Demographic Shifts That Are Sinking The Republican Party

Con credibility and integrity.....
Raygun tripled the national debt after promising to balance the budget.
Shrub daddy doubled in again in only four years.
Shrub Jr. doubled it again, adding more than all presidents put together in American history. And destroyed the U.S. economy and the global economy.
For five years they've been crying for fiscal responsibility. So all they've got is playground banter for their argument.

Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budgets.
Obama has spent more than Reagan and Bush combined.
Is the economy better today than it was in 2007? No, of course not.

Shrub left Obama with a $1.2 TRILLLION annual deficit for fiscal year 2009. Obama has cut that deficit in half. And yes the economy IS better today than in 2007, and you know it. Trying to bullshit people when they know it's bullshit is moronic. Raygun added $2 trillion, Shrub added $7 trillion, Obama has added $5 trillion cleaning up Shrubs destruction of the economy. Your math is as bad as your lies.

This is true. I don't like Obama but this is absoultely true.

And the truth gets even simpler when you understand that Cheney not only had his hand up the dumb puppet Dubya's back. He was also puppetmaster back when he coerced the idiot B-actor Ronnie Raygun into budgeting .....strategic defense programs that were way out there.

Look who really ran this country into the ground for his own profiteering. Who is that guy who always gets rich when we are packing the military budgets beyond our means?...Oh, right... HIM...: [Look at him there with his "I just made another $10 million-dollar crocodile-smile]

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Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budgets.
Obama has spent more than Reagan and Bush combined.
Is the economy better today than it was in 2007? No, of course not.

Shrub left Obama with a $1.2 TRILLLION annual deficit for fiscal year 2009. Obama has cut that deficit in half. And yes the economy IS better today than in 2007, and you know it. Trying to bullshit people when they know it's bullshit is moronic. Raygun added $2 trillion, Shrub added $7 trillion, Obama has added $5 trillion cleaning up Shrubs destruction of the economy. Your math is as bad as your lies.

This is true. I don't like Obama but this is absoultely true.

And the truth gets even simpler when you understand that Cheney not only had his hand up the dumb puppet Dubya's back. He was also puppetmaster back when he coerced the idiot B-actor Ronnie Raygun into budgeting .....strategic defense programs that were way out there.

Look who really ran this country into the ground for his own profiteering. Who is that guy who always gets rich when we are packing the military budgets beyond our means?...Oh, right... HIM...: [Look at him there with his "I just made another $10 million-dollar crocodile-smile]


I never liked Cheney either, but you are spinning. the facts on the debt are:----------------------------------the debt when obama took over was just under 10T, today it is 17T, so far he has added 7T. when he leaves it will be over 20T. Obama will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is the math of it. The annual deficit has decreased, that is true, mostly because the obama economy sucks.

Another fact you fail to comprehend, Bush's last two budgets were passed by democrat controlled congresses. The dems authorized the deficit spending in 08 and 09. Bush should have vetoed them, I agree.

Now, how many budgets has obama passed in the last 5 years? answer: zero.
imagine the Republican Party "sinking"?

who will these boring, predictable left-wing losers blame left-wing failure on if there are no Repuplicans around?
Hypothetically say you are right. Demographic shifts to the third world doom the United States to replicating the various home nations of third world new citizens. Much like cheapening Roman citizenship led to Rome's collapse. The Republicans aren't dead. They might have to identify a rising power whose values more closely reflect their own and form an alliance to rescue what remains of the nation's decency, but that's not dead.

an alliance with whom?
do you accept any responsibility for crashing the economy on your watch?

more people had jobs when bush was in office; even at the worst point; when libs like to remind us so many jobs were being lost; than are working now in obama's sixth year.

so my question to this leftard is:

do you accept any responsibility for the economic failure on your watch?
Thus, over time, high-turnout seniors, currently the most conservative part of the electorate by age, will be liberalized as Baby Boomers age. Moreover, the most liberal part of the generation — those born up through 1955 and termed “early Boomers” — is frontloaded, so the political impact on the senior population could be fairly rapid.
So, the changing location, education levels, and age of the electorate suggest why the Republicans’ long-term disadvantages aren’t so bad as most people think. They’re worse.

The Hidden Demographic Shifts That Are Sinking The Republican Party | ThinkProgress

The United States is becoming more urban as well - that's not too good for the current GOP platform either.

