Did sin enter the world through Adam, Satan or Yahweh?


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Did sin enter the world through Adam, Satan or Yahweh?

Most, as well as scriptures, say that it was through Adam, even though Christians sing that Adam’s sin was a happy fault and necessary to Yahweh’s plan.

Given the necessity, Adam, from that, may not be the culpable one and his punishment would be unjust.

Satan had already sinned in heaven before being cast into Eden.

It can be truthfully said that she was the first sinner on earth if we ignore Yahweh.

Further, would you say that Eve sinned, given that Satan or the talking serpent deceived her?

That deception would take lies, and that is a sin, and that sin also preceded Adam’s sin.

Many do not see what the serpent says as a lie, which complicates things.

Was the initial sin, regardless of who did it, a happy fault and necessary to god’s plan like Christians sing in their Exultet hymn?

Did Yahweh lie when he told Adam that he would die if he educated himself with the knowledge in the Tree of Knowledge?

Why and how does knowledge kill us?

If it does, should we keep our children as blind to it as Adam and Eve initially were?

The Eden myth can get quite complicated, especially when Christians call it a fall, then say it was necessary so as not to derail Yahweh’s plan.

This last being what the Jews wrote into their myth and which they say is not the Original Sin of the Christian interpretation, but more like the Original virtue that the Jews call it.

The opposite of what Christianity says, if you ignore their happy fault view.

In terms of first sin, I see Yahweh, since sin was necessary to him as the first sinner, followed by Satan, Yahweh’s loyal opposition and teacher of humankind, and then Adam.

Why Eve at the end of Genesis 3 has to then be second class to Adam, --- he shall rule over you, --- would seem like Yahweh punishing the wrong party.


Did sin enter the world through Adam, Satan or Yahweh?

Most, as well as scriptures, say that it was through Adam, even though Christians sing that Adam’s sin was a happy fault and necessary to Yahweh’s plan.

Given the necessity, Adam, from that, may not be the culpable one and his punishment would be unjust.

Satan had already sinned in heaven before being cast into Eden.

It can be truthfully said that she was the first sinner on earth if we ignore Yahweh.

Further, would you say that Eve sinned, given that Satan or the talking serpent deceived her?

That deception would take lies, and that is a sin, and that sin also preceded Adam’s sin.

Many do not see what the serpent says as a lie, which complicates things.

Was the initial sin, regardless of who did it, a happy fault and necessary to god’s plan like Christians sing in their Exultet hymn?

Did Yahweh lie when he told Adam that he would die if he educated himself with the knowledge in the Tree of Knowledge?

Why and how does knowledge kill us?

If it does, should we keep our children as blind to it as Adam and Eve initially were?

The Eden myth can get quite complicated, especially when Christians call it a fall, then say it was necessary so as not to derail Yahweh’s plan.

This last being what the Jews wrote into their myth and which they say is not the Original Sin of the Christian interpretation, but more like the Original virtue that the Jews call it.

The opposite of what Christianity says, if you ignore their happy fault view.

In terms of first sin, I see Yahweh, since sin was necessary to him as the first sinner, followed by Satan, Yahweh’s loyal opposition and teacher of humankind, and then Adam.

Why Eve at the end of Genesis 3 has to then be second class to Adam, --- he shall rule over you, --- would seem like Yahweh punishing the wrong party.


I thought god was responsible for everything?
The short answer is ... no ... this reasoning doesn't allow us to sin ...

Sin is a part of the creation, it's been here since the beginning ... all that was lacking was the knowledge of sin ... your logic seems to be based on God telling Man to not eat the fruit knowing full well Man would ... reverse psychology ...

16: Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
17: And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

-- Genesis Ch 3

Context matters, both Man and Woman were punished ... both disobeyed ... both were condemned to a life of sorrow ... I know Man wants to rule over Woman, but he is unworthy ... long past time for Man to humble himself down and admit he is unworthy ...
There is No Sin in God.

Sin entered the world through Free Will. God creates all sentient beings with Free Will.

The First sin was EGO, and committed by Satan,
Then Envy and Covetousness committed by Satan
Then Lies, Slander and Rebellion committed by Satan.

