Does it bother you that America tax payers bailed out GM and now GM is bailing out on Americans?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Closing all these American plants while leaving open all the foreign ones.
Then blaming the lack of specific car sales rather than closing the foreign plants and retooling the American plants to make the cars that are in demand.

For the record when GM was bailed out I vowed to NEVER buy another General Motors vehicle. This latest move on their part only proves that I made the right decision.
Closing all these American plants while leaving open all the foreign ones.
Then blaming the lack of specific car sales rather than closing the foreign plants and retooling the American plants to make the cars that are in demand.

For the record when GM was bailed out I vowed to NEVER buy another General Motors vehicle. This latest move on their part only proves that I made the right decision.
It would bother me less if Trump’s massive tax cut for them didn’t end up exactly how everybody knew it would. I don’t regret saving the U.S. auto industry. At least they paid most of it back. The rest is just capitalism.
They need to do what is in their own best interest. They need to produce vehicles people want to buy. The Obama Godvernment pressured all of them to produce these electric vehicles. There is no real demand for them.
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Closing all these American plants while leaving open all the foreign ones.
Then blaming the lack of specific car sales rather than closing the foreign plants and retooling the American plants to make the cars that are in demand.

For the record when GM was bailed out I vowed to NEVER buy another General Motors vehicle. This latest move on their part only proves that I made the right decision.
It would bother me less if Trump’s massive tax cut for them didn’t end up exactly how everybody knew it would. I don’t regret saving the U.S. auto industry. At least they paid most of it back. The rest is just capitalism.
You didn't save anything lol.

They took your money then FILED BANKRUPTCY ANYWAYS
Businesses should stand or fall on their own..............If they go under someone will step up and take their place.........

How it should be.............
Closing all these American plants while leaving open all the foreign ones.
Then blaming the lack of specific car sales rather than closing the foreign plants and retooling the American plants to make the cars that are in demand.

For the record when GM was bailed out I vowed to NEVER buy another General Motors vehicle. This latest move on their part only proves that I made the right decision.

Don’t buy there cars We just boycott them in the US.

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Closing all these American plants while leaving open all the foreign ones.
Then blaming the lack of specific car sales rather than closing the foreign plants and retooling the American plants to make the cars that are in demand.

For the record when GM was bailed out I vowed to NEVER buy another General Motors vehicle. This latest move on their part only proves that I made the right decision.
This pisses me off.... I own 3 GM vehicles, one brand new, a 2017 2SS Camaro... I'll sell the fuckers as fast as I bought them.
Closing all these American plants while leaving open all the foreign ones.
Then blaming the lack of specific car sales rather than closing the foreign plants and retooling the American plants to make the cars that are in demand.

For the record when GM was bailed out I vowed to NEVER buy another General Motors vehicle. This latest move on their part only proves that I made the right decision.

Obama was right to bail out GM; as the Ford CEO agreed. It was a net positive for the nation.
Does it make me angry? No. Most if not all of the companies that were bailed out after 9/11 have gone through layoffs and rollbacks; some are bankrupt as I recall. Going through life with this chip on your shoulder is silly.
Closing all these American plants while leaving open all the foreign ones.
Then blaming the lack of specific car sales rather than closing the foreign plants and retooling the American plants to make the cars that are in demand.

For the record when GM was bailed out I vowed to NEVER buy another General Motors vehicle. This latest move on their part only proves that I made the right decision.

Obama was right to bail out GM; as the Ford CEO agreed. It was a net positive for the nation.
Does it make me angry? No. Most if not all of the companies that were bailed out after 9/11 have gone through layoffs and rollbacks; some are bankrupt as I recall. Going through life with this chip on your shoulder is silly.

The bail outs should have never happened. Let them go under and build it the right way. The banks, mortgage companies and the big investment firms. The big boys all got there bonus and we bail them out.

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Closing all these American plants while leaving open all the foreign ones.
Then blaming the lack of specific car sales rather than closing the foreign plants and retooling the American plants to make the cars that are in demand.

For the record when GM was bailed out I vowed to NEVER buy another General Motors vehicle. This latest move on their part only proves that I made the right decision.
GM's unions got bailed out....The bond holders got shafted.....It's little wonder that they want nothing to do with Murican politicians "saving" them anymore.

The Truth about the GM and Chrysler Bailouts
Obama was right to bail out GM; as the Ford CEO agreed. It was a net positive for the nation.
Does it make me angry? No. Most if not all of the companies that were bailed out after 9/11 have gone through layoffs and rollbacks; some are bankrupt as I recall. Going through life with this chip on your shoulder is silly.
Going through life licking the boots of The State is pathetic.
I was DEAD SET against the auto bailouts. They were incredibly stupid.

You let failed companies fail...period (unless it is wartime and they are needed for the war effort).

All the bailouts did was cost Americans billions and billions of dollars (remember, the government simply gave Chrysler and GM many billions totally aside from the loans).
Chrysler ended up Italian (and now there are rumours Fiat will shut it down) - so that was a waste. And GM is slowly dying - another waste.

When corporations fail - others ALWAYS take their place (assuming there is a market for their product/service). The same thing would have happened had GM/Chrysler been allowed to fail. And it would not have cost taxpayers one penny.

Bailing out the banks was stupid. And bailing out GM/Chrysler was stupid, also.
Closing all these American plants while leaving open all the foreign ones.
Then blaming the lack of specific car sales rather than closing the foreign plants and retooling the American plants to make the cars that are in demand.

For the record when GM was bailed out I vowed to NEVER buy another General Motors vehicle. This latest move on their part only proves that I made the right decision.

