Zone1 Do you believe in Hell for the unrepentant?

Do you believe in Hell (for the unrepentant)?

  • there probably is a Hell (elite dims prove there has to be)

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Psychopaths have no capacity for empathy because of a brain inadequacy however, they can emulate it to blend in to society. There is no hope for their 'spirits' to be segragated, they have a physical brain structure problem. Sociopaths DO have the capacity for empathy but, for one reason or another (early childhood abuse, etc.) cannot feel it. There may be a chance that their 'sick spirits' might be separated by mental health professionals.
I don't believe all sociopaths are brain damaged.. or wait.. psychopaths.

people make choices.. Their lives build (or not) on those choices and then things just go from bad to worse.. they reject Christ and then things really get bad..
well, you a re arguing with 2000+ years worth of Scripture and history. The Jews believed in Hell.. still do, I am sure.. Catholics and Protestants do

You are outnumbered. That doesn't by itself mean you are wrong. But when you can get all those 3 to agree on something.. that is really something!

really, really something..
There are various (differing) conceptions of Hell in Jewish tradition. By and large, except in very extreme cases of purely evil people (maybe akin to Hitler?), Hell is a place of reformation and cleansing. So the traditional Jewish view of Hell is not the same as the kind of Hell we speak about like fire and brimstone and torture forever.

That’s something too. Really really.
I don't believe all sociopaths are brain damaged.. or wait.. psychopaths.

people make choices.. Their lives build (or not) on those choices and then things just go from bad to worse.. they reject Christ and then things really get bad..
Psychopaths are incapable of making the choice to be truly empathetic. They can only play the role in order to get what they want or satisfy a desire. They can also be some of the most engaging people you will meet, until they suck you in and use you for their pleasure with no regard for you, your feelings or your life.
These say that there is no need for a hell as none are to be lost.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

1 Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

This also comes to mind.

Romans 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

Hell would be an evil place and Yahweh would not let that evil overcome his good, would he.

Only those of really low grade faith would believe that God would lose any of his beloved souls.


I get lost in what appears to me to be Biblical contradictions. But your analysis tends to correspond to my own expectations.

Frankly though, I have no Earthly clue.
(Pun not really intended but not a bad modifier).
I get lost in what appears to me to be Biblical contradictions. But your analysis tends to correspond to my own expectations.

Frankly though, I have no Earthly clue.
(Pun not really intended but not a bad modifier).
IMO, humans can act both good and evil. The belief in 'free will' allows those (who believe in it) to choose either or a mixture as a response to environmental influences. Humans are contradictory, humans penned the Bible.
I believe that there are both better and worse places a Soul can be sent on to after death. Hell, Hades, Hel, etc… are among the worse places. Heaven, Asgard, The Elysian Firlds, Happy Hunting Grounds, etc… are among the better ones. I also believe that many Souls are sent back to Earth in order to try and get it right the next time. Only the best/worst Souls are deemed to have reached a point where they have earned a FINAL disposition.
What standards will be judging you?

Which God?

If the supernatural Christian one, will you trust his verdict to be fair and just?


Whether I trust it to be fair or just is inconsequential isn't it? lol. God is God, I am human.

Maybe we can debate our entrance I don't know. In the meantime I have to try and be as pure of heart and character as possible. Considering what I have been through, it's a small miracle I am still alive.
Souls are sent back to Earth in order to try and get it right the next time.

As for a standard of pure justice, I doubt mere mortals can achieve it. But that does not mean we need to reject what we have already gleaned. And eternal punishment for offense during a mere human lifetime seems unjust.
How much do you think people change over the course of their lives?
so hitler goes to heaven?
Maybe. At some point.

I’m not a theologian. So, I don’t know or have any basis to assume.

Maybe there’s a divine calculation. Maybe he seeks redemption after being isolated from the light of God for a “period” of time, maybe one lifetime for every life he took.
Do you believe in Hell for the unrepentant?

The lives of people who suffer egregiously at the hands of.. whomever.. tend to prove Hell if the Bible does not convince you. I have read stories of horrendous child abuse and then the abused goes on to suffer at the hands of others who also abuse.. girls molested as a child getting involved later w/ abusive husbands, etc..

Then there is all the evil inflicted upon us by "insane" people "running things" in the gvt. And sometimes, frankly, it seems God does not care about these victims of evil

until He does.. I say He takes them to Heaven and then... What does He do about all the evil doers? Those of us who believe Scripture rarely doubt the existence of Hell.

OK, I tried to fix this error in the poll questions but couldn't

It should read

No (elite dims do NOT prove there has to be)

You cannot understand Hell until you understand--or at least begin to understand--the nature of God.

God cannot by His Nature abide sin. He not only cannot allow it, it's repellant to Him. It won't stand in His presence in the same way light dispels darkness.

Prior to Christ there was nothing we could do about our sin. We were all lost to eternity. We can't abolish our sin; God cannot abide it.

In short--Jesus is the solution.

Jesus is the way to heaven, but that is not the end. Even Christians will be judged, but not to gauge whether they enter Heaven. We will be given various "rewards" based on what we did while on earth. There is no reason to believe the same won't be true of lost souls too. I believe those those don't put their faith in Jesus will suffer the loss of God. But that doesn't mean the child trafficker and murderer will suffer the same as the person who worked in a soup kitchen all their days but was Buddhist. That's just not God's nature.

In short:

Today is the day of salvation. When Jesus comes back it will be too late!
Maybe. At some point.

I’m not a theologian. So, I don’t know or have any basis to assume.

Maybe there’s a divine calculation. Maybe he seeks redemption after being isolated from the light of God for a “period” of time, maybe one lifetime for every life he took.
Depends on the person.
People are capable of huge changes over their lifetimes. The key word here is 'capable.'
Yes, and going on to the next step of supposing, I wonder if we are not part of our own construction. Genesis has that fascinating verse story of humans wanting to know both good and evil. I doubt any of will be that surprised wherever we begin our next life. Were we fascinated by good and by serving others? Then it appears we want to be closer to God. Were we fascinated with me first (even when it meant petty thievery and selfishness) then we wouldn't want to be that close to God or that interested in serving Him.

Catholicism defines hell as separation from God, and that is something a person chooses. The etymology of the word hell comes from the words meaning to cover or to hide.

I do not see hell so much as God choosing the punish us, as I see people choosing to hide or cover their existence from God. We have free will. We are promised the forgiveness of sins. Perhaps it is time we get past Dante's portrayal of hell in his novel of the Inferno.

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