Satan was given a chance to repent, but chose to take 1/3rd of the angels with him that he was able to corrupt to establish a rival kingdom to The Kingdom of God.

What we see on Earth is that Rival Kingdom as he became The Lord of this Earth when he was able to Usurp The Crown of Adam, and Adam's Throne in The Garden of Eden. Man was meant to live forever if he did not sin, but since he did sin, The Wages of Sin are death and therefore Sin and Death, and Sickness, Hatred, Strife, War, Murder and all sin entered in to The World when man chose The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil, vs being Obedient and being allowed to eat of The Tree of Life.

Then through Satan once called Lucifer, who was Once The Covering Cherub over The Throne of God, Adam and Eve were corrupted and Sin entered The World.

Fear Not, though for The 2nd Adam has won both The Crown of Adam and Deed of The Earth back during his crucifixion, death burial and resurrection, and further more, The Holy One of Israel, The Prince of Peace, Emmanuel, The Messiah, Jesus The Christ, took back The Keys of Hell and defeated Death during his descent to Hell and Resurrection.

Now, this transfer of power does not fully occur until Jesus Christ Opens the Great Scroll, that Title Deed to Earth, when he breaks The Seals on The Scroll in The Book of Revelations and releases the 21 Judgments contained with in it, and once the Last Judgment Falls, Jesus comes to Claim his Lordship and Property over The Earth.

He Returns to defeat The Armies of Earth and Judge The Anti-Christ, The False Prophet and their followers, and cast everyone in to Hell, He will take his Place on Adam's Throne as The Second Adam, rule for 1,000 years, and then Satan will be released on Probation, to see who will allow themselves to be deceived by Satan and Who still has Rebellion in their Genetic Spiritual Line, and then The Final Judgment, and then Eternity, & Worlds without End in a Restored Earth and Restored Universe that will be perfect in it's design an machinations.
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Did sin enter the world through Adam, Satan or Yahweh?

Most, as well as scriptures, say that it was through Adam, even though Christians sing that Adam’s sin was a happy fault and necessary to Yahweh’s plan.

Given the necessity, Adam, from that, may not be the culpable one and his punishment would be unjust.

Satan had already sinned in heaven before being cast into Eden.

It can be truthfully said that she was the first sinner on earth if we ignore Yahweh.

Further, would you say that Eve sinned, given that Satan or the talking serpent deceived her?

That deception would take lies, and that is a sin, and that sin also preceded Adam’s sin.

Many do not see what the serpent says as a lie, which complicates things.

Was the initial sin, regardless of who did it, a happy fault and necessary to god’s plan like Christians sing in their Exultet hymn?

Did Yahweh lie when he told Adam that he would die if he educated himself with the knowledge in the Tree of Knowledge?

Why and how does knowledge kill us?

If it does, should we keep our children as blind to it as Adam and Eve initially were?

The Eden myth can get quite complicated, especially when Christians call it a fall, then say it was necessary so as not to derail Yahweh’s plan.

This last being what the Jews wrote into their myth and which they say is not the Original Sin of the Christian interpretation, but more like the Original virtue that the Jews call it.

The opposite of what Christianity says, if you ignore their happy fault view.

In terms of first sin, I see Yahweh, since sin was necessary to him as the first sinner, followed by Satan, Yahweh’s loyal opposition and teacher of humankind, and then Adam.

Why Eve at the end of Genesis 3 has to then be second class to Adam, --- he shall rule over you, --- would seem like Yahweh punishing the wrong party.


I thought god was responsible for everything?

Not to Christians, or so it seems.

They and the bible blame Adam, even while they sing the opposite.

Christians are confused on this issue.

The short answer is ... no ... this reasoning doesn't allow us to sin ...

Sin is a part of the creation, it's been here since the beginning ... all that was lacking was the knowledge of sin ... your logic seems to be based on God telling Man to not eat the fruit knowing full well Man would ... reverse psychology ...

16: Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
17: And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

-- Genesis Ch 3

Context matters, both Man and Woman were punished ... both disobeyed ... both were condemned to a life of sorrow ... I know Man wants to rule over Woman, but he is unworthy ... long past time for Man to humble himself down and admit he is unworthy ...

Eve was indeed punished, but was it a just punishment given that the bible claims only Adam as it seems to know that Eve could not help but be deceived by Satan/talking serpent?

