These Are The People Who Said We Should Take Climate Change Seriously

Pretty easy to test I would say.

On a more subtle scale, I would say that kids allowed to play in the dirt and mud puddles and taste their mud pies will more likely have stronger immune systems than those raised in fastidiously more sterile conditions.

And lo and behold my comment which belongs squarely in at least one field of science has been studied and so far affirmed:

PhD: "Piled Higher and Deeper"

It was tested unintentionally in China, where the "polluted" cities rendered it practically harmless—an incredibly low 5,000 deaths among that huge population.

I first noticed this phenomenon during the 2009 flu in Mexico. It started in the undeveloped countryside and fizzled after reaching the cities. Same with SARS.

"What about Africa, which is primitively pre-industrialized?" The jungle has more microbes, one of which was the mortal enemy of the cronyvirus. That prevented the spearchuckers from being wiped out. Every life-form has a terminator, but no "scientist" tried to find one for the Green Death.
Can't argue with this. This year by the way, coffee is in and butter isn't all that bad, both in moderation of course. Who knows what the verdict will be next year?

I think part of the problem is the plethora of people studying for their PhDs and having to come up with an original, not ever researched before, topic for their doctoral dissertations. And some of those 'original' studies are a real--I mean REAL!--stretch to prove scientifically. My daughter worked as a paid research assistant to lots of PhD candidates while working on her own PhD and confided that some of that research was clearly bogus. I have witnessed some of the same on a much smaller scale.

But it gets published and, if sensational enough, will be prominently featured as a 'peer reviewed scientific study' by the media or those who use it to prove their point about whatever.

It's important to note that 'peer reviewed' does not reflect agreement with a thesis but rather agreement that an approved scientific process was used to produce it. And anybody who has ever worked in that dynamic knows full well that anscientific process can be faked and, if nobody ever thoroughly investigates and exposes the fakery, it will likely never be known.

P.S. Enough climate scientists/scientific groups have been caught 'cooking the books' enough to know that such exists whether or not it is on a large scale.
Scientists' Approval in Two Words: "Wow! Cool!"
PhD: "Piled Higher and Deeper"

It was tested unintentionally in China, where the "polluted" cities rendered it practically harmless—an incredibly low 5,000 deaths among that huge population.

I first noticed this phenomenon during the 2009 flu in Mexico. It started in the undeveloped countryside and fizzled after reaching the cities. Same with SARS.

"What about Africa, which is primitively pre-industrialized?" The jungle has more microbes, one of which was the mortal enemy of the cronyvirus. That prevented the spearchuckers from being wiped out. Every life-form has a terminator, but no "scientist" tried to find one for the Green Death.
Hilarious you racist pile of oatmeal.
and that we should only deal in facts and listen to the science. So, should we listen to them or not? Or is all they do is deal in conspiracy theories?

I Went through this thread, and wow! You can actually see the Left foaming at the mouth.

The Left believes it is all good that they are pretending they are winning; and they may be correct! I do not believe it, and if you follow their nonsensical post outside this forum, you realize........they do not believe it either.

TRUMP IS A DOG! That is what we see, and wonder why he is our only option.

On the other hand, Biden is incompetent, irrelevant, and extremely immaterial!

YOU have to decide, if Trump is an insurrectionist. Does he, Really want to overthrow your government?

All you need do is realize what actually happened.

We have seen Democrats, and Republicans, BOTH try and game the system.

Trump did NOT do anything different then what the Left did.

Personally, I think Trump screwed the pooch, They are trying to tell you that Trump is awful! On the other side, they insist that Biden is just terrible.

PAY ATTENTION, and you are going to find out, that all of these people are blowing smoke!

Yeah, we are going to have to vote for one of these clowns over the other!

Put your voice------------>you want Biden, or maybe you want Trump!

Doesn'T make a difference, we are all screwed!

When you realize this, you will become part of the solution, instead part of the problem-)
I Went through this thread, and wow! You can actually see the Left foaming at the mouth.

The Left believes it is all good that they are pretending they are winning; and they may be correct! I do not believe it, and if you follow their nonsensical post outside this forum, you realize........they do not believe it either.

TRUMP IS A DOG! That is what we see, and wonder why he is our only option.

On the other hand, Biden is incompetent, irrelevant, and extremely immaterial!

YOU have to decide, if Trump is an insurrectionist. Does he, Really want to overthrow your government?

All you need do is realize what actually happened.

We have seen Democrats, and Republicans, BOTH try and game the system.

Trump did NOT do anything different then what the Left did.

Personally, I think Trump screwed the pooch, They are trying to tell you that Trump is awful! On the other side, they insist that Biden is just terrible.

PAY ATTENTION, and you are going to find out, that all of these people are blowing smoke!

Yeah, we are going to have to vote for one of these clowns over the other!

Put your voice------------>you want Biden, or maybe you want Trump!

Doesn'T make a difference, we are all screwed!

When you realize this, you will become part of the solution, instead part of the problem-)
Hilarious wanker
I Went through this thread, and wow! You can actually see the Left foaming at the mouth.

The Left believes it is all good that they are pretending they are winning; and they may be correct! I do not believe it, and if you follow their nonsensical post outside this forum, you realize........they do not believe it either.

TRUMP IS A DOG! That is what we see, and wonder why he is our only option.

On the other hand, Biden is incompetent, irrelevant, and extremely immaterial!

YOU have to decide, if Trump is an insurrectionist. Does he, Really want to overthrow your government?

All you need do is realize what actually happened.

We have seen Democrats, and Republicans, BOTH try and game the system.

Trump did NOT do anything different then what the Left did.

Personally, I think Trump screwed the pooch, They are trying to tell you that Trump is awful! On the other side, they insist that Biden is just terrible.

PAY ATTENTION, and you are going to find out, that all of these people are blowing smoke!

Yeah, we are going to have to vote for one of these clowns over the other!

Put your voice------------>you want Biden, or maybe you want Trump!

Doesn'T make a difference, we are all screwed!

When you realize this, you will become part of the solution, instead part of the problem-)
What is the solution? If we are supposed to vote for someone other than those two, then who should we vote for?
The point is that science is NEVER settled.
Consensus is the antithesis of science.
The demented LEFT like you use your interpretation of what "science" is to wield a sword of compliance.
GTFOH!!! :eusa_hand:
Science proved the world was round.

Is that settled.

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