Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?

Just So itā€™s clear, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are not president.

The current president of the United States is Donald Trump.

Do the Republicans believe Donald Trump lies?

And if he lies does that bother them?

What are some of the lies that might cause problems?

What are lies that donā€™t bother you at all?
What bothers me is that the public school system is churning out idiots like you by the numbers every year.
some do, some don't & some don't care either way.
no collusion.
'russian is a hoax & witchhunt!' don't bother me, cause mueller is gonna nail trump to the wall.

What bothers me is that the public school system is churning out idiots like you by the numbers every year.
Does it bother the Republican base that Donald Trump lies?

Just So itā€™s clear, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are not president.

The current president of the United States is Donald Trump.

Do the Republicans believe Donald Trump lies?

And if he lies does that bother them?

What are some of the lies that might cause problems?

What are lies that donā€™t bother you at all?

Yes, but as long as they understand he is doing it to TROLL the media and Democrats
they don't seem to mind, but some like Rush Limbaugh actually take delight when Trump trolls and stirs up antagonization.

However, when it comes to SERIOUS policies and flaws/falsehoods,
the Conservatives/Republicans I've seen having trouble with Trump are examples like
1. Mark Levin opposes Trump pushing the TARIFFS as not only overstepping authority
but imposing bad economic policy and MISREPRESENTING the damage this causes
2. Mike Savage opposes Trump "getting rid of" Environmental protections of nature and wildlife
that are actually necessary. so MISREPRESENTING this as "all necessary to get rid of overregulation"
is dangerous and destructive.
3. Michelle Malkin opposes the strong armed "drug war" policies sold as necessary for law enforcement and security.

deanrd It's clear they "pick their battles"
There are so many instances where Trump lied about things to play the political media,
including lying about Ted Cruz to the point of committing slander and defamation where Cruz could sue and win,
but they are more concerned with uniting on the issues of national security.

They are more concerned with playing hardball with China and Europe on the tariffs
than any ill effects in the meantime where the federal govt has to bail out US businesses affected.

They are more concerned with enforcing the deterrent propaganda of the Wall and stronger border security
to send a message against breaking immigration laws rather than the effects on people who are getting victimized by traffickers.

They are not going to go after Trump on everything,
but take the strategy of aligning with him where they agree,
and then pinpointing the areas of correction to lobby for those reforms.

If they reject all of what Trump says, then their points of correction get lost completely.
What bothers me is that the public school system is churning out idiots like you by the numbers every year.

Nonsense. He asked what bothers me. I told him. Have a Coke and a smile.

Thatā€™s not what he asked.
He asked if it bothers you that trump lies.

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When did Trump lie? I only heard you lie like everyday. Liberals are the biggest liars in the universe.
It bothers me Deanturd wasn't sucked out of the womb and flushed down a Planned Unparenthood toilet.
When did Trump lie?

ā€œI have no dealings with Russia, I have no deals in Russia, I have no deals that could happen in Russia because we stayed away. We could make deals in Russia very easily if we wanted to. I just donā€™t want to because I think that would be a conflict. So I have no loans, no dealings and no current pending deals.ā€
What bothers me is that the public school system is churning out idiots like you by the numbers every year.

Nonsense. He asked what bothers me. I told him. Have a Coke and a smile.

Thatā€™s not what he asked.
He asked if it bothers you that trump lies.

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And I answered in my own inimitable way. Does that bother you?

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