You seem to think it was a set up and so do I.

There is No Sin in God.

Sin entered the world through Free Will.


So Yahweh sinned when he gave man a free will. Right?

God knew man would sin, so why the elaborate myth of the talking serpent?

And why punish man for seeking an education instead of staying, as the bible says, with their eyes closed.

There eyes were opened and that is why you sing of Adam's sin being a happy fault and necessary to god's plan.


If not that, then would you derail god's plan if you were Adam and not sin?

Did sin enter the world through Adam, Satan or Yahweh?

Most, as well as scriptures, say that it was through Adam, even though Christians sing that Adam’s sin was a happy fault and necessary to Yahweh’s plan.

Given the necessity, Adam, from that, may not be the culpable one and his punishment would be unjust.

Satan had already sinned in heaven before being cast into Eden.

It can be truthfully said that she was the first sinner on earth if we ignore Yahweh.

Further, would you say that Eve sinned, given that Satan or the talking serpent deceived her?

That deception would take lies, and that is a sin, and that sin also preceded Adam’s sin.

Many do not see what the serpent says as a lie, which complicates things.

Was the initial sin, regardless of who did it, a happy fault and necessary to god’s plan like Christians sing in their Exultet hymn?

Did Yahweh lie when he told Adam that he would die if he educated himself with the knowledge in the Tree of Knowledge?

Why and how does knowledge kill us?

If it does, should we keep our children as blind to it as Adam and Eve initially were?

The Eden myth can get quite complicated, especially when Christians call it a fall, then say it was necessary so as not to derail Yahweh’s plan.

This last being what the Jews wrote into their myth and which they say is not the Original Sin of the Christian interpretation, but more like the Original virtue that the Jews call it.

The opposite of what Christianity says, if you ignore their happy fault view.

In terms of first sin, I see Yahweh, since sin was necessary to him as the first sinner, followed by Satan, Yahweh’s loyal opposition and teacher of humankind, and then Adam.

Why Eve at the end of Genesis 3 has to then be second class to Adam, --- he shall rule over you, --- would seem like Yahweh punishing the wrong party.



If you actually care about it, this Yahweh would be the first sinner since religions teach that he is the creator of all, thus including the alleged sins of man.
Did sin enter the world through Adam, Satan or Yahweh?

Most, as well as scriptures, say that it was through Adam, even though Christians sing that Adam’s sin was a happy fault and necessary to Yahweh’s plan.

Given the necessity, Adam, from that, may not be the culpable one and his punishment would be unjust.

Satan had already sinned in heaven before being cast into Eden.

It can be truthfully said that she was the first sinner on earth if we ignore Yahweh.

Further, would you say that Eve sinned, given that Satan or the talking serpent deceived her?

That deception would take lies, and that is a sin, and that sin also preceded Adam’s sin.

Many do not see what the serpent says as a lie, which complicates things.

Was the initial sin, regardless of who did it, a happy fault and necessary to god’s plan like Christians sing in their Exultet hymn?

Did Yahweh lie when he told Adam that he would die if he educated himself with the knowledge in the Tree of Knowledge?

Why and how does knowledge kill us?

If it does, should we keep our children as blind to it as Adam and Eve initially were?

The Eden myth can get quite complicated, especially when Christians call it a fall, then say it was necessary so as not to derail Yahweh’s plan.

This last being what the Jews wrote into their myth and which they say is not the Original Sin of the Christian interpretation, but more like the Original virtue that the Jews call it.

The opposite of what Christianity says, if you ignore their happy fault view.

In terms of first sin, I see Yahweh, since sin was necessary to him as the first sinner, followed by Satan, Yahweh’s loyal opposition and teacher of humankind, and then Adam.

Why Eve at the end of Genesis 3 has to then be second class to Adam, --- he shall rule over you, --- would seem like Yahweh punishing the wrong party.



If you actually care about it, this Yahweh would be the first sinner since religions teach that he is the creator of all, thus including the alleged sins of man.

?? Care?? I wrote the question.

I agree with your view.

Did sin enter the world through Adam, Satan or Yahweh?

