Why the far right is surging all over the world.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
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While Americans have long clashed over our country’s cruel and bigoted past, Germans have undertaken one of the most thoroughgoing efforts of any nation on the planet to reckon with their history. Germany, perhaps more than any other country, has attempted to pull out by the roots its homegrown variant of the reactionary spirit — the tendency of opponents of social change to choose hierarchy over democracy, trying to constrain or even topple democracy to protect hierarchies of wealth and status.
The Nazis were born out of disgust with post-World War I Weimar democracy, led by men furious about both the new government’s weakness and acceptance of the Jewish minority into German society. After Nazism brought Germany to ruin, preventing a reactionary resurgence became one of the central goals of the country’s subsequent leaders.
So it’s all the more extraordinary that in the past few years, Germany’s far right has been on the rise.
In 2015, at the peak of the global refugee crisis, German chancellor Angela Merkel announced an open-door policy for those fleeing violence in Syria and elsewhere. In response, the Alternative for Deutschland (AfD) party, a Euroskeptic faction without a single seat in Parliament, morphed into a virulently xenophobic force calling for Germany to slam Merkel’s open door shut.
In 2017’s national elections, AfD won 94 seats in the Bundestag, turning it into Germany’s third-largest political party.
Opposing the country’s approach to the migration policy did not, in and of itself, make AfD a threat to German democracy. But over time the party’s behavior has become more and more troubling.

Fascinating article on a well covered subject. Namely, the conditions leading to a rise of far right parties espousing authoritarian governance. A nativist reaction to immigration, or a poisoning of the nation's blood, being primary among them.

Germans have undertaken one of the most thoroughgoing efforts of any nation on the planet to reckon with their history.
Will we do the same some day?

Trump says immigrants are ‘poisoning the blood of our country.’ Biden campaign likens comments to Hitler.

Axios Explains: The racist history of Trump's "poisoning the blood"

Because Leftist Shitlords are know-it-all douches that really don't know anything real at all and are annoying AF and their policies hurt the citizens wherever they go.
Dems have taken a giant shit on the poor and working class with their retarded policies. Naturally people are fed up with the left and bitch slapping them out of power.
It’s very simple… the citizens of these countries are getting sick and tired of left wing governments supporting everyone and everything EXCEPT the traditional cultures, values, ideologies and beliefs of their founding and longest standing citizens of the nation.
Fear and uncertainty breeds intolerance. Thank you for affirming the theory.
It's not just the far right. In general, less-moderate movements are flourishing everywhere because the status quo (particularly in the West) has consistently failed the vast majority of people, and moderates fail to offer any solutions beyond more of the same. In the simplest terms possible, when one government fails to provide, others will. People want answers, they want results, and they want change. Germany didn't reckon in its past. In most cases it has aggressively buried it, and where it is mentioned it's mentioned in a contrived self-flagellating fashion. Germans haven't changed. It's a mentality of self-righteousness, feelings of superiority, and entitlement.
While Americans have long clashed over our country’s cruel and bigoted past, Germans have undertaken one of the most thoroughgoing efforts of any nation on the planet to reckon with their history. Germany, perhaps more than any other country, has attempted to pull out by the roots its homegrown variant of the reactionary spirit — the tendency of opponents of social change to choose hierarchy over democracy, trying to constrain or even topple democracy to protect hierarchies of wealth and status.
The Nazis were born out of disgust with post-World War I Weimar democracy, led by men furious about both the new government’s weakness and acceptance of the Jewish minority into German society. After Nazism brought Germany to ruin, preventing a reactionary resurgence became one of the central goals of the country’s subsequent leaders.
So it’s all the more extraordinary that in the past few years, Germany’s far right has been on the rise.
In 2015, at the peak of the global refugee crisis, German chancellor Angela Merkel announced an open-door policy for those fleeing violence in Syria and elsewhere. In response, the Alternative for Deutschland (AfD) party, a Euroskeptic faction without a single seat in Parliament, morphed into a virulently xenophobic force calling for Germany to slam Merkel’s open door shut.
In 2017’s national elections, AfD won 94 seats in the Bundestag, turning it into Germany’s third-largest political party.
Opposing the country’s approach to the migration policy did not, in and of itself, make AfD a threat to German democracy. But over time the party’s behavior has become more and more troubling.

