 73% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Single parent homes are directly related to poverty. But since we replaced the father with government programs, it's a cancer that's likely to continue until leadership changes.

School Vouchers are not the solve all to our education problems. It's a good start for those that can participate in the program. Like anything else good in life, you have to be able to put something in.

I think what we should do is look for other options such as home schooling. Granted that many parents don't have the resources for a mother to stay home and teach her children. That's why I think that we should pay home schooling parents to take on other students for extra cash. Last I checked, the per capita cost per student in public schools is about $12,000. What if we paid a home school parent $8,000 per student to educate those children? It would be extra income for a family while at the same time saving taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars at the same time.

Great idea I think, but Democrats would fight it tooth and nail on behalf of the teachers unions.

The voucher system will not work because of the greed of individuals that will raise the intuition to prevent certain sectors of society from obtaining a education.

Home Schooling is not the answer either because you need a two parent system, and you already know this country is not built like that.

Welfare should be based on JTPA programs and require a individual only a certain amount of time to use the system and require them to take a course in something that would better their lives.

You can not really regulate someone right to breed. Believe it or not it has been attempted before and failed...
The conservatives have been fighting the teachers unions for years. You know, the unions that protect and keep crummy teachers employed. They have also promoted home-schooling which works quite well since the liberal schools can't indoctrinate children with their nonsense. And remember who it was that fought against school vouchers and even took it to court. You know, those vouchers that give poorer minorities an opportunity to attend much better schools?

The more uneducated children, the more likely Democrat voters once they get out of school. That's why DEMOCRATS want to keep it this way.

How much does in a voucher does a minority family get to send their kid to "much better schools"? What I've read is they don't cover the cost of tuition.

No, they don't cover the total cost. The parent must put some money in which is part of the problem with public schools.

In public schools many parents are divorced from the institution because once that kid hops the bus, they are the schools problem. In private school however, the parents pay dearly for education and make sure they are getting every dimes worth.

My sister had a problem with my niece when she was in high school. She got after that kid like white on rice. She stayed up all night coaching and teaching her herself. She wasn't about to pay all that money and let my niece flunk a grade.

Parental involvement is the biggest complaint by public school teachers. They can't do it alone. When you have a dog in the fight, it's a different story.

So a voucher will not cover the cost for tuition so tell the entire site how would a single mother be able to send her child to a private school and feed the kid too?

You have to remember the tuition is one thing, and will not cover supplies, uniforms, and other costs and then you know the government will then require that the public put up more money, and we are back to the same problem you are crying about!

I say we adopt China rule and just allow one child per family...

It will keep it simple, what you say?

I say that we need restrictions on poor people procreating.

If it were up to me, when a person applies for government assistance, they should have to be fixed first before they get one dime. In most cases, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. So how do we solve poverty when we promote the procreation of more poor people? It's impossible to solve poverty that way.

Single parenthood is not an accident in our country. Currently in the black communities over 73% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Single parent homes are directly related to poverty. But since we replaced the father with government programs, it's a cancer that's likely to continue until leadership changes.

School Vouchers are not the solve all to our education problems. It's a good start for those that can participate in the program. Like anything else good in life, you have to be able to put something in.

I think what we should do is look for other options such as home schooling. Granted that many parents don't have the resources for a mother to stay home and teach her children. That's why I think that we should pay home schooling parents to take on other students for extra cash. Last I checked, the per capita cost per student in public schools is about $12,000. What if we paid a home school parent $8,000 per student to educate those children? It would be extra income for a family while at the same time saving taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars at the same time.

Great idea I think, but Democrats would fight it tooth and nail on behalf of the teachers unions.

The voucher system will not work because of the greed of individuals that will raise the intuition to prevent certain sectors of society from obtaining a education.

Home Schooling is not the answer either because you need a two parent system, and you already know this country is not built like that.

Welfare should be based on JTPA programs and require a individual only a certain amount of time to use the system and require them to take a course in something that would better their lives.

You can not really regulate someone right to breed. Believe it or not it has been attempted before and failed...

Nobody is regulating the right to breed. If you don't like those restrictions, get a job instead of going on government assistance and have as many children as you can afford. It is a choice you know.

After all, what do we working people do when we can't afford to have any more children? We get fixed ourselves. We make sure we can no longer procreate. Why should welfare people not do the same?

Working people are responsible enough to take such action. Anybody who is not after making welfare a career would have no objection to getting fixed to stop the expansion of their family.
"Donald Trump : Department Of Education Must Go"

Consistent with the contempt most on the right have for education.

No, they only have contempt for government brainwash, which is what you're defending.
Where do we get republicans ? If all school kids are brainwashed liberal?

Oh I understand now. Republicans are people who never were educated! That makes sense.
"Donald Trump : Department Of Education Must Go"

Consistent with the contempt most on the right have for education.

No, they only have contempt for government brainwash, which is what you're defending.
Where do we get republicans ? If all school kids are brainwashed liberal?

Oh I understand now. Republicans are people who never were educated! That makes sense.

Some people discover the truth despite government brainwashing. It's a miracle there are any Republicans.
"Donald Trump : Department Of Education Must Go"

Consistent with the contempt most on the right have for education.

No, they only have contempt for government brainwash, which is what you're defending.
Where do we get republicans ? If all school kids are brainwashed liberal?

Oh I understand now. Republicans are people who never were educated! That makes sense.

Some people have weak minds and others have strong minds. Strong minded people think for themselves and need nobody to lead them through life by the nose. Others have weak minds and need other people to make every decision in life for them. Weak minded people are easily manipulated.
Seeing as how our current federal education system is all about maximizing White guilt, promoting diversity, and spreading leftist ideology, I support this measure!

Trump: Deptartment Of Education Must Go

Sure, people in the GOP he's on his knees...'Accomodating' don't need no book lernin'. And as a politician, the last thing he wants is an educated electorate.
Servile bootlicking scumbags will always try to portray opposition to the Dept of Education as synonymous with opposition to education.

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