But the Republican Party will adapt and evolve and survive. It is too valuable a brand - developed over more than 150 years - too many people have too much invested for it to just wither away.
Con credibility and integrity.....
Raygun tripled the national debt after promising to balance the budget.
Shrub daddy doubled in again in only four years.
Shrub Jr. doubled it again, adding more than all presidents put together in American history. And destroyed the U.S. economy and the global economy.
For five years they've been crying for fiscal responsibility. So all they've got is playground banter for their argument.

Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budgets.
Obama has spent more than Reagan and Bush combined.
Is the economy better today than it was in 2007? No, of course not.

Shrub left Obama with a $1.2 TRILLLION annual deficit for fiscal year 2009. Obama has cut that deficit in half. And yes the economy IS better today than in 2007, and you know it. Trying to bullshit people when they know it's bullshit is moronic. Raygun added $2 trillion, Shrub added $7 trillion, Obama has added $5 trillion cleaning up Shrubs destruction of the economy. Your math is as bad as your lies.

the budget you are referring to for FY 2009 is (was) the product of a Democrat majority of both chambers of congress.

you are simply a loser who lies to himself about virtually every relevant fact
This is true. I don't like Obama but this is absoultely true.

And the truth gets even simpler when you understand that Cheney not only had his hand up the dumb puppet Dubya's back. He was also puppetmaster back when he coerced the idiot B-actor Ronnie Raygun into budgeting .....strategic defense programs that were way out there.

Look who really ran this country into the ground for his own profiteering. Who is that guy who always gets rich when we are packing the military budgets beyond our means?...Oh, right... HIM...: [Look at him there with his "I just made another $10 million-dollar crocodile-smile]


I never liked Cheney either, but you are spinning. the facts on the debt are:----------------------------------the debt when obama took over was just under 10T, today it is 17T, so far he has added 7T. when he leaves it will be over 20T. Obama will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is the math of it. The annual deficit has decreased, that is true, mostly because the obama economy sucks.

Another fact you fail to comprehend, Bush's last two budgets were passed by democrat controlled congresses. The dems authorized the deficit spending in 08 and 09. Bush should have vetoed them, I agree.

Now, how many budgets has obama passed in the last 5 years? answer: zero.

I'm not saying Mr. Kumbaya is a great president at all. He took a bad situation made that way by Cheney's longstanding influence in the Oval Office [I believe he's been "in it" since the Johnson Administration] and made it worse. I'm just saying that when you talk about how the country's economy is being destroyed, you cannot leave one key surname out of the conversation just because you don't want to face who it was who really got the ball rolling on putting straws in the Treasury and sucking it dry..
This is true. I don't like Obama but this is absoultely true.

And the truth gets even simpler when you understand that Cheney not only had his hand up the dumb puppet Dubya's back. He was also puppetmaster back when he coerced the idiot B-actor Ronnie Raygun into budgeting .....strategic defense programs that were way out there.

Look who really ran this country into the ground for his own profiteering. Who is that guy who always gets rich when we are packing the military budgets beyond our means?...Oh, right... HIM...: [Look at him there with his "I just made another $10 million-dollar crocodile-smile]


I never liked Cheney either, but you are spinning. the facts on the debt are:----------------------------------the debt when obama took over was just under 10T, today it is 17T, so far he has added 7T. when he leaves it will be over 20T. Obama will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. That is the math of it. The annual deficit has decreased, that is true, mostly because the obama economy sucks.

Another fact you fail to comprehend, Bush's last two budgets were passed by democrat controlled congresses. The dems authorized the deficit spending in 08 and 09. Bush should have vetoed them, I agree.

Now, how many budgets has obama passed in the last 5 years? answer: zero.

I'm not saying Mr. Kumbaya is a great president at all. He took a bad situation made that way by Cheney's longstanding influence in the Oval Office [I believe he's been "in it" since the Johnson Administration] and made it worse. I'm just saying that when you talk about how the country's economy is being destroyed, you cannot leave one key surname out of the conversation just because you don't want to face who it was who really got the ball rolling on putting straws in the Treasury and sucking it dry..