Fascinating article on a well covered subject. Namely, the conditions leading to a rise of far right parties espousing authoritarian governance. A nativist reaction to immigration, or a poisoning of the nation's blood, being primary among them.

Germans have undertaken one of the most thoroughgoing efforts of any nation on the planet to reckon with their history.
Will we do the same some day?

Trump says immigrants are ‘poisoning the blood of our country.’ Biden campaign likens comments to Hitler.

Axios Explains: The racist history of Trump's "poisoning the blood"

That is a typical leftist posting. President Trump did not say that of immigrants. He said it of illegal immigrants. He welcomes legal immigrants! Big difference!
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I hate articles like this. The title says "Why blah, blah, blah is happening" and makes you think you'll be treated to an explanation of causal factors that are contributing to a phenomenon. But then the content of the article simply says "Yep, blah, blah, blah is happening." It says it like 20 times.

And the media wonders why most people only peruse the headlines nowadays.
Glass houses, cuck.
Flaming in politics, nice! :D
I hate articles like this. The title says "Why blah, blah, blah is happening" and makes you think you'll be treated to an explanation of causal factors that are contributing to a phenomenon. But then the content of the article simply says "Yep, blah, blah, blah is happening." It says it like 20 times.

And the media wonders why most people only peruse the headlines nowadays.
You must be a little older and realize how bad the media is these days.
Excuse you. A lady doesn't get older, she simply gets more experienced at being beautiful and awesome.
Not certain you're a woman at all with that handle.
One could take the emotive responses into consideration, I suppose.
As if I was trying to be rude and talk about a woman's age. I know better than that. :banana:
That is a typical leftist posting. President Trump did not say that of immigrants. He said it of illegal immigrants. He welcomes legal immigrants! Big difference!
Leftists don't care about actual facts. They spend long days figuring out how to twist the words of those they despise.
Leftist ideas can only be maintained through brainwashing, censorship, propaganda and violence. No matter how hard the left suppresses the right, right wing ideas resonate with people. Humans are naturally tribal and hierarchical and attempts to crush these instincts will always ultimately fail.
, Germans have undertaken one of the most thoroughgoing efforts of any nation on the planet to reckon with their history.

I have only reacted with a Fake News comment because your headline talks about a world wide surge but your OP is exclusively about one country .

Your headline assertion might stand up to scrutiny on a wider analyis, but, as you know , you cannot generalise rationally from just one country .

Xenophobia and Hate Speech Are Spiking Heading Into the Election

Leading Republican politicians and lax social media controls have contributed to a proliferation of hate rhetoric and anti-immigrant sentiment.

The last time there was a presidential election, the country was coming off a summer of protests in favor of greater racial equality. Support for increased immigration was at the highest level ever polled.

This year is different. Former President Donald J. Trump’s campaign, filled with anti-immigrant rhetoric, is playing out in a country where researchers report seeing particularly high levels of hate speech against minority groups.

A spike that began soon after the George Floyd protests was sustained over four years and has only risen since Vice President Kamala Harris became the Democratic presidential nominee.

“I certainly don’t remember in my lifetime the rhetoric against immigrants ever getting this strong during an election,” said Yonatan Lupu, an associate professor of political science at George Washington University who leads a team that monitors about 1,000 hate communities across a range of online platforms.
“It’s the demonization of the different,” said Rev. Hank Tuell, the head pastor of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Staten Island, which pulled out of plans to open a migrant shelter there this year after receiving threats of violence. “And it’s seeming to get much more ingrained into the everyday person.”


Xenophobia and Hate Speech Are Spiking Heading Into the Election

Leading Republican politicians and lax social media controls

Thanks for admitting that you support censorship. This has become quite common among Democrats, and Leftists worldwide.

have contributed to a proliferation of hate rhetoric and anti-immigrant sentiment.
Actually experience has contributed to the anti-illegal immigrant sentiment.
Thanks for admitting that you support censorship.
It's curious that you constantly find the need to make things up in trying to make a point. Or perhaps not so curious since you can't make an argument without doing it.
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