Democrats say, get used to crushing energy prices, until clean energy magically arrives

That about says it all.

They have no interest in easing our pain.
When the "clean energy" nuts start their project, all my friends and I are going to hit trash dumps, garages and old vehicle lots and collect old tires, roofing shingles and tar paper. Then on Friday and Saturday nights we will have dozens of huge bonfires. Nothing illegal about that. It will look like oil storage tank fires. I hope it catches on.
Why did Trump let supply go so low during the pandemic? Couldn't he have waved his (small) magic wand and made it all better?

Of course this isn't Trump's fault either, the president doesn't control the price of oil and really the production of it either. You have yet to explain that.
Why are you a liar? Leftists in an attempt to slow down our economy intentionally backed up The Supply Chain. Their Communist-Marxist-Fascist-Globalist allies followed suit and assisted them in this treachery.

Here is a question for you: Why did Joe Biden's so called Campaign Team come up with a slogan of "Build Back Better" when our economy was humming and there was no Scamdemic?

The answer is obvious. The coordinated attack on America and our Democracy was planned precisely at the right time to impact our economy and to put illegal rules in place to cheat in our 2020 election.

Now sit down, shut up, and I don't want to hear another lie from your filthy mouth for the rest of the day.

38 Million People quit their jobs in 2021. 4.5 Million people a month are leaving the workplace because of the hostile workplace environment created by OBIDEN's policies. And you lying bound for HELL SOBs want to use smoke and mirrors to act like Biden did something?

I QUIT is not an accomplishment!
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I know, I would have made sure you weren't breathing after the accidental drowning.

I did, post the part I missed. You should quote the pertinent pieces anyway and you didn't.

Yeah, oil production is going up, that is the fix. Maybe we should just nationalize the oil companies and then have the government directly in control of oil production. Is that what you want?
True feelings from you. Lol

Fascism of Obey me came out with wanting to make sure I die if drowning.

Anytime you unamerican fucks want to try your crap in deep red states. Go ahead. Well show you the respect you deserve
True feelings from you. Lol

Fascism of Obey me came out with wanting to make sure I die if drowning.

Anytime you unamerican fucks want to try your crap in deep red states. Go ahead. Well show you the respect you deserve
I honestly have no idea what you're going on about. But at least you didn't finger-stutter so I guess credit where credit is due.

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