OK, you are claiming that military spending caused the economy to crash, right? Well who gets the money spent on military hardware? any idea? American companies and american blue collar workers, thats who. Yes, even a lot of union members get paid when money is spent on planes, tanks, ships, guns, boots, ammo, uniforms,etc.

the idea that military spending is money down the drain is ignorant, ever hear of the buy america act? it requires that all military hardware be bought from american companies.

Yes, Cheney and others got rich from being part owners of defence companies, so did millions of shareholders and employees.
Thus, over time, high-turnout seniors, currently the most conservative part of the electorate by age, will be liberalized as Baby Boomers age. Moreover, the most liberal part of the generation — those born up through 1955 and termed “early Boomers” — is frontloaded, so the political impact on the senior population could be fairly rapid.
So, the changing location, education levels, and age of the electorate suggest why the Republicans’ long-term disadvantages aren’t so bad as most people think. They’re worse.

The Hidden Demographic Shifts That Are Sinking The Republican Party | ThinkProgress


thankfully the younger southerners in metropolitan areas are becoming more progressive and don't carry the baggage of having grown up and supported jim crow like their parents did. remember what ever you think about obama, he was elected with the help of progressive whites. in Florida and Virginia twice and nc once , losing by a small margin the second time, showing the old confederacy has been cracked and it will only get worse for the regressive neo confederates there unless they ditch the white christian mantel and become more inclusive
Thus, over time, high-turnout seniors, currently the most conservative part of the electorate by age, will be liberalized as Baby Boomers age. Moreover, the most liberal part of the generation — those born up through 1955 and termed “early Boomers” — is frontloaded, so the political impact on the senior population could be fairly rapid.
So, the changing location, education levels, and age of the electorate suggest why the Republicans’ long-term disadvantages aren’t so bad as most people think. They’re worse.

The Hidden Demographic Shifts That Are Sinking The Republican Party | ThinkProgress


thankfully the younger southerners in metropolitan areas are becoming more progressive and don't carry the baggage of having grown up and supported jim crow like their parents did. remember what ever you think about obama, he was elected with the help of progressive whites. in Florida and Virginia twice and nc once , losing by a small margin the second time, showing the old confederacy has been cracked and it will only get worse for the regressive neo confederates there unless they ditch the white christian mantel and become more inclusive

what is a talking point spewing Progressive idiot going to have to say when Republicans keep the House and take the Senate back?

do you left-wing morons and wannabe fascists on the Left really think it's a good idea to try to marginalize White people; who are still larger than Black and Hispanic combined; and even soon when they arent will be a "minority" of something like 100 million??

idiots and hypocrites
Thus, over time, high-turnout seniors, currently the most conservative part of the electorate by age, will be liberalized as Baby Boomers age. Moreover, the most liberal part of the generation — those born up through 1955 and termed “early Boomers” — is frontloaded, so the political impact on the senior population could be fairly rapid.
So, the changing location, education levels, and age of the electorate suggest why the Republicans’ long-term disadvantages aren’t so bad as most people think. They’re worse.

The Hidden Demographic Shifts That Are Sinking The Republican Party | ThinkProgress


thankfully the younger southerners in metropolitan areas are becoming more progressive and don't carry the baggage of having grown up and supported jim crow like their parents did. remember what ever you think about obama, he was elected with the help of progressive whites. in Florida and Virginia twice and nc once , losing by a small margin the second time, showing the old confederacy has been cracked and it will only get worse for the regressive neo confederates there unless they ditch the white christian mantel and become more inclusive

what is a talking point spewing Progressive idiot going to have to say when Republicans keep the House and take the Senate back?

do you left-wing morons and wannabe fascists on the Left really think it's a good idea to try to marginalize White people; who are still larger than Black and Hispanic combined; and even soon when they arent will be a "minority" of something like 100 million??

idiots and hypocrites

What kind of idiot believes that the entire white community supports the GOP?

thankfully the younger southerners in metropolitan areas are becoming more progressive and don't carry the baggage of having grown up and supported jim crow like their parents did. remember what ever you think about obama, he was elected with the help of progressive whites. in Florida and Virginia twice and nc once , losing by a small margin the second time, showing the old confederacy has been cracked and it will only get worse for the regressive neo confederates there unless they ditch the white christian mantel and become more inclusive

what is a talking point spewing Progressive idiot going to have to say when Republicans keep the House and take the Senate back?

