Do You Support A Woman's Right To Choose?

I look at it this way. The government has no right to favor taking any innocent life from conception to natural death. Their only stance: We don't favor taking innocent life. If they wish to choose not to prosecute mothers ending pregnancies and leave the ending innocent life to mothers alone, shrug. Wonder how many mothers would choose abortion knowing they had no one cheering that decision.
A woman is a citizen, our laws are supposed to protect our citizens. A fetus is not a citizen, therefore the argument goes in favor of the woman. The courts and laws should have no jurisdiction over a woman's body. It's her decision and her decision alone.
A fetus is not a citizen
It is still a life. The government could still hold the position of not favoring ending an innocent life, while not prosecuting the pregnant mother who ends that life on the grounds that life is not a citizen.

However, haven't there been cases where a pregnant woman has been able to sue when someone's actions did end the pregnancy?
It is still a life. The government could still hold the position of not favoring ending an innocent life, while not prosecuting the pregnant mother who ends that life on the grounds that life is not a citizen.

However, haven't there been cases where a pregnant woman has been able to sue when someone's actions did end the pregnancy?
Of course, a woman that is pregnant and hopes for a child out of it is it completely different story. They can claim property damage.
When the pro-life people finally use proper terms such as fetus instead of unborn child then and only then can there be a proper discussion about abortion. You are way too emotionally invested in this subject.

You DO realize that your "proper term" actually means "unborn baby", right? We are not required to play along with your uneducated, delusional euphemisms to have a "proper discussion"; in fact, agreeing with you on anything automatically makes that LESS likely.
A woman is a citizen, our laws are supposed to protect our citizens. A fetus is not a citizen, therefore the argument goes in favor of the woman. The courts and laws should have no jurisdiction over a woman's body. It's her decision and her decision alone.

I do so love to hear mansplaining about whatever half-assed talking point the misogynists are using today for "I want women to fuck around and then relieve me of responsibility".

Did it ever occur to you that a lot of the people fighting against the so-called "right" you "know" all women want and you desperately want for them are themselves women?
Of course, a woman that is pregnant and hopes for a child out of it is it completely different story. They can claim property damage.

Too bad for your worldview of what you "know" women want and need that "property damage" isn't the charge in those cases.
You DO realize that your "proper term" actually means "unborn baby", right? We are not required to play along with your uneducated, delusional euphemisms to have a "proper discussion"; in fact, agreeing with you on anything automatically makes that LESS likely.
More exactly, the fetus is an embryonic stage in human development. Meaning it is developing into a human being it is not a human being. Children are human beings. Fetuses are not. A point you seem to gladly disregard to try to make your case. Furthermore the Texas abortion law at 6 weeks it isn't even a fetus yet. It looks like a deformed tadpole that's a half inch long a third of the body length is its tail. It raised a quarter ounce. It has no arms or legs. It has a primitive heart that just formed. All of the other body organs are just starting to form. It has no eyes, no ears and the brain is still just a neural stem. This is science this is what our laws are based on reality not fiction. That Texas law is an affront to that fact.
More exactly, the fetus is an embryonic stage in human development. Meaning it is developing into a human being it is not a human being. Children are human beings. Fetuses are not. A point you seem to gladly disregard to try to make your case. Furthermore the Texas abortion law at 6 weeks it isn't even a fetus yet. It looks like a deformed tadpole that's a half inch long a third of the body length is its tail. It raised a quarter ounce. It has no arms or legs. It has a primitive heart that just formed. All of the other body organs are just starting to form. It has no eyes, no ears and the brain is still just a neural stem. This is science this is what our laws are based on reality not fiction. That Texas law is an affront to that fact.
It has a heart beat--it is a human being. The entire human experience is development or deterioration. Life ends when the heart stops beating and begins when there is a heart beat. THAT is the fact and your delusional bullshit is just that.
Never mind about the moral question as to whether they are human, women have a right to privacy don't ya know, unless it is the NSA watching everything they do or say, that is..