Obama was right to bail out GM; as the Ford CEO agreed. It was a net positive for the nation.
Does it make me angry? No. Most if not all of the companies that were bailed out after 9/11 have gone through layoffs and rollbacks; some are bankrupt as I recall. Going through life with this chip on your shoulder is silly.

The bail outs should have never happened. Let them go under and build it the right way. The banks, mortgage companies and the big investment firms. The big boys all got there bonus and we bail them out.

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Makes sense in theory. In reality? Not so much. If GM goes bankrupt, the tens of millions who own GM vehicles are screwed in terms of the warranties, repairs, re-sale value, etc... The spin-off industries due to lateral integration of parts, supplies, etc... go belly up injuring Ford, Chrysler and other domestic makers.
So here's the straight skinny.

We have these bankruptcy laws that have evolved over CENTURIES and now seem to work fairly well. It is u fortunate when a company goes belly up, but for their stockholders, vendors, employees, etc., it is a risk of doing business. Sorry.

In the case of a big, diversified company like GM, a bankruptcy will be a mixed bag. Some business units can survive either independently or as part of another company, and they are SOLD for whatever the market brings. Other assets are liquidated piecemeal, and the proceeds of these sales are divided up amo g the creditors, according to a strict hierarchy: secured creditors, employees, trade creditors, and so forth. The bankruptly laws are very detailed.

With GM, much of the company could have survived as a going concern, UNDER THE RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCES. One of the powers of the Bankruptcy trustee is to abolish or renegotiate CONTRACTS, including LABOR CONTRACTS. Tear them up, so to speak, if that's what it takes to make the business viable.

But the UAW had given the Obama campaign hundreds of millions of dollars in cash and in kind, SO HE OWED THEM. And THAT'S WHY the Obama Administration THREW OUT THE INCONVENIENT BANKRUPTCY LAW, FUCKED THE STOCKHOLDERS, FUCKED THE BONDHOLDERS, FUCKED THE TAXPAYERS, bailed out GM, allowed them to continue operating basically as though they had never gone bankrupt.


And the corrupt American Media let them get away with it without as much as a 750-word expose.

Can you even imagine what Trump would be seeing if he even mentioned such a bullshit plan to bail out a big company that had supported his campaign?

I don't blame GM for trying to adapt to the current marketplace. I assume they will be opening new factories for these self-driving wet dreams and electric cars, and thousands of jobs will be created, later.

But i wouldn't buy a GM car under any circumstances. Not now. Fuck 'em.
So here's the straight skinny.

We have these bankruptcy laws that have evolved over CENTURIES and now seem to work fairly well. It is u fortunate when a company goes belly up, but for their stockholders, vendors, employees, etc., it is a risk of doing business. Sorry.

In the case of a big, diversified company like GM, a bankruptcy will be a mixed bag. Some business units can survive either independently or as part of another company, and they are SOLD for whatever the market brings. Other assets are liquidated piecemeal, and the proceeds of these sales are divided up amo g the creditors, according to a strict hierarchy: secured creditors, employees, trade creditors, and so forth. The bankruptly laws are very detailed.

With GM, much of the company could have survived as a going concern, UNDER THE RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCES. One of the powers of the Bankruptcy trustee is to abolish or renegotiate CONTRACTS, including LABOR CONTRACTS. Tear them up, so to speak, if that's what it takes to make the business viable.

But the UAW had given the Obama campaign hundreds of millions of dollars in cash and in kind, SO HE OWED THEM. And THAT'S WHY the Obama Administration THREW OUT THE INCONVENIENT BANKRUPTCY LAW, FUCKED THE STOCKHOLDERS, FUCKED THE BONDHOLDERS, FUCKED THE TAXPAYERS, bailed out GM, allowed them to continue operating basically as though they had never gone bankrupt.


And the corrupt American Media let them get away with it without as much as a 750-word expose.

Can you even imagine what Trump would be seeing if he even mentioned such a bullshit plan to bail out a big company that had supported his campaign?

I don't blame GM for trying to adapt to the current marketplace. I assume they will be opening new factories for these self-driving wet dreams and electric cars, and thousands of jobs will be created, later.

But i wouldn't buy a GM car under any circumstances. Not now. Fuck 'em.

As he bails himself out as we speak by spending millions of taxpayer money at his hotels....

As for the bailouts....if you're boycotting one company, it would be hilariously hypocritical to ignore all of the other bail out companies.

Here is a list to get you started on your boycotts:

Bailout List: Banks, Auto Companies, and More | Eye on the Bailout | ProPublica

But it doesn't stop there:

Closing all these American plants while leaving open all the foreign ones.
Then blaming the lack of specific car sales rather than closing the foreign plants and retooling the American plants to make the cars that are in demand.

For the record when GM was bailed out I vowed to NEVER buy another General Motors vehicle. This latest move on their part only proves that I made the right decision.
I agree. Which really sux because I love me some Chevy trucks.
BTW - we now know that Trump is NOT for free enterprise or capitalism. If he was, he would not be meddling in GM's business.

'free enterprise
: an economic and political doctrine holding that a capitalist economy can regulate itself in a freely competitive market through the relationship of supply and demand with a minimum of governmental intervention and regulation.'
the definition of free enterprise

: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market'

Definition of CAPITALISM

Congratulations Trumpbots. You elected a man who believes in big government controlling the economy (through major tariffs, protectionism and threats to companies who don't do as he wants) and NOT in free enterprise or capitalism (unless it benefits his company).

I thought conservatives did not believe in these things? Another conservative 'virtue' down the drain.
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Obama was right to bail out GM; as the Ford CEO agreed. It was a net positive for the nation.

Riiiight. The American people got screwed out of more than $11 BILLION, and all we heard from liberals like you was how Obama "saved" the auto industry.

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