Zone1 Do most Jews believe they killed Jesus?


Gold Member
Jul 2, 2022
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What I'm saying is do most Jews agree with the Jesus being crucified? In the religion itself and amongst the jewish population. What do they truly believe?
What I'm saying is do most Jews agree with the Jesus being crucified? In the religion itself and amongst the jewish population. What do they truly believe?
Try again, using correct grammar and logic.
But even if they don't mention him in their service they must know the NT claims the Jews and Romans were who killed Jesus. My only question is do you believe the Jews support the crucifixion if you ask a Jew on the street?
It's a simple question. Do Jews hate Jesus and support what happened to him? Did the ancient Jews support it and do the modern day ones support it as well?
But even if they don't mention him in their service they must know the NT claims the Jews and Romans were who killed Jesus. My only question is do you believe the Jews support the crucifixion if you ask a Jew on the street?
Is this a serious question? No Jew would say that Jesus deserved to be put to death. The other guy that was crucified next to him - Barbaras? - didn’t deserve a death sentence either. These were different times, though.

And as I said, it’s not really a point of discussion at all, but mostly we regret that the NT blamed it all on the Jews, and because of that, Jews have been subjected to 2000 years of persecution, expulsions, and slaughter by the millions.
Did the Jews in Jesus' time approve of the execution?
I would assume that most did not, but only a very small percentage of Jews even knew of him anyway. It’s not like Jews are a monolith.
Weren't they all gathered in Gallilelee with Jesus?
What do Jews say about their history? How do they explain the Jesus stuff? Do some of them believe they killed him? IT's in other scribes other than the bible that the Jews did.
DId the Jews back in the bible days during Jesus' time support the crucifixtion?
Why is this message board flooded with right wing nut jobs?
Romans/Italians called the shots

They made the laws, held the trials, executed the sentence

Crucifixion was a Roman punishment ……not Jewish
Yeah but the Jews brought him to the Romans knowing he would be put to death, so what's the difference? They didn't pull the trigger but they bought the gun.
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