Most, as well as scriptures, say that it was through Adam, even though Christians sing that Adam’s sin was a happy fault and necessary to Yahweh’s plan.

Given the necessity, Adam, from that, may not be the culpable one and his punishment would be unjust.

Satan had already sinned in heaven before being cast into Eden.

It can be truthfully said that she was the first sinner on earth if we ignore Yahweh.

Further, would you say that Eve sinned, given that Satan or the talking serpent deceived her?

That deception would take lies, and that is a sin, and that sin also preceded Adam’s sin.

Many do not see what the serpent says as a lie, which complicates things.

Was the initial sin, regardless of who did it, a happy fault and necessary to god’s plan like Christians sing in their Exultet hymn?

Did Yahweh lie when he told Adam that he would die if he educated himself with the knowledge in the Tree of Knowledge?

Why and how does knowledge kill us?

If it does, should we keep our children as blind to it as Adam and Eve initially were?

The Eden myth can get quite complicated, especially when Christians call it a fall, then say it was necessary so as not to derail Yahweh’s plan.

This last being what the Jews wrote into their myth and which they say is not the Original Sin of the Christian interpretation, but more like the Original virtue that the Jews call it.

The opposite of what Christianity says, if you ignore their happy fault view.

In terms of first sin, I see Yahweh, since sin was necessary to him as the first sinner, followed by Satan, Yahweh’s loyal opposition and teacher of humankind, and then Adam.

Why Eve at the end of Genesis 3 has to then be second class to Adam, --- he shall rule over you, --- would seem like Yahweh punishing the wrong party.



If you actually care about it, this Yahweh would be the first sinner since religions teach that he is the creator of all, thus including the alleged sins of man.

?? Care?? I wrote the question.

I agree with your view.


Doesn't mean that you actually care, just asked a question and seem to have a preconceived answer that you adhere to.
Did sin enter the world through Adam, Satan or Yahweh?

Most, as well as scriptures, say that it was through Adam, even though Christians sing that Adam’s sin was a happy fault and necessary to Yahweh’s plan.

Given the necessity, Adam, from that, may not be the culpable one and his punishment would be unjust.

Satan had already sinned in heaven before being cast into Eden.

It can be truthfully said that she was the first sinner on earth if we ignore Yahweh.

Further, would you say that Eve sinned, given that Satan or the talking serpent deceived her?

That deception would take lies, and that is a sin, and that sin also preceded Adam’s sin.

Many do not see what the serpent says as a lie, which complicates things.

Was the initial sin, regardless of who did it, a happy fault and necessary to god’s plan like Christians sing in their Exultet hymn?

Did Yahweh lie when he told Adam that he would die if he educated himself with the knowledge in the Tree of Knowledge?

Why and how does knowledge kill us?

If it does, should we keep our children as blind to it as Adam and Eve initially were?

The Eden myth can get quite complicated, especially when Christians call it a fall, then say it was necessary so as not to derail Yahweh’s plan.

This last being what the Jews wrote into their myth and which they say is not the Original Sin of the Christian interpretation, but more like the Original virtue that the Jews call it.

The opposite of what Christianity says, if you ignore their happy fault view.

In terms of first sin, I see Yahweh, since sin was necessary to him as the first sinner, followed by Satan, Yahweh’s loyal opposition and teacher of humankind, and then Adam.

Why Eve at the end of Genesis 3 has to then be second class to Adam, --- he shall rule over you, --- would seem like Yahweh punishing the wrong party.



If you actually care about it, this Yahweh would be the first sinner since religions teach that he is the creator of all, thus including the alleged sins of man.

?? Care?? I wrote the question.

I agree with your view.


Doesn't mean that you actually care, just asked a question and seem to have a preconceived answer that you adhere to.

I had an opinion coming in for sure. Didn't you?

I was hoping to have my mind changed as then I would learn something new.

Having my views confirmed and not refuted has me learning absolutely nothing.

If you can change my views, I would be pleased.

That would mean I learned something new.

There is No Sin in God.

Sin entered the world through Free Will.


So Yahweh sinned when he gave man a free will. Right?

God knew man would sin, so why the elaborate myth of the talking serpent?

And why punish man for seeking an education instead of staying, as the bible says, with their eyes closed.

