Do The Dems Know How To Create Jobs? Do They Want To?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This is like watching the Miss America pagent:

[ame=]YouTube - Dick Blumenthal Stumped On How To Create A Job[/ame]

Could it be the simple fact that Dems don't really think about job creation? This explains why they keep extending unemployment.

Obama is still talking about education but he's doing next to nothing about job creation. You can't keep pouring taxpayer cash down a rat-hole forever and expect good results. You have to eventually create a positive environment in the job market and the Dems aren't about to do that. Not if they want to continue spreading the wealth.

Statistically a voter with a job tends to vote more for the GOP then an unemployed voter.

Rob from Peter to pay Paul and you get Paul's support.
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This is like watching the Miss America pagent:

YouTube - Dick Blumenthal Stumped On How To Create A Job

Could it be the simple fact that Dems don't really think about job creation? This explains why they keep extending unemployment.

Obama is still talking about education but he's doing next to nothing about job creation. You can't keep pouring taxpayer cash down a rat-hole forever and expect good results. You have to eventually create a positive environment in the job market and the Dems aren't about to do that. Not if they want to continue spreading the wealth.

Statistically a voter with a job tends to vote more for the GOP then an unemployed voter.

Rob from Peter to pay Paul and you get Paul's support.

It is said that bevity is the soul of wit. Getting an answer outta this guy is like thumbing through 50 pages of advertisements before you get to the article you're looking for.

Problem is? The real answer was non-existant in his rhetoric. If he didn't know? Why didn't he say so? All I heard were pages of advertisements.
the question is, Do Republicans know how to create jobs? Recently we had the slowest job creation in our history under republican rule?

I think it is weird that we are even THINKING that our government can create jobs in the Private sector....? the gvt can create gvt jobs perhaps....but I don't think it is the govt who can create permanent private sector jobs, but the private sector that has to do this, for themselves.

Unless of course, we regulate the private sector to the hilt, and FORCE the banks that we are giving very cheap cheap money to spur private sector growth, to loan out the money to small businesses cheaply....

so far, only the big guns, the banks are getting this money at very low interest rates, BUT they are just sitting on this money and not loaning it to the smaller businesses that need the money to expand and grow...and THAT'S a HUGE problem.
I'll tell you how to create jobs in the USA and it won't cost the taxpayer one red cent


Which of you GOP lovin', Tea Partiers attendees are with me?​
I'm with mudwhistle on this one.

I kept waiting to hear him talk about "the Iraq, and such as..." and the people who don't have maps.
the question is, Do Republicans know how to create jobs? Recently we had the slowest job creation in our history under republican rule?

I think it is weird that we are even THINKING that our government can create jobs in the Private sector....? the gvt can create gvt jobs perhaps....but I don't think it is the govt who can create permanent private sector jobs, but the private sector that has to do this, for themselves.

Unless of course, we regulate the private sector to the hilt, and FORCE the banks that we are giving very cheap cheap money to spur private sector growth, to loan out the money to small businesses cheaply....

so far, only the big guns, the banks are getting this money at very low interest rates, BUT they are just sitting on this money and not loaning it to the smaller businesses that need the money to expand and grow...and THAT'S a HUGE problem.

Well since the last Rep Prez had about 6% unemployment throughout his term there was very little need for massive job creation. Anyone who wanted a job had it.

Things are so uncertain out there right now that most businesses are sitting on the money till they can find out what HC is going to cost. They are also waiting to see if the Bush tax cuts are extended or allowed to expire. They sure aren't going to hire or expand until they get a few facts to work with.
This is like watching the Miss America pagent:

YouTube - Dick Blumenthal Stumped On How To Create A Job

Could it be the simple fact that Dems don't really think about job creation? This explains why they keep extending unemployment.

Obama is still talking about education but he's doing next to nothing about job creation. You can't keep pouring taxpayer cash down a rat-hole forever and expect good results. You have to eventually create a positive environment in the job market and the Dems aren't about to do that. Not if they want to continue spreading the wealth.

Statistically a voter with a job tends to vote more for the GOP then an unemployed voter.

Rob from Peter to pay Paul and you get Paul's support.

This guy's kinda creepy...
Republicans created 1.1 million jobs during eight years of George much for "trickle down"

Democrats created 3.3 million jobs through the economic stimulus bill. Teachers, police, firefighters and construction workers
Democrats created 3.3 million jobs through the economic stimulus bill. Teachers, police, firefighters and construction workers

Massive Bullshit alert. Links please.
Republicans created 1.1 million jobs during eight years of George much for "trickle down"

Democrats created 3.3 million jobs through the economic stimulus bill. Teachers, police, firefighters and construction workers

Thanks for the laugh.

Great stuff.
Republicans created 1.1 million jobs during eight years of George much for "trickle down"

Democrats created 3.3 million jobs through the economic stimulus bill. Teachers, police, firefighters and construction workers

Bush didn't need massiive job creation. He had around 6% unemployment through most of his 2 terms. Anyone who wanted a job had one.

3.3 million huh?? Was that created or saved. Jeeze.
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This is like watching the Miss America pagent:

YouTube - Dick Blumenthal Stumped On How To Create A Job

Could it be the simple fact that Dems don't really think about job creation? This explains why they keep extending unemployment.

