Zone1 Do most Jews believe they killed Jesus?

Jesus wanted to lift them above the yoke of Roman oppression. Your reading about government and the poor is too narrow and misses the political climate of the times. The various Jewish factions we're battling each other and the Romans. It was a sure path to disaster.
Reminding them they are God's chosen takes their focus off Rome and returns it to God and who they are as a people.

The point is, "Liberation Theology" does not apply to Jesus or the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus goal was not to get Rome to lift Jews out of poverty. Getting the government to address the needs of the poor is the very definition of Liberation Theology. Jesus was constantly speaking of looking to God and not worrying so much about what to eat and what to wear. Liberation is very much focused on what to eat and what to wear--and looking for a government to fix this.

Jesus always looked to his Father.
Reminding them they are God's chosen takes their focus off Rome and returns it to God and who they are as a people.

The point is, "Liberation Theology" does not apply to Jesus or the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus goal was not to get Rome to lift Jews out of poverty. Getting the government to address the needs of the poor is the very definition of Liberation Theology. Jesus was constantly speaking of looking to God and not worrying so much about what to eat and what to wear. Liberation is very much focused on what to eat and what to wear--and looking for a government to fix this.

Jesus always looked to his Father.

I already told you that the sermon on the mount was not about the Roman government lifting them out of poverty. It's about the Roman occupation and Roman oppression. Does that ring a bell in modern Israel?
I already told you that the sermon on the mount was not about the Roman government lifting them out of poverty. It's about the Roman occupation and Roman oppression.
Bingo. And that is why linking Jesus with Liberation Theology does not work.
Bingo. And that is why linking Jesus with Liberation Theology does not work.

You're defaulting to a modern racist ideology. Jesus was a Jew and he loved the Jewish people. To shame your enemy with passive responses is to pour burning coals on their heads.

😂🤣😂🤣 Nope but Jesus was living in the real world with real people. Remember when Jerusalem was under siege by foreign armies, he had told his followers that when they saw abomination of desolation spoken of in Daniel they should flee to the mountains. Was that political?

When he told the Jews, render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's was that political?
And yet you are making a political argument, reject all supernatural accounts and deny the divinity of Christ. If Christ isn't divine, what is he?

How does the sermon on the mount affect Christ's divinity or negate his divinity as you claim? On earth Jesus lived as a man.
It doesn't. Your interpretation of it does.

If you deny every supernatural act he performed the only thing left for you to believe is he was a political figure.
MLK Jr. didn't believe in the divinity of Jesus like you either. So if Jesus isn't divine, he's a political figure. You can't have it both ways.
He doesn’t have to be either. He was a leader of a small band of Jews.
It doesn't. Your interpretation of it does.

If you deny every supernatural act he performed the only thing left for you to believe is he was a political figure.

I don't believe in the supernatural, however that doesn't mean Jesus was a political figure. He makes it abundantly clear his kingdom is not on earth. Jesus was a spiritual leader.
So did the socialists and that doesn't mean anything at all because they got it wrong too. Your problem is that your account flies in the face of the entire NT. So unless you believe there is a major conspiracy that lasted 350 years and forged 24,000 written manuscripts, your argument falls apart. And if you do believe that then your argument falls apart due to the stupidity of the claim. I'm afraid you are going to have to accept the fact that Jesus is exactly who He said He is.

Lastly, you have not proved your claim at all.

really - "the gospel according to mathew" - that makes ...


two of you.

bing, have you found the etched tablets from heaven - yet ... along with your other phony 25K documents, surly you can come up with something. and how you waited 400 years to write your equally phony c bible as well.

- the proof "is in the pudding".

How does the sermon on the mount affect Christ's divinity or negate his divinity as you claim? On earth Jesus lived as a man.

He sure did, and that the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, the turning of the water to Wine, the resurrection from the dead all the more remarkable.
He sure did, and that the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, the turning of the water to Wine, the resurrection from the dead all the more remarkable.

Most scholars think that feeding the 5000 is the spiritual food of Jesus's teachings.. just like his message quenches spiritual thirst. Both are referenced throughout scripture.
Most scholars think that feeding the 5000 is the spiritual food of Jesus's teachings.. just like his message quenches spiritual thirst. Both are referenced throughout scripture.

They, like you, are wrong. Imagine what the people thought when Lazarus arose!!!
Most scholars think that feeding the 5000 is the spiritual food of Jesus's teachings.. just like his message quenches spiritual thirst. Both are referenced throughout scripture.
Some perhaps, but others have a different idea. People followed Jesus to unpopulated areas. If one is going to leave home and village it makes sense that they bring a bag lunch along. However, after hearing Jesus speak of love and sharing, who is going to dig into their meager meal? Then a little boy proposes sharing what he has brought along. The ice was broken, everyone else brought out what they had and discovered they did have enough to share with those who had little or none.

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