Imagine if slave owners could keep their slaves based on the same premise of their right to privacy, as no one asked the question, are slaves our equal?

Dred Scott and Roe vs. Wade are two of the most horrible Supreme Court decisions in US history.

But abortion is a billion dollar industry, so..........

We are all human and many of our decisions collectively affect the world as a whole, especially when a huge percentage of the population does it. Whenever an economic demand is created by human beings collectively on a large scale, it changes the quality of life for everyone else. When people abuse an area of the economy it affects everyone adversely. A world of people collectively resorting to abortion so they can be liberal and frivolous about the sacred act of procreation is not a good recipe for a healthy society. If these things are come too easy, there will be no incentive to be careful and morally mindful about sexual behavior or anything else. That is something that can affect all human beings if it is done collectively by a large percentage of the population. The concept of sacredness in human sexual relationships simply becomes devalued when a person can go "snip-snip" and not have a care in the world about the deeper meaning of procreating.

Take the legalization of marijuana, for example. I am generally all for it....but NOT with the government peddling it! When governments start selling drugs to pay for real societal necessities, you eventually have an economic dependency on it. Who in their right mind would advocate selling drugs to pay for government and infrastructure? You can argue "oh, things are getting done now that we have state marijuana dispensaries"...just like you can also argue, "Oh, that woman wasn't ready to have a baby...or didn't want it." I'd agree in many cases. Maybe she's NOT ready. Maybe she was raped. Maybe she just doesn't want children. But maybe people should learn some self-control and more selectivity in their sexual relationships then! If it becomes too easy to fix it surgically (or by selling drugs to make $ for the state), people will stop developing morally and begin to REGRESS in fact, to the same kind of frivolous, liberal, alternative, spoiled lifestyles that ruined Rome and led to it's demise. Life just got too easy and permissive for the Romans. And at the top politics and government as a BUSINESS became too easy. Everyone was eventually corrupted, with the leaders and upper classes being corrupted most of all. That's what's happening to us now. In the past 30 or 40 years or society has become SO liberal...and by direct proportion is has gone straight into the toilet. No one wants to refuse or disavow these free tickets to ride, these easy ways out, this permissiveness of perversion on the grounds of "self expression". It's all going down the tubes in direct proportion to how we disregard or trivialize the sacred things that connect us to the primal fire and nature. How has the world become better since it became more exponentially liberal?

In many cases I could be found arguing against too much conservatism and fear of change. But there are some things which are obviously detrimental. I believe in flexible morality, but not flexible to the point that it corrupts and deteriorates the most sacred pillars of healthy society. People on both sides of the abortion issue take it way too far and are way too extreme.
We are all human and many of our decisions collectively affect the world as a whole, especially when a huge percentage of the population does it. Whenever an economic demand is created by human beings collectively on a large scale, it changes the quality of life for everyone else. When people abuse an area of the economy it affects everyone adversely. A world of people collectively resorting to abortion so they can be liberal and frivolous about the sacred act of procreation is not a good recipe for a healthy society. If these things are come too easy, there will be no incentive to be careful and morally mindful about sexual behavior or anything else. That is something that can affect all human beings if it is done collectively by a large percentage of the population. The concept of sacredness in human sexual relationships simply becomes devalued when a person can go "snip-snip" and not have a care in the world about the deeper meaning of procreating.

