Do You Equate 'Far Right" w/simply just "Right?" or "Rightwing?"

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OK, well, do you have an alternative?

Specifically, what in the links do you disagree with?
american history that says we started a brand new form of government called the american experiment,,
so anything with more freedom than whats in the constitution is right wing and more government power than allowed in the constitution as left wing,,
Why/why not?
First......there is no Far Right in this country.
It is a term of art made up by the Democrats because they are the Far Left....I'll prove that.

The is no Far Right in this nation....but there certainly is a Far Left.

The thesis is based on the definitions involved:

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.
American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

The premise
here is that, if I can show that the values called 'Far Right' are actually at the center of American traditions, values, and history represent that center, well then, they cannot be correctly awarded the modifier "Far."

"Radical" is important to the discussion. It means
"especially of change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough" (see Google.)

It's what the radical Obama was getting at when he said “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008. “

Transforming from the positions that America was built on.

Radical positions as opposed to traditional ones identify "Far" Left

“Singer Macy Gray Says American Flag Should Be Abolished” Singer Macy Gray Says American Flag Should Be Abolished | The Daily Wire

“Transgender Athlete Chelsea Wolfe Says Goal Is To 'Burn a US Flag' at Olympic Podium”

Transgender athlete Chelsea Wolfe says goal is to "burn a US flag" at Olympic podium

Wolfe, who identifies as a transgender female, spoke to Fox News on Monday to explain her deleted post from March and said, "Anyone who thinks that I don't care about the United States is sorely mistaken."

1. ... traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman, and compare that with homosexual marriage.. Which one is radical?

2. Another of those positions under regular discussion is 'prayer' in the public arena....Congress opens each year with prayer. Opposing prayer is radical....religiosity is traditional in America.

3. Is 'free speech' embraced by one side, and opposed by the other? You betcha! Obama's Supreme Court nominee says it would be be proper to suppress speech because it is offensive to society or to the government.

Starting to see a pattern?

4. While we were founded on the biblical idea that all men are created equal,

LBJ advanced a two-class nation based on skin color.
....this radical view was advanced: affirmative action. Hence, Democrats....the Far Left.

5. Here's one more radical position by the Left....fighting to elect a sexual pervert and admitted liar and disbarred lawyer to the White House: Bill Clinton
Relative to American traditions, values, and history ...championing a man of such low character is a radical position.
Hence, Far Left..

6. Franklin Roosevelt threw the United States Constitution under the bus, and used the public fisc for all sorts of endeavors not authorized in Article 1, section 8.

A radical and Progressive position.

He was the ultimate "Far Leftist."

7. Under Franklin Roosevlet the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today. ....the regulatory welfare state where the federal government regulates business and commerce, natural resources, human resources, ...
Under the Progressives, the federal government was no longer limited by the enumerated powers delegated in the Constitution; ...

Radical to the utmost....hence Far Left.

Under Roosevelt's NRA, most manufacturing industries were suddenly forced into government-mandated cartels. Codes that regulated prices and terms of sale briefly transformed much of the American economy into a fascist-style arrangement,

"... into a fascist-style arrangement,..."
"A New Jersey tailor named Jacob Maged was arrested and sent to jail for the “crime” of pressing a suit of clothes for 35 cents rather than the NRA-inspired “Tailor’s Code” of 40 cents."
No surprise here: FDR's New Deal was a copy of Mussolini's economic program.

Could anything short of setting up concentration camps for our citizens, be more radical???

Oh...wait....he did build concentration camps for innocent civilians....his own citizens.

9. How about The Far Left's Gender-Agenda., versus the Right's stand for tradition and reality: "Republicans Battle to Roll Back Washington's New Transgender Bathroom Rules"

Really....could there be a more pertinent example of the radical, insane Far Left's corruption of tradition and history???

Could there?

10. The corruption of the press by the Far Left:
the JournoList Scandal: hundreds of Leftist journalists plotted to minimize negative publicity surrounding Obama’s radical ties. They plotted to smear the other side with lies. Peter Zenger....spinnning in his grave.

A clear affront to the honor bestowed on the press by the first amendment.

And don't forget this can menstruate and have babies and women can become men.

And you vote for this.

And several times, I've presented this challenge: If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.
american history that says we started a brand new form of government called the american experiment,,
so anything with more freedom than whats in the constitution is right wing and more government power than allowed in the constitution as left wing,,
Uh huh.
Why/why not?
i dont me the far right are the die hard republican party people who follow that party no matter what.....the righties who may be republican but just dont follow that party like the die hards do are just righties....i look at the left the same way.....
Can there be any distinction between the far right and the right wing?
Or fwiw, the far left and the left wing?

From a Canadian's perspective, there doesn't seem to be a 'left' in America, as it would correspond to the 'left' in Canada and most European countries.

Biden only claims to represent something that isn't the 'right', but can't even mention the word 'left'.

Being a 'leftist' is demonized in America and is almost exclusively unacceptable.

Proof: Do we have any leftists on this board?

Personally, I claim to be a far leftist on the American political spectrum, by pretty close to 'middle of the road' on the world's political spectrum.
i dont me the far right are the die hard republican party people who follow that party no matter what.....the righties who may be republican but just dont follow that party like the die hards do are just righties....i look at the left the same way.....
that explains why you are so wrong all the time,,

the republicans are leftwing along with the dems,, just not as far left,,

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