There eyes were opened and that is why you sing of Adam's sin being a happy fault and necessary to god's plan.


If not that, then would you derail god's plan if you were Adam and not sin?

No you sin when you blaspheme God and claim He has Sin within Him.

I and you, and everyone you know if you were in Adam's Place would disobey God.

The Plan of God was to grant free will, so that He could eventually test and try His Creation to see if they would be Worthy of living in an Eternal Universe and Eternal which He will Restore back to a Perfect State after The Great Judgment.
Did sin enter the world through Adam, Satan or Yahweh?

Most, as well as scriptures, say that it was through Adam, even though Christians sing that Adam’s sin was a happy fault and necessary to Yahweh’s plan.

Given the necessity, Adam, from that, may not be the culpable one and his punishment would be unjust.

Satan had already sinned in heaven before being cast into Eden.

It can be truthfully said that she was the first sinner on earth if we ignore Yahweh.

Further, would you say that Eve sinned, given that Satan or the talking serpent deceived her?

That deception would take lies, and that is a sin, and that sin also preceded Adam’s sin.

Many do not see what the serpent says as a lie, which complicates things.

Was the initial sin, regardless of who did it, a happy fault and necessary to god’s plan like Christians sing in their Exultet hymn?

Did Yahweh lie when he told Adam that he would die if he educated himself with the knowledge in the Tree of Knowledge?

Why and how does knowledge kill us?

If it does, should we keep our children as blind to it as Adam and Eve initially were?

The Eden myth can get quite complicated, especially when Christians call it a fall, then say it was necessary so as not to derail Yahweh’s plan.

This last being what the Jews wrote into their myth and which they say is not the Original Sin of the Christian interpretation, but more like the Original virtue that the Jews call it.

The opposite of what Christianity says, if you ignore their happy fault view.

In terms of first sin, I see Yahweh, since sin was necessary to him as the first sinner, followed by Satan, Yahweh’s loyal opposition and teacher of humankind, and then Adam.

Why Eve at the end of Genesis 3 has to then be second class to Adam, --- he shall rule over you, --- would seem like Yahweh punishing the wrong party.



If you actually care about it, this Yahweh would be the first sinner since religions teach that he is the creator of all, thus including the alleged sins of man.

?? Care?? I wrote the question.

I agree with your view.


Doesn't mean that you actually care, just asked a question and seem to have a preconceived answer that you adhere to.

I had an opinion coming in for sure. Didn't you?

I was hoping to have my mind changed as then I would learn something new.

Having my views confirmed and not refuted has me learning absolutely nothing.

If you can change my views, I would be pleased.

That would mean I learned something new.


Not my job to change your views, just question their veracity.

To learn something new you have to be open to something new, which I don't see in your posts.

But then again, I really don't care about the subject merely the responses which detail much about the posters.
There is No Sin in God.

Sin entered the world through Free Will.


So Yahweh sinned when he gave man a free will. Right?

God knew man would sin, so why the elaborate myth of the talking serpent?

And why punish man for seeking an education instead of staying, as the bible says, with their eyes closed.

There eyes were opened and that is why you sing of Adam's sin being a happy fault and necessary to god's plan.


If not that, then would you derail god's plan if you were Adam and not sin?

No you sin when you blaspheme God and claim He has Sin within Him.

I and you, and everyone you know if you were in Adam's Place would disobey God.

The Plan of God was to grant free will, so that He could eventually test and try His Creation to see if they would be Worthy of living in an Eternal Universe and Eternal which He will Restore back to a Perfect State after The Great Judgment.

So much for your all knowing god who does not know the results of all his tests.

You ignore that the first time Adam used his free will to educate himself and not be blind, Yahweh locked away the tree of life and thus murdered A & E by neglect.

Try thinking instead of spouting off your vile genocide loving ways and your satanic god.

Thanks for putting man above god in the creation process and thinking we can derail god's plan and be his co-creators.

We now tell god his mistakes.

Except for you who seems to think genocide is something a good god would use.

You call evil good. That is not good.

Did sin enter the world through Adam, Satan or Yahweh?

Most, as well as scriptures, say that it was through Adam, even though Christians sing that Adam’s sin was a happy fault and necessary to Yahweh’s plan.