Take the legalization of marijuana, for example. I am generally all for it....but NOT with the government peddling it! When governments start selling drugs to pay for real societal necessities, you eventually have an economic dependency on it. Who in their right mind would advocate selling drugs to pay for government and infrastructure? You can argue "oh, things are getting done now that we have state marijuana dispensaries"...just like you can also argue, "Oh, that woman wasn't ready to have a baby...or didn't want it." I'd agree in many cases. Maybe she's NOT ready. Maybe she was raped. Maybe she just doesn't want children. But maybe people should learn some self-control and more selectivity in their sexual relationships then! If it becomes too easy to fix it surgically (or by selling drugs to make $ for the state), people will stop developing morally and begin to REGRESS in fact, to the same kind of frivolous, liberal, alternative, spoiled lifestyles that ruined Rome and led to it's demise. Life just got too easy and permissive for the Romans. And at the top politics and government as a BUSINESS became too easy. Everyone was eventually corrupted, with the leaders and upper classes being corrupted most of all. That's what's happening to us now. In the past 30 or 40 years or society has become SO liberal...and by direct proportion is has gone straight into the toilet. No one wants to refuse or disavow these free tickets to ride, these easy ways out, this permissiveness of perversion on the grounds of "self expression". It's all going down the tubes in direct proportion to how we disregard or trivialize the sacred things that connect us to the primal fire and nature. How has the world become better since it became more exponentially liberal?

In many cases I could be found arguing against too much conservatism and fear of change. But there are some things which are obviously detrimental. I believe in flexible morality, but not flexible to the point that it corrupts and deteriorates the most sacred pillars of healthy society. People on both sides of the abortion issue take it way too far and are way too extreme.
Abortion isn't occurring enough, the human population on this planet continues to swell. It has been a serious problem for the last 62 years with no end in sight. The first humans evolved 2 million years ago. Modern humans evolved about approximately 200,000 years ago. By 10,000 BC there were about 4 million modern humans in the world. It took until 1804 to reach a population of 1 billion. By 1927, over 100 years later, humans reached 2 billion. By 1960, only 33 years later, the world reached the population of 3 billion. This is where it starts to get really bad. It only took 14 years for the world to reach a population of 4 billion in 1974. We reached 5 billion in 1987 ( 13 years later). In 1999 we reached 6 billion ( down to just 12 years ). 7 billion in 2011 ( 12 years ). We are scheduled to reach 8 billion sometime this year ( 11 years ). We are exelerating and going in the wrong direction. We need a responsible population, we need birthing restrictions before we're in the biggest crisis to face mankind ever. Abortion is not a problem, it's a blessing.
Abortion isn't occurring enough, the human population on this planet continues to swell. It has been a serious problem for the last 62 years with no end in sight. The first humans evolved 2 million years ago. Modern humans evolved about approximately 200,000 years ago. By 10,000 BC there were about 4 million modern humans in the world. It took until 1804 to reach a population of 1 billion. By 1927, over 100 years later, humans reached 2 billion. By 1960, only 33 years later, the world reached the population of 3 billion. This is where it starts to get really bad. It only took 14 years for the world to reach a population of 4 billion in 1974. We reached 5 billion in 1987 ( 13 years later). In 1999 we reached 6 billion ( down to just 12 years ). 7 billion in 2011 ( 12 years ). We are scheduled to reach 8 billion sometime this year ( 11 years ). We are exelerating and going in the wrong direction. We need a responsible population, we need birthing restrictions before we're in the biggest crisis to face mankind ever. Abortion is not a problem, it's a blessing.
Planned Parenthood agrees. They're doing everything they possibly can to dispose of the "human weeds" of humanity. Fortunately they are removing the offspring of those who would vot for the leftist idiotology. They should be encouraged
As long as she pays for it, then she can do what she wants with it.
Or she can get the irresponsible guy who got her pregnant to pay for it. But even if the public has to pay for it, it's a whole lot cheaper than raising another delinquent on the public dollar in a world that's already overpopulated.
Planned Parenthood agrees. They're doing everything they possibly can to dispose of the "human weeds" of humanity. Fortunately they are removing the offspring of those who would vot for the leftist idiotology. They should be encouraged
Anything to reduce the population before it gets insane, we're already halfway there judging by the way some people are acting.
Abortion isn't occurring enough, the human population on this planet continues to swell. It has been a serious problem for the last 62 years with no end in sight. The first humans evolved 2 million years ago. Modern humans evolved about approximately 200,000 years ago. By 10,000 BC there were about 4 million modern humans in the world. It took until 1804 to reach a population of 1 billion. By 1927, over 100 years later, humans reached 2 billion. By 1960, only 33 years later, the world reached the population of 3 billion. This is where it starts to get really bad. It only took 14 years for the world to reach a population of 4 billion in 1974. We reached 5 billion in 1987 ( 13 years later). In 1999 we reached 6 billion ( down to just 12 years ). 7 billion in 2011 ( 12 years ). We are scheduled to reach 8 billion sometime this year ( 11 years ). We are exelerating and going in the wrong direction. We need a responsible population, we need birthing restrictions before we're in the biggest crisis to face mankind ever. Abortion is not a problem, it's a blessing.