Obama is still talking about education but he's doing next to nothing about job creation. You can't keep pouring taxpayer cash down a rat-hole forever and expect good results. You have to eventually create a positive environment in the job market and the Dems aren't about to do that. Not if they want to continue spreading the wealth.


What exactly do you take issue with here? Education, does create jobs. The more educated the population is..the more innovation they bring to market. And pouring "Tax-payer cash down a rathole" is nothing of the sort. Improving infrastructure, targeted tax breaks for fledgling businesses, grants and loans for research and development fosters a good business climate.

See: Clinton Presidency.
the question is, Do Republicans know how to create jobs? Recently we had the slowest job creation in our history under republican rule?

I think it is weird that we are even THINKING that our government can create jobs in the Private sector....? the gvt can create gvt jobs perhaps....but I don't think it is the govt who can create permanent private sector jobs, but the private sector that has to do this, for themselves.

Unless of course, we regulate the private sector to the hilt, and FORCE the banks that we are giving very cheap cheap money to spur private sector growth, to loan out the money to small businesses cheaply....

so far, only the big guns, the banks are getting this money at very low interest rates, BUT they are just sitting on this money and not loaning it to the smaller businesses that need the money to expand and grow...and THAT'S a HUGE problem.

Well since the last Rep Prez had about 6% unemployment throughout his term there was very little need for massive job creation. Anyone who wanted a job had it.

Things are so uncertain out there right now that most businesses are sitting on the money till they can find out what HC is going to cost. They are also waiting to see if the Bush tax cuts are extended or allowed to expire. They sure aren't going to hire or expand until they get a few facts to work with.

That is actually pretty deceptive. During Bush's 2 terms we had several busts, like the Enron, Worldcom, Bear Stearns, and Arthur Anderson meltdowns. Plus there were massive layoffs particularly at places like HP (Under no less then Carly Fiorina at the helm). What happened after that..with all the displaced people? Well two things. They refused to go on unemployment and many of them took out equity from their homes and nest eggs to start businesses (a great of which, failed). They also refused to get employment that was below their former pay grade. Additionally, many of them moved back in with parents.

The Bush team gamed the numbers pretty well. And they went back to the old energy/war economy to make the numbers look better. Add in, he kept the cost of the wars as "Supplemental Spending" so the deficits didn't look as bad as they really were.

They also introduced the most massive growth in government in decades with Homeland Security and Medicare part D. All this without the funds to pay for it.

The kicker of course was the failure of Lehman and the rescue of AIG along most of the financial industry.

So..he left the Obama administration with 2 huge wars, massive unemployment and teetering industries. All that..with a 0% interest rate. What fun!

Bush screwed the pooch completely on the economy. Trying to paint it as anything else is ridiculous.
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I'll tell you how to create jobs in the USA and it won't cost the taxpayer one red cent


Which of you GOP lovin', Tea Partiers attendees are with me?​

I'm not either one, but I'm with you.

Last year the SANDS casino went up, a Holiday Inn opened and a huge hotel was 1/2 built, right here in Bethlehem Pa, the very heart of American steel, well, it used to be.

The casino was built about 400 yards from the last steel mill and the hotel about another 200 yards away.

I know what you're thinking, the town had a small boon in the industry.

You're wrong.

All the steal for all 3 buildings was imported from Japan b/c it was cheaper. Imagine that. And remember to support your local union.
Dems do know how to create jobs: public employee union jobs and bureaucrat jobs for cronies.

Although I use the term "jobs" only in the most minimal sense of the word. They actually know how to spend money on paychecks and benefits.
Dems do know how to create jobs: public employee union jobs and bureaucrat jobs for cronies.

Although I use the term "jobs" only in the most minimal sense of the word. They actually know how to spend money on paychecks and benefits.

In southern Illinois, coal miners starting pay was $25/hr, across the river in Ky it was $10. So the miners wanted to strike for more money, in Ill. The owners said they couldn't afford to pay more b/c they were haveing a hard time selling thier coal at a profit. so they told the miners if they struck the mines would be shut down until the contracts expired.

They struck. And they did so for weeks in front of chained gates.

So the dims came to the rescue and offered every biz such large amounts of cash that it was impossible to get a job if you were not a union miner. These corps made money training miners to do different things, they made money to hire them, they made money to keep them.

I had 9 1/2 years as an electrinics tech in the Navy, and my Vet status meant shit b/c I was not a miner.

Dims only know how to screw people over.
Republicans created 1.1 million jobs during eight years of George much for "trickle down"

Democrats created 3.3 million jobs through the economic stimulus bill. Teachers, police, firefighters and construction workers

At the cost of $1.4 Trillion

that's $424, 000 per job.

And you brag about this? :cuckoo:

Stimulus was $780 billion and half of it was used for tax cuts.

How many jobs did you create with your tax cut?
I'll tell you how to create jobs in the USA and it won't cost the taxpayer one red cent


Which of you GOP lovin', Tea Partiers attendees are with me?​

Which econ program did you graduate from again? Yeah, The PeeWee Herman school.

Do you really think this? Really?
And government created jobs require increased government spending to maintain... at a higher cost to taxpayers because of the massive amounts of red tape in the government system...

Face it lefties... the government does not create sustainable jobs.... it is business and consumers and innovation that creates sustainable jobs.... Yes, there will be ups and downs, but that's part of life

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