Demographic Shifts That Are Sinking The Republican Party

If the majority of people decide that they want the United States to be a liberal hellhole, the nation will become a liberal hellhole. That also means that conservatives need have no further interest on the country, the people or its future. If some other nation comes along intending to restore decency, there is no unified nation to oppose them. There is only a healthy minority to help the invaders.

are you suggesting a country should invade us if your side doesn't win elections?
If the majority of people decide that they want the United States to be a liberal hellhole, the nation will become a liberal hellhole. That also means that conservatives need have no further interest on the country, the people or its future. If some other nation comes along intending to restore decency, there is no unified nation to oppose them. There is only a healthy minority to help the invaders.

are you suggesting a country should invade us if your side doesn't win elections?

I wait patiently for our Canadian liberators!
what is a talking point spewing Progressive idiot going to have to say when Republicans keep the House and take the Senate back?

do you left-wing morons and wannabe fascists on the Left really think it's a good idea to try to marginalize White people; who are still larger than Black and Hispanic combined; and even soon when they arent will be a "minority" of something like 100 million??

idiots and hypocrites

What kind of idiot believes that the entire white community supports the GOP?

then what is the point of noting the diminishing influece of White people politically in general then you idiot? just to prove you're a racist and a hypocrite as well?
it wasnt my point; the demographics; it is yours or another leftardz

go cry

if you haven't noticed the demographic shift also includes that the younger white people who are becoming more progressive at least on social issues, no longer do they buy into the backward neo confederate ideologies and those of those who hijacked the republican party (the rightwing bible thumpers) in the short term the republicans may win some but in the near term its all over but the crying . ignoring that fact in which both democrats and republicans acknowledge as the case is delusional. and that is why the republicans are always talking about trying to be more inclusive or die.

"The demographics race we're losing badly," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told the Washington Post. "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."

True enough: In a recent piece on the presidental election's "racial calculations," National Jounal's Ron Brownstein noted that Camp Romney needs to secure a likely unattainable percentage of white voters for a chance to win in November.

"A GOP coalition that relies almost entirely on whites could squeeze out one more narrow victory in November," Brownstein writes. "But if Republicans can't find more effective ways to bridge the priorities of their conservative core and the diversifying Next America, that weight will grow more daunting every year."

Graham is admitting that the GOP is pretty much the party of those remaining bitter, white, dead-enders who are unable to deal with a society that is moving progressively and inevitably forward to more and more multiculturalism.

It should make everybody quite happy, because it is a clear admission that this demographic is unsustainable and is pretty much on its death bed.

Study finds young Republicans are more liberal than they think | The Raw Story

Young adults who consider themselves conservative might espouse relatively liberal attitudes on issues in which there are generational changes (i.e., support gay marriage and immigration)

so in essence the bitter old white peoples party better change and ditch their reptilian and Baboonish like thinking on social issues , there will always be a sub culture of those type people but the the younger generation and the ascendancy of the non white population will close the door on the white christian party, (formally known as the republican party) in a generation regressive old bitter white men will be a minority in america, the numbers don't lie.
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if you haven't noticed the demographic shift also includes that the younger white people who are becoming more progressive at least on social issues, no longer do they buy into the backward neo confederate ideologies and those of those who hijacked the republican party (the rightwing bible thumpers) in the short term the republicans may win some but in the near term its all over but the crying . ignoring that fact in which both democrats and republicans acknowledge as the case is delusional. and that is why the republicans are always talking about trying to be more inclusive or die.

"The demographics race we're losing badly," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told the Washington Post. "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."

True enough: In a recent piece on the presidental election's "racial calculations," National Jounal's Ron Brownstein noted that Camp Romney needs to secure a likely unattainable percentage of white voters for a chance to win in November.

"A GOP coalition that relies almost entirely on whites could squeeze out one more narrow victory in November," Brownstein writes. "But if Republicans can't find more effective ways to bridge the priorities of their conservative core and the diversifying Next America, that weight will grow more daunting every year."

Graham is admitting that the GOP is pretty much the party of those remaining bitter, white, dead-enders who are unable to deal with a society that is moving progressively and inevitably forward to more and more multiculturalism.

It should make everybody quite happy, because it is a clear admission that this demographic is unsustainable and is pretty much on its death bed.

Study finds young Republicans are more liberal than they think | The Raw Story

Young adults who consider themselves conservative might espouse relatively liberal attitudes on issues in which there are generational changes (i.e., support gay marriage and immigration)

so in essence the bitter old white peoples party better change and ditch their reptilian and Baboonish like thinking on social issues , there will always be a sub culture of those type people but the the younger generation and the ascendancy of the non white population will close the door on the white christian party, (formally known as the republican party) in a generation regressive old bitter white men will be a minority in america, the numbers don't lie.

