Woods Got It Right

It’s a lost race with lib loon excuse making hastening the destruction
You can only hope. :lmao: That's the perfect way to phrase that. You can't actually engineer circumstances to the point where you eliminate or replace the black population, either peacefully or violently. When you learn the method of peace, where a people sit docile for their own replacement while only hoping for a better day that never comes, then you'll be a true conquer. :funnyface:
You better tell the Democrats that because that is exactly what they are doing.
The man has an IQ of 184. He is not working because of his political opinions. What is your IQ, 84?
I don't know because I've never felt the compelling need to take one. I don't give a shit what his IQ is. If it's that high why is making stupid fucking arguments? :lmao:
Who is the money being spent on? They are not helping Blacks they are helping illegals move into their neiborhoods. Wise up fool.
Who's they? First of all I don't care that money also goes to helping Brown and Asian immigrants. I think they should get more assistance funded on the backs of mostly white people. I think black democrats and progressives are also advocating for even more money for black communities and even for reparations. It's moderate/liberals and conservative whites who stand in opposition to those measures so why wouldn't I advocate for your white replacement? :dunno:

Question is are you soft ass whites going to do anything but fucking cry about it? :dunno:
This is what happens when we tell blacks nothing is their fault, our society hates them, we don't discourage them from living like savage animals, we downplay and hide their racism and violence meanwhile raising racism and violence of white people, and demand everyone treats them special.

They turn into barbarians and run around unchecked. If you want a dog to behave then you need to train it and only let the behaved ones breed so their pups grow up learning how to behave.

I'll be generous and say maybe 1 of those nwords will grow up and be a decent person. The rest are going to be adult criminal pieces of shit that just drag our society down. More than likely though they are all bound for jail and the streets.
This is what happens when we tell blacks nothing is their fault, our society hates them, we don't discourage them from living like savage animals, we downplay and hide their racism and violence meanwhile raising racism and violence of white people, and demand everyone treats them special.

They turn into barbarians and run around unchecked. If you want a dog to behave then you need to train it and only let the behaved ones breed so their pups grow up learning how to behave.

I'll be generous and say maybe 1 of those nwords will grow up and be a decent person. The rest are going to be adult criminal pieces of shit that just drag our society down. More than likely though they are all bound for jail and the streets.
^^^ This is what happens when your culture gets cuckolded and so even though you liken black people to pets you still don't have the strength of character or will to just admit you're a racist. :lmao:
^^^ This is what happens when your culture gets cuckolded and so even though you liken black people to pets you still don't have the strength of character or will to just admit you're a racist. :lmao:
You are talking to white liberals and Marxists. We treat Black people like people.
You are talking to white liberals and Marxists. We treat Black people like people.
No you don't you frail fucker. :lmao: Why are you pretending to me? How servile are you Right Whites going to get? :dunno:

If you treated black people like people you'd be able to have a conversation with me where you accept my point of view instead of trying to tell me how you think I should feel about certain people. By the way I don't much like white moderate/ liberals either, I just like you deplorable mutants less.
But of course! As expected.
It doesn't matter because there is nothing that child could have done to deserve a GANG beat down. NOTHING

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