See, now you're advocating the "disposable" solution instead of teaching and encouraging people to have more self-control and mindfulness, and to treat procreation as a sacred act, not a form of entertainment. What you promote is as disgusting as supermarkets and restaurants making or ordering too much food and being perfectly ok with throwing 50lbs of it away at the end of the day when it doesn't get bought or eaten. They don't care because the markup they impose covers it all and more. I am in the food business and I see this crap every day. The people who run things think this is ok and continue to run a business like this. It is obviously wrong. All it does is promote an abuse of the system for selfish gain. What you propose for the human race will not get us out of any trouble. It will only contribute to decay over time. A species that can simply abort a pregnancy at any time but has no sense of sacredness for the processes, relationships and concerns leading up to pregnancy and beyond is doomed. Look how weak we have become due to modern conveniences. It will continue in a downward spiral with people who think like this. We must stop relying on technology to solve all our problems and start using wise decision-making and better appropriation of actions to control things.
See, now you're advocating the "disposable" solution instead of teaching and encouraging people to have more self-control and mindfulness, and to treat procreation as a sacred act, not a form of entertainment. What you promote is as disgusting as supermarkets and restaurants making or ordering too much food and being perfectly ok with throwing 50lbs of it away at the end of the day when it doesn't get bought or eaten. They don't care because the markup they impose covers it all and more. I am in the food business and I see this crap every day. The people who run things think this is ok and continue to run a business like this. It is obviously wrong. All it does is promote an abuse of the system for selfish gain. What you propose for the human race will not get us out of any trouble. It will only contribute to decay over time. A species that can simply abort a pregnancy at any time but has no sense of sacredness for the processes, relationships and concerns leading up to pregnancy and beyond is doomed. Look how weak we have become due to modern conveniences. It will continue in a downward spiral with people who think like this. We must stop relying on technology to solve all our problems and start using wise decision-making and better appropriation of actions to control things.
Procreation was never a sacred act at any time in the history of the human race. Abortion will always have a place in society, we become the physical beings we're inhabiting when we visit this world, this mutualistic relationship with physical animals taints our spirit being. It's like a kid in a candy shop. The temptations are too great and the spirit is subdued.
More exactly, the fetus is an embryonic stage in human development. Meaning it is developing into a human being it is not a human being. Children are human beings. Fetuses are not. A point you seem to gladly disregard to try to make your case. Furthermore the Texas abortion law at 6 weeks it isn't even a fetus yet. It looks like a deformed tadpole that's a half inch long a third of the body length is its tail. It raised a quarter ounce. It has no arms or legs. It has a primitive heart that just formed. All of the other body organs are just starting to form. It has no eyes, no ears and the brain is still just a neural stem. This is science this is what our laws are based on reality not fiction. That Texas law is an affront to that fact.
Incorrect. The human life cycle begins at conception and ends at death. Every point along the continuum is fully human possessing the appropriate human traits for that part of the life cycle.
Incorrect. The human life cycle begins at conception and ends at death. Every point along the continuum is fully human possessing the appropriate human traits for that part of the life cycle.
Wording is everything with you people, a human being begins when it is born, it ends when it dies. Birthdays have a specific meaning, that's why birth dates are on birth certificates and not conception dates.

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