With Young Voters, Republicans Must Give Up on Social Issues or Give Up Altogether, Poll Data Suggests |

let'stake the highlighted gibberish, younger white people who are becoming more progressive at least on social issues, more progressive on social issues, this is a perfect example of the success of liberalism in the nations schools, there is no teaching in the traditional sense of "teaching" it is all indoctrination, unless of course one lives in Arizona where parents can send their kids to private schools using tax payers money, which i am all in favor of, because i detest my tax dollar$$$$$ going to these Gvmt. run institutions of indoctrination with liberscum propaganda.

here is what the liberfools say,
"Opponents, however, view it as one more step toward creating a full-fledged school-voucher system that will provide state funding to parents, who can then spend it on tuition at private schools, including religious ones. They fear such a system will sap public schools of resources.

Read more: Arizona school-choice program expands

and this: "...reptilian and Baboonish..."

well said by a very close relative of BOTH specie, quite a feat that only fucking libertard can accomplish. :up:
Thus, over time, high-turnout seniors, currently the most conservative part of the electorate by age, will be liberalized as Baby Boomers age. Moreover, the most liberal part of the generation — those born up through 1955 and termed “early Boomers” — is frontloaded, so the political impact on the senior population could be fairly rapid.
So, the changing location, education levels, and age of the electorate suggest why the Republicans’ long-term disadvantages aren’t so bad as most people think. They’re worse.

The Hidden Demographic Shifts That Are Sinking The Republican Party | ThinkProgress

nowadays, lotsa folks want sumpin' for nothin' from the government...

so, yeah... the GOP is screwed...
I am under 30 and I am not more "progressive" on social issues. :) neither is my wife or my brothers.
Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budgets.
Obama has spent more than Reagan and Bush combined.
Is the economy better today than it was in 2007? No, of course not.

Shrub left Obama with a $1.2 TRILLLION annual deficit for fiscal year 2009. Obama has cut that deficit in half. And yes the economy IS better today than in 2007, and you know it. Trying to bullshit people when they know it's bullshit is moronic. Raygun added $2 trillion, Shrub added $7 trillion, Obama has added $5 trillion cleaning up Shrubs destruction of the economy. Your math is as bad as your lies.

the debt when obama took over was just under 10T, today it is 17T, so far he has added 7T. when he leaves it will be over 20T. Obama will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is the math of it. The annual deficit has decreased, that is true, mostly because the obama economy sucks.

Another fact you fail to comprehend, Bush's last two budgets were passed by democrat controlled congresses. The dems authorized the deficit spending in 08 and 09. Bush should have vetoed them, I agree.

Now, how many budgets has obama passed in the last 5 years? answer: zero.

You are a really bad liar. The debt was over $11 trillion, and another $1.3 trillion was already added by Shrub for fiscal year 2009. So that's over $12 trillion, making Obama add the other $5 trillion. And that was added because of the mess Shrub and the cons made destroying the economy in 2007.
The deficit Obama inherited on taking office last month was $1.3 trillion.
Obama Plans to Slash U.S. Budget Deficit by 2013 (Update1) - Bloomberg
So which are you? A moron idiot, or a scum bag liar?
Shrub left Obama with a $1.2 TRILLLION annual deficit for fiscal year 2009. Obama has cut that deficit in half. And yes the economy IS better today than in 2007, and you know it. Trying to bullshit people when they know it's bullshit is moronic. Raygun added $2 trillion, Shrub added $7 trillion, Obama has added $5 trillion cleaning up Shrubs destruction of the economy. Your math is as bad as your lies.

the debt when obama took over was just under 10T, today it is 17T, so far he has added 7T. when he leaves it will be over 20T. Obama will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is the math of it. The annual deficit has decreased, that is true, mostly because the obama economy sucks.

Another fact you fail to comprehend, Bush's last two budgets were passed by democrat controlled congresses. The dems authorized the deficit spending in 08 and 09. Bush should have vetoed them, I agree.

Now, how many budgets has obama passed in the last 5 years? answer: zero.

You are a really bad liar. The debt was over $11 trillion, and another $1.3 trillion was already added by Shrub for fiscal year 2009. So that's over $12 trillion, making Obama add the other $5 trillion. And that was added because of the mess Shrub and the cons made destroying the economy in 2007.
The deficit Obama inherited on taking office last month was $1.3 trillion.
Obama Plans to Slash U.S. Budget Deficit by 2013 (Update1) - Bloomberg
So which are you? A moron idiot, or a scum bag liar?

the budget for fiscal year 2009 that obama "inherited" was written by a huge Democrat majority of both chambers of congress

so which are you? a moron, idiot, or a scumbag loser who lies to himself?
the debt when obama took over was just under 10T, today it is 17T, so far he has added 7T. when he leaves it will be over 20T. Obama will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is the math of it. The annual deficit has decreased, that is true, mostly because the obama economy sucks.

Another fact you fail to comprehend, Bush's last two budgets were passed by democrat controlled congresses. The dems authorized the deficit spending in 08 and 09. Bush should have vetoed them, I agree.

Now, how many budgets has obama passed in the last 5 years? answer: zero.

You are a really bad liar. The debt was over $11 trillion, and another $1.3 trillion was already added by Shrub for fiscal year 2009. So that's over $12 trillion, making Obama add the other $5 trillion. And that was added because of the mess Shrub and the cons made destroying the economy in 2007.

