Zone1 Did Moses go to Heaven?

trinity translations are filled with errors
truly i tell you, today you will be with me in paradise= comma error
truly i tell you today, you will be with me in paradise= correct

Jesus was in Hades( grave) for 3 days. If anyone thinks the grave is paradise they are insane.
Your moving the comma is your change from what was. But, even readout your way does not mean that the thief didn’t go that day with Jesus to Paradise in spirit prison or your term, Hades. Also, Jesus appeared to Mary and the apostles before His resurrection. Only his body was in the grave. His spirit preached to those in spirit prison. You don’t have the fullness of the Gospel so you also don’t know the Jesus preached to those in Paradise while he organized the righteous in Paradise into a missionary army to go to Hell and preach. Both locations are in spirit prison. Spirit prison because the spirit is separated from the body. He also visited his other sheep in the Americas and probably elsewhere too. He would not leave anyone behind. Three days later, Jesus went back to heaven after he was resurrected.
As far as the thief, if Jesus accepted his repentance while on the cross, he would have gone to Paradise as well. The comma would not stop that from happening.

Exod 3:13 Moses said to God, “When I come to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers’ [house] has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is [God’s] name?’ what shall I say to them?”
What does that have to do with the death of Moses and Paradise, Hell or Heaven. Was that another Alzheimer brain fart?
Again..........Hades has "2" realms one for the wicked another for the righteous, who are at rest in HADES in the bosom of Father Abraham. (Luke 16:19-3). Thus, unless you are suggesting that Father Abraham is in a spiritual place reserved for the wicked alone, you are proven wrong by the actual content and context of the Holy Scriptures. Also take note on the words of Jesus when speaking to the thief on the cross. "And He (Jesus) said to him (the thief), Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in paradise." -- Luke 23:43

The word of God declares that Jesus, while His body was in the Tomb.......went to speak to spirits in prison in Hades (1 Peter 3:18-20). If He went to preach only to the wicked in could He be with the thief on the cross IN PARADISE that first day after death......IF PARADISE IS NOT PART OF HADES, the resting place of all the spirits of the dead, righteous and wicked? Also note that Jesus declared that His very mission on earth was to conquer Hades (the grave). "And I tell you Peter, on this rock (rock of truth), I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH and the gates of HADES shall not prevail against it." -- Matthew 16:18

Reason and Logic: Attempt to use it sometimes. Let the scriptures direct your doctrine do not attempt to direct the scriptures to fit into your doctrine like pieces of a puzzle.

Logic: Reasoned and reasonable judgment.
We are saying the exact same thing. Surada and others don’t agree. And by the way, not all the Brethren in The Church of Jesus Christ explain it this way either. Bruce R. McConkie did so. And I agree with him.
He neglected to tell the truth about the "promised land"---
He left out the HAMAS elememt
Don't blame Moses for the failure of the Jews to keep the righteous commandments of the Lord God. The Land was promised to the Jews with the condition they obeyed the Law. They failed miserably........causing God to invoke a new Covenant as foretold by the prophet (Jer. 31:31-34) "........whose Law they failed to keep......."

God promised to destroy the Jews when they failed to keep His righteous commandments (Lev. 26:27-39) They would be driven from the land of promise (Deut. 4:25-28). They would cease to be a nation (Deut. 8:19-20) According to the actual word of God.......Hamas has as much right to the land as does the nation pretending to be Biblical Israel.

Biblical Israel was destroyed in 70 AD.......with its tribes scattered around the globe.
He neglected to tell the truth about the "promised land"---
He left out the HAMAS element
No he didn’t. The Promised Land is not the same as Paradise. They knew very much about Hamas like people before entering. They knew they had work to do to take control of the land. Hamas was there without God’s permission. Instead of destroying Hamas like Sodom and Gomorrah, he told Israel to get rid of them. And they did what God told them to do. Moses did not lie. There is no indication that the land would have no inhabitants when they got there.
No he didn’t. The Promised Land is not the same as Paradise. They knew very much about Hamas like people before entering. They knew they had work to do to take control of the land. Hamas was there without God’s permission. Instead of destroying Hamas like Sodom and Gomorrah, he told Israel to get rid of them. And they did what God told them to do. Moses did not lie. There is no indication that the land would have no inhabitants when they got there.
they found out when they got there. Moses did not tell them. Moses
said----each guy gets a fig tree. I once had TWO fig trees----fig trees
are kinda fragile. ----I was ill for a few months and the CHOKE WEED GOT
No he didn’t. The Promised Land is not the same as Paradise. They knew very much about Hamas like people before entering. They knew they had work to do to take control of the land. Hamas was there without God’s permission. Instead of destroying Hamas like Sodom and Gomorrah, he told Israel to get rid of them. And they did what God told them to do. Moses did not lie. There is no indication that the land would have no inhabitants when they got there.

They didn't destroy the other Canaanite tribes. Archaeologists say their villages were in tact.... undisturbed.
Before that you have to answer whether he was Hebrew or an Egyptian.

Read the book, and for a change try from the beginning.

I thought Moses was a Jew raised in Pharaoh's house.

Who knows? The story of Sinuhe is older.
I thought Moses was a Jew raised in Pharaoh's house.

Who knows? The story of Sinuhe is older.

Either you decided that from rumors,
or struggle with reading comprehension at all.

By the way, the paintings in the cave are even older,
does it mean cows were an idea originated with the cave people?
Either you decided that from rumors,
or struggle with reading comprehension at all.

By the way, the paintings in the cave are even older,
does it mean cows are an idea which originated with the cave people?

Yep. Cave paintings in Spain and France are 30-40,000 years old. What's your point?

Sinuhe was a romantic Egyptian story.

The Story of Sinuhe (also referred to as Sanehat or Sanhath)[2] is a work of ancient Egyptian literature. It was likely composed in the beginning of the Twelfth Dynasty after the death of Amenemhat I (also referred to as Senwosret I).

The tale describes an Egyptian man who flees his kingdom, and lives as a foreigner before returning to Egypt shortly before his death. It explores universal themes such as divine providence and mercy. The oldest known copy of the text dates to the reign of Amenemhat III, around 1800 BCE. The work was so popular within Egypt that newer copies have been found ranging up to 750 years after the original.[3]
Yep. Cave paintings in Spain and France are 30-40,000 years old. What's your point?

Sinuhe was a romantic Egyptian story.

That's how your small consumer mind perceives ancient culture.
However, kings didn't waste their 'ink' on late night sitcom,
these were collective archetypes, entire cosmologies.

But ask an Islamist - and it's all vulgar fiction,

for a night out belly dance...
they found out when they got there. Moses did not tell them. Moses
said----each guy gets a fig tree. I once had TWO fig trees----fig trees
are kinda fragile. ----I was ill for a few months and the CHOKE WEED GOT
That’s not lying. You have proof that Moses knew of Hamas living there. Anyway you try you lose the argument. There was no lying. Stupid argument.
this is nothing new - provide the tablets etched in heaven w/ 10 commandments claimed by moses or remove them from all three desert religions - moses is a liar.
Moses provided the people the tablets when he was given them. Because you don’t get to see them doesn’t mean anyone lied. How stupid
Moses provided the people the tablets when he was given them. Because you don’t get to see them doesn’t mean anyone lied. How stupid

so claims the liar ... they were never read by anyone.

- their control was at stake and they new it.

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