Given the necessity, Adam, from that, may not be the culpable one and his punishment would be unjust.

Satan had already sinned in heaven before being cast into Eden.

It can be truthfully said that she was the first sinner on earth if we ignore Yahweh.

Further, would you say that Eve sinned, given that Satan or the talking serpent deceived her?

That deception would take lies, and that is a sin, and that sin also preceded Adam’s sin.

Many do not see what the serpent says as a lie, which complicates things.

Was the initial sin, regardless of who did it, a happy fault and necessary to god’s plan like Christians sing in their Exultet hymn?

Did Yahweh lie when he told Adam that he would die if he educated himself with the knowledge in the Tree of Knowledge?

Why and how does knowledge kill us?

If it does, should we keep our children as blind to it as Adam and Eve initially were?

The Eden myth can get quite complicated, especially when Christians call it a fall, then say it was necessary so as not to derail Yahweh’s plan.

This last being what the Jews wrote into their myth and which they say is not the Original Sin of the Christian interpretation, but more like the Original virtue that the Jews call it.

The opposite of what Christianity says, if you ignore their happy fault view.

In terms of first sin, I see Yahweh, since sin was necessary to him as the first sinner, followed by Satan, Yahweh’s loyal opposition and teacher of humankind, and then Adam.

Why Eve at the end of Genesis 3 has to then be second class to Adam, --- he shall rule over you, --- would seem like Yahweh punishing the wrong party.



If you actually care about it, this Yahweh would be the first sinner since religions teach that he is the creator of all, thus including the alleged sins of man.

?? Care?? I wrote the question.

I agree with your view.


Doesn't mean that you actually care, just asked a question and seem to have a preconceived answer that you adhere to.

I had an opinion coming in for sure. Didn't you?

I was hoping to have my mind changed as then I would learn something new.

Having my views confirmed and not refuted has me learning absolutely nothing.

If you can change my views, I would be pleased.

That would mean I learned something new.


Not my job to change your views, just question their veracity.

To learn something new you have to be open to something new, which I don't see in your posts.

But then again, I really don't care about the subject merely the responses which detail much about the posters.

A small mind will analyse people instead of the issue at hand.

Psychobabble is for small minds.

There is No Sin in God.

Sin entered the world through Free Will.


So Yahweh sinned when he gave man a free will. Right?

God knew man would sin, so why the elaborate myth of the talking serpent?

And why punish man for seeking an education instead of staying, as the bible says, with their eyes closed.

There eyes were opened and that is why you sing of Adam's sin being a happy fault and necessary to god's plan.


If not that, then would you derail god's plan if you were Adam and not sin?

No you sin when you blaspheme God and claim He has Sin within Him.

I and you, and everyone you know if you were in Adam's Place would disobey God.

The Plan of God was to grant free will, so that He could eventually test and try His Creation to see if they would be Worthy of living in an Eternal Universe and Eternal which He will Restore back to a Perfect State after The Great Judgment.

So much for your all knowing god who does not know the results of all his tests.

You ignore that the first time Adam used his free will to educate himself and not be blind, Yahweh locked away the tree of life and thus murdered A & E by neglect.

Try thinking instead of spouting off your vile genocide loving ways and your satanic god.

Thanks for putting man above god in the creation process and thinking we can derail god's plan and be his co-creators.

We now tell god his mistakes.

Except for you who seems to think genocide is something a good god would use.

You call evil good. That is not good.

You would not Know God, if He let you Kill Him to pay for your own Wickedness, Arose from The Grave to prove He was God and Appeared to you Himself.

But Satan, you do know, and it is Him you Worship. The Usurper, and Adversary of God.
He was a liar and murderer from the beginning, and all that follow him are liars too.
When they speak, they speak The Native Tongue of Satan. The Language of Lies.

I see you are very fluent in it.
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As the 'Bible' is more or less represented as being the word of the supreme being, there are principles to understand about such a communication.
Such a supreme being would necessarily understand that any language will change over time and written language will suffer conflicts as this evolution develops.
Thus, this being would use such a medium in such a way that this change could be incorporated in the message.
It is observed that Jesus always and only taught with metaphors. Jesus, though literate, left no writings (nor did Buddha).
This non-writing is a message in itself.

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