So which are you? A moron idiot, or a scum bag liar?

the budget for fiscal year 2009 that obama "inherited" was written by a huge Democrat majority of both chambers of congress

so which are you? a moron, idiot, or a scumbag loser who lies to himself?

he is clearly all three, plus an obama sack sucker.

he is one of our resident libtards who think that if they lie enough that those lies somehow become true.
the debt when obama took over was just under 10T, today it is 17T, so far he has added 7T. when he leaves it will be over 20T. Obama will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is the math of it. The annual deficit has decreased, that is true, mostly because the obama economy sucks.

Another fact you fail to comprehend, Bush's last two budgets were passed by democrat controlled congresses. The dems authorized the deficit spending in 08 and 09. Bush should have vetoed them, I agree.

Now, how many budgets has obama passed in the last 5 years? answer: zero.

You are a really bad liar. The debt was over $11 trillion, and another $1.3 trillion was already added by Shrub for fiscal year 2009. So that's over $12 trillion, making Obama add the other $5 trillion. And that was added because of the mess Shrub and the cons made destroying the economy in 2007.

So which are you? A moron idiot, or a scum bag liar?

the budget for fiscal year 2009 that obama "inherited" was written by a huge Democrat majority of both chambers of congress

so which are you? a moron, idiot, or a scumbag loser who lies to himself?

It's the president that submits the budget to the congress, and it was Shrub that signed it. When Shrub's budgets are $1.3 trillion, you blame the dem congress. When it's Obama's budgets, with a "republican" congress, Obama gets the blame. Nice one slimeball.
The pendulum is swinging back but not as widely. Gay is passe'. Restriction on women's health services isn't cool either. It's hovering more towards sanity in the middle. That's what happens when extremes become too extreme, the usually preoccupied middle pragmatic voice finally clears its throat and begins to speak up.
You dont get it. Democrats are the racists here. Look at the worst inner city shitholes delivering substandard jim crow era services to cowed and dependent populations. Yup, every one of them run by Democrats.

Black majority cities have an origin.

They were created by the racist white flight to the suburbs, who vote Republican mostly.

You need to start blaming the right people instead of the wrong people, mkay?

So, black people can't make it without white people to show them how?

'White Flight' did not happen in a vacuum.

You need to stop blaming white people for the woes of black people, you fucking racist!!
The pendulum is swinging back but not as widely. Gay is passe'. Restriction on women's health services isn't cool either. It's hovering more towards sanity in the middle. That's what happens when extremes become too extreme, the usually preoccupied middle pragmatic voice finally clears its throat and begins to speak up.

That sure didn't happen when Hitler and the nazi were doing their extremism.
We have much more important things to be concerned about than the success of the Republican or Democrat party.

We have our physical and cultural survival to consider.
You dont get it. Democrats are the racists here. Look at the worst inner city shitholes delivering substandard jim crow era services to cowed and dependent populations. Yup, every one of them run by Democrats.

Black majority cities have an origin.

They were created by the racist white flight to the suburbs, who vote Republican mostly.

You need to start blaming the right people instead of the wrong people, mkay?

So, black people can't make it without white people to show them how?

'White Flight' did not happen in a vacuum.

You need to stop blaming white people for the woes of black people, you fucking racist!!

For two hundred years years the whites fucked not only the blacks, but also the native Americans. So for the next two hundred years, this is your karma. I hope you choke on it.
The pendulum is swinging back but not as widely. Gay is passe'. Restriction on women's health services isn't cool either. It's hovering more towards sanity in the middle. That's what happens when extremes become too extreme, the usually preoccupied middle pragmatic voice finally clears its throat and begins to speak up.

About time ;) I hope it speaks through the 2014 and 16 elections.
We have much more important things to be concerned about than the success of the Republican or Democrat party.

We have our physical and cultural survival to consider.

Physically everybody dies. Cultural survival is as futile as the ancient Egyptians. Evolution is inevitable, which is hopeful. Imagine the future without moron right wingers and fanatic left wingers. If earth is to survive, it must come to pass.
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We have much more important things to be concerned about than the success of the Republican or Democrat party.

We have our physical and cultural survival to consider.

Physically everybody dies. Cultural survival is as futile as the ancient Egyptians. Evolution is inevitable, which is hopeful. Imagine the future without moron right wingers and fanatic left wingers. If earth is to survive, it must come to pass.

Instead we will have moron right to lifers and fanatic left behinders! :D
We have much more important things to be concerned about than the success of the Republican or Democrat party.

We have our physical and cultural survival to consider.

Physically everybody dies. Cultural survival is as futile as the ancient Egyptians. Evolution is inevitable, which is hopeful. Imagine the future without moron right wingers and fanatic left wingers. If earth is to survive, it must come to pass.

Instead we will have moron right to lifers and fanatic left behinders! :D

aren't you glad that your momma was pro-life? Just think, you could have had your brains sudked out as you peeked out of your mom's vagina.
how can the Republican Party sink when the Democrat Party needs them to blame their left-wing failures on?

if Repubs sink Dems will be exposed for good as the failures and excuse-makers they are; and they cant survive that

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