do you left-wing morons and wannabe fascists on the Left really think it's a good idea to try to marginalize White people; who are still larger than Black and Hispanic combined; and even soon when they arent will be a "minority" of something like 100 million??

idiots and hypocrites

What kind of idiot believes that the entire white community supports the GOP?

then what is the point of noting the diminishing influece of White people politically in general then you idiot? just to prove you're a racist and a hypocrite as well?
it wasnt my point; the demographics; it is yours or another leftardz

go cry
what kind of idiot thinks or implies the minority vote will forever go mostly to one Party and never to the other?

a crybaby trying to point out holes in somebody elses posts?
what kind of idiot thinks or implies the minority vote will forever go mostly to one Party and never to the other?

a crybaby trying to point out holes in somebody elses posts?

Putting your inane assumptions aside let me point out that I do not appreciate gratuitous insults. Now if you want to continue down this path there will be consequences. Have a nice day.

thankfully the younger southerners in metropolitan areas are becoming more progressive and don't carry the baggage of having grown up and supported jim crow like their parents did. remember what ever you think about obama, he was elected with the help of progressive whites. in Florida and Virginia twice and nc once , losing by a small margin the second time, showing the old confederacy has been cracked and it will only get worse for the regressive neo confederates there unless they ditch the white christian mantel and become more inclusive

what is a talking point spewing Progressive idiot going to have to say when Republicans keep the House and take the Senate back?

do you left-wing morons and wannabe fascists on the Left really think it's a good idea to try to marginalize White people; who are still larger than Black and Hispanic combined; and even soon when they arent will be a "minority" of something like 100 million??

idiots and hypocrites

What kind of idiot believes that the entire white community supports the GOP?

you implied i'm an idiot and then you want to cry like a beyotch in a later post about gratuitous insults and the "consequences" of them?

why dont you go hang yourself?
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i didnt assume anything; the left-wing poster with the graph pointing out the changing demographics did. if he or she isnt or wasnt assuming something political then what was his or her point?

it is the belief of the Left, not the Right; that people hold right-wing views out of some kind of overt or covert racism; and it is the belief of the Left that the minority vote will always go to Democrats

nothing like projecting your own race obsessions onto others; building a false construct out of that; then whining that others are the ones "assuming" things

you people are sick in the head collectively
Yep. Fuck the GOP. I was a Republican until 2011. Then they went bizarre on me, and I'm laughing as I watch that party die a slow death.

Sure, they'll still win a few elections in the next 5-10 years. But their time is slowly slipping to the point they'll become a fringe movement.

The Republican party may well slide into history, but conservatism will always be with us, and will triumph in the end. There may be little of the country to salvage when that occurs, but conservatives will salvage it, and begin the restoration phase.

Liberal/socialsim has its own self destruct function. It is called insolvency. The point will always be reached, where government no longer has the ability to provide what it has promised, and the ponzi scheme falls.
Yep. Fuck the GOP. I was a Republican until 2011. Then they went bizarre on me, and I'm laughing as I watch that party die a slow death.

Sure, they'll still win a few elections in the next 5-10 years. But their time is slowly slipping to the point they'll become a fringe movement.

The Republican party may well slide into history, but conservatism will always be with us, and will triumph in the end. There may be little of the country to salvage when that occurs, but conservatives will salvage it, and begin the restoration phase.

Liberal/socialsim has its own self destruct function. It is called insolvency. The point will always be reached, where government no longer has the ability to provide what it has promised, and the ponzi scheme falls.

the con party has caused most the debt
Yep. Fuck the GOP. I was a Republican until 2011. Then they went bizarre on me, and I'm laughing as I watch that party die a slow death.

Sure, they'll still win a few elections in the next 5-10 years. But their time is slowly slipping to the point they'll become a fringe movement.

The Republican party may well slide into history, but conservatism will always be with us, and will triumph in the end. There may be little of the country to salvage when that occurs, but conservatives will salvage it, and begin the restoration phase.

Liberal/socialsim has its own self destruct function. It is called insolvency. The point will always be reached, where government no longer has the ability to provide what it has promised, and the ponzi scheme falls.

the con party has caused most the debt

libs voted for all of the "con" debt' and then some

true story

libs are complete idiots